Tableaux Presentation
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Name:______Tableaux Presentation ADA 230B - Dramatic Arts
As a group, you will create a minimum 8 tableaux scene presentation. Your premise is “Vacation Gone Bad”. This is a comical presentation and therefore is meant to be fun. However, it should still be handled with good taste.
You are being assessed primarily on:
a) Expressions and energy in frozen positions b) Composition and blocking c) Creative and dramatic interpretation using bodies d) Focus (Central and Individual) e) Smooth transitions between scenes f) Group Dynamics: Cooperation, communication, work ethics
When planning your images, keep in mind that the scenes should be sequential, and therefore don’t forget to include the vacation preparation components. These include the mode of transportation, family dynamics, and any other information that we need to see prior to departure. For instance, the bratty kid could be seen in the car or plane, before arriving at Disney World.
To enhance your performance you will need to make proper use of available technology such as the lighting equipment and sound system. Having music playing in the background is essential to establishing the right mood. The song you choose for your presentation should have some sort of connection to the theme of your project. Don’t just go with your favourite song. Never underestimate the need for the perfect song, as it will add significantly to your scene. For example, “Dueling Banjos” makes a great camping soundtrack.
Remember… . This is a group effort, and although all group members must be utilized in the presentation, not all members must be used in every scene. . Lighting will be operated by the instructor/peer tutor and will vary depending on complexity of scenes. Try to keep it simple! . You may use a single acting block if your group chooses to. Remember though that the block will need to be incorporated smoothly into your transitions if it is on stage. . Use the full space. You might practice in the corner, but you will have the entire “stage” area for your actual performance. Do not hide in the corner! . Relax and have fun with this. Name:______Tableaux Assessment Rubric
Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 Stillness/Energ All scenes are Most scenes are All scenes are Energy, expression, y and completely still, completely still, energetic and and stillness are Expression energetic and energetic and expressive but lack lacking in all scenes. (5 marks) expressive. expressive. stillness. Blocking and The scenes are Scenes struggle Scenes noticeably Composition is poor Transitions perfectly blocked with blocking struggle with both and smooth (5 marks) and transitions are and/or transitions blocking and transitions are non- executed smoothly. once or twice. transitions. existent. Focus Actor is entirely Actor is slightly Actor is often Actor is far too (4 marks) focused during distracted by the distracted by the focused on audience. each scene. audience. audience. Preparation Excellent usage of Good usage of Fair usage of Poor usage of group (10 marks) group time during group time during group time during time during preparation. preparation. preparation. preparation. Group Excellent Strong cooperation Satisfactory Poor cooperation Collaboration cooperation skills. skills. The group is cooperation skills. skills. The group is (6 marks) The group is able able to trust and The group is not unable to trust and to completely trust depend on able to fully trust depend on performer. and depend on performer. and depend on The individual is not performer. performer. a team player.
Tableaux Learning Skills Rubric
Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 (80-100%) (70-79%) (60-69%) (50-59%) Teamwork treats group with a treats others with a treats others with a treats others with a high degree of considerable moderate degree of limited degree of respect degree of respect respect respect always takes usually takes sometimes takes rarely takes responsibility for responsibility for responsibility for responsibility for his his or her share of his or her share of his or her share of or her share of the the work the work the work work Organization always arrives to usually arrives to sometimes arrives rarely arrives to class class prepared to class prepared to to class prepared to prepared to work work work work Work Habits uses class time with uses class time with uses class time with uses class time with a a high degree of a considerable a moderate degree limited degree of effectiveness degree of of effectiveness effectiveness effectiveness Initiative demonstrates a high demonstrates a demonstrates a demonstrates a limited degree of self considerable moderate degree of degree of self motivation degree of self self motivation motivation motivation