Port of Lopez

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Port of Lopez


CALL TO ORDER The Board of Commissioners for the Port of Lopez met in regular session on October 8 at the airport building office. Chairman Bruce Dunlop called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Present were Commissioners Steve Adams and Dan Post, Secretary Helen Cosgrove and guests.

PUBLIC HEARING – 2016 BUDGET Dunlop opened up the public hearing. Cosgrove noted that two separate funds are being created, one for airport and one for non- airport; reserve account funds will be transferred to airport fund. Dunlop suggested calling it the Port fund. Cosgrove will check with the County Auditor to see if she has a preference. All property taxes will be going to Port fund. The budget for the port fund is $107,950; airport fund is $471,360 and the debt service fund is $54,370. There was a question about the income for the Channel Road farming. Cosgrove said it was under unimproved land in the amount of $504 per year. There being no more comments the public hearing was closed.

REGULAR BUSINESS A. Approval of Minutes for October 8 Post moved, seconded by Dunlop to approve the minutes for October 8 as presented. The motion passed with Adams abstaining.

B. Approval of Vouchers and Payroll Additional expenses included surveying, webcam repair and installation, tree removal, engineering for master plan update and GO bond payment. It was suggested that the tree clearing job be inspected and approved prior to payment being made. Post moved, seconded by Dunlop to approve vouchers in the amount of $8,034.41, $17,251.50 (engineering), $32,808.35 (tree clearing), $40,566.86 (GO bond payment) and payroll in the amount of $710.00. The motion passed unanimously.

C. Review of Correspondence 1. WPPA – letter re: budget and 2016 dues. 2. Thanksgiving card from Enduris 3. Port of Kalama – quarterly Trade Winds report

D. Financial Report Cosgrove distributed general and reserve fund reports. There is currently ($18,827.65) in the general fund; $177,000 in reserve fund and ($16,954) in debt service fund; will have to transfer money from reserve account and expect to receive $15,000 from the FAA. During the month completed SCIP update, updated based aircraft, completed WSDOT Aviation System Plan Update for airport inventory and data survey and updated Delphi to be able to process payment requests from the FAA.

E. Advisory Report Walker reported he had walked the runway and picked up the usual debris; vegetation starting to grow in runway will spray when it’s dry; cut down branches encroaching into taxiway from the lower hangars.

F. Personal Appearances It was asked about the separation of the funds as Post had asked to have done over the past few years and if the purchase of the Fisherman Bay property was legal since it was purchased with airport dollars, has the FAA been approached to see if the use of dollars was proper. Dunlop explained the FAA is concerned about monies generated from airport properties being spent on airport expenses; tax dollars were used to purchase the Fish Bay property because the Port has never generated enough income from its rentals to cover all the expenses of the airport, so any excess is actually tax dollars collected. Post noted there are now two separate accounts, tax monies go to Port fund and revenues generated at the airport to the Airport fund.

There was a question about what was going on with the Crawford property. Dunlop said there is an agreed upon purchase and sale agreement; currently waiting for the appraisal to be done. Wondered what the plan was for the property. Dunlop explained that a number of trees encroach into safety zone; considered a severe safety issue and will remove the trees that are encroaching into the air space.

G. Commissioner Reports None

1 H. Commissioners Additions to the Agenda Adams asked to add meeting space under new business.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Signage – Fish Bay Property Cosgrove presented a sign concept; it will measure 12 inches by 18 inches. Post asked about a sign denoting where the private property starts. Cosgrove to order some of those also.

B. Noise Abatement Dunlop asked if the problem is so big that a formal plan needs to be created or if it can be simpler. Adams talked to the FAA and was informed that there are not specific guidelines; there can only be a recommendation per the FAA; suggested language for a sign and to put it by the taxi area; said when he sees signage he will comply with the request; thinks pilots would consider the sign. Dunlop suggested: On departure please consider the neighbors, fly quietly; better than giving them directions as to where to fly; there are things the pilots can do to be more sensitive; might reduce noise rather than move it. Post presented two brochures, one from Orcas and the other from Friday Harbor; suggested the Port should design one for Lopez.

NEW BUSINESS A. Shark Reef Property – Clearing, Landscaping, Metal Shed The clearing has been completed. Dan Currier presented a diagram suggesting fencing and landscape options that would make the parcel more attractive. The shop building could be screened or fenced. Post thinks the neighbors should be consulted about what they would like; doesn’t want to do something the adjoining property owner doesn’t approve of. Joe Thornton appreciated what Currier did; likes parts of it, but not all; read a letter; suggested planting Leland Cypress trees; fence not necessary; would maintain plantings; would like fence between properties installed to prevent public use of land; would like to see the Port sell the property. Adams said move ahead with Currier’s basic proposal; screening Thornton’s house and the shop; planting them in the next few weeks; Adams and Thornton to meet and discuss further. Dunlop said there are trees on Thornton’s property that still need to be removed along with trees on Ashe property; Rousseau’s is basically done; not interested in putting up a fence would prefer more trees. Adams noted that some work needs to be done on the driveway. Will separate the projects into two

B. Resolution 2015-06 – Renaming Funds Cosgrove read the resolution. Adams moved, seconded by Post to approve resolution 2015-06. The motion passed unanimously.

C. Resolution 2015-07 – 2016 Tax Levy Cosgrove read the resolution. Adams moved, seconded by Dunlop. Post said the Port shouldn’t take the 1% property tax increase. Adams and Dunlop voted aye, Post opposed. The motion passed.

D. Resolution 2015-08 – 2016 Budget Adams asked about the unfunded FAA expenses; wanted it decreased to $27,000 and to put the remaining amount of $20,000 in reserve for capital improvements. Dunlop proposed that the amount transferred from the Port fund to the Airport fund cover all operating expenses rather than using the cash reserves, not decrease the beginning cash of $140,000 down to $113,000. Post said he would prefer to leave the dollars in the Port fund not put it in the Airport fund. Adams agreed with Dunlop but would go either way. Post suggested that in the future monies could be put in the Airport fund that doesn’t deplete the existing cash in the Airport fund. Adams moved, seconded by Post to approve resolution 2015-08. The motion passed unanimously.

E. Survey of Fisherman Bay Landing Zone Cosgrove reported she received two estimates; one at $7,500 and the other between $5,000 and $7,000. Dunlop asked if there is any chance to decrease the amount of the scope. The DNR asked to have the survey done to ensure the proposed leased site is properly delineated to prevent the installation of any buoys in the area. Dunlop proposed making a call to the DNR to see if their needs can be met with less of a cost for the Port. Post felt the survey wasn’t needed.

F. Meeting Space Adams said that with the increase of people attending the meetings that a larger area was needed and suggested removing the walls of the storage room, putting the items in the storage room into the existing office and enlarging the waiting room. Post suggested meeting at the library. Cosgrove said that it can only be booked for 3 months in advance and is often times in use. By consensus, it was agreed to make the changes.

ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:56 p.m.


Chairman Secretary


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