CST External Advancement Board Meeting Minutes

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CST External Advancement Board Meeting Minutes

CST External Advancement Board Meeting Minutes

Friday, November 2, 2012

I. Call to order – Rick Kaiser

 Welcome & overview of the day

 Approval of the May 18, 2012 Meeting Minutes with no changes (Rick Kaiser motioned to approve, Dave Kennerud seconded, minutes approved unanimously)

II. Dean’s Report - What’s happened in CST since the last time we met?

 Hiring new faculty

o Five outstanding new faculty members hired

o Chemistry

o Biology

o Director of SMATE

o Physics/Astronomy

o Geology

o Seven new faculty searches launched

o Chemistry (2)

o ETEC (2)

o Biology

o Geology

o Computer Science

 Start Engineering@Western

o Engineering Lite

o Our proposed decision package for Engineering@Western went forward

o 2nd decision package – expand SMATE

o 3rd decision package – Energy Studies o Breaking news – a proposal to expand our Computer Science program has received encouragement at high levels

 Strengthening Linkages


o 1st sponsored project launched Jan. 2012

o 4 additional projects launched Fall 2012

o 4 more projects scheduled Winter 2013

o Additional sponsors lining up ( ̴12 so far)

o Search for CAP faculty director in progress

o Alignment with local industry (TAG, Technology Alliance Group)

o New contractual partnership with TAG signed

o Authority for considering TDC alternatives

o Academic Partnerships

o Computer security joint NSF project (WCC)

o Quest for new facilities: New STEM Education Building for campus

o Not highly ranked through the state’s budget process

o No State money for planning phase

o Not gone but not as high of a priority

o YOYO future

o Building our Development/Advancement Potential

i. Refocusing the Western Foundation

ii. Introducing DeNel Stoltz

iii. Focusing and aligning our department efforts

iv. Initial CST development target established

o Progress on the CST-EAB Focus Projects o Video


o Collaboratory prototype

o Planetarium

o Sabbatical Shangri-La

 Dean’s Goals for this academic year – Spring 2013

o Accelerate Engineering@Western

o Accelerate EAB Focus Projects

o Accelerate CST partnerships (CAP, TAG, EPICS, etc.)

o Rebuild Computer Science and its vision

o Hire 7 new CST faculty

o Resurrect the STEM Building momentum

o Execute this year’s development plan

 Q & A about Dean’s Report

o Jeff will put together talking points for communicating with politicians

o Sherry Burkey to present at next EAB meeting?

o Provost next meeting? Bill Lyne?

III. Brad Johnson

 Introduction of faculty

o Ken Rines

o Andrew Boudreaux

IV. Focus Projects – Matthew Dunn facilitated the discussion

 Brainstorming

o How to approach each one

o Think big! Example: Planetarium  Problem Statement Exercise: Write an answer to: “What problem are we trying to solve?” Multiple answers were listed and discussed.

o “The CST Advancement Board focus projects aim to solve the problem of creating external and internal support and resources to help CST achieve its goals.”

 Videos

o The product is good, but how do we use it? Videos are not yet actively used in a targeted strategy, but have been used to promote the college at select community presentations thus far (TAG, Rotary, Board of Trustees).

o Videos will be shown at Pickford as movie trailers for seven days during Thanksgiving weekend

o Videos will be put on CST web page

o Videos will be used by DeNel/Foundation in visits to prospective donors

o The message/product is good. We need a plan to use them. Truc stated that the Foundation Trustees would like to see the videos to help promote CST and WWU

o Showed Geology video

 Sabbatical Shangri-La

o Jeff’s passion to attract important faculty

o What can we offer them?

o This is doable, but we need to know who is targeted by the departments/faculty first.


o Maintain and improve student experience

o Real projects for students

o Expands teaching bandwidth and brings in resources

 Collaboratory

o We need to create the infrastructure and philosophy, which WWU does not presently have

o Interactivity

o Distance education is expensive o Getting education “out there”

o Single distributed classrooms take the same course concurrently (at high school/community college/4-year WWU)

o Students get experience of what it is like to take college-level challenging classes

 Planetarium

o Multi-dimensions

o How can we leverage planetarium & its media to other college applications and the community?

o Current infrastructure is insufficient

 Let’s add Engineering@Western and rebuilding Computer Science as focus projects

V. Lunch w/Student & Faculty presentations

VI. Video – AMSEC solar power

VII. Discussion: What focus projects should be dropped (general observations)?

 Strengthening our undergraduate programs should be key

 All projects have strengths, but timing may be an issue

 We have many good ideas. We need maximum results for minimum resources. Three focus projects were identified and members broke into groups to discuss next steps and strategies to move forward:

o Video project

o Engineering@Western

o Computer Science

 Possible drop items

o Sabbatical Shangri-La (Needs more work & targeted visiting faculty)

o Planetarium good idea, but:

o Needs faculty buy-in/direction)

o Planetariums are important for public relations

o What is the problem of the planetarium? o Over 10,000 people visit the planetarium every year (mostly students)

o Do we keep current asset or expand it to a new facility?

o Parking is a major problem for any event at WWU

o Collaboratory (Needs WWU admin and faculty buy-in and resolution of using open source)

o CAP – is up and running and does not need to be a focus of the EAB

 Engineering @Western needs most immediate action  advocacy

o Electrical

o Materials

o Mechanical

o We need input from local industries/industrial partners

o Very few plastics schools out there

VIII. Overall Recommendations

 Collaboratory, Planetarium, Sabbatical Shangri-La shelved as focus projects of EAB at present.

 Focus Group members selected

 Next meeting have a CAP student make a presentation

 Find out how we best advocate for Engineering@Western

 Find out how to advocate for strengthening CS@Western

IX. DeNel Stoltz, WWU Foundation CST major gift officer (began August 1, 2012)

 Her background, University of Oregon director of development: School of Music & Dance 9 yrs (university-wide $853 million campaign), College of Arts and Sciences 7 yrs (university-wide $255 million campaign).

 WWU in 2nd year of $50 million campaign silent phase. About 5 more years in campaign. WWU currently brings in about $3 million per year, and campaign goals are to sustainably double the annual fundraising dollars. New direction in Foundation with Joseph Hunter as Sr. Director of Leadership Gifts. Bequests are now being booked and counted in the campaign (if donor signs a Bequest Intent Form and will reach age 70 by end of campaign). CST $400,000 per year average donations. Goal for this year is ambitious = $1,000,000.

X. Bylaws

 Will be sent out by email for approval.

 The major shift in the Bylaws is a strong focus for Board members’ roles in fund raising

XI. Close of meeting

 Bylaws will be emailed out to everyone

 Rick will solicit donations to Pinky Nelson Fund by email

 Next meeting date TBD @ Shannon Point Marine Center in Spring (April or May 2013)

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