Long Whatton Church of England Primary School

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Long Whatton Church of England Primary School

Long Whatton Church of England Primary School ‘Learning and Growing Together’

Our Curriculum KS1 - 2 phases ‘We believe that childhood should be an adventure during which every child climbs a tree, climbs a mountain, sharing the struggle and the view and spends a night under the stars.’

KS 1 2 Year rolling programme Phase 1 Based upon Chris Quigley Essentials and LWCEPskills

O C Autumn Spring Summer p o Magic Materials Indian Adventure The Tale of Robin Hood p m Key CQ milestone 1 * daily phonics groups * visiting storytellers/authors * theatre visits and play visits * reading, o m Literacy spelling and writing competitions * book/genre promotions * MA projects * spelling B * Brain builders challenges r u Elements t ni Key CQ milestone 1 * regular focus on tables knowledge * tables B * MA projects through upper schools * u c Maths Mathematics learning regularly using outdoor environment * Ability groups across KS1 and 2 * maths theatre n a elements groups * Brain Builders challenges i ti t o i n e a s n d f m o a r t h M e o m r a a ti l c s S K Practical investigation every half term and a bi-annual science related visit * Brain builders challenges p n On-going seasonal/weather related science (related to the earth in space) (See Science skills/knowledge in school scheme) Field trip to Beacon Hill/Outwoods termly – changes that the seasons bring i o Science ‘What can you do?’ ‘Where do you live?’ ‘How does your garden grow?’ r w (See LW Materials – Habitats (Biology) Plants (biology) i le SOW) Identify, name, compare, Sherwood Forest – survival – what Sherwood forest visit t d properties, uses of materials would you need – why was it a good u g Light (physics) Christmas place to hide? a e ‘Why is London Burning!’ Ghandi and Mother Theresa ‘Myth or Truth?The tale of l a Guy Fawkes and the Great Fire! RE theme 5 Leaders and teachers Robin Hood’ (significant events n History The Plague and people form own locality) S d Sherwood forest visit/Forest o u school Name continents and oceans – Small area of UK (Long Whatton) and 1 field trip per term c n Name/locate non-European country –India - (Beacon Hill/Outwoods) i d UK – 4 countries and surrounding Physical and human features, use a e continents, maps/atlas/globes to find all things l r Geog Physical and human features, use studied Hot and Cold s maps/atlas/globes The place of the UK in Europe C t Compass directions What is France like? u a Hot and Cold 1 field trip per term l n 1 field trip per term (Beacon Hill/Outwoods) RE Our Ladies Convent visit Our Ladies Convent visit Our Ladies Convent visit t di 7 themes Harvest time – Church Sikhism – temple visit/Leicester visit Parables, Stories Jesus told u n KS1 Light – Christmas - WS Easter (Christianity) Charity Project Stories from the bible r g Theme 1 Believing Theme 2 Story Theme 2 Story Theme 6 Belonging Theme 2 Story a Theme 3 Celebrations Theme 1 Believing Theme 5 Leaders and teachers l Theme 4 symbols Christmas Tableaux Birth of Jesus C FPT – Look, plan, make, evaluate, FTP ‘A taste of India’ FPT – ‘Hitting the Target’ E r topics related Cookery – Indian food tasting – visitor Bows and arrows ‘ c e DT Design a Tudor House’ Simple recipes Outdoor range at school ‘Hold the candle’ Pottery - o a materials Science link - Jo Potter n ti Hot and cold colour mixing Mehndi patterns / printing Upcycling – art from recycled Art o v Wool and weaving Visiting artist annually materials - m e Weekly singing and music lessons Weekly singing and music lessons with Weekly singing and music lessons i d with peripatetic T. peripatetic T. with peripatetic T. c e Assembly music and singing Assembly music and singing Assembly music and singing Music v Singing club/recorder club Singing club/recorder club Singing club/recorder club And Class assembly Class assembly Class assembly E el Drama Harvest assembly Easter Performance Orchestra visit from Upper school c o (See Christmas performance o p music l m planning) o e g n i t c Swim X6 Team games X8 Swim X5 Dance X6 Forest school X6 Sports, Forest schools X6 Forest schools X6 Tennis X6 (S+F) a physical Multi skills and fitness X8 1 outdoor/adventurous day Beacon Team Games X5 l W wellbeing 1 outdoor/adventurous day Beacon Indian Dance X1 Athletics X4 el and See separate PE programme KS1 competitions BeSKiLDTrust May pole dancing c healthy lb KS1 competitions BeSKiLDTrust 1 outdoor/adventurous day lifestyles o ei Yr2 residential KS1 competitions BeSKiLDTrust n n PHSE Supported charity each term Assembly program Elderly relative morning in school Business project s g Becoming Local Schools Partnership SRE program LSP Drugs education programme SEAL – circle time activities i a good CQ essentials for personal development - Bronze, Silver and Gold levels in: Trying new things, working hard, d citizen concentration, improvement, understanding others and not to giving up. Yr 2 Residential. e French songs and story time French – Songs, colours, snap, numbers Lots of language tasters r Storytime Hello/goodbye/my name is… a t MFLs i o n KS 1 2 Year rolling programme Phase 2 Based upon Chris Quigley Essentials and LWCEP skills

O Co Spring Autumn Summer p m Fly like a bird/Amazing Kings, Queens and Castles! Time to Pow-wow p mu Africa o nic Key CQ milestone 1 * daily phonics groups * visiting storytellers/authors * theatre visits and play visits * reading, r ati Literacy spelling and writing competitions * book/genre promotions * MA projects * spelling B t on Elements u an Key CQ milestone 1 * regular focus on tables knowledge * tables B * MA projects through upper schools * n d Numeracy Mathematics learning regularly using outdoor environment * Ability groups across KS1 and 2 * maths theatre i ma elements groups t th i em e ati s cs Kn ‘How do I stay healthy?’ ‘How can that fly?’ ‘How do we know what you are?’ f ow Health and Hygiene Forces and movement – Flight Classification of living things Practical investigation Practical investigation Practical investigation o led Science On-going seasonal tree study, On-going seasonal tree study, On-going seasonal tree study, r ge changes across the seasons changes across the seasons changes across the seasons an M d History ‘How do you become King?’ Wright Brothers and their ‘What is life like as a Native o un Early Kings and Queens and how achievements North American Indian?’ r de people lived Leonardo Da Vinci and his ideas for Pow-wow (communication) a rst Study of Richard III flight Archery and Canoeing l an How did castle work? Flying products outdoors History of Toys – ‘How was S din Tamworth Castle visit childhood different in the past?’ Parents assembly (communication) Toy museum visit/toys borrowed p from museum i r i t u ‘Where have you been?’ Amazing Africa Field trip local - summer a Postcards from around the world. ‘What is it like to live there?’ l Focus on Europe and knowledge of Habitats/Maps/contrast to Long S larger countries and capital cities. Whatton. Physical and human Geograph o Field trip – Autumn visit Beacon features, use maps/atlas/globes to y c g find all things studied i African presentation by children a (communication) Field trip local – cold walk l Our Ladies Convent visit Our Ladies Convent visit Our Ladies Convent visit C Christianity - Journeys Hinduism Parables and stories Jesus told u RE Theme 1 Believing Theme 2 Story Easter in church Stories from other religions l 7 themes Theme 3 Celebrations Theme 2 Story Theme 7 Myself t KS1 Theme 4 symbols Theme 3 Celebrations Theme 2 Stories u Harvest in Church –Thankfulness Theme 4 symbols Theme 6 Belonging (History link) r School Tableaux - Birth of Jesus a FPT Making and testing life sized FPT FPT l DT shields Making things that fly! Making shelters based upon North Cr Making model castles American Indian Tepees E ea Medieval portraits – Kings and African art – TingaTinga sunsets Head dress making c tiv Art Queens Investigating different mediums Dying fabrics Pasta bracelets o e Gallery visit Tepees decorating n de Weekly singing and music lessons Weekly singing and music lessons Weekly singing and music lessons o vel Music with peripatetic T. with peripatetic T. with peripatetic T. m op And Assembly music and singing Assembly music and singing Assembly music and singing i me Drama Singing club/recorder club Singing club/recorder club Singing club/recorder club c nt (see music Class assembly Class assembly Class assembly planning) Harvest assembly Easter Performance Orchestra visit form Upper school E Christmas performance c Sports, Swim X6 Team games X8 Swim X5 Dance X6 Forest school X6 Tennis X6 (S+F) Forest schools X6 Forest schools X6 Team Games X5 Athletics X4 o physical wellbeing Multi skills and fitness X8 1 outdoor/adventurous day Beacon May pole dancing l W and See separate PE programme KS1 competition BeSKiLDTrust 1 outdoor/adventurous day o ell healthy 1 outdoor/adventurous day Beacon KS1 competition BeSKiLDTrust g bei lifestyles KS1 competition BeSKiLDTrust i ng PHSE Supported charity each term Assembly program Elderly relative morning in school Business project c Becoming Local Schools Partnership SRE program LSP Drugs education programme SEAL – circle time activities a a good CQ essentials for personal development - Bronze, Silver and Gold levels in: Trying new things, working hard, l citizen concentration, improvement, understanding others and not to giving up. Yr 2 Residential. c French songs and story time Italian – Songs, colours, snap, Lots of language tasters o numbers Storytime Hello/goodbye/my name is… n s i d e MFLs r a t i o n

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