Epidemiology and Biostatistics s1

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Epidemiology and Biostatistics s1

Updated 2010-04-07

Research Day 2010 Epidemiology and Biostatistics April 10, 2010



CONTACT INFORMATION...... 2 LOCATION...... 2 SCHEDULE...... 2 PRESENTATION GUIDELINES...... 3 Poster presentation guidelines...... 3 Oral presentation guidelines...... 3 EVALUATION CRITERIA...... 4 Poster evaluation criteria for HSS4303A, HSS4303B, HSS4703A...... 4 Oral presentation evaluation criteria for works completed...... 5 Oral presentation evaluation criteria for proposals and works in progress...... 6 POSTER PRESENTATIONS LIST...... 7 POSTER PRESENTATIONS JUDGING SCHEDULE...... 9 ORAL PRESENTATIONS LIST AND JUDGING SCHEDULE...... 12 TRANSPORTATION...... 13 Parking...... 13 Bus...... 13 Map...... 13

1 Updated 2010-04-07 CONTACT INFORMATION

Thy Dinh Dr. James Gomes Dr. Raywat Deonandon Eric Lavigne CSEB-UofO President Professor, HSS 4303A Professor, HSS 4303B Professor, HSS 4703A [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] eric.lavigne@phac- 613-762-3791 aspc.gc.ca


Roger Guindon Hall, University of Ottawa, 451 Smyth Road, Ottawa, Ontario Atrium (poster presentations) and Room 2003 (oral presentations)


Time Event Location 8h-8h30 Registration Atrium Light breakfast 8h30-9h Opening address SESSION 1 9h-12h P1 - Poster presentations Atrium O1 – Oral presentations (10h-11h30) RGN 2003 12h-13h Lunch Atrium SESSION 2 13h-16h P2 –Poster Presentations Atrium O2 – Oral presentations (14h-15h) RGN 2003 16h-17h Guest Speaker and Final Remarks 17h-17h30 Awards Ceremony


Poster presentation guidelines Student presentations and corresponding poster numbers are located on pages 7-10. The presentation schedule according to poster number is located on page 1. Students should be aware of their poster number and session (AM or PM) in advance. When you arrive at the Atrium in Roger Guindon Hall, immediately locate your poster board with your poster number on it and use the pushpins available to mount your poster onto the poster board. If you do not know your poster number on the presentation day, go to the registration desk and a volunteer will help you.

Poster presenters are allowed a total of 10 minutes to present their project and up to 5 minutes for questions from a team of two judges. Students are expected to stand by their poster until they have been judged. Posters can be displayed and presented in either English or French. Posters should be no larger than 36" (height) x 48" (length). Posters should include the title of the study, authors and affiliations, abstract, study background/rationale, objectives/hypotheses, methods, results and conclusions/inferences. Key references, funding sources, and acknowledgments should also be included. Posters should be clear, concise, and presented in legible font. They should also be attractive to the reader and include clearly labelled figures and tables.

Announcements will be made at 12 minutes to notify judges and presenters to start wrapping up and at 14 minutes to indicate when judges should be already situated at the next poster.

Morning posters must be taken down by 12 noon so that afternoon posters may be mounted. Afternoon posters must be taken down by 17h. All unclaimed posters will be discarded at the end of the day.

Printing resources:

Merriam Print 252 Laurier Ave. E., (613) 567-5050 Discounted rate of $5 per square foot (regular price is $7). Email PowerPoint or pdf file to [email protected] at least 24 hrs in advance. NB: Quote event name “Research day 2010” to obtain the discounted rate. Interac/debit, credit card, and cash accepted.

Geography Department, University of Ottawa Jim McGrath, Simard Hall, Room 038C on main campus, 613-562.5800 x1048 Rate of $5.50 per square foot Email PowerPoint or pdf file to [email protected] at least 24 hrs in advance. Cash accepted only.

3 Updated 2010-04-07


Poster evaluation criteria for HSS4303A, HSS4303B, HSS4703A

Title (2 points)  Appropriate and fitting the study presented Abstract (3 points)  Concise and provides a good summary of the study Background (5 points)  Rationale, purpose and objectives clearly outlined  Research question or hypothesis defined and articulated Methods (10 points)  Research plan described  Data collection plan identified and described appropriately  Methods and approaches are identified and described appropriately  Data abstraction plan outlined Results (10 points)  Results follow from the methods  Results are clearly presented  Use of figures and tables where appropriate Discussion (5 points)  Interpretation of results is provided  Limitations of study are identified  Direction for future research identified Recommendations and Conclusions (5 points)  Recommendations and conclusions are appropriate and properly described Quality of poster presentation (10 points)  Timeliness (under 10 minutes total)  Answered questions appropriately  Engaged the audience and presented in a confident and professional manner  Quality of communication using visual aids  Organization and logical flow  Overall attractiveness of poster TOTAL: /50

4 Updated 2010-04-07

Oral presentation guidelines The oral presentation list and schedule can be found on page 12. Students should be aware of whether they are to present in the morning or afternoon session. Presenters will be given 15 minutes to describe their project and 10 minutes for questions from the judges and audience. 1 minute between presentations is allocated for setup. Oral presentations should be accompanied by a PowerPoint presentation. Rule of thumb is 1 minute per slide. Avoid overly crowded slides. Use wherever possible figures and graphs to present data. PowerPoint slides should be sent via email to [email protected] by April 8th, 11:59pm EST. The presenter must also bring a copy of his/her PowerPoint presentation on usb key on the day of the conference to be uploaded on the auditorium computer. Morning session presenters must have their presentations uploaded from 8:30-9:00 AM. Afternoon session presenters must have their presentations uploaded before the end of lunch.

Oral presentation evaluation criteria for works completed

5 Updated 2010-04-07 Background (5 points)  Description of existing knowledge noted and adequately discussed  Rationale, purpose and objectives of the study clear and appropriate Methods (10 points) For reviews:  Research plan described  Data collection plan identified and described appropriately  Methods and approaches are identified and described appropriately  Data abstraction plan outlined For empirical studies:  Research study type/design identified  Methods identified, described, and justified appropriately  Main variables identified  Appropriate analysis techniques used Results (5 points)  Results are clearly presented  Results appear to be valid Discussion (10 points)  Interpretation of results is provided  Limitations of study are identified  Direction for future research identified Recommendations and Conclusions (5 points)  Recommendations and conclusions are appropriate and properly described Quality of oral presentation (10 points)  Timeliness (under 15 minutes total)  Answered questions appropriately  Engaged the audience and presented in a confident and professional manner  Quality of communication using visual aids  Organization and logical flow TOTAL: /50

6 Updated 2010-04-07

Oral presentation evaluation criteria for proposals and works in progress

Background (10 points)  Rationale, purpose and objectives of the study clear and appropriate  Research question(s) clearly outlined  Description of existing knowledge noted and adequately discussed  Literature review justifies study’s importance and relevance Methods (20 points) For reviews:  Research plan described  Data collection plan identified and described appropriately  Methods and approaches are identified and described appropriately  Data abstraction plan outlined For empirical studies:  Research study type/design identified  Methods identified, described, and justified appropriately  Main variables identified  Appropriate analysis techniques used Discussion (10 points)  Student discussed possible limitations of project and who they will be addressed  Direction for future research and implication of potential results clearly identified Quality of oral presentation (10 points)  Timeliness (under 15 minutes total)  Answered questions appropriately  Engaged the audience and presented in a confident and professional manner  Quality of communication using visual aids  Organization and logical flow TOTAL: /50

7 Updated 2010-04-07 Poster Presentations List POSTER AM SESSION Course Poster Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Student 4 Title # section 4303A A-001 Lopez, K Leger, M Adult obesity in Canada 4303A A-002 Quach, P Stokes, R Effects of exogenous hormones on the risk of ovarian cancer 4303A A-003 Abbas, A Smith, K Male reproductive cancers: Prostate, Testicular and Breast- An etiological mystery 4303A A-004 Locke, T Ruiz, N The contaminated North: Examining the relationship between exposure to xenobiotics and incidence of adverse birth outcomes 4303A A-005 Sigel, A Pytlak, M Investigation into the mental health risks of obesity 4303A A-006 Borrello, J Krause, A The burden of adult obesity in Canada: Cost or cure 4303A A-007 Olech, M Aamir, T Breast cancer: Factors affecting prevalence and incidence rates 4303A A-008 Bennitz, M Zaidi, L Ischemic heart disease in elderly women 4303A A-009 Audette, V Hanna, M Epigenetic modifications in testicular cancer: a review of literature 4303A A-010 Brown, L Sengupta, A Epidemiology of depression of children and adolescence in Canada 4303A A-011 Hawryluk, L Shelley, V Risk factors of cervical cancer in Canadian middle aged women 4303A A-012 Girard, C Girard, M The Canadian dream supersized 4303A A-013 Randhawa, S Fahin, C Literature search of lynch syndrome as a predictive indicator of risk in the development of endometrial cancer in women <50 years 4303A A-014 Lu, W Bryans, E Canada's contribution to HIV/Aids research and prevention in the developing world 4303A A-015 Lafreniere, K Blanchard, R Prostate cancer: How effective is early screening in Canada and the USA 4303A A-016 Westervelt, E Leroy, A Environmental risks for testicular cancer 4303A A-017 Hijazi, H Sultan, N Obesity: the missing link 4303A A-018 Villeneuve, J Weiss, D Study of HPV diagnosis and risk of developing cervical cancer 4303A A-019 Boutin, M Gordon, S The risk factors for elderly onset of Alzheimer's dementia 4303A A-020 Groulx, M Scott, J Childhood obesity: a growing disaster to a dysfunctional lifestyle 4303A A-021 Badmos, S McDonald, P Alls not fair in the fight against disease: Canadian aboriginals are disproportionately at higher risk of contracting tuberculosis than any other ethnic group in Canada 4303A A-022 Brogan, F Ahern-Davy, E A hopeful mother's nightmare: Effects of ovarian cancer on fertility 4303A A-023 Schubert, A Smith, J Prophylactic mastectomies: and effective preventive measure or an unnecessary procedure 4303A A-024 Kanczuga, K Wilson, R Hep C in intravenous drug users 4303A A-025 Nguy, S Kim, ES Obesity in Canada and its potential impact on colorectal cancer 4303A A-026 Laferriere, K Richard, I Obesity: A burden on the health care system and on the health of aboriginal populations in Canada 4303A A-027 Anwar, O Mansour, O Obesity as a risk factor for prostate cancer 4303A A-028 Whitten, A I wouldn’t feel woman enough, perceptions of infertility, a qualitative survey 4303A A-029 Treffers, S Harbi, N Urbanicity as a risk factor for schizophrenia 4303A A-030 Enright, G Buttenaar, P Endometrial cancer: Analysis of screening techniques 8 Updated 2010-04-07 4303A A-031 Reimer, D Trodden, J Canada’s contribution to improve maternal and child health in sub-Saharan Africa 4303A A-032 Wilks, J Samms, S Risk factors of Schizophrenia 4303A A-033 DeGroot, C NorthCott, R The effect of HPV vaccine on cervical cancer 4303A A-034 Ncube, N Gvozdenovic, V Epidemiology of malaria in sub-Saharan Africa

4303A A-035 Farmer, J Gueretta, J Obesity in Canada: An expanding trend 4303A A-036 Michalski, T Aguirre, J At risk of cholera 4303A A-037 Brown, K Parmer, S What is the epidemiological profile of comorbid generalized anxiety disorder and cardiovascular disease in North American adults 4303A A-038 Duyan, L LaRock, K Does experiencing childhood adversity predict adult psychopathology 4303A A-039 Munford, A Miller, K Schizophrenics and substance abuse: cause or effect 4303A A-040 Kamal, B Findlay, S The success of bariatric surgeries in Canada 4303A A-041 Richard, S Silva, E The adult obesity trend: genetic variations among obese and non-obese adults 4303A A-042 Boyd, A Musclow, C Big people big problem 4303A A-043 Sheremeta, C Lapensee, K Breast cancer: the best treatment for a better chance at life 4303A A-044 Stlouis, L Jama, N Obesity trends in different ethnic groups in Canada 4303A A-045 Ousama, B Hafsa, K 4303A A-046 Arif, S 4303B A-047 Satram- Quah, S A relationship between depressions and migraines Maharaj, T 4303B A-048 Song, S Czerniakow, M Freshman 15: A Myth or Reality? 4303B A-049 Charanek, H Bdira, A Physical disability as a risk factor for mental health disorders 4303B A-050 Zadow, C Boyo, A Battle on the Homefront: An Investigation of PTSD Among Canadian Military Veterans 4303B A-051 Ridgway, H Hafez, A Investigating the Success Rates of Treatment Options Available for Prostate Cancer 4303B A-052 Elaine, C Malette, A Childhood obesity prevention though physical activity and health education: The children of our future 4303B A-053 Harrison, J Sweet, C Adult Obesity: The ‘Weight’ for a Cure 4703A A-054 Gravel, A Muzar, K La schizophrénie et la consommation de substances psychoactives - le cannabis 4703A A-055 Primeau, M Lalonde, N Est-ce que l'utilisation des contraceptifs oraux chez les femmes pré-ménopausées augmente le risque de cancer du sein ? 4703A A-056 Lavergne, K Vaillancourt, T Le cancer du poumon: une maladie à couper le soufle ! 4703A A-057 Ranger, H Tremblay, C Pitt, C L'influence de la Vitamine E sur le cancer de la prostate. 4703A A-058 Bizimana, E Dusabimana, P Junior Le staphylocoque aureus résistant à la méthicilline acquis en Vanié, P milieu communautaire (SARM-CA) au Canada 4703A A-059 Elramly, M Alajouri, N Mesurer et évaluer l'état de santé mentale et l'utilisation des services de soins mentaux des immigrants et des nouveaux arrivants à comparer avec les canadiens-nés 4703A A-060 Maidjao, D Jacquet, S L'exposition à la dioxine et le risque de développer l'endométriose chez les femmes 4703A A-061 Nackers, M-E Faucher Racine, R La sclérose en plaques et la vitamine D 4703A A-062 Lachance, I Boucher, A Les facteurs de risque contribuant aux naissances prématurées 4703A A-063 Meunier, S Damiani, M-A L'impact de l'Alzheimer sur le système de santé et l'économie au Canada 4703A A-064 Rego-Branco, S Borgeat, M-C Les effets néfastes des stéroïdes anaboliques sur les athlètes et les utilisateurs de gym 4303B A-065 Patel, M Sritharan, J Mohamed,M Chadha, N Autism – The Transforming Mind 4303B A-066 Duffy, C Levin, J Catch Me If You Can: An Epidemiological Examination of Ovarian Cancer in Canadian Women

9 Updated 2010-04-07

PM SESSION Course Poster Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Student 4 Title section # 4303B B-001 Watt, C McLellan, D Does obesity influence endometrial cancer? Or are we just chewing the fat? 4303B B-003 Soong, D Youseok Kim, Liu, EY Pressure that might make you crack!: Assessing D hypertension as a risk factor for Alzheimer's Disease 4303B B-004 Harrison, D Dowdall, L Demographic Trends in Adult Obesity in Canada 4303B B-005 Larson, E Suttie, R Prostate Cancer 4303B B-006 Macdonald, E Polzin, A Vulvar Cancer: An Elderly Women’s Disease? 4303B B-007 Shamji, F Geffard, T Obesity and Cardiovascular Disease in Canada 4303B B-008 Janulewicz, F Kassis, R The Surprisingly Rich Contours of Schizophrenia Epidemiology 4303B B-009 Tran, H Bui, T Walker-Ng, M Quality of Life with Parkinson’s Disease 4303B B-010 Kourzenkov, I Oliveira, A Risky sex and psychotic teens 4303B B-011 Vallerand, J Donovan, S Poon, P Adult Obesity in Canada: Prevention Initiatives vs. Treatment 4303B B-012 Maidjao, JH Jackson, C Obesity: Addressing a growing epidemic in Canada 4303B B-013 Desjardins, J Tang, L Jehu, M Wu, D The association between obesity and colorectal cancer in Canadian adult males over the age of 45 4303B B-014 Tan, JW Teng, D Association between ovarian cancer and the use of oral contraception 4303B B-015 Graham, K Nenadic, A Childhood Obesity: Who’s To Blame? 4303B B-016 Arcari, K Malik, F A Global Picture of Dementia: The illness and disability caused by cardiovascular disease 4303B B-017 Niven, K Robert, R Al Haj, A The hidden risks of Hormone replacement therapy 4303B B-018 Rizk, K Rice, C The Silent Killer: Is Early Detection of Ovarian Cancer Possible? 4303B B-019 Hopkins, L Cyr, A The effectiveness of the HPV vaccine in preventing cervical cancer 4303B B-020 Bates, L Gauthier, S Oral Contraception Protects Your Ovaries! 4303B B-021 Phambri, M-P Deol, S Adult Obesity in Canada: A growing epidemic 4303B B-022 Banville, M Messom, J Diotte, J Stroke: Can you avoid it if you smoke? 4303B B-023 Colley, M Freeman, M The Mind Makes It Real: A Presentation on Paranoid Schizophrenia 4303B B-024 Tohihi, M Dao, J Testicular Cancer: Is Orchiopexy a Viable Preventative Option? 4303B B-025 Sayid, M Roble, A Alkhudhairy, M Childhood Obesity and Breastfeeding 4303B B-026 Patel, P McCullough, B Milk: A gift from Mother Nature or a Silent Killer? 4303B B-027 Chase, R Naddaf, J Mental Illness and Heart Disease: Equally Costly to Canada? 4303B B-028 Mitsui, R Saboui, M Estrogen's Effect on Schizophrenia 4303B B-029 Sagi, S Armstrong, A The detrimental effects of childhood obesity throughout the lifespan 4303B B-030 Babcock, S Foote, M The Disease Burden of Schizophrenia in Canada 4303B B-031 Paluck, S Tranquilli- The Economic Burden of Schizophrenia in Canada Doherty, S 4303B B-032 Degroot, S Holdsworth-Taylor, T Cystic Hygromas: a comparative analysis of pre- and postnatal diagnosis 4303B B-033 Foy, S Bray, C Skof, E Prostate Cancer: An Increasing Concern for Aging Men. 4303B B-034 French, S Wong, K Depression and Breast Feeding: Incidence, Prevalence and Outcomes 4303B B-035 Braun, S Oakie, A Make a date to check your prostate

10 Updated 2010-04-07 4303B B-036 Earl, S Ferrao, T Early-onset Alzheimer’s disease: Impacts on economic growth in Canada. 4303B B-037 Kaushal, S Bali, P Ratnayake, A Adult Obesity and the Urban Environment 4303B B-038 Brown, T Charlebois, J HPV and the Deadly Connection to Cervical Cancer 4303B B-039 Thompson, X Gallant, T Implications of maternal obesity on incidence of pregnancy complications 4703A B-041 Picard, J De Broucker, Tuberculose: La résistance aux traitements G pharmacologiques 4703A B-042 Awad, T Agharazi Le risque de développer un cancer du sein chez les Dormani, S femmes post-ménopausées augmente-il avec la prise de l'hormonothérapie substitutive ? 4703A B-043 El amine, A Igihozo, A-G Le cancer du sein chez l'homme: Cause pour s'inquiéter ? 4703A B-044 Courchesne- Belcourt, M Fréquence des blessures aux genoux (ligament croisé Robinson, M antérieur) chez les jeunes femmes (18-24 ans) jouant au soccer au Canada 4703A B-045 Ineza, I Culver, M Est-ce que l'utilisation des pesticides utilisés dans les milieux ruraux augmentent le risque de la maladie de Parkinson chez les canadiens âgés entre 50 et 75 ans ? 4703A B-046 Matthews, J Levac, J Le virus varicelle-zona: Une perspective épidémiologique 4703A B-047 Ghaddar, R Mansouri, A Ize, C Le burnout chez les infirmières 4703A B-048 Eyamie, G Dagher, R Le VPH cause-t-il le cancer du col de l'utérus ? 4703A B-049 Langevin, V Gamache- L'obésité chez les adultes au Canada et la mortalité reliée Asselin, F 4703A B-050 Turgeon, A Khalifé, R Démence: une facture salée 4703A B-051 Niquette, J Hajj, S Rôle du VPH dans l'apparition du cancer du col de l'utérus chez les jeunes femmes au Québec 4703A B-052 Côté, P Blouin, A Les implants mamaires et la détection tardive du cancer du sein. 4703A B-053 St-Laurent Charron, M L'impact de l'obésité sur l'arthose O'Connor, G 4703A B-054 Allard, S Saoussen, A Sigouin, V Les statines comme traitement de l'Alzheimer 4703A B-055 Tremblay, Anick Cloutier, A Les personnes atteintes du diabète ont-elles plus de chance de mourir suite à une infection comparativement aux personnes qui ne sont pas atteintes de cette maladie ? 4703A B-056 Goguen, N Beaumier, K La durée du sommeil comme facteur de risque du diabète de type 2 4703A B-057 Leduc, M Brouzes, Z L'effet du vaccin contre le VPH comme méthode préventive pour le cancer du col de l'utérus 4703A B-058 Ranger, M-H Julien, E Relation entre l'indice de masse corporel (IMC) et le cancer épithélial et de l'ovaire 4703A B-059 Gray, E Rochette, P Est-ce qu'un diète riche en gras , comme celle courante en Amérique du Nord, augmente le risque de cancer de la prostate ? 4703A B-060 Courtemanche,R Cecchini, M Nouvelles techniques de dépistage précoce du cancer ovarien 4703A B-061 Tremblay, A Pilon, A Il y a-t-il une corrélation positive entre l'exposition d'aluminium et la maladie d'Alzheimer 4703A B-062 Nguyen, C Tremblay, T La prise de contraceptifs oraux et le cancer du sein

11 Updated 2010-04-07 Poster Presentation Judging Schedule (by poster number)

MORNING POSTER SCHEDULE 9:15 9:30 9:45 10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45 Poster Poster Poster Poster Poster Poster Poster Poster Poster Poster 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Poster 11 A-001 A-002 A-003 A-004 A-005 A-006 A-007 A-008 A-009 A-010 A-011 A-012 A-013 A-014 A-015 A-016 A-017 A-018 A-019 A-020 A-021 A-022 A-023 A-024 A-025 A-026 A-027 A-028 A-029 A-030 A-031 A-032 A-033 A-034 A-035 A-036 A-037 A-038 A-039 A-040 A-041 A-042 A-043 A-044 A-045 A-046 A-047 A-048 A-049 A-050 A-051 A-052 A-053 A-065 A-066 A-067 A-054 A-055 A-056 A-057 A-058 A-059 A-060 A-061 A-062 A-063 A-064 AFTERNOON POSTER SCHEDULE 13:15 13:30 13:45 14:00 14:15 14:30 14:45 15:00 15:15 15:30 15:45 Poster Poster Poster Poster Poster Poster Poster Poster Poster Poster 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Poster 11 B-001 B-002 B-003 B-004 B-005 B-006 B-007 B-008 B-009 B-010 B-011 B-012 B-013 B-014 B-015 B-016 B-017 B-018 B-019 B-020 B-021 B-022 B-023 B-024 B-025 B-026 B-027 B-028 B-029 B-030 B-031 B-032 B-033 B-034 B-035 B-036 B-037 B-038 B-039 B-040 B-041 B-042 B-043 B-044 B-045 B-046 B-047 B-048 B-049 B-050 B-051 B-052 B-053 B-054 B-055 B-056 B-057 B-058 B-059 B-060 B-061 B-062

12 Updated 2010-04-07 Oral Presentations List and Judging Schedule

PRESENTATION SESSION # (AM/PM) TIME Student Name TITLE Severe malaria surveillance and 1 AM 10h00-10h30 Prematunga, C treatment delays in Canada Is childhood adiposity a consequence 2 AM 10h30-11h00 Carter, M of place? Pressure that might make you crack: Assessing hypertension as a risk factor 3 AM 11h00-11h30 Liu, EY for Alzheimer's Disease Measuring the impact of health human resource migration: a discussion of measurement issues in health care 4 PM 14h00-14h30 Jablonski, J outputs, outcomes and productivity Applying an extended theory of planned behaviour model to radiography ordering within the Canadian Spine and CT-Head Rule 5 PM 14h30-15h00 Perez, R Implementation Studies

13 Updated 2010-04-07 TRANSPORTATION


Parking is available at a cost of $6 for the day at the parking lot directly beside Roger Guindon Hall. Parking passes must be purchased even when the gate is open.

Graduate students at the University of Ottawa may obtain a parking pass from the Parking & Traffic and Sustainable Transportation Office located at 139 Louis-Pasteur, Room 133 on main campus. Free parking passes allow graduate students to park on weekends for free at designated parking lots including the lot at Roger Guindon Hall. Permits must be obtained in advance and are good for the academic year.

Volunteer judges who require parking on the April 10th and who do not already hold a University of Ottawa parking permit, may request for a one-day parking permit by emailing [email protected]. Parking costs will be covered by the CSEB-UofO for volunteer judges.


From downtown: 106 Elmvale/Alta Vista, drop off at the Ottawa Hospital Rehabilitation Centre. From the east end: 106 Hurdman, drop off at the Ottawa Hospital Rehabilitation Centre. The stop number is 1591. For bus schedules, please call 560-1000 ext.1591 or visit the OC Transpo Web site (www.octranspo.com)



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