
ALON RABIN, PhD, DPT Personal Details Name: Alon Rabin Date and place of birth: 29/10/1972, Israel Regular military service 1/90 – 8/94 Address and telephone number at work: Ariel University, Department of Physiotherapy, Kiryat Hamada, P. O. Box 3, Ariel, Israel Mobile No. 054-7766395

Education  PhD – 2009 - 2013 – University of Haifa. Topic of dissertation: A Clinical Prediction Rule for Identifying Patients Most Likely to Benefit from Lumbar Stabilization Exercises – A Validation Study. Advisors: Ruthy Disckstein, DSc, Gali Dar, PhD  DPT (Doctor of Physical Therapy) – 2002-2004 – University of Pittsburgh – Physical Therapy Advisor: Anthony Delitto, PT, PhD, FAPTA  M.Sc. – 2002-2004 – University of Pittsburgh – Physical Therapy  B.Sc. – 1994-1998 – Tel Aviv University – Physiotherapy (Suma cum laude)

Employment History  Ariel University 2006-Present Member of the Senior Faculty

 Reut Medical Center 2006-2007 Director of Outpatient Physiotherapy Service

 Accelerated Rehabilitation, Farmington Hills MI, USA 2005-2006 Facility Manager

 Center for Rehab Services, Pittsburgh PA, USA 2002-2004 Physical Therapy Resident Alon Rabin page 2

 William Beaumont Hospital 1999-2002 Staff Physical Therapist

 Ariel University Physical Therapy Clinic 2009-Present Physical Therapist

Educational activities:  Courses taught at Ariel University o Musculoskeletal Physical Therapy o Orthopaedics o Acute Orthopaedic Physiotherapy o Anatomy o Accessory Joint Motion o Clinical Decision Making o Research Methods o Therapeutic Exercises o Research Seminar

Scientific Publications:  Rabin A, Shashua A, Pizem K, Dickstein R, Dar G. A Clinical Prediction Rule to Identify Patients with Low Back Pain Who Are Likely to Experience Short-Term Success Following Lumbar Stabilization Exercises – A Validation Study (Accepted pending minor revisions, JOSPT)

 Rabin A, Kozol Z, Spitzer E, Finestone A. Ankle Dorsiflexion Range of Motion – Can Side-to-Side Symmtery be Assumed? (Revision submitted, J Athl Train)

 Rabin A, Israeli T. Multi-Modal Management of Patients With Signs and Symptoms of De-Quervain’s Tenosynovitis – A Retrospective Case Series (under review, JHT)

 Rabin A, Kozol Z, Spitzer E, Finestone A. Ankle Dorsiflexion Among Subjects With Differing Quality of Lower Extremity Movement. (Accepted, J Athl Train).

 Rabin A, Shashua A, Pizem K, Dar G. The Interrater Reliability of Physical Examination Tests That May Predict the Outcome or Suggest the Need for Lumbar Stabilization Exercises. J Orthop Sport Phys Ther 2013;43:83-90. Alon Rabin page 3

 Rabin A, Kozol Z. Weight Bearing and Non Weight Bearing Ankle Dorsiflexion Range of Motion: Are We Measuring the Same Thing? J Am Podiatr Med Assoc 2012;102(5):406-411.

 Rabin A. Treatment Strategy in Physical Therapy – Examples From the Management of Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome. J of Israel Physical Therapy Society 2011;13(3):18-24 (Hebrew).

 Rabin A, Kozol Z. Measures of Range of Motion and Strength Among Healthy Women With Differing Quality of Lower Extremity Movement During the Lateral Step Down Test. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2010; 40 (12): 792-800

 Rabin A. The Use of Diagnostic Indices in Clinical Decision Making in Physical Therapy. J of Israel Physical Therapy Society 2008;10 (3):1-6 (Hebrew).

 Rabin A. Physical Therapy Management of Acute Low Back Pain – Who Needs What? Israeli J Pain Palliative Care. 2008;17:7-13 (Hebrew).

 Rabin A, Gerszten PC, Karausky P. et. al. The Sensitivity of the Seated Straight-Leg Raise Test Compared with the Supine Straight-Leg Raise Test in Patients Presenting With Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Lumbar Nerve Root Compression. Arch Phys. Med Rehabil. 2007; 88 (7):840-3.

 Rabin A, Irrgang JJ, Fitzgerald GK et. al. The Intertester Reliability of the Modified Scapular Assistance Test. J. Ortho. Sport. Phys. Ther. 2006; 36 (9):653-660.

 Rabin A. Is There Evidence to Support the Use of Eccentric Strengthening Exercises to Decrease Pain and Increase Function in Patients with Patellar Tendinopathy? Phys. Ther. 2006; 86(3):450-6.

Lectures and presentations:  Rehabilitation Following Shoulder Stabilization Surgery. Annual Meeting of the Israeli Society of Sports Medicine, Ramt-Gan Israel, 2012.  Weight Bearing and Non Weight Bearing Ankle Dorsiflexion: Are We Measuring the Same Thing? APTA, Combined Sections Meeting, Chicago, IL 2012.  Measures of Range of Motion and Strength Among Healthy Females With Differing Quality of Lower Extremity Movement pattern. Wingate Conference, 2012.  2011, Physical Therapy for Shoulder Disorders, 31st Annual Meeting of the Israel Orthopaedic Association, Tel-Aviv, Israel. Alon Rabin page 4

 2011, Treatment-based Classification for Acute Low Back Pain, Haifa University, Haifa, Israel  2009, The Use of Diagnostic Indices in Physical Therapy Practice, Meeting of the Israeli, Physiotherapy Society, Tel-Aviv, Israel.  2008, Treatment-based Classification for Acute Low Back Pain, The 28th Annual Meeting of the Israel Orthopedic Association, Jerusalem, Israel.  2008, Treatment-based Classification for Acute Low Back Pain, Multi- Discipline Approach in the Management of Low Back Pain, Tel-Aviv, Israel.

Present Academic Activities:  Directing a clinical study in collaboration with the "Israeli Defense Forces – Physical Therapy Service" into the quality of movement and factors associated with it among patients with patellofemoral pain syndrome. Data collection is underway.  Directing a multi-site clinical research project in collaboration with “Clalit Health Services” examining the validity of a diagnostic test to identify scapular motion impairment in patients with shoulder pain.