Selectapension Drawdown Transfer Value Analysis Calculator – Crystallised Data Template

This data template enables you to collect the relevant data needed from the existing scheme in order to run an analysis on the Selectapension Drawdown Transfer Value Analysis Calculator – Crystallised.

Personal Details

*Title Mr Mrs Ms Miss

Sir Doctor Other



*Sex Male


*Date Of Birth (DD/MM/YY)

*Employment Status Employed Self Employed

Unemployed Unknown

*Partner’s Date Of Birth (DD/MM/YY)

Married Partnered Single *Marital Status

Divorced Widowed Civil Partnership

Unknown N/A

19/09/12 *Health Status Normal Poor Good Unknown

*Any Dependants Yes No Unknown

*Attitude To Risk Low Low to Medium Medium

Medium to High High Unknown

Other N/A

*Lifetime Limit Protection Unknown Enhanced Protection

Primary Protection Fixed Protection None


19/09/12 Existing Scheme Details

*Provider Name

*Product Name

*Type of Plan Personal Pension Occupational Pension

* Proposed Age(s) for Annuity Purchase

*Fund Valuation Date (DD/MM/YY)

*Fund Value

*Current Death Benefit Value

*Crystallised Fund Transfer Value

*Protected Rights included in Transfer Value Yes No

*(If yes to above) PRE 97 £ POST 97 £

*Current Annual Income Being Taken £

*Is the Income the maximum & assumed to be Yes No updated at each review

*Is Income Restricted to 100% GAD Yes No

*Start of Last Reference Period (DD/MM/YY)

*Payment Frequency Monthly Quarterly Half Yearly Yearly

19/09/12 Existing Scheme Details - Projections

*Growth rate Basis (please tick) : Aggregate Rates

Varying Rates (%)

Varying Rates (£)

*If Varying Rates (%): Identify Fund Name, Split % at Low, Medium and High % e.g. Name (Fund 1) Split (50%) Low, Medium and High (4%, 6%, 8%)

*If Varying Rates (£): Identify Fund Name, Split £ at Low, Medium and High % e.g. Name (Fund 1) Split (£50,000) Low, Medium and High (4%, 6%, 8%)

*If Aggregate Rates: The Low, Medium and High % are defaulted to 5% 7% 9%

*Fund Projection Rates (Aggregate) Low Medium High [ ] [ ] [ ]

*Fund Value £ £ £

Existing Scheme Details – Funds

You may select the funds in which this plan is currently invested. This will be used to provide comparison of past performance.

*Fund Name *% Split

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