Twentieth-Century Spanish American Short Story

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Twentieth-Century Spanish American Short Story

SPA 324 Twentieth-Century Spanish American Short Story Primavera de 2013 Instructor: Adam Glover Oficina/horas: Anderson Hall 10 Teléfono: 863- TBD E-mail: [email protected]

Libros de texto:  Textbook Coleman, Alexander, ed. Cinco Maestros: Cuentos modernos de Hispanoamérica. New York: Heinle, 1969.

 Authors María Luisa Bombal, Jorge Luis Borges, Rosario Castellanos, Julio Cortázar, Rosario Ferré, Carlos Fuentes, Gabriel García Márquez, Andrea Maturana, Horacio Quiroga, Juan Rulfo

DESCRIPCIÓN DEL CURSO: This course offers an introduction to the Spanish American Short Story of the Twentieth Century. It examines canonical texts and various movements, including, but not limited to, el cuento regional, el cuento fantástico, el realismo mágico, el cuento feminino, and el cuento psicológico. Beginning with representative selections from these movements, it proceeds to examine the variety of short stories written in Latin America in their literary, cultural and political contexts. Finally, the course attempts to define the short story, and analyze selected readings through various theoretical lenses. The course will place the students at the advanced level in accordance to the ACTFL Guidelines, Global Scale B2.2

ASISTENCIA: Students are allowed 3 absences. Every absence after the first 3 must be excused or it will lower the final grade by 2 percent, Additionally, more than 1 absence in either half of the term will have an effect on your participation grade. It is also important to be on time. 3 tardies will equal an absence. No make-ups will permitted for work missed for an unexcused absence. Excused absences are the following: participation in a scheduled event as a member of a university- sponsored athletic/scholastic team (official absence form required); religious holidays; accident or illness (accident report or doctor’s note required); or a death in the immediate family. Excuses must be submitted within one (1) week of the time of return to class. In the case of an excused absence, it is the student’s responsibility to find out what was missed from a classmate and turn in the assignment within 1 week of the absence.

PARTICIPACIÓN (10%): Participation is required not only because it is a part of the final grade, but also because it directly affects how much Spanish a student will learn. Students will receive one grade at midterm, and one at the end of the semester. Participation includes oral participation in class discussions and small group activities. Students should pay attention, ask questions, and make sure all cell phones are off. If your phone rings, vibrates, or you are caught text- messaging, points will be deducted from your participation grade. Also, students should speak in Spanish—use of English in class will be reflected in the SPA 324

participation grade.

TAREA Y PRUEBAS (20%): No late work will be accepted, except for excused absences. Students will be accountable for all assignments, handouts, and material covered in class whether they are present or not. It is recommended that you get the name and phone number of one or two other students so that you can find out what homework was assigned should you miss class. Students should complete all the homework as it is specified in the right hand column of the syllabus. These assignments include questions about the readings and short compositions . There are also readings due for each class, and students should come prepared for quizzes that may be given at any time during class. Please type all homework if you have access to a computer. Homework will be graded based only on content and completeness, not grammatical correctness. This gives you the opportunity to practice formal writing with diacritical marks and sentence structure with little risk.

INVESTIGACIÓN (25%): Students will complete a research project in phases, and each phase will be part of the grade. They are expected to turn in at the final deadline: 1) project proposal (abstract) and bibliography, 2) first draft with peer comments 3) second draft with peer comments, 4) final draft. Topics of the composition will be announced in class. The composition should be typed and double-spaced. Please feel free to print on both sides in order to save paper. 5 points will be deducted for each day that a paper is late.

Grading for Research Paper: Contenido y argumento (50), Organización (25), Gramática (25)

PRESENTACIONES (15%): Students will give presentations in class. For the presentation, each student will “teach” a short story to the class with a partner. This means you will lead the class discussion on that day and plan a class activity. Please provide advanced notice if you need audiovisual equipment.

Grading for Presentation: Contenido (del individuo) -25, Contenido (del grupo) - 25, Gramática - 25 , Fluidez - 15, Pronunciación - 10 Diego Rivera, Tenochtitlán EXAMENES (30%): There will be 3 exams and a final essay. There will be absolutely no make-ups except in extreme circumstances.

GRADE DISTRIBUTION: Your grade is figured by the following category weights and scale:

Calificación de la nota: A = 93-100 participación 10% AB = 88-92 tarea y pruebas 20% B = 83-87 investigación 25% BC = 78-82 presentaciones 15% C = 70-77 exámenes 30% D = 60-69

ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: Online translators can be valuable tools for checking spelling or making simple single word translations. However, they are not useful in writing compositions or complete sentences, because they translate each sentence literally, word by word, instead of taking into account expressions of speech. It will be obvious to the instructor if you have used an electronic translator to write any portion of your

2 SPA 324 composition and you will receive a zero for the assignment. You will be much better off using a good dictionary to write your composition, as it will include the translation of expressions and words that have multiple meanings or translations.

Plagiarism, or presenting another’s works or ideas as one’s own, is a form of stealing. Students should be prepared to show source material to the instructor for the purpose of verifying information. Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. Academic dishonesty includes the following offenses: 1) Claiming as your own work a paper written by another student, 2) Turning in a paper that contains paraphrases of someone else’s ideas but does not give proper credit to that person for those ideas, 3) Turning in a paper that is largely a restatement in your own words of a paper written by someone else, even if you give credit to that person for those ideas (The thesis and organizing principles of a paper must be your own), 4) Turning in a paper that uses the exact words of another author without using quotation marks, even if proper credit is given in a citation, or that changes the words only slightly and claims them to be paraphrases, 5) Turning in the same paper, even in a different version, for two different courses without the permission of both professors involved. If a student is found to have committed one of the above offenses, he/she will receive a failing grade on the assignment. Students should consult the Student Handbook for a full description of breaches of academic integrity subject to disciplinary action.

DISABILITY STATEMENT: If you are registered to receive accommodations for a disability, please discuss them with the course instructor during the first week of class. You will need official documentation from Lloyd Clark in the Wellness Center (x7074).

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~ Plan de curso ~ CM = Cinco Maestros ENERO Lección (para leer) Para entregar

Introducción al curso; “Las seis historias más tristes” 19 miércoles (course pack) Teoría e historia Reacción a “Las seis historias más 21 viernes Luis Leal “El cuento como género literario” (course pack) tristes” Teoría e historia 24 lunes “El cuento: Vocabulario y conceptos básicos” El cuento fantástico y Carlos Fuentes (course pack) 26 miércoles “Chac Mool” (course pack) Preguntas generales 28 viernes “Chac Mool” (course pack) (course pack) 31 lunes El cuento posrevolucionario y Juan Rulfo CM 117-119


“¡Diles que no me maten!” (CM 138-145) 2 miércoles Comprensión (handout) Presentación: 4 viernes “Es que somos muy pobres” CM 121-126 Cuestionario (CM p. 126) El cuento regional, el criollismo y Horacio Quiroga 7 lunes “El decálago del perfecto cuentista;” “Juan Darién” Preguntas (handout) (course pack) 9 miércoles “El regreso de Anaconda” (course pack) Preguntas sobre “El regreso de 11 viernes “El regreso de Anaconda” Anaconda” (handout) 14 lunes Repaso para examen 1 16 miércoles Examen 1 El surrealismo y Jorge Luis Borges CM 3-6 y 19 viernes Borges y yo CM 7-8 Composición breve: Ensayo Breve 21 lunes “La muerte y la brújula” CM 27-39 (CM p.40) 23 miércoles TBA 25 viernes TBA “El Sur” CM 41-49 28 lunes Comprensión y análisis (handout) Presentación:


El boom y Cortázar CM 59-61 2 miércoles Paralelismo “Axolotl” CM 81-86 4 viernes Cuestionario (CM pp. 86-87) Presentación:

4 SPA 324

7 lunes “La noche boca arriba” CM 88-97 Comprensión y Análisis (handout) 9 miércoles El realismo mágico y Gabriel García Márquez CM 221-225 14-18 ¡Descanso de primavera! “La siesta del martes” CM 264-271 21 lunes Cuestionario (CM p.271) Presentación: Hablar del trabajo de investigación; formato MLA; recursos en la 23 miércoles Idea para el trabajo escrito biblioteca 25 viernes “La prodigiosa tarde de Baltazar” CM 247-254 “La viuda de Montiel” CM 256-262 Composición breve: 28 lunes Presentación: TBA Propuesta y bibliografía para el 30 miércoles Repaso para Examen 2 trabajo escrito


1 viernes Examen 2 Temas femeninos y Rosario Castellanos (course pack) 4 lunes “Lección de cocina” (course pack) “Lección de cocina” (course pack) 6 miércoles Análisis (course pack) Presentación: Rosario Ferré (course pack) 8 viernes “El cuento envenenado” (course pack) Comprensión Presentación: Andrea Maturana (course pack) 11 lunes “Interiores” (course pack) 13 miércoles Día de “peer-editing” Primera versión del trabajo escrito El cuento psicológico y María Luisa Bombal Composición breve: 15 viernes “El árbol” (course pack) (tema en course pack) Presentación: 18 lunes Repaso para Examen 3 20 miércoles Examen 3 22 viernes Viernes Santo – no hay clase 25 lunes Día de “peer-editing” Segunda versión del trabajo escrito Reinaldo Arenas Preguntas: Analizando el cuento 27 miércoles “Con los ojos cerrados” (course pack) (course pack) 29 viernes Conversación/repaso Versión final del trabajo escrito


2 lunes Presentaciones de los proyectos 4 miércoles Presentaciones de los proyectos

Final Essay due Monday, May 9 by 11:00am

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