Food business licence Fees and charges 2014-15

* Fees and charges are GST exempt. All other fees include GST.

Food Business includes: Food manufacturer, cafe/restaurant, takeaway food bars, delicatessen, caterer, baker/patisserie, child care centre, hospital/care facility, mobile food vehicle, residential service under the Residential Services (Accreditation) Act 2002, fruit and vegetable processing, accommodation meals, beverage manufacturer, food shop, food vending machine and annual temporary food stall.

Note: add together the applicable fees to get the total amount payable.

Design requirement Application types Size / rating Application fee assessment Design assessment Minor < 250 sq m *$345 application or (includes mobile food amendment vehicles) (significant)^

Medium > 250- 1,000 *$565 sq m Major > 1,000 sq m *$749 New licence Minor < 250 sq m N/A *$707 application (includes mobile food vehicles)

Medium > 250- 1,000 N/A *$960 sq m Major > 1,000 sq m N/A $2980

Renewal application Note: the issue of a licence certificate is included in the renewal fee.

Size / Eat Safe Brisbane Fee Minor < 250 sq m (includes mobile food vehicles) 5 Star *$348 4 Star *$522 3 Star *$661 2 Star *$707 0 Star *$707 Medium > 250- 1,000 sq m 5 Star *$476 4 Star *$713 3 Star *$905 Size / Eat Safe Brisbane Fee 2 Star *$960 0 Star *$960 Major > 1,000 sq m 5 Star *$1495 4 Star *$2237 3 Star *$2928 2 Star *$2980 0 Star *$2980 Eat Safe Brisbane Fees Fees applicable under the food premises rating scheme food businesses are assigned a star rating of 0, 2, 3, 4 or 5 stars. Description Fee Audit review fee- any floor area *$286

Reassessment audit

Size / rating Application fee Minor < 250 sq m (includes mobile food vehicles) *$696 Medium > 250- 1,000 sq m *$951 Major > 1,000 sq m *$2980

Inspection report

Any floor area Application fee Inspection report – any floor area *$411

Temporary food stall

Application fee

New applications Up to 4 consecutive Up to 12 consecutive days days High risk - to be determined by the type of food $267 $322 and processes involved.

Applies to temporary food stalls which by the way they are handling food and the processes used are considered high risk. High risk includes full preparation and / or cooking. Examples would be reheating, pre prepared high risk foods such as curries, preparing and cooking pancakes. $232 $267

Low risk - to be determined by the type of food and processes involved. Note:  high risk and low risk categories only apply to short term temporary food stalls and not to annual temporary food stalls  a new application for an annual temporary food stall is charged the equivalent of a 2 star renewal fee for a fixed food business Application fee

New applications Up to 4 consecutive Up to 12 consecutive days days

Renewal application

Amount equivalent to the fixed business star Renewal fee (annual) rating table

Food safety Note: fees associated with Food Safety Programs are in addition to associated licensing and design assessment fees. Accreditation application

Application for accreditation of Food Safety Program Category Fee Minor < 250 sq m (includes mobile food vehicles) *$594 Medium > 250- 1,000 sq m *$680 Major > 1,000 sq m *$1052

Amendment to Accreditation

Amendment to accredited Food Safety Program Category Application fee Minor (> 5 - 250m2) *$431 Medium (> 251-1000m2) *$517 Major (> 1000m2) *$548 Other food safety

Category Application fee Each inspection fee for follow up compliance *$340 (each inspection) Follow up inspection fee for defective or incomplete works *$144 (each inspection) Replacement licence certificate *$102 (each certificate)

Liquor licence

Details Application fee Council’s comment on whether Council has any objection to the $615 liquor licence (usually required by State Government) Investigation to inform Council’s comments on application for liquor $335 licence for one-off public event (one or multiple permits)