Dhisco Big Data Challenge

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Dhisco Big Data Challenge


THIS NONDISCLOSURE AGREEMENT (“Agreement”) is effective as of ______, 2017, and is made by and between DHISCO, INC., with an address for purposes of this Agreement at 5430 LBJ Freeway, Suite 1100, Dallas, Texas 75240, and ______, with an address for purposes of this Agreement at ______, to protect the confidential or proprietary nature of information to be disclosed by the parties to each other with respect to a matter of mutual interest.

1. To facilitate participation the DHISCO/UNT Big Data loss, theft or unauthorized disclosure or use of the other Challenge and include discussions and meetings between party’s Confidential Information. the parties with respect to matters of mutual interest and f. To return promptly to the other party, or to the project between them, either party hereto may disclose destroy, any copies of the other party’s Confidential to the other technical and/or business information in Information in written, graphic or other tangible form in its written, graphic, oral or other tangible or intangible forms possession, and to promptly delete from its electronic including, but not limited to, specifications, records, data, systems and storage media all of the other party’s names, computer programs, drawings, schematics, know- Confidential Information residing thereon. The obligations how, notes, models, reports and samples. Such information in this paragraph 2(f) apply to all material, in tangible or is “Confidential Information” for purposes of this electronic form, prepared by the receiving party that Agreement. incorporates or is based on the other party’s Confidential 2. Each party agrees: Information. a. All Confidential Information is and shall remain the g. Neither the disclosure of Confidential Information exclusive property of the disclosing party. nor this Agreement shall be construed as a license to make, b. Not to disclose or reveal the other party’s use or sell the Confidential Information or products derived Confidential Information other than to individuals who have therefrom. a need to know the Confidential Information in order for the 3. Neither party hereto makes any warranty of any type as parties to accomplish the purposes described in paragraph 1 to any Confidential Information disclosed by it hereunder. above (collectively, the "Permitted Personnel") all of whom 4. This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the are bound by no less restrictive requirements than those laws of the State of Texas without regard to any conflicts of contained in this Agreement and all of whom have been laws principles and exclusive venue for any dispute or claim directed to maintain the confidentiality of the other party’s related to this Agreement shall be in the courts located in Confidential Information. Dallas County, Texas. d. To use the other party’s Confidential Information 5. The term of this Agreement is one (1) year from its only for purposes of work, services or analysis related to the effective date. purposes described in paragraph 1 above.

e. To use reasonable measures to protect against the DHISCO/UNT Big Data Challenge Participant

By: Name:


This agreement is between Team Member #1 ______and Team Member #2______, Team Member #3 ______, and Team Member #4 ______. We agree as follows: 1. Each of us, individually, is free to use any programming concept shared, discovered, or created during the DHISCO/UNT Big Data Challenge. 2. Each of us agrees to abide by the Non-Disclosure signed by each team member. 3. Each of us hereby grants a full, non-exclusive, free license to the other to use any code or binaries from the above project. This means that each of us, individually, is free to use anything we create for the project above as part of a separate larger project with a significant amount of additional functionality. In the event that the project above is successful, we'll take reasonable efforts to come to a new agreement with the goal of creating a separate approach to manage and develop the project further

three lincoln centre • 5430 lbj freeway • suite 1100 • dallas, tx 75240 • 214.234.4000 tel • dhisco.com DHISCO/UNT Big Data Challenge Participants

#1 Name: #3 Name:

#2 Name: ______#4 Name:

three lincoln centre • 5430 lbj freeway • suite 1100 • dallas, tx 75240 • 214.234.4000 tel • dhisco.com

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