Joseph Bundy Kittredge 1821 – 1892 (our great-great grandfather)

Columbian Lodge, No. 29, 1. 0. 0. F., was an outcome of Crystal Fount Lodge, No. 9, of Woburn, Mass., and was instituted December 14, 1843. Several members of Crystal Fount Lodge resided in Stoneham and enough more joined in 1843 to warrant the forming of a lodge in their own town, and a charter was consequently applied for from the Grand Lodge. The charter members were Alfred J. Rhoades, Asaph Langley, Lyman Dike, Samuel Hall, Dexter Bucknam, William Bryant, Jr., Hollis N. Wyeth, all of whom withdrew from Crystal Fount Lodge, and Joseph B. Kittredge, from Mechanics’ Lodge. No. 11 of Lowell, Mass. The lodge was instituted in a hall on the upper floor of Brown Sweetser’s building, the building in which Holden Brothers’ store is now located. Here the meetings were afterwards held until the lodge died out in 1851 or 1852. From 1868 to 1872 the lodge met in the upper hall in Dow’s Building, since which time they have met in their own hall. The first officers of Columbian Lodge elected and installed were Alfred J. Rhoades, Noble Grand Asaph Langley, Vice Grand Lyman Dike, Secretary; Samuel Hall, Treasurer. Mr. Dike and Mr. Hall are now living, July, 1892. The lodge was instituted by officers of the Grand Lodge, E. H. Chapin, Grand Master. There were eighteen members admitted at the first meeting, including the charter members. Dexter Bucknam, being a Past Grand of Crystal Fount Lodge; was chosen Past Grand of Columbian Lodge, and was representative to the Grand Lodge. There are now living of the charter members the following named: Ly man Dike, Samuel Hall, Dexter Bucknarn, William Bryant, Hollis N. Wyeth and Joseph B. Kittredge. Dexter Bucknam has been an Odd Fellow over forty-nine years—the longest of any brother now living in Stoneham. It was owing to two causes that this lodge went down in 1851 or ‘52. Previous to that time there had been a strong feeling shown by the public against secret societies, and the growth of Odd Fellowship was prevented in conscience, and, again, the fees for initiation and degrees were small, and the amount paid for sick benefits was considerable, the result being that the treasury of Columbian Lodge became depleted, and it was forced to suspend and surrender its charter and books, as were a number of others. Under date of December 24, 1867, a petition was submitted to the Grand Lodge at a meeting held February 6, 1868, asking that the charter and books be returned, and that the lodge might be reinstated. This petition was signed by the following former members of the lodge, viz: Sylvanus Sprague, David B. Gerry, George W. Dike, Dexter Bucknam, William Bryant, Jr., Daniel Gerry, Joseph B. Kittredge, Lyman Dike and J. R. Gerry. The petition was granted and the lodge reinstituted February 14, i868, with the following as charter members, viz: George W. Dike, Lyman Dike, Dexter Bucknam, William Bryant, Jr., Daniel Gerry and Sprague. The reinstitution took place in the upper hall in Dow’s Building, and the following-named fifteen members admitted at the first meeting: *Horace Goodrich, *James Peyton, tJohn F. Berry, fBenj. W. Jones, Perley M. Annis, Padilla Beard, Arthur H. Cowdrey, *J. Clinton Chase, Charles C. Dike, Win. H. Eastman, J. Riland Gerry, Andrew J. Kimpton, Win. W. Pratt, John F. Sprague, Wm. H. Sprague. The following were chosen as officers: George W. Dike, Noble Grand; Lyman Dike, Vice Grand; Dexter Bucknam, Secretary; William Bryant, Treasurer. Forty-one members were admitted to the lodge during the year 1868, and the membership has continually increased, until now there are 284 on the rolls. There have been just fifty Noble Grands since its reinstitution, and forty-two members have been taken away by the hand of Death. The lodge has been steadily prosperous, is wealthy and free from debt, and has a good fund in the treasury. The present elective officers of the lodge are as follows: N. G., Charles G. Fall; V. G., D. Emerson Sprague; Rec. Sec., W. Ward Child; Per. Sec., James A. Jones; Treas., Charles Baldwin; Trustees, Amos Hill, chairman, Isaac F. Hersam, William F. Hadley.