Chemistry CPA Final Exam Study Guide

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Chemistry CPA Final Exam Study Guide

Chemistry CPA Final Exam Study Guide Final Exam Date: Wednesday, June 18, 2014 Exam Time: 10:15 – 12:00 pm

Topic List

Chemical Reactions  Parts of a reaction  Identify the types of reactions  Balance  Write the formula equation if you are given a word equation

Mole  Molar Mass  Convert moles-grams and grams-moles  Percent Composition  Stoichiometry  Limiting Reactant  Percent Yield

Solutions  Solubility Curves  Molarity

Gas Laws and KMT  Kinetic Molecular Theory  Heating/Cooling Curves  Boyle  Charles’  Gay-Lussac  Ideal

Acid/Base  Properties  Calculate pH and pOH and find [H+] and [OH-]

Exam Structure

o Part 1 = 80 points: Multiple choice questions o Part 2 = 20 points: Open-Ended/Free Response

Chemistry CPA Final Exam Study Guide - 2014 1 Callahan, Pengitore & Ricafort You will be given the following formula sheet and a periodic table. Mole Conversion

Given unit x ______

Given unit

Percent Composition = Mass of element x 100 Molar mass

Percent yield = actual x 100 theoretical

Gas laws

Temperature in Kelvin = °C + 273

P1V1=P2V2 T1V2 = T2V1 T1P2 = T2P1

PV = nRT, where R = 0.0821


Acids & Bases pH + pOH = 14 pH = - log [H+] pOH = - log [OH-]

2 Unit 5: Chemical Reactions

1. What does the law of conservation of mass state?

2. Why is it necessary to balance a chemical equation?

3. What is the difference between a word equation and a chemical equation? Give an example of each.

Complete the chart

Symbol Explanation

Used to separate two reactants or two products

Yields, separates reactants and products

States of matter; Fe (s)

Aqueous solution – dissolved in water

Chemistry CPA Final Exam Study Guide - 2014 3 Callahan, Pengitore & Ricafort 4. Identify the type of reaction and balance the reaction.

A) ____ NaBr + ____ Ca(OH)2  ___ CaBr2 + ____ NaOH

Type of reaction: ______

B) ____ NH3+ ____ H2SO4  ____ (NH4)2SO4

Type of reaction: ______

C) ____ C5H9O + ____ O2  ____ CO2 + ____ H2O

Type of reaction: ______

D) ____ Pb + ____ H3PO4  ____ H2 + ____ Pb3(PO4)2

Type of reaction: ______

E) ____ Li3N + ____ NH4NO3  ___ LiNO3 + ___ (NH4)3N

Type of reaction: ______

F) ____ HBr  ____H2 + ____Br2

Type of reaction: ______

4 5. Balance the reaction: Ag + HNO3  AgNO3 + H2O + NO2

A. 1:1:1:1:1

B. 2:2:2:2:1

C. 2:1:2:2:2

D. 1:2:1:1:1

E. none

6. Given the following word equations, right a formula equation. Then identify the type of reaction:

A. Sodium metal and chlorine gas react to form sodium chloride crystals

B. propane gas and oxygen gas react to form carbon dioxide, water vapor, and energy.

C. zinc metal reacts with hydrochloric acid to form zinc chloride solution and hydrogen gas.

Lab Questions: Know/be able to do:

 Know the signs of a chemical reaction  Know the five classifications of a chemical reaction  Know the activity of metals

Chemistry CPA Final Exam Study Guide - 2014 5 Callahan, Pengitore & Ricafort Unit 6: Moles

Match each item with the correct statement below. a. particle b. mole c. Avogadro's number 6.02 x 1023 d. percent composition

7. ______the number of particles of a substance present in 1 mole of that substance

8. ______A term to describe an atom, ion, or a molecule

9. ______the SI unit used to measure amount of substance

10. ______the percent by mass of each element in a compound

Molar Mass (use your periodic table)

11. What is the molar mass of AuCl3?

12. What is the molar mass of (NH4)2CO3

13. What is the molar mass of barium?

6 Moles and Mass (use the molar mass to convert to moles or grams)

14. What is the mass in grams of 5.90 moles of C8H18

15. What is the mass in grams of 9.32 moles of He?

16. What is the number of moles in 432 g Ba(NO3)2?

17. What is the number of moles of beryllium in 36 g of Be?

Percent Composition (use the molar mass to calculate the percent of the element)

18. What is the percent composition of chromium in BaCrO ?

19. What is the percent of carbon in acetone, C H O?

Chemistry CPA Final Exam Study Guide - 2014 7 Callahan, Pengitore & Ricafort Stoichiometry

MgCl2 + NaOH  Mg(OH)2 + NaCl

20. Balance the above reaction.

21. What is the mole ratio of MgCl2 to NaOH?

22. Identify the limiting reactant if 2 mole of MgCl2 and 2 mole of NaOH are used in a reaction.

Li + H(OH)  LiOH + H2

23. Balance the above reaction.

24. What is the mole ratio of Li to water?

25. Identify the limiting reactant if 2 mole Li and 2 mole of water are used in a reaction.

Lab Questions – Know/be able to do:

 If you are given grams from lab data, convert to moles

 How to determine the mole ratio from lab data (Moles of Fe and Cu lab)

 Predict the products of a single-replacement reaction:

o Mg + HCl  ______+ ______?

8 Chemistry CPA Final Exam Study Guide - 2014 9 Callahan, Pengitore & Ricafort Unit 7: Solution Chemistry

26. Given grams how do you solve for moles? Example: convert 90 grams of water to moles.

27. Molarity is equal to __.

a. Grams of solute / moles of solute

b. Volume of solution x moles of solute

c. Moles of solute / liters of solution

d. Volume of solution / grams of solute

28. What mass of methanol, CH3OH, must be dissolved to make 1.50 L of a 0.675M solution? SHOW YOUR WORK!!!!

29. What is the molarity of a solution of HNO3 that contains 250 grams HNO3 in 3 L of solution? Convert grams to moles first.

30. What volume of 18.0 M H2SO4 is needed to contain 200 g H2SO4? Convert grams to moles first.


31. How many moles of CaCl2 are required to prepare 2.00 liters of 0.700 M CaCl2?

32. How many grams of NaI would be used to produce a 2.0 M solution with a volume of 1.0L? Solve for moles and convert your answer to grams.

Chemistry CPA Final Exam Study Guide - 2014 11 Callahan, Pengitore & Ricafort Use this solubility curve to answer the next set of questions (#33- 37) on the following page:

12 o 33. If there are 100 grams of KNO3 dissolved in 100 g of water at 70 C, the solution is __. a. saturated b. unsaturated c. supersaturated

o 34. If there are 10 grams of NaCl dissolved in 100 g of water at 30 C, the solution is __. a. saturated b. unsaturated c. supersaturated

35. If there are 70 grams of KBr dissolved in 100 g of water at 20oC, the solution is __. a. saturated b. unsaturated c. supersaturated

o 36. If there are 120 grams of NaClO3dissolved in 100 g of water at 60 C, the solution is __. a. saturated b. unsaturated c. supersaturated

o 37. If there are 190 grams of KNO3 dissolved in 100 g of water at 70 C, the solution is __. a. saturated b. unsaturated c. supersaturated

Chemistry CPA Final Exam Study Guide - 2014 13 Callahan, Pengitore & Ricafort Lab Questions: Know/be able to do:

 What “like dissolves like” means

 Polar dissolves polar and nonpolar dissolves nonpolar

 polar and nonpolar do not dissolve

 water is a polar molecule and makes hydrogen bonds

14 Unit 8: Gas Laws and KMT

Kinetic Molecular Theory and Heating Curves

38. What is the kinetic molecular theory?

39. How are temperature and kinetic energy related?

40. When a substance is in a single state of matter and the temperature is increasing, there will be an increase in the (kinetic energy/potential energy) of the particles.

41. When a substance is undergoing a phase change and the temperature is not changing, there will be an increase in the (kinetic energy/potential energy) of the particles.

Chemistry CPA Final Exam Study Guide - 2014 15 Callahan, Pengitore & Ricafort For questions 42 – 45, use the following graph:

42. What is the melting point of: a. substance A? b. substance B?

43. Which substance will melt first?

44. What is the boiling point of: a. substance A? b. substance B?

45. Which substance will boil first?

16 The Gas Laws Gas Law Theory

46. Draw and label the graph for each gas law (Boyle’s, Charles’, Gay- Lussac).

47. Why is it easier to compress a gas than it is to compress liquids or solids?

48. Why does air escape a tire valve when the cap is removed?

49. Is atmospheric pressure the highest below, at, or very high above sea level?

Chemistry CPA Final Exam Study Guide - 2014 17 Callahan, Pengitore & Ricafort Gas Law Calculations

50. A 500.0 mL sample of gas is collected at 745.0 torr. What will the volume be at 760 torr? Gas Law: ______

51. A 2L sample of gas at 100 K is heated to 150 K. What is the new volume? Gas Law: ______

52. If I initially have a gas at a pressure of 12 atm, a volume of 23 liters, and then I raise the pressure to 14 atm, what is the new volume of the gas? Gas Law: ______

53. A gas takes up a volume of 17 liters, and a temperature of 299 K. If I raise the temperature to 350 K what is the new volume of the gas? Gas Law: ______

18 54. I have a gas at a volume of 0.5 L and a temperature of 325 K. If I raise the volume to 1.2 L, what will be the new temperature? Gas Law: ______

55. If I have 21 liters of gas at a temperature of 900 K, what will be the volume of the gas if I decrease the temperature to 750 K? Gas Law: ______

56. If I have a sample of gas at 300 K and a pressure of 5 atm, what will be the temperature of the gas if I decrease the pressure to 3 atm? Gas Law: ______

57. A gas occupies a fixed volume at 285 K at 1 atm. If the pressure increases to 3 atm, what is the new temperature? Gas Law: ______

Chemistry CPA Final Exam Study Guide - 2014 19 Callahan, Pengitore & Ricafort 58. A sample of nitrogen gas (N2) occupies a volume of 0.25 L at a pressure of 2 atm and 22°C. How many moles of N2 gas are there in this sample? Gas Law:______

59. How many grams of N2 gas are there in question 66? (Hint: use moles to grams conversion!)

60. A 4.5 mole sample of gas occupies a volume of 1.3 L at a temperature of 293 K. What is the pressure of the gas? Gas Law:______

20 Unit 9: Acids & Bases

61. List the properties for acids below.

62. List the properties for bases below.

63. What happens when an acid is mixed with a base? (Write the general form for the reaction that happens)

64. What is the range of the pH scale?

65. What is the pH range for acids?

66. What is the pH range for bases?

67. What is the pH for a neutral solution?

Chemistry CPA Final Exam Study Guide - 2014 21 Callahan, Pengitore & Ricafort 68. pH + pOH =

69. Complete the chart

[H+] pH [OH-] pOH Acid , Base, Neutral



1 x 10-2

1 x 10-2

22 70. Review the sample data table below from a student’s lab and answer the following questions.

Test Property

Test Solutions


Conductivity Very strong Very strong none

Litmus Paper Turns Red Turns Blue No change

Phenolphthalein colorless Pink color change colorless

pH Test Paper

4.0 10.0 7.0

Universal Indicator

Red Purple Green

Reaction with Magnesium

Produces a gas none none

Chemistry CPA Final Exam Study Guide - 2014 23 Callahan, Pengitore & Ricafort Questions to go with the #62 Data Table:

A. Is Solution A an acid, base, or neutral? Why?

B. Is Solution B an acid, base, or neutral? Why?

C. Is Solution C an acid, base, or neutral? Why?

D. What are the chemical properties that this student tested?

E. What are the physical properties that this student tested?

F. What were the qualitative observations this student made?

G. What are the quantitative observations this student made?


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