Waukesha Business Improvement District

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Waukesha Business Improvement District

DRAFT 20123 Operating Plan

Waukesha Business Improvement District 802 N. Grand Avenue, Waukesha, Wisconsin 53186 www.DowntownWaukesha.com (262)549-6154 Table of Contents

1 Table of Contents

Table of Contents 1

Preface 2

General Information 2

Mission and Purpose 3

District Boundaries 3

Special Assessment Tool 3

Board of Directors 4

Committee Objectives 5

Promotion of Orderly Development 7

Strategic Planning 8

Operating Budget and Expenditures 9

Financing Methods and Time Frames 9

Exhibit A: District Map 10

Exhibit B: Operating Budget 11

Exhibit C: Board of Director Appointments 12

Exhibit D: Operating Plan Certification 13

2 Preface

In 1984, the State of Wisconsin created Section 66.608 (currently Section 66.1109) of the Wisconsin Statutes that gives cities the authority to establish Business Improvement Districts for the following purpose:

“To allow businesses within those districts to develop, to manage and promote districts, and to establish an assessment method to fund these activities.”

Upon petition from Downtown Waukesha property owners, the City of Waukesha established the Waukesha Business Improvement District (BID) in 1985 to manage and promote the District’s interests. Currently, the BID is the only organization of its kind in the City of Waukesha and the longest operating agency within the State of Wisconsin.

Pursuant to Section 66.1109 of the Wisconsin Statutes, the BID Board of Directors prepared the following 2013 Operating Plan.

General Information

The City of Waukesha is located in the southeastern region of the State of Wisconsin and holds the prestige of serving as the Waukesha County seat. It is fifteen (15) miles west of Milwaukee and approximately seventy (70) miles east of Madison.

Rich in history, Downtown Waukesha is a pedestrian-friendly, urban destination that has been energized by more than $35 million in new development in recent years. Its mix of historic buildings and new developments cater to an excellent variety of restaurants, unique shops, a thriving arts and culture community, an amazing Riverwalk, a luxury boutique hotel, and beautifully-appointed apartments and condominiums. Ample parking is available on the streets, in numerous parking lots, and in two (2) municipal parking ramps.

In 2002, the BID was instrumental in working with the City of Waukesha to relocate a spring- house in the center of the Downtown to the Riverwalk to restore two-way vehicular traffic. This important undertaking has not only increased traffic, but has spurred economic development.

Within the immediate Downtown, the BID encompasses nearly 155 acres, which includes approximately 1,055,713 square feet of commercial space. Additionally, several hundred housing units contribute to the BID’s growing residential base, and diversity of businesses attract customers and clients from a wide geographical area.

3 Mission and Purpose

Mission Statement:

“To be a resource, advocate and partner for all BID stakeholders by monitoring and promoting the viability, health and direction of Downtown Waukesha.”


The BID assists with the development, redevelopment, maintenance, operation and promotion within its jurisdiction to:

 Achieve a high level of economic and financial health for mutual benefit of both the District and the City.  Create a unified, quality image of the Downtown as the center of activities, goods and services for shoppers, investors, tourists, residents and other retailers.  Improve Downtown planning by working with business leaders, elected officials and constituents.  Attract customers by making the Downtown aesthetically pleasing and offering a variety of products, services and activities in a safe and clean environment.

District Boundaries

The current BID boundaries are as follows:

 From the center line of St. Paul Avenue at Mary Street, move north to include the Barstow Building  Move south on Barstow Street crossing the Fox River at the dam to Baxter Street  Move south from Baster Street at N. East Avenue to the intersection of White Rock Avenue and Main Street  Move south on Pleasant Street then west to N. East Avenue, including those properties facing Main Street  Move south on the center line of N. East Avenue to Wisconsin Avenue  Move west on Wisconsin Avenue, including those properties on both sides of the street, to St. Paul Avenue  Move east along the center line of St. Paul Avenue to Mary Street

See Exhibit A for a BID Map

Special Assessment Tool

The BID’s assessment method is based on the current assessed value of real property within the District, of which residential real property is exempt. The current assessment base is

4 approximately INSERT NUMBER (Will not have official number until November of 2011) $52,682,300. In 20123, the assessment rate will be $2.80 per $1,000.00 of assessed value, which will result in a revenue of $147,747.

Board of Directors

Appointments and Terms of Office:

According to the BID’s By-Laws (adopted in November 1995 and amended in September 1996, September, 1999, April 2003, and April of 2010, and of 2012) the Board of Directors consists of thirteen (13) seven (7) directors that are appointed by the Mayor and are confirmed by the Common Council, Board members are appointed for staggered, two-year terms in November and take office in December.

A majority (50%) of the Board members shall own or occupy real property in the Waukesha Business Improvement District, with a minimum of three (3) property owners and three (3) commercial business occupants or residents within the District. Hired by the Board of Directors, tThe agency’s Executive Director if any is a non-voting member of the body.

See Exhibit C for the 2011 2012-2013 BID Board of Directors Roster with Term Limits of appointment.


The Bid Board of Directors is the sole policy-making authority for the agency. The Board of Directors is responsible for:

 Hiring, reviewing, and terminating the Executive Director  Approving quarterly work plans and performance agents  Maintaining fiduciary controls and integrity  Preparing an Annual Report  Developing and recommending Approving the Operating Plan on an annual basis for approval by the Common Council  Entering into contracts to further the organization’s goals

Meetings and records of the Board of Directors are open to the public and shall comply with State of Wisconsin open meetings and public records laws. Any non-member of the Board of Directors public that attend meetings may have the opportunity to be heard at the discretion of the Board President.

5 In 20123, BID Board of Directors meetings will be held at the call of the President or as provided for in Sec. 3.07 of the BID’s By-Laws 7:30 a.m. on the second Thursday of each month at The Rotunda, 235 W. Broadway Street in Waukesha., or at such other location as may be determined by the Board.

Committee Objectives Organization

The BID maintains such committees as it finds necessary from time to time and shall determine their duties and responsibilities.(6) standing committees, which include: the Executive Committee, the Finance Committee, the Downtown Development Committee, the Downtown Environmentsl & Streetscape Committee, the Marketing Committee, and the Recruitment & Retention Committee. A brief description of the objectives for each committee follows:

Executive Committee: Date: Monthly at the BID Office on the second Tuesday at 5p.m.

 Consists of these Board Members: President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, and the Past President  Sets the agenda for each meeting of the Board of Directors  Monitors committee work  Maintains and expands public/private partnerships  Reviews agency contracts  Provides direction on agency operations

Finance Committee: Date: Quarterly at the BID Office

 Ensures the fiscal health and integrity of the BID  Identifies sources of revenue that further the purpose of the BID  Acts as a conduit for donations to aid in the creation of a BID building maintenance fund  Assists the Downtown Development Committee with budgeting assistance for development projects  Explores down payment assistance programs for relocating workers that are interested in walking to work  Works with lending institutions to create business and residential lending programs

6 Downtown Development Committee: Date: Monthly at the BID Office on the fourth Wednesday at 8 a.m.

 Implements programs that encourage quality development and redevelopment in the BID  Collects and review existing guidelines for building improvements and refer appropriate ordinance standards  Maintains a comprehensive listing of available properties for development within the BID  Develops relationships with the owners of vacant redevelopment sites  Creates a developer and business outreach strategy and conduct quarterly meetings

Committee Objectives, continued…

Downtown Environment & Streetscape Committee: Date: Monthly at the BID Office on the second Tuesday at 4:30 p.m.

 Implements programs that improve the visual image of the BID  Creates positive first impressions of the Downtown  Explores the possibility of bike racks, a pet exercise area and other amenities within the Downtown  Collects and reviews existing guidelines for building improvements and refer appropriate ordinance standards  Administers the Community Development Block Grant funds for façade improvements. Awnings, and signage  Works with businesses on environmentally-friendly solutions for rain water collection and roof-top lighting

Marketing Committee: Date: Monthly at The Steaming Cup (340 W. Main St.) on the third Tuesday at 7:30 a.m.

 Implements marketing strategies that promote Downtown Waukesha as a vibrant place to live, work, shop, eat and play  Encourages all Downtown occupants to be positive with their customers  Develops good relationships with the media  Promotes the BID in local, regional and statewide media outlets  Explores and implements ideas to draw Riverwalk visitors into the Downtown shopping area  Researches and implements marketing and event strategies that increase consumer traffic and spending  Works with BID businesses to obtain client zip codes to build a customer-centric marketing plan  Promotes the importance of residents within the Downtown

Recruitment & Retention Committee: Date: Monthly at the BID Office on the fourth Wednesday at 4:30 p.m.

 Implements programs that aid in the recruitment of new businesses and the retention of existing businesses

7  Reviews committee goals and work with the Mayor’s Office and the Community Development Department to establish comprehensive recruitment and retention plans  Maintains a comprehensive listing of available space within the BID  Collect and analyze data captured by pedestrian counters  Creates an outreach plan to assist businesses with their needs Additional Committees and Taskforces:

In addition to these standing committees, the organization forms planning committees and taskforces to manage special events and undertake initiatives that benefit the BID. This includes: the Art Fest Committee; the Waukesha Farmer’s Market Committee; the Diva Day & Men’s Shopping Night Committee; a JanBoree Event Committee; and a Parking Taskforce.

Promotion of Orderly Development

Due to the integral relationship between the vitality of the Downtown and the overall health of the City, the BID works tirelessly to build and maintain relationships with City elected officials and departments for the promotion of orderly development. The BID’s 2012 Operating Plan, which is consistent with the City’s vision for the Downtown, includes the following:

 Improving the visual appeal of the Downtown  Retaining and attracting businesses within the BID  Marketing the Downtown  Assist with funding Planning and sponsoring events and festivals within the BID  Encouraging advantageous development and redevelopment within the BID

Central City Comprehensive Master Plan

In 1999, the City of Waukesha’s Common Council adopted the “Central City Comprehensive Master Plan” to guide public and private investment decisions within the Downtown. Due to the fact that many of the aspects of the plan were completed, the 1999 document was retired and a new planning process commenced in 2010. It is anticipated that The Master Plan and any amendments thereto adopted by the Common Council shall guide the BID in its planning efforts. will adopt this plan in the fourth quarter of 2011.

8 Strategic Planning

2008-2011 Strategic Plan Central City Master Plan:

In June of 2007, the BID Board of Directors sought proposals from independent consultants for strategic planning process facilitation and the creation of a 2008-2011 Strategic Plan. During the first quarter of 2008, the BID established a Strategic Planning Committee that worked with the consultant to identify the direction of the BID over the plan’s duration. The process included: conducting stakeholder survey using Zoomerang; identifying mandates, stakeholders and strategic issues; revising the mission and vision; and developing goals and objectives. From there, a chart of measurable outcomes with completion dates was developed, and each BID standing committee was assigned objectives to help the organization achieve the following goals. The City of Waukesha through its Community Development Department has developed a “Central City Master Plan” dated October 31, 2012, a copy of which is available from the City of Waukesha. Said Master Plan shall be used to establish goals and objectives for the BID in its annual Operating Plan.


1. Ninety percent (90%) of all commercial property in the BID is occupied by solid businesses by 2011.

2. All properties and public areas in the BID adhere to design guidelines and in the next three years achieve the implementation of five new rehabilitation projects.

3. Improve the perception of Downtown safety by surveying the public and finding that perception about safety is no longer a major concern.

9 4. Address the negative perception of Downtown and increase the amount of media coverage by twenty percent (20%) each year.

5. Attract three new developers to develop three new projects on already identified sites in the Downtown.

6. Attract sixty (60) new, owner-occupied residential units within the BID by 2011.

7. Guide the upgrade and maintenance of Downtown infrastructure, gateways and Riverwalk to reflect on the City’s past and look to the future.

8. Increase consumer traffic and sales in Downtown by twenty-five percent (25%) by 2011.

9. Remove the negative perception of “No Parking Downtown.”

Operating Budget and Expenditures

The 2012 BID Operating Budget will maintain a January 1, 2012 through December 31, 2012 fiscal year and anticipates revenues of $291,025.00. Of this amount $145,883.00 is expected from the special assessment; $10,780.00 is planned for the City’s Hometown Contribution; $300 is anticipated from earned interest; $12,162 is projected for a maintenance contribution from the City to support the Downtown environment; $16,000 in grants from the Community Development Block Grand Program for building façade improvements, awnings and signage; $1,800.00 in interest on the special assessment; and $104,000.00 in promotional fundraising and special projects revenue.

All expenditures will be made to further the goals of the BID, including, expenditures for:

 Administration and Management  Downtown Development and Image  Promotions

2013 BID Operations & Goals

The primary purpose of the BID shall be to provide financial support to organizations desiring to conduct activities and events within the Business Improvement District that support and enhance the goals of the BID. The BID shall collect funds from various sources and shall distribute those funds as are available to support downtown activities. The BID will not be the primary body for the development and administration of events and activities. There are a number of downtown organizations that currently sponsor and administer events and activities designed to improve the business climate within the BID.

Upon application for financial support for these events and activities, the BID Board shall review each such application for financial support and provide such support as it, in its sole discretion, deems appropriate. Any organization receiving financial support from the BID shall be required

10 to provide the BID an accounting of the use of such funds at the time and in the form of its choosing.

All expenditures by the BID Board shall be for:

 Making the Downtown more vibrant to enhance the business climate in the District  Administration and management  Downtown Development and Enhance its Image  Promotions and advertising of District Businesses  Physical appearance of the downtown  Promote vacant properties for appropriate occupancy

Expenditures will be made by order of the BID Board Directors, in accordance with policies and procedures established by this appointed body and Wisconsin Statutes.

Financing Methods and Time Frames

The BID will implement the 20123 Operating Plan with revenues received from:

1. Special Ad Valorem Assessments

2. Direct contributions from the City of Waukesha

32. Private funds raised through donor-advised solicitations

43. Revenues from event and project fees

54. Public and private grants

Special assessments will be collected once per year in coordination with regular property tax collections. Other sources of revenue will be solicited through the year as required. All assessments and other funds collected for the benefit of the BID will be maintained in a segregated account.

11 Exhibit B: Operating Budget


Ad Valorem Assessments $ 147,747.00

Interest Income $ 300.00

Grant Revenue(CDBG) $ 15,000.00

Interest on Assessments $ 1,800.00

Events & Fundraising $ 100,000.00

Appropriation of Reserves $ 150,000.00

TOTAL REVENUE $ 414,847.00


Wages & Benefits $ 50,000.00 Rents & Utilities $ 16,500.00 Auditing & Accounting $ 3,000.00 Printing & Postage & Telephone $ 14,300.00 Advertising $ 22,000.00 Contract Services (sidewalk sweeping, etc.) $ 25,000.00 Computer & Operating $ 19,500.00 Grants and Financial Support $ 69,547.00  Friday Night Live  Art Crawls  Farmer’s Market  GuitarTown  Christmas Parade  Silver Bells  Other Streetscape Improvements $ 160,000.00 Contingency $ 5,000.00 Façade/Sign Grants $ 15,000.00

12 Christmas Street Decorations $ 15,000.00

TOTAL EXPENSES $ 414,847.00

13 Exhibit C: Board of Director Appointments

Board Member Affiliation Term Expiration

Sandy Cianciolo District Business Owner November 2013 Mia’s Restaurant

Ed Henschel At-Large Member November 2013 City Hall City Administrator

Bill Huelsman District Business Owner November 2014 Berg Management

Ron Lostetter At-Large Member November 2014 Carroll University

Nick Martinez District Business Owner November 2014 Martinez Law & Mediation

Jim Taylor District Business Owner November 2014 Taylor’s People’s Park

Natalie Walters District Business November 2013 Waukesha State Bank

Vance Skinner Alderman November 2013

14 Exhibit D: Operating Plan Certification

The City Attorney of the City of Waukesha has reviewed and certified that the 20123 Waukesha Business Improvement District Operating Plan is complete and complies with Section 66.1109 of the Wisconsin State Statutes.

I hereby certify that the attached 20123 Operating Plan of the Waukesha Business Improvement District is complete and complies with Section 66.1109(1)(f) of the Wisconsin State Statutes.

______Curt Meitz Date City Attorney City of Waukesha

______Attest Date


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