Dear Parents,

As our students endeavor to make beautiful music, we want them to experience success on a regular basis so that they are motivated to continue in this wonderful pursuit of lifelong music making. Some ways in which we do this includes documenting progress, respecting individuality, and communicating regularly.

In order to document progress, assessable and attainable goals must be set and communicated. As teachers, we want to make sure we are setting specific weekly goals for our students that are challenging, yet attainable and embedded within the student’s long-term goals. Doing so seems to really encourage students because their teachers are constantly helping them take notice of their progress.

We recognize that we have very diverse students in terms of musical goals and abilities, and our priority is in helping every student reach his/her particular goals. Those attending prep school recitals readily observe that some want to make music as adults, some want to learn piano before learning another instrument, some want to be church musicians, and some want to have careers as musicians etc. We believe the contract reflects our value and embracement of this diversity as nothing is mentioned about the length of time a student practices or about specific goals a student must attain. The student must obtain his/her goals by being faithful to practicing the amount of time necessary to meet those goals. If we have a student who wants to make music as an adult, and can only legitimately practice 25 minutes a day for 5 days a week, we will set goals that are attainable within these parameters. The contract can be altered by the parent/teacher/student to meet the student’s need. The key is communication!

Communication between parents and teachers: Parents are encouraged to communicate directly with teachers as much as possible.  If your student is in elementary school, please come to the last five minutes of your student’s lesson to observe the lesson review and communicate with the teacher in person.  If your student is in middle or high school, please check the weekly report. Additionally, please arrange with the teacher to attend the first part of one lesson midway through the semester for the purpose of communicating in person regarding your student’s progress. If this is not possible, please initiate contact via email or phone.

Communication between music prep director and parents: Please feel free to communicate with me. You are never a bother. I love to hear positive feedback about how your student is progressing or about positive musical experiences, but I also need to know about any problems so that they can be addressed promptly.

Thank you for being a part of Maranatha Music Prep School!

Janet Tschida Director | Maranatha Music Prep Director Assistant Professor | Maranatha Baptist University [email protected] | | 920.342.2351 Maranatha Music Prep Music Learning Readiness Agreement

To demonstrate my commitment to music study, I agree to abide by the following to the best of my ability: At the Lesson:  Bringing ALL of my materials to each lesson (including my notebook and my signed, weekly report).  Arriving on time for my lessons (Occasionally, being late is beyond one’s control. Please do not make a habit of being late).  Silencing my electronic devices before entering the studio.  Asking my family/friends to wait outside the studio if they are disruptive in any way (esp. young ones).  Missing lessons only for family emergencies or sickness.  Communicating openly and honestly with my teacher (if you have any problems or frustrations with music lessons, please talk face-to-face with your teacher ASAP).  Informing my teacher the lesson BEFORE if the next week will present a problem in practicing (for example: if you will be at a tournament for 3 days and no piano is available).

At Home:  Scheduling and practicing at least 5 days a week in an uninterrupted location. Below are the times I intend to practice (example: 6:00-6:30 PM): Day Practice Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

 Reading through my weekly assignment each day that I practice and practicing my assignments as instructed.  Focusing during my practice time.  Practicing until I meet my weekly assignment goals (if the goals seem too easy or too difficult, please communicate openly with your teacher). These assignments may include weekly flashcards, theory, listening, improvisation/composition assignment if applicable.  Not arguing with my parents when they try to help me in any way with my music (including practicing reminders).

Throughout the Year:  Evaluation Program: I agree to participate in an evaluation program this year (fees vary by program and are the paid for by the participant—the range is $20-$35). Evaluation program options include WSMA, WACS, Federation, Guild, Maranatha High School Competition, and others.  Recitals: I plan to attend and participate in one of the Fall Recitals and one of the Winter Recitals (absence exceptions include illness, inclement weather, or a family emergency). See the calendar for dates.  Concert Attendance: I will attend one concert of my choice this year.

I understand that if there are five incidents in one semester where I fail to abide by this agreement, I will not be able to enroll in Maranatha Music Prep School the following semester.

Student Signature:______Date:______

To help my child grow and advance in his/her musical education, I will be supportive in enforcing this agreement. Parent Signature:______Date:______