A Volunteer Military Or a Draft

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A Volunteer Military Or a Draft

THINK – TAC – TOE PROJECT: Fahrenheit 451

My Opinion: Poster: Cartoon or Comic Strip: Write a Using ½ or 1 Create either cartoon (single cell, at Personal piece of poster least 6” X 8”) OR comic strip (at least 4 Opinion board, create a panels), in color, with dialogue and piece to poster that multi-visuals that provides the viewer submit to the Atlanta Journal/ encourages with specifics about one dystopian Constitution newspaper with people to read issue in Fahrenheit 451 or in current your opinion about ONE of the Fahrenheit 451. American society. Remember, these dystopian issues today &/ or in Remember, a methods provide information through Fahrenheit 451. Make sure poster is to writing and visuals – both methods your “Opinion” includes at least attract attention & provide informa- must be used. 2 “textual specifics” (concrete tion. Must include at least 2 quotes facts) about the issue that from text & 2 appropriate visuals to get support your opinion. Write people to read the text. Color! Words! between 80 - 120 words (type Images! Use them all to attract a or use ink). reader. (Name on back)

Stir My Emotions: “Everyone Power-point Presentation: Compose a poem (30 lines Create a 15-18 frame ppt presenta- minimum) that supports your Does tion focusing on ONE dystopian issue opinion Essay”: in text AND compare that issue to (with at Write an current American society. Include least 2 essay using visuals on at least ½ of all slides. Must textual clearly demonstrate this text as specifics) research on issue/ about ONE the basis for factual dystopian your ideas. Look at the title above info on issues today this tic-tac-toe board for a hint current or in Fahrenheit 451. (Must about the paper. Full information issue. Will have rhyme scheme that you on back. present list.) to class.

Book Jacket: Create a “front Time Line: Hear it My Way: & back” cover jacket for To existing music, Fahrenheit 451. At least 2 or music you dystopian issues presented in create, write song text must be lyrics that clearly shown on cover. show ideas about Use color, one dystopian images, & word issues in the text. art to highlight Create a 20 item time line of one Include at least 2 issues. Must dystopian issue (from text) in America. specifics about issue. Sing it for the give title & Use research to create an informative class, or teach it to us, or play author; use and colorful time line. Must have a recording of the song. Print copy of paper at least 8½” X 12” – fold Works Cited (MLA format). (Your name lyrics due. in half. (Your name on back) on back)

National Security? Invasion of Individual Freedoms?

Think – Tac- Toe

To complete the study of Dystopian Literature through Fahrenheit 451, three (3) of the projects need to be completed. Everyone will individually complete the Center Project (essay). You have a choice of selecting any two of the other projects AND of working as an individual or working as a two-person team. Three bonus points will be given if the three projects selected complete a think-tac-toe line of 3 in a row. As you decide upon your projects, please remember that the expectations of an Honors class are “best work” is always! If you decide to work alone, you will present ONE project (not the center project); if you decide to work as a team, the team will present two projects (not the center project). The Center Project must be done individually and submitted typed, MLA format. See teacher with questions before you begin projects. (If, after reading through the Think-Tac-Toe projects, you think of a project that matches the listed projects with regard to the type of work required, the reading connections and the level of expected results, see teacher to get your individual project approved as a substitute project. Do NOT start a substitution project before talking to teacher and receiving approval. Only one substitution project per student/team will be approved. You will get to also pick the location of the substitution project on the think-tac-toe board. IF your personal schedule would allow you to submit better work by NOT working with a partner, but doing the assignment by yourself, talk to teacher in the next day or so – we’ll work this out.)

DUE DATES Essay:_Tuesday, September 2____ Presentations: __Tuesday, September 2__

GRADING: 1.) ESSAY (Individual Project- SUMMATIVE WRITING GRADE): NOT Presented: _50__pts possible Must: Follows MLA format requirements; a One-sentence Thesis is clearly stated in 1st paragraph; Thesis is strongly supported with specific quotes from text (at least 2 quotes), facts/ evidence from text. 2.) Projects #2 & #3: (Partner SUMMATIVE READING GRADES): Presented: _35___ pts possible each Must: All projects are to demonstrate Organization, Engages Interest of reader/ listener, Support statements & claims with anecdotes, descriptions, facts and statistics, and specific examples) ______“Everyone Does Essay”: Write an essay using this text as the basis for your ideas.

ESSAY DUE DATE: Everyone’s essay (typed) is due on the first day of class presentations. This is a Summative Writing Grade and if not submitted on due date, may be turned in ONE day late – but the BEST grade a “one day late” paper can earn in 70%.

The FORMAL essay will be discussed in class; the basics of the essay are: 1. MLA format TYPED 2 page paper 2. Topic: Dystopian Literature Elements in Fahrenheit 451 3. MUST have: a.) Introductory Paragraph (include: title, author, explanation of “dystopian literature” – including a listing of the major elements of dystopian literature; a one-sentence thesis statement; introduction of the two dystopian literature elements YOUR paper will discuss to PROVE that this is a piece of dystopian literature. b.) TWO BODY Paragraphs: - one for each of the elements your paper is focusing on; transitional phrases to connect intro and each body paragraph; within EACH body paragraph there must be at least ONE direct quote from the text that supports your thesis that this text is dystopian literature (each quote MUST have a lead-in phrase to introduce it, be followed by MLA style documentation giving the EXACT page where the quote is in the text). c.) Conclusion Paragraph: (must tie up your paper, include thesis statement (word for word what you stated in intro paragraph – do not change a word; title, author’s name, recognition of the two elements your paper is focusing on, brief summation of your ideas.) d.) Remember this is a formal MLA essay – NO contractions; do NOT use “I,” “Me,” “My,”… etc. ; no abbreviations, no us of symbols ( examples of what may NOT be used: &, $, #, etc. )

Some of the Dystopian Issues in Fahrenheit 451 : 1.) “ Government " censorship of verbal & print material, such as: a.) Books b.) Magazines In Montag’s society, boredom has been essentially eradicated with the innovation of c.) Newspapers artificial entertainment. Soap operas and other mindless shows are pumped onto the D.) Television “parlour walls” (TV sets spanning the length and breadth of interior walls). Music is E.) Plays/ Assemblies absorbed continually through “seashells”; tiny radios inserted into the ear for endless enjoyment. The need to think; to question; to worry; has been all but dispensed with. F.) Music Such a carefree existence may sound like paradise to some, but . . . ?

2.) “ Government ” controls Freedom of speech / Freedom of thinking:

3. At the beginning of text: Montag meets Clarisse, a recently-moved-in neighbor who first plants the seeds of doubt about the desirability of his life. She is unlike other students in her class and her uniqueness ostracises her from society. She disappears not long after making Montag’s acquaintance; and although it is not explicitly stated, it is suggested she was killed, and it is even more subtly implied that her death came about as a direct result of her non-conformism.

This story tells of a future society that practices censorship, where all books are restricted, and the government attempts to control what people read and think. But, this book is not only about issue of censorship, it is also about the effects of television and mass media on the reading of literature and gives good arguments in favor of the book as the most important element of intellectual freedom.

Society controls the private life of the citizens :

All sense of past was obliterated by the technology. Likewise, through the use of TV, individuals do not understand the importance of the past in their own lives. They have been repeatedly given propaganda about the past, so they have no reason to question its authenticity or value.

Also, because of the technology the characters are given, no one (of course, except for Faber, Granger, Clarisse, and eventually Montag) understands the value of books in direct relation to their own personal development. Because the majority of this dystopian society is not able to express personal freedom, it is interesting that Clarisse and the unidentified old woman die early in the novel in order to display what has happened so far in this society to the people who exercise their personal freedom. It's also important to see that even Millie, who serves as the model of this society's conformity, almost dies as a result of her one act of personal rebellion when she attempts suicide. The battle of having personal freedom is essential in this book because Bradbury demonstrates what happens when man is not given the opportunity to express his thoughts or remember his past.

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