PEG Reading Writing Workshop s1
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PEG Reading Writing Workshop Mrs. Suzie F. Mandell AMS Room 307 For questions: G&T Office 732-596-4206 (T-F) IMS 732-602-8450 (M) Email: [email protected] Website: Peg 4 A note about Writer’s Notebooks: I grade Writer’s Notebooks once at the end of the marking period. It is your responsibility to make sure that you have every entry completed. You are responsible to complete 3 sides of paper in order to get an A. This notebook is worth two test grades. Do not worry about this writing being completed ideas or essays; your thoughts should be pouring out of your heads and onto the paper. These are not completed pieces. Most of all have fun with it! Try to keep your hand moving for the entire 15 minutes… Friday, March 24, 2017 MP3 #24 Write for 15 minutes about the following topic or whatever you would like in your writer’s notebook. When an agonizing decision presents itself, it seems unfair that you can’t somehow take two paths at once: go to Jimmy’s party or Ayesha’s party; go out for ice cream or pizza. Have you ever been in a tricky situation like this? Which of the two tempting paths did you choose? Did you make the right decision? Activity One: Read Where the Red Fern Grows 17-end Activity Two: RACE Pick 10 questions to answer! 17-18 1. How do we know that Billy is a brave and determined boy? 2. What did the judge say to indicate that he thought it would be wise to give up the hunt? 3. Describe what happened to Grandpa. 4. How did Billy warm Grandpa’s injured foot? 5. Describe the worst storm that you have ever experienced. Did you ever feel that your life was in danger? 6. Why were the limbs on the trees snapping? 7. Who came searching for them? 8. What did Mr. Benson say that shocked Billy? 9. Why did Billy decide to take the cup home? 10. Why did Mama press her lips together tightly? What emotion was she feeling and why? 11. Mr. Kyle thinks that dogs are more than just loyal. He believes that they help their masters out of love. Do you agree? Have you had any personal experiences with dogs that could support this theory? 19-20 1. Why doesn’t Billy like hunting bobcats? 2. What is the devil cat of the Ozarks? 3. How does Billy finally kill the big cat? 4. How would you have felt in this situation? 5. How did the dogs prove their loyalty to Billy? 6. What does Billy discover when he examines the dogs after the fierce battle? 7. Do you think it is possible for animals to die of a broken heart? What about people? 8. The mountain lion is also called the puma or cougar. Research this cat and find out if it is an endangered species. 9. What does Billy mean when he says, “papa…didn’t have that whipped look on his face anymore? 10. What does Billy see when he goes to say goodbye to his dogs? 11. Briefly retell the story of the Indian Legend. Monday, March 27, 2017 MP3#25 Write for 15 minutes about the following topic or whatever you would like in your writer’s notebook. Do you believe you’re generally an honest person? Do you find yourself telling people what you think they want to hear? Are you willing to tell a little lie if you need to make an excuse? Or are you the opposite-are you really blunt? Do you tell the truth even if you know it’s going to annoy people? Activity One: Reading Strategy-Determining Importance Activity Two: DD(1) Arya DD (2) C(1) C(2)Satvika LL(1) Saniya LL(2) S+TT+IL(1) Sanjay S+TT+IL(2) Avantika INV(1) Eden INV(2 Chris WW(1) ) WW(2) )Diya Tuesday, March 28, 2017 MP3#26 Write for 15 minutes about the following topic or whatever you would like in your writer’s notebook. I believe… Activity One: Finish Friday and Monday’s work! Poetry Fun In “Reading Myself to Sleep,” by Billy Collins, the speaker describes reading at night. An excerpt: An the only movement in the night is the slight Swirl of curtains, the easy lift and fall of my breathing, And the flap of pages as they turn in the wind of my hand.
In his poems, Billy Collins often writes about an activity as if he is doing it at that moment. Try to do the same in a poem of your own. Activity Two Respond to your Blog posting! Activity Three Complete your Newsela article- identifying the who, what, where, when, why, and how? Activity Three Edmodo! Grammatical Guessing Please fix the following sentences. Don’t worry about rewriting them, just fix the few words that need fixing. 1. If you sit at you’re computer too much. You might turn into a mouse potato. 2. Are science class with Mr Fentimam is so boaring, my Math class would be boaring, two, but are teacher is miss fazio and she is so beutaful that I don’t mind math at all. PEG LANGUAGE ARTS Mrs. Suzie. F. Mandell AMS Room 307 For questions: G&T Office 732-596-4206 (W-F) IMS 732-602-8450 (M-Tues.) Email: [email protected] Website: Blog: PEG 5 A note about Writer’s Notebooks: I grade Writer’s Notebooks once at the end of the marking period. It is your responsibility to make sure that you have every entry completed. You are responsible to complete 4 sides of paper in order to get an A. This notebook is worth two test grades. Do not worry about this writing being completed ideas or essays; your thoughts should be pouring out of your heads and onto the paper. These are not completed pieces. Most of all have fun with it! Friday, March 24, 2017 MP3#24 Write for 15 minutes about the following topic or whatever you would like in your writer’s notebook. Even the dreariest, most awful weeks aren’t bad twenty-four hours a day. Think of a few things that have happened this week that you’re grateful for. Activity One: Read chapters 7-12 of The Giver. Activity Two: Reading Strategy-Synthesis Activity Three-RaCE Chapters 7-9 Complete all questions! The plot in a story is the series of events that occur as a character resolves some problem or conflict or pursues some goal. Chapters 7-9 of the novel are especially important to the plot because Jonas finally receives his assignment and begins his training. The events that occur, however, will lead Jonas to conclusions and in directions much different from what the Committee of Elders expects. Plot has: a. background that introduces the setting and characters b. a rising action during which a conflict is introduced and builds c. a climax when the conflict reaches its peak d. the falling action e. resolution in which the conflict is resolved chapters 1-12 1. How does the plot help the reader understand the inner conflict Jonas is experiencing? 2. What do you predict about upcoming events based on events that have occurred so far? 3. What do you think the Chief Elder’s statement, “thank you for your childhood,” says about the community? 4. Which of the five qualities necessary to being a Receiver of Memory do you think is unique to Jonas and why? 5. What do Jonas’ visits with the Giver say about the best way to “open a person’s eyes”? 6. Which of the eight rules given to Jonas when he was selected to be Receiver would you find most difficult to obey and why? 7. Make a list of the pros/cons of sameness. 8. How would you feel personally about living in a community/ world with sameness? Monday, March 27, 2017 MP3#25 Write for 15 minutes about the following topic or whatever you would like in your writer’s notebook. Do you think it would be cool to have an identical twin? Sharing a birthday might get annoying, but the number of tricks you could pull off is practically infinite. If you had an identical twin, what prank would you pull first? If you are a twin, discuss its pros and cons. Activity One: DD(1) Anushka DD (2) C(1)Katelyn C(2)Matysh LL(1) LL(2)Kaylie S+TT+IL(1)Ryan S+TT+IL(2) KrishINV(1)Joshua INV(2) WW(1) WW(2)Sathya Activity Two: Continue Friday’s work! Tuesday, March 28, 2017 MP3 #26 Write for 15 minutes about the following topic or whatever you would like in your writer’s notebook. I think… Activity One: Continue Monday’s work! Writing Fun Your city council is considering a ban on texting/playing video games/watching videos in your town’s restaurants. The members of the council have asked for input from the public. Write a letter weighing in on the subject. Activity One: Complete your BLOG posting! Activity Two: Edmodo Activity Three: Newsela Grammatical Guessing Please fix the following sentences. Don’t worry about rewriting the entire sentence, just fix the few words that need fixing. 1. 1. If you sit at you’re computer too much. You might turn into a mouse potato. 2. Are science class with Mr Fentimam is so boaring, my Math class would be boaring, two, but are teacher is miss fazio and she is so beutaful that I don’t mind math at all.