Valentine S Day Dinner & Dancing

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Valentine S Day Dinner & Dancing

VALENTINE’S DAY DINNER & DANCING Friday, February 10, 2017 Cash bar cocktails at 6:30 pm Dinner at 7:30 pm Music and dancing until midnight Glen Oaks Country Club, 30500 W. 13 Mile Road, Farmington Hills, MI Looking for a fun evening out in the middle of the winter? Our Church Growth and Fellowship Committee has just the thing! Join your Cherry Hill friends for a Valentine’s Day Dinner Dance on Friday, February 10 at Glen Oaks Country Club in Farmington Hills If you enjoy the music of the big band era, then you will love our Valentine Dinner Dance, an evening rich in fine dining and dancing at the elegant Glen Oaks Country Club. Unwind at the cash bar cocktail hour and then enjoy a lavish dinner and music ‘til midnight provided by the fabulous FCB Big Band, directed by Mr. Randy Barber. Tickets are $55.00 and reservations may be made through the church office. Transportation from the church to the country club will be arranged for those who need it.

BASIC BIBLE 101 Sunday, January 15, 2017 – 12:00 Noon Have you ever wondered who wrote the Bible? How long did it take? Did you know that the Bible is really a library made up of many books? Are the books arranged in a certain order? Would you like to know how to find chapters and verses and begin to study the Bible for yourself? Are there other things you would like to know about the Bible buy have always been afraid to ask? If you can answer “yes” to any of these question, we invite to a one day workshop, “Basic Bible 101” on Sunday, January 15 at Noon in Star Theater. Rev. Mark Phillips will guide us through some of the Bible basics we may have forgotten or maybe never knew. We’ll have fun and good fellowship as we learn! A light lunch will be served by the Church Growth and Fellowship Committee. What a great way to begin a New Year – by reading the Bible! All are invited to join us! A sign up sheet is on the table in Weir Foyer to help us plan. The workshop will begin at Noon and end at 2:00 pm.

MONDAY NIGHT STUDY GROUP FOR JANUARY The Monday Night Study group will resume at 7:00 pm on Monday, January 9. This month, the group will have a varied schedule of programs and discussions. Feel free to drop and in join us for any or all of them. You’ll find a warm welcome, lively discussion and good fellowship. Our schedule for January is as follows:

Monday, January 9 – 7:00 p.m. – A Night of Bible Trivia This isn’t as scary or intimidating as it may sound. We’ll have fun as we discover some new (or forgotten) Bible facts! Sunday, January 15 – 12:00 Noon – The group will attend the Basic Bible 101 Class (see separate article fore more information. Monday, January 23 – 7:00 p.m. – “Seeking the Sacred” – a docent from the Detroit Institute of Art will be here at Cherry Hill to speak on the different Ways people throughout the world have used works of art to hold, Communicate, and reinforce ideas about religion and spirituality. Monday, January 30 – 7:00 p.m. – The class will watch and discuss the movie, “Five People You Meet in Heaven.” Hope to see you there! MUSIC AT CHERRY HILL IS PLEASED TO PRESENT IN CONCERT THIS MONTH

sounding light Tom Trenney, Director

MINE EYES HAVE SEEN THE GLORY A concert of gospel and spiritual song

Friday, January 13, 2017 – 7:30 p.m. Tickets: $15.00

Known for its inspiring and illuminating performances, sounding light brings together a unique collection of singers gathered from seven states. Led by its founder, Tom Trenney, sounding light is committed to offering its members a spiritual and holistic approach to ensemble singing while offering its listeners a compelling and timeless experience with the choral art. In honor and celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., sounding light rings in the New Year with a concert of beloved gospel and spiritual songs. Through stirring arrangements by Moses Hogan, André Thomas, Stacey Gibbs, Craig Hella Johnson and Tom Trenney, sounding light shares the authentic joy and soul, heart and spirit of this most meaningful American folk music. Remember the legacy of Martin Luther King as the powerful and expressive voices of sounding light breathe new life into a timeless message of hope and peace. ANNUAL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING Sunday, January 29, 2017

The session has call for the Annual Meeting of the Congregation and Corporation of Cherry Hill Presbyterian Church for Sunday, January 29, 2017. The meeting will be held in Memorial Parlor following the worship service. (An enhanced coffee hour will be provided). The purpose of the meting will be to review and receive reports from the committees and organizations of the church for 2016 and any other business that might come before the congregation.


The Presbytery of Detroit cordially invites you to join us for “His Light Still Shines”, a choral medley in honor of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on Sunday, January 15, 2017 at 4:00 p.m. at Westminster Presbyterian Church, 17567 Hubell (at West Outer Drive), Detroit. The program will be directed by Stephen J. Warner and is sponsored by the Multicultural Ministry Team of the Presbytery of Detroit. Refreshments will follow the concert.


All are invited to our monthly potluck dinner on Wednesday, January 8 at 6:00 pm in Memorial Parlor. Following dinner, our Wednesday night worship will include the ordination and installation of our newly elected elders and deacons: Elders Deacons Josh Elling Carolyn Carr Robert Jones Becky Jones Wendy Solgan Kathy Kerr Jeff Wensorski John Matthews, Jr. Cathie Wensorski We will also recognize those whose terms are complete: Elders Deacons Pam Hollingsworth Winnie Murphy John Matthews, Jr. Janet Reickel Carrie Thorpe Ray Scorboria Carolyn VandenBosch

WEDNESDAY WORSHIP RESUMES JANUARY 4 – 7:00 pm WEDNESDAY WORSHIP Please remember our weekly worship service in the chapel on Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. in the Chapel. These thirty-minute worship services, with communion, offer a more intimate worship experience in the midst of our hectic lives. All are welcome. WORSHIP SCHEDULE FOR JANUARY 2017 Sunday, January 1 – Communion – Worship in the Chapel “Giants, Grapes, and Grasshoppers” – Numbers 13 (Selected Verses) Sunday, January 8 – Baptism of the Lord Sunday “Who Are You?” – Mark 1: 9-11 Sunday, January 15 - “Living in the Land of Complaint” – Exodus 16: 1-8 Sunday, January 22 – Week of Prayer for Christian Unity “Whose is He?” – Galatians 3: 27-29 Sunday, January 29 – Annual Meeting Sunday “The Perfect Pastor and the Perfect Church” 1 Timothy 2:8-3:7, 5:17-23, 2 Timothy 1:3-10 Sunday, February 5 – Communion Sunday “The Power to Bless” – Genesis 27 (selected verses) Romans 12: 9-21


2017 PER CAPITA - $26.00 Per Capita literally means “per person.” The Per Capita apportionment is an assessment paid to the General Assembly, Synod of the Covenant, and the Presbytery of Detroit for administrative costs at all three levels of the church. It is requested that each active member of all Presbyterian Church pay the per capita apportionment which enables the church to carry out the mission and ministry of Jesus Christ, locally and throughout the world.

This year’s per capita is $26.00.

Cherry Hill’s active membership reported to General Assembly at the end of 2015 was 207. Therefore, as a church we are responsible for $5,834.32 (233 x $25.04 = $5,382.00)

Included with your Offering Envelopes for 2017 is a Per Capita Envelope. All members are encouraged to place $26.00 (the amount requested for each active member of your family) during January (if possible) and place it in the offering plate or mail it to the church office. While we and the presbytery greatly appreciate receiving per capita offerings in January, please be aware that per capita is accepted at anytime during the year.


STEWARDSHIP CAMPAIGN UPDATE The members of the Stewardship Committee would like to thank all who participated in this year’s stewardship campaign. As of December 19, we have received 79 pledges (12 new) totaling $178,092. If you have not turned in a pledge and would like to, it’s not too late! Pledge cards and envelopes are available in the church office.

More to follow FINANCIAL REPORT FOR NOVEMBER 2016 Actual for Period Actual Year to Date Budget Annual Income $13,293.42 *$266,884.10 $178,990.00 Expense $24,059.33 $286,807.22 $269,284.00 Total Contributions ($ 10,765.91) ($19,923.12) ($90,294.00) (Over)/ Under Expense

Financial Notes: * Please note that year to date income reflects two approved transfers totaling $100,000 from the savings account to the general fund.

Did you know that we need to receive $5,318.00 every week to meet our weekly cash flow? We come close to that figure from time to time, but it’s rare. Please make sure that you pledge is up to date!

Worship Attendance for September 2016 11/02/16 (Wednesday Night) All Saints Day Observance - 54 11/06/16 81 11/20/16 70 11/13/16 99 11/27/16 84 Average Sunday Attendance for November 2016 - 84

WORDS FOR A NEW YEAR As stand on the edge, of a New Year, I thought that I would share with you some of my favorite readings which I always enjoy going back to as we came to end of one year and the dawn of a new: The Gate of the Year And I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year: “Give me a light, that I may tread safely into the unknown!” And he replied, “Go out into the darkness and put thine hand into the Hand of God. That shall be to thee better than light and safe than a known way.” So I went forth, and finding the Hand of God, trod gladly into the night. And he led me toward the hills and the breaking of the day in the lone East. So, heart, be still! What need our little life, Our human life, to know, if God hath comprehension? In all the dizzy strife Of things both high and low God hideth his intention. - Minnie Louise Haskins

Prayer for the New Year Grant me the strength from day to day to bear what burdens may come my way. Grant me throughout this bright New Year, more to endure and less to fear. Help me live that I may be from spite and petty malice free. Let me not bitterly complain, when cherished hopes of mine prove vain, Or spoil with deeds of hate and rage, some fair tomorrow’s spotless page. Lord, as the days come and go, in courage let me stronger grow. Lord, as the New Year dawns today, help me to put my faults away. Let me be big in little things; grant me the joy with friendship brings. Keep me from selfishness and spite; let me be wise in what is right. Grant that I may bring no tears to any eye. When this New Year in time shall end let it be said I’ve played the friend, have lived, and love and labored here, And made of it a Happy New Year! - Edgar A. Guest

A Way to a Happy New Year To leave the old with a burst of song, To recall the right and forgive the wrong, To forget the thing that binds you fast, To the vain regrets of the year that’s past, To have the strength to let go your hold Of the not-worth-while of the days grown old; To dare go forth with a purpose true, To the unknown task of the year that’s new; To help your brother and sister along the road To do their work and lift their load; To add your gifts to the world’s good cheer Is to have and give a glad New Year. Robert Brewster Beattie

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