I Confirm That Our Local Offer Has Now Been Published on the School/Academy Website

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I Confirm That Our Local Offer Has Now Been Published on the School/Academy Website

1 Manor Beach Telephone 01253 853879 School/Academy Primary School, Number Name and Manor Drive, Website www.manor- Address Thornton – beach.lancsngfl.a Cleveleys, Address c.uk FY5 1EU Does the school No Yes If yes, please give details: specialise in No meeting the needs of children with a particular type of SEN? What age range of 4-11 pupils does the school cater for? With an attached pre-school for 2-4 Name and contact Claire Walsh details of your school’s SENCO [email protected] 01253 853879

Name of Claire Walsh Person/Job Title

Contact 01253 Email [email protected] telephone 853879 number

I confirm that our Local Offer has now been published on the school/academy website.

Please give the www.manor-beach.lancsngfl.ac.uk URL for the direct link to your school’s Local Offer

Name Claire Walsh Date 30/5/2014 Accessibility and Inclusion

2 What the school provides

The original school was built in the late 50s and extended in the 80s. The building is wheelchair accessible. To ensure all access for pupils and parents with disabilities the school has ensured that all doorways and entrances to the school are on a single level and wide enough to accommodate a wheelchair if necessary. There is an accessible parking space available in the staff car park which can be used by pupils, parents and members of the public.

In 2013 a new disabled toilet was built with a ceiling track hoist, hydraulic changing bed and alarm system. Classrooms and corridors are carpeted to improve the auditory environment. The majority of classrooms have roller blinds and anti-glare coating to provide a good visual environment. Furniture is modern and of a suitable height appropriate to the age group of children being taught in that classroom. We work closely with Occupational Therapists and have modified and adapted furniture for all children who need it.

Information is available on the school website in addition to regular newsletters. Information can be requested with different sized fonts if requested. All letters and newsletter are emailed to parents allowing visually impaired parents to use appropriate software to read the letters to them. In the event that we are unable to email letters out as they have been provided from other agencies we have the facilities to record letters onto Dictaphones which can be taken home.

Visual Timetables are used at a class level or an individual level when appropriate. The school uses Boardmaker software to produce signs and symbols when needed. The school has a range of ICT programmes for pupils with SEN in addition to IPADs, headphones, netbooks, computers and interactive whiteboards are installed in every classroom. Our ICT suite has one extra large Keyboard to assist children with visual impairments and / or fine motor skill difficulty.

As well as a ceiling track hoist in our large disabled toilet we have a mobile hoist which can be used around the school. We currently have on role children who have mobility equipment such as wheelchairs, walkers, standing frames and specialist seating. We have good storage facilities for such equipment.

We have a sensory room with UV lighting and a range of sensory stimulation equipment.

Teaching and Learning

3 What the school provides

Early identification is vital and at Manor Beach we use a range of strategies to help us achieve this including:  Good communication with parents about their concerns  Discussions in school between staff raising concerns informally  In school assessments by the inclusion manager / SENCO such as BPVS, Boxhall and LUCID  Outside agencies such as IDSS and TalkwriteLancs to complete assessments  Monitoring of in school data to review progress

The Class Teacher and the Inclusion Manager assess and monitor the children’s progress in line with existing school practices. The Inclusion Manager works closely with parents, teachers and teaching assistants to plan an appropriate programme of intervention and support.

. Within the classroom we have highly skilled and trained Teaching Assistant to support, but not take over, children’s learning when needed. Modified resources and extra support materials are used when needed.

We work closely with specialist teachers and outside agencies such as speech therapists, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, Hillside Specialist School and community paediatricians to ensure that all children have full access to a curriculum to meet their needs.

Teachers and Teaching Assistants have access to a range of good quality CPD usually provided in school. For example in the academic year 2013 – 2014 we had in school training on :

 Speech, language and communication  ADHD  Bereavement  Carers awareness  Boardmaker

We have staff with specialisms and expertise in:

 ASD  Using and writing social stories  VI  HI  Modification of resources  PD  BESD  Dyslexia  Sensory processing  Toileting and personal care

4 During assessments children with SEN can be supported in a variety of ways including, 1 to 1, have timed breaks, be granted additional time, sit exams in a quiet setting in a small group to aid concentration. We ensure that we apply for these dispensations for all children who we feel may benefit from them.

The SEN provision map records the type of intervention a pupil is receiving, the duration, pupils’ progress throughout the school and records how much progress individuals make following interventions. In school data tracking also tracks progress and provides data monitoring for pupils receiving the Pupil Premium as well as pupils with SEN.

Every two years the school holds an Equality Awareness event, which runs for a week and a large part of this focuses around SEND.

With have a variety of provision Mapped small groups available for children with SEND including:

 SLCN  Teddy’s temper  SALLEY  Sensory  Time to Talk  Socially Speaking  Anger Management  Attention and concentration

5 Reviewing and Evaluating Outcomes

What the school provides

Parents contribute and take part in Annual Reviews and receive copies of all relevant paperwork concerning their child. Pupils are also asked to make a contribution to the review. This will continue as we move to having EHCPs.

IEPs are produced half termly and copies are sent home. The school operates an Open Door policy with regards to any concerns a parent may have. The Inclusion Manager meets regularly with parents and provides a parents support group and training on various issues.

IEPs and provision mapped specialist groups are monitored and evaluated on a weekly basis.

Keeping Children Safe

What the school provides

The Head Teacher carries out Risk Assessments where necessary.

Handover arrangements can be modified to meet any needs after consultations with parents and staff.

Children cannot be sent home in a taxi unless there is a carer or passenger assistant present in the vehicle.

During playtime there are Teachers and Teaching Assistants present for supervision. During lunchtime there are Welfare Assistants and Teaching Assistants available for supervision.

PE lessons are carried out by qualified staff and there is additional SEN support available if required. Modified equipment can be provided if needed. Our PE co-ordinator has attended training on inclusion in PE.

Risk assessments are carried out for educational visits and the SEND needs of the class are looked at carefully to ensure adequate support, including 1:1 support where needed.

Parents can access the Anti-Bullying Policy on the school website as well as copies

6 available in the entrance and from the office.

7 Health (including Emotional Health and Wellbeing)

What the school provides

Medication is administered by a member of the SLT and the Senior Midday Supervisor. The administration is in line with the Local Authority’s Guidance on Administering Medicines in School. Parents sign an agreement form to administer prescribed medication and staff complete the form once the medication has been administered.

Care plans are drawn up through a meeting with the family and the school nurse. They are distributed to all staff concerned and a central copy, including a photograph is displayed inside a cupboard in the staffroom.

Parents will be informed if their child has a medical emergency. If parents are unable to get to school two members of staff will accompany the child to the hospital, usually one in the ambulances and 1 in a car.

Staff who work with children with particular needs have training as appropriate for instance, in the use of an Epipen or moving and handling training for using hoists.

We have regular onsite services from occupational therapy, physiotherapy and our school nurse. We work closely with local community SALT who provide plans for us to deliver onsite.

Communication with Parents

What the school provides

The website contains details of all staff currently employed by the school and the School Prospectus also provides this information. Early in the new academic year we hold a meet the teacher event. The School operates an Open Door policy and has 2 parent evenings a year to provide opportunities for parents to discuss the progress of their child. A parent questionnaire is also provided for parents to record their views and suggestions. There is a parents forum known as “ coffee and a chat“ for all parents and a support group for parents of children with special educational needs and disabilities known as “POSK- parents of special kids”

8 Working Together

What the school provides

There is School Council and a School Eco-Team for pupils to contribute their own views. Children are involved in reviewing their IEPs and setting their own targets. They complete pupil questionnaires and take part in pupil interviews. Parents can have their say about their child in Parent Evenings, Annual Reviews, IEP reviews if they express a wish to do so. Elections to the Governing Body are held in the event a vacancy arises.

What help and support is available for the family?

What the school provides

We have a Family Learning Mentor who assists parents in a variety of ways to remove the barriers to children’s learning.

The Inclusion Manager supports parents with forms and paperwork when requested.

The school has links with parent partnership and has a range of support information and leaflets available.

The school has recently held an E-Safety Workshop for parents and pupils to attend.

If a pupil required a Travel Plan to get their child to and from school this would be dealt with by the Family Learning Mentor, Inclusion Manager and Head Teacher if required.

9 Transition to Secondary School

What the school provides

Each Year pupils visit their forthcoming Secondary School for taster sessions and also Secondary Teachers from the Local Schools visit to help ease the transition from Year 6 to Year 7. For children with significant special educational needs we arrange and attend transition reviews, arrange an action plan and additional transition opportunities.

Extra Curricular Activities

What the school provides

We have a daily Breakfast Club and After School club available to all pupils. We also run a Holiday Club during some school holidays. There are opportunities for pupils to take part in; Music lessons, choir, eco club, gardening club, reading group, cheerleading and a range of sporting activities too big to mention! These activities take place during lunchtime and afterschool. Most are free, however there is a small charge for some.

All clubs are inclusive and many children on the SEN register attend regularly.


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