Lakeland Midget Basketball League, Inc

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Lakeland Midget Basketball League, Inc

2017 – 2018 SEASON


November 6, 2017

Contents Page 4th Grade Rules 1 5th & 6th Grade Rules 2 7th Grade Rules 6 8th Grade Rules 8 Substitution Examples 10

4th (Mini Pee Wee)

 Small ball - 28.5 size, play on 10 ft regulation baskets  10 minute running quarters - last 2 min of 4th quarter is stop on all whistles. Stop whistle at approx. 5 min mark for subs  Man-to-Man defense – o 1st 3 quarters, no blatant double teams, you can play help defense or switch in man-to-man situations. o 4th quarter, any type of half-court defense (i.e. zone, trapping, etc.). If a team is up by 12 or more points, they must play a straight up zone or man- to-man, they are not allowed to trap.  Pass into the front court from back court: o Passes made or intended from an offensive player in the back court to an offensive player in the front court outside the 3 pt arc can’t be intercepted o Passes made or intended from an offensive player in the back court to an offensive player in the front court inside the 3 pt arc can be played and intercepted by the defense  Pressing is allowed in the final 2 minutes of 4th quarter - NO pressing by ANY team if there is 12+ point differential  Foul Shots: can start behind the regular free throw line or start at a hash mark inside. If starting behind foul line, they can go over the foul line. Shooter, no matter where they start, can't go for rebound. If ball bounces to them, that's fine.

1 | P a g e  Player participation: ref blows whistle around the 5 minute mark for subs. Teams with more than 10 can sub when there is a normal stoppage in play (i.e., foul, ball goes out of bounds, etc.)  For 2016-17, 16 game schedule, including playoffs. NO all-star game. Trophies for regular season champ and championship game participants.  Overtime is 2 minutes, stop clock pressing allowed, same as the final two minutes of regulation.  Teams get 4 timeouts for full game, +1 timeout for every overtime period.

5th (Super Pee Wee) & 6th Grade Rules (Pee Wee)

Playing Time:

Super Pee Wee and Pee Wee will play 4 seven-minute timed quarters. The first three quarters will be stopped at approximately the 3:30 mark, based on the referees whistle.

A player must sit out one complete and continuous half segment segment regardless of the number of players on the team, in one of the first two quarters of play (unless they have 6 players, see exception below). The only exception to this is if a team has 6 players, where each player will sit out one segment over the first three periods of play.

Teams will be granted fill allotment of 5 timeouts.

When the referee blows the whistle during mid quarter, the team with the ball shall maintain possession. There should be no loose ball situations, but in case there is, loose balls or shots go to alternating possession.

The substitution rules explained below are still in effect.

1) The five players who start the segment shall play the entire segment (approx. 3:30 minutes), they cannot be substituted for any reason except:  If they are ejected from the game by a referee,  If they collect 5 fouls and are disqualified,  They become injured*  Their team has more than 10 players.

*If injured, and the referee calls an injury time out, the player must be removed from the game. Any player can substitute. If the injury is not severe, the player can return in the same quarter only and only for the player who substituted for the injured player.

The five players who start the game cannot be removed for any other reason (poor play, foul trouble etc.) until the end of that segment.

2 | P a g e At the start of the second segment, five new players must enter the game for both teams. None of the players who played the first segment are eligible to play the second segment unless one of the following conditions exists:

 Either team has fewer than ten players.  Note: All players must sit one complete 3:30 segment regardless of the number of players a team has or injuries. Failure to comply with this rule is a reportable infraction to the League President, Division Coordinator and Disciplinary Committee. The coach will be charged with a technical during that game and reported to the League Disciplinary Committee. The coach will be suspended one game for a second offense. Repeated offenses may result in action by the Disciplinary Committee and may result in further suspension and potential removal.  Both team scorekeepers will need to track the players who do not participate in each segment as well as those who play.  A player who is playing in the second segment is ejected, disqualified or injured and the only players available have already played in the first segment.

For teams that have fewer than 11 players – in quarters where there are split segments, whoever starts the quarter ends the quarter unless there is a disqualification, ejection or injury occurs. It doesn’t matter the quarter, segment or number of players on the other team – whoever starts the segment plays the entire segment. The only exception to this is the following: 1. If they are ejected from the game by a referee or 2. If they collect 5 fouls and are disqualified or 3. They become injured

If a player is required to play in the second segment for one of these reasons, you may substitute for that player only during the second segment.

3) There are no substitution restrictions in the fourth quarter.

4) If a team has more than ten players, substitutions are allowed in all the segments, but in no case can one player play in all six segments.

For example: if a team has 12 players that team can play 6 players in each segment, substituting freely but only with the designated six players. Only the six players who did not play in the first segment are eligible to play in the second segment.

The team with 12 players could also play 5 players in the first segment and 7 players in the second segment.

It is not required that you play more than ten players but it is permissible.

3 | P a g e Note: if Team A has 12 players and Team B has 9 players, Team A is only required to play 9 players. No team should gain an advantage because they have fewer players. In this situation, although Team A is only required to play nine players, Team A can elect to play 9, 10, 11 or 12 players. If Team A wants to keep one player who played in the first segment in to play in the second segment, and not play three players, this is acceptable because Team B will only be playing 9 players.

2016-17 clarification Note: If a team has 8 or 9 players, all players must sit one full segment in the first half. If a team has 7 players, all players must sit one full segment in the first half. For teams that have 7 players, a player may play consecutive half quarters, but can’t play in 4 consecutive segments in the 1st half.

If a team has 6 players, all players must sit one full segment in the first three quarters.

When teams have more than 10 players, it is permissible to sub other players that have played in the first segment for that one player who also played in the first segment only.

Note: You cannot substitute for foul trouble alone; it must fit into the provisions outlined above. That is, you must have more than 10 players and no player can play in both segment groups of players. If you have fewer than 10 players you cannot make a player change in any segment, other than the exceptions outlined here.

Special Playing Rules:

The First Half:

1) Teams must play man-to-man defense only. No zones. 2) Defenses can only pick up their man, after they cross mid-court completely. The inbounds passer must be guarded in the frontcourt. 3) Teams cannot blatantly double team and trap the ball. If players help and they are temporally in a double team, they must play one man only as soon as possible. 4) In the spirit of Super Pee Wee, players can help and recover from the weak side. However, coaches must avoid keeping their better/bigger defensive players in the lane at all times. Player can help, but must recover to their man. 5) Once the defensive team gains possession of the ball either by a rebound, steal or turnover in what is now their backcourt (and was the offensive team’s frontcourt); the team that was formerly on offense must get back on defense and can only defend in what is now the frontcourt for the offensive team. They may pick-up and defend immediately after crossing the mid-court line. 6) Should a player gain possession in the backcourt and the other team steals the ball back, the official must stop the game. The team with possession in the backcourt must be rewarded the ball on the side. A warning is given to

4 | P a g e the team and coach. We would encourage the coach to remind his players of the rule. Should a team continue to interfere with backcourt possessions, the official could award a two shot technical foul on the coach. We do not want to get into this situation but will use the technical for teams and coaches who continue to defend in the backcourt. 7) No pressing full court at all, no half-court man traps, no half-court 1-3-1 traps, or zones. 8) The objective of the first two quarters is to get the young player opportunities to learn man to man defense, the basis for all other defenses. It also helps negate size issues and opens the game up to all players.

Third Quarter:

9) Man defense must be played in the half court. In Man to man defense the in- bounder must still be guarded in the frontcourt. 10) Rules # 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 apply to the third quarter as well. 11) No full court pressing or half court traps are permitted.

Fourth Quarter:

12) Regulation High School Rules apply. 13) Man, Zone, traps, presses are allowed in the half court as well as full court. You may immediately defend the defensive rebounder and you do not have to guard the inbounds passer at any time. 14) 2014-15 Rule Modification: No pressing once a team is ahead by 15 points or more.

All overtime periods are 3 min 30 seconds long.

Basketball Size: We will use the smaller 28.5 regulation leather basketball. 6th Grade (Pee Wee) Rule Differences:

The teams must play man-to-man defense in the first half. No press will be allowed in the 1st half. Full allotment of 5 timeouts per game.

In the 3rd and 4th quarters, teams are allowed to play any type of defense - man, zone, trap, any type of press.

2014-15 Rule Modification: No pressing by the team that is leading once they are up by 15 points or more.

All overtime periods are 3 min 30 seconds long.

Basketball Size: The basketball size shall be regulation high school or 29.5” leather basketball.

5 | P a g e 7 th Grade Rules (JV) JV quarters will be 8:00 Minutes. Teams will be allotted 5 timeouts for the game.

In the first 2 quarters, the referee will blow the whistle at approx. the 4:00 minute mark to allow for substitutions.

A player must sit out one complete ½ quarter segment regardless of the number of players on the team, unless the special conditions below are met.

The substitution rules explained below are still in effect.

At the conclusion of the segment during a quarter the team with the ball shall maintain possession. There should be no loose ball situations, but in case there is, loose balls or shots go to alternating possession.

First Half Substitution Rules:

The five players who start the game shall play the entire first segment or ½ quarter. They cannot be substituted for any reason except: 1. If they are ejected from the game by a referee, 2. If they collect 5 fouls and are disqualified, 3. They become injured, or 4. Their team has more than 10 players.

If injured, and the referee calls an injury time out, the player must be removed from the game. Any player can substitute; if you have more than 10 players a player who is part of that segment group must be utilized. If the injury is not severe, the player can return in the same segment only and only for the player who substituted for the injured player. The five players who start the game cannot be removed for any other reason (poor play, foul trouble etc.) until the end of the first segment.

At the start of the second segment, five new players must enter the game for both teams. None of the players who played the first segment are eligible to play the second segment unless one of the following conditions exists:

1. For teams that have fewer than 11 players – in quarters where there are split segments, whoever starts the quarter ends the quarter unless a disqualification, ejection or injury occurs. It doesn’t matter the quarter, segment or number of players on the other team – whoever starts the segment plays the entire segment. The only exception to this is the following:  If they are ejected from the game by a referee or  If they collect 5 fouls and are disqualified or  They become injured 2. Failure to comply will result in the following:

6 | P a g e  Reportable infraction to the league President and Division Coordinator; the coach will be charged with a technical during that game and will be forced to sit the player in the fourth quarter.  The coach will be suspended one game for a second offense. Repeated offenses may result in action by the Disciplinary Committee and may result in further suspension and potential removal.  Both team scorekeepers will need to track the players who participate in each segment as well as those who do not.

If a team has more than ten players, substitutions are allowed in either the first segment or the second segment, but in no case can one player play in all four segments. For example, if a team has 12 players that team can play 6 players in each segment, substituting freely but only with the designated six players. Only the six players who did not play in the first quarter are eligible to play in the second segment.

The team with 12 players could also play 5 players in the first segment and 7 players in the second segment. It is not required that you play more than ten players but it is permissible.

If both teams have 10 players or more, players are required to sit 2 of the 1/2 quarter segments.

Note, if Team A has 12 players and Team B has 9 players, Team A is only required to play 9 players. No team should gain an advantage because they have fewer players. In this situation, although Team A is only required to play nine players, Team A can elect to play 9, 10, 11 or 12 players. If Team A wants to keep one player who played in the first segment in to play in the second segment, and not play three players, this is acceptable because Team B will only be playing 9 players. Note: All players must sit one full segment in the first half, but you may play consecutive segments if your team has less than 10 players, but a player cannot play four segments in a row. As previously indicated, it is permissible to sub other players that have played in the first segment for that one player who also played in the first segment.

Note: You cannot substitute for foul trouble alone; it must fit into the provisions outlined above. That is, you must have more than 10 players and no player can play in all segments. If you have fewer than 10 players you cannot make a player change in any segments other than the reasons stated above.

There are no substitution requirements in the third or fourth quarters for the 7th Grade and it is at the Coach’s discretion.

No pressing by the winning team once they are ahead by 20 points or more.

All overtime periods are 4 minutes long.

Basketball Size: Regulation High School basketballs shall be utilized, 29.5” leather.

7 | P a g e 8th Grade (Varsity)

The 1st Quarter shall be split, based on when the referee blows the whistle, approximately the 4 minute mark. The team in possession when the referee blows the whistle will retain possession. Full allotment of 5 time outs for each team.

The five players who start the game shall play the entire first four minutes. They cannot be substituted for any reason except: 4. If they are ejected from the game by a referee, 5. If they collect 5 fouls and are disqualified, 6. They become injured, or 7. Their team has more than 10 players.

If injured, and the referee calls an injury time out, the player must be removed from the game. Any player can substitute. If the injury is not severe, the player can return in the same segment only and only for the player who substituted for the injured player. The five players who start the game cannot be removed for any other reason (poor play, foul trouble etc.) until the end of the four-minute segment.

When the referee blows the whistle at the midway point of the quarter, five new players must enter the game for both teams. None of the players who played the first half of th quarter are eligible to play the second half of the quarter unless one of the following conditions exists: 1. Either team has fewer than ten players. 2. A player who is playing in the second four-minute segment is ejected, disqualified or injured and the only players available have already played in the first four minutes.

If a player is required to play in the second half of the quarter for one of these reasons, you may substitute for that player only during the second four-minute segment.

If a team has more than ten players, substitutions are allowed in either the first segment and/or the second segment, but in no case can one player play in both segments. For example, if a team has 12 players that team can play 6 players in each segment, substituting freely but only with the designated six players. Only the six players who did not play in the first segment are eligible to play in the second segment.

The team with 12 players could also play 5 players in the first segment and 7 players in the second segment. It is not required that any team play more than ten players, but it is permissible. Note, if Team A has 12 players and Team B has 9 players, Team A is only required to play 9 players. No team should gain an advantage because they have fewer players. In this situation, although Team A is only required to play nine players, Team A can elect to play 9, 10, 11 or 12 players in the first Quarter. If Team A wants to keep 1 player who played in the first segment in to play in the second segment and not play three players this is acceptable because Team B with only 9 players will be doing

8 | P a g e this. As previously indicated it is permissible to sub other players that have played in the first segment for that one player who also played in the first segment.

Note: You cannot substitute for foul trouble alone; it must fit into the provisions outlined above. That is, you must have more than 10 players and no player can play in both segments of the quarter. If you have fewer than 10 players you cannot make a player change in that segment of the quarter.

There are no substitution requirements in the second, third or fourth quarters. The clock should be set for 8 minutes in each of these quarters. Substitutions in the second, third and fourth quarters are at the coach’s discretion.

All overtime periods are 4 minutes long.

New Jersey High School Rules Apply to all game playing.

9 | P a g e Substitution Examples

Situation: Team A has 12 players, Team B has 9 players

Qtr/Segment Team A Team B Comments 1st Q - 1st Seg A1-A6 B1-B5 Team A can sub freely amongst A1-A6. Team B can’t sub* 1st Q - 2nd Seg A7-A12 B1, B6-B9 Team A can sub free between A7 thru A12. Team B can’t sub* 2nd Q - 1st Seg A3-A8 B1-B5 Team A can sub freely amongst A3-A8. Team B can’t sub* 2nd Q - 2nd Seg A1, A2, A9- B2, B3, B4, A1, A2, A9-A12 can be freely A12 B6-B9 subbed, Team B can’t sub*

Situation: Team A has 11 players, Team B has 7 players

Qtr/Segment Team A Team B Comments 1st Q - 1st Seg A1-A5 B1-B5 No subs allowed* 1st Q - 2nd Seg A6-A11 B3-B7 Team A can sub freely amongst A6-A11, Team B can’t sub* 2nd Q - 1st Seg A1-A6 B1, B2,B5, Team A can sub freely amongst B6, B7 A1-A6. Team B can’t sub* 2nd Q - 2nd Seg A7-A11 B1, B2, B3, Neither team can sub. B7 can’t B4, B6 be used in segment if injury, disqualification or ejection occur.

Situation: Team A has 8 players, Team B has 7 players

Qtr/Segment Team A Team B Comments 1st Q - 1st Seg A1-A5 B1-B5 No subs allowed* 1st Q - 2nd Seg A4-A8 B3-B7 No subs allowed* 2nd Q - 1st Seg A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, B5, No subs allowed* A5, A6 B6, B7 2nd Q - 2nd Seg A1-A4, A6 B1-B4, B7 No subs allowed*

*: subs are only allowed if one of the special conditions exist Special conditions are  Player ejection  Player disqualification  Injury

10 | P a g e

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