First, you don’t have to choose a book in your reading lexile. If you don’t know what your lexile is, I can tell you, or you can get it in the Media Center. 1. Present an oral summary of the book. 2. Relate the most interesting part of the book. 3. Tell about the most important part of the book. 4. Read 3 or 4 exciting parts aloud to the class. 5. Tell about a character in the book you like. 6. Prepare a play about the book. 7. Demonstrate something you learned from the book. 8. Design a diorama of the story. 9. Paint a mural of parts of the story. 10. Create puppets based on the story. 11. Design & color a book jacket with an inside review of the book. 12. Build a scale model of an object in the book. 13. Draw & color a clock and describe when important events took place. 14. Develop & make a game based on the book. 15. Paint a watercolor scene from the book. 16. Draw & color a lost & found ad for a character in the book. 17. Compare this book with another you’ve read. 18. Gather & describe a collection of objects from the book. 19. Prepare a glossary of 10 unfamiliar words & definitions from the book. 20. Design & paint a poster advertizing the book. 21. Construct a scene or character out of clay. 22. Fingerpaint an exciting scene from the book. 23. Research the life of the author. Use more than the book jacket for your information. 24. Do a soap carving about the book. 25. Demonstrate a scientific principle from the book. 26. Construct a mobile about the book. 27. Make & color a roll movie to show on a box TV set. Make your own box TV set. 28. Create & read a poem based on the book. 29. Dress like & tell about a character from the book. 30. Pantomime an important part of the book. 31. Design a 3-D scene from the book. 32. Write a song which tells about the book. 33. Make and color a travel poster inviting tourists to visit places in the book. 34. Prepare and serve a food from the book. 35. Create and read a new ending for the book. 36. Draw, color & explain 3 or 4 illustrations from the book. 37. Rewrite part of the story from the viewpoint of another character. 38. Predict the future happenings of the main characters. 39. Design & color a bookmark about the book. Bookmarks should be 3” x 6” in order to be seen. 40. Draw on clear film to make a filmstrip of the book. 41. Create & color a T-shirt design relating to the book. 42. Construct something about the book from wood and describe how it was used in the book. 43. Tell the story as a graphic novel. 44. Identify places in the book on a map you draw and explain their importance. 45. Make paper dolls and clothes depicting the characters. 46. Develop a family tree of the characters in the book and explain who they are. 47. Create a power point program. 48. Create other computer activities relating to the book. 49. Create a TV commercial. 50. Write a newspaper article. 51. Make a video. 52. Invite the author to come to class. 53. Bring a pet represented in the book. 54. Sculpt something from papier-mache. 55. Host a talk show. 56. Present your book as an anchor news commentator. 57. Create a book-azine, a magazine based on the book. 58. Collect 10 photographs representing the book. 59. Create a three-fold brochure. 60. Create 5 jokes about the book. 61. Diagram a machine from the book. 62. Create a CD cover, including art work & inside information. 63. Write a children’s version of the book. 64. Paint the faces of the characters on balloons. 65. Create a scene from Legos. 66. Create an Origami from the book. 67. Create a scrapbook. 68. Sew something from the book. 69. Animate your book on