by Florian Colceag

Education is a very cultural issue, and corresponds to a very specific cultural ideal about human perfection. From the perspective of ancient Greek culture educated were able to understand the internal logic of events. Forest people’s perspective is different; educated people are those people able to communicate with the natural environment. Hindu perspective about educated people is also different; educated people may control their body and their reactions. American’s perspective is also different; educated people don’t create social problems and are able to use electronics. European perspective about education is also different; educated people are able to manage numerous knowledge and intellectual skills like logic. Gypsies perspective is also different; educated people are those people able to exploit any social environment for their benefit. Japanese perspective is also different; educated people are these people able to perform close to perfection everything and to honor their masters. Buddhist perception is different; educated people are those people able to define their evolving path and to follow it without disturbing other people. Christian traditional perspective is also different; educated people are those able to love their neighbor and to be participant and compassionate to others needs. Several African tribes have a different vision; educated people are those able to show their body, mind and soul without shame. Several Amazonian tribes have a different perspective; educated people are those able to preserve the contact with their ancestors’ traditions, and to recuperate the state of spirit of these ancestors. Several Muslim cultures consider as educated people those people who are able to share their bred with some unknown people, and to defend their honor their families and their cultures’ honor. Jewish ideal about educated people is also different; for them educated people are those people able to sacrifice everything for an ideal. Several aborigine cultures say that educated people are these people able to respect every creature on earth. Scientist’s perspective is also different; educated people are these people able to discover hidden secrets of nature. Different cultures or cultural groups preserve their identity due to their different human ideal, definition for educated people, and specific values for this definition able to assess how educated we are. In fact which definition is good? Is it possible for all these definitions to be good? What is the human ideal that can be universally promoted and recognized as educated people? These questions are more important now because of the new global era, when various perspectives need to fit together in a non-contradictory way. There are of course several exaggerations in every culture, and these exaggerations can lead to tensions or even worst destruction of various cultures. One of them is gypsy’s exaggeration about exploiting any environment that transformed them in a pariah group stealing from other people. Their previous educational ideal was positive and adjustable. A different exaggeration is American’s educational ideal of market people designed to obey rules and to buy products. This exaggeration is recent, starting after the Second World War and increasing after Vietnam War. Several exaggerations may lead to cultural destruction. For example self-sacrificial human ideal for others’ protection or environmental protection will physically destroy their practicing.

1 Various religions created these educational ideals, leading to cultural differentiation. Social philosophical debates created the reason for a culture to split in two different subcultures, but if we look at these cultural and educational ideals we can say that all are good and we agree with all of them. A culture can split starting from any exaggeration or artificial taboo creating a different cultural group. For example naturalistic vision shared by naked people from Africa, Asia or South America is superficially contradicted by modern cultures. Modern cultures considering a different linear perspective consider mind more important than body, and create an artificial taboo. This taboo like many other taboos create the tendency for creation of an opposite cultural groups the nudists. Sexual obsession created by these social taboos is definitely much bigger than the similar one in primitive naked people cultures that respects a different ideal. Because in USA humans’ education is connected with market demands, human body becomes also a market product. In naked people’ “primitive” cultures human’s body, spirit and mind are expression of the same holly will of ancestors who created humans of their tribe. Body is regarded as part of spirit and mind, a human being having a unitary perspective about the own nature. Even if it is very obvious that different cultures have various educational ideals, but also that contradictory values are superficially developed, different complementary aspects to these ideals determine a cultural separation able to lead to very strong cultural offence. Cultural aggression trying to impose a different way of life starts from economical liberal pressure, and is able to create numerous global problems. Cultural contradictions are not created by cultural metabolism, because analyzing with cold blood various cultures we will find nothing offensive in anyone, nothing dangerous or unfamiliar in anyone. We all share the same ideals but in different degrees. Contradictions are produced mainly by nationalistic policies trying to preserve cultural identity and ruling system. Looking with honesty we can see that we need to enrich our cultural perception, and create a different system of education in which everybody to be able to follow his (her) personal ideals of life. This phenomenon is very much facilitated by the Internet. We can now communicate with our peers from a different part of the world, creating cultural groups that are independent from national cultural groups. Why is it important to understand and follow these values in globalization perspective is obvious, but how to transfer these values in educational policies is very discussable. The main problem is to find values that are not very professional or too local to include in educational philosophies. For example the courage required for the specific education of a soldier is not necessarily a positive target regarded through political perspectives. Too much courage will mean too much leadership potential; too much freethinking will mean too much danger for fast change, etc. Political interference in educational values presumes preservation of a social structural pattern, leadership structures and procedures, group’s interests, network of contacts, all of this meaning stability. This stability lead to national characteristics for population artificially created using a standardized human model specific for different cultures. This also means specific national defects, each of them being created by neglecting of some educational values and goals and by accentuating other educational values and goals. We can say about several American cultures that form people who are narrow minded, simple minded, traditionalists, superficial, polite, cooperative, hard workers, consumerists, and the list can continue. All these characteristics were developed by the system of local education. Developed in a

2 different context people will be different, but not necessarily successful. To be successful in a culture means to adapt to the respective culture strengths and weaknesses, to its needs and values, to its traditions and customs. Several people who adapt to these characteristics will be considered gifted. Other people unable to adapt to the respective culture can be gifted in a different culture with different demands. Each culture creates a system of selection for various human values, and promotes some typical people and human ideals. These people who were promoted will preserve the filter of selection eventually developing more specific demands and policies and philosophies to justify the model. These models are national, cultural and are part of a global metabolism developed in time and connecting cultures in a global cultural metabolism. We like people like us, but belonging to a culture we don’t like too much a neighbor culture criticizing it permanently. If we put a big geographic distance to our native culture and meet people from a neighbor culture these people will be our brothers and sisters. We will see our common characteristics not our divergent characteristics. The new geographical culture were we live, is probably more different and strange for us to recognize our cultural values in it. The cultural map is very divers, but cultures are interrelated to each other. How can we understand that this differentiation is not randomly? The explanation is simple and very complex in the same time. The differentiation of cells in a growing organism is similar and follows similar rules. Tissues development is due to a change in direction for an internal rule, breaking an internal taboo and differentiating at least two perspectives; the new one and the old one. The difference between human cultures development and embyion formation is the plan. The embryon has a plan of development contained in genes, human cultures we don’t know if have a plan. Different religions pretend to be an initial plan leading to a superior level of human development. If this plan exists it must be also included in our genetic pattern like developmental embryonic plan. We can understand more about this plan if we look more attentive to cultural differentiation, human recognized qualities and human history. We see periodic wars; two cultures becoming so contradictory that only one could survive without changing its characteristics. We see the same thing in embryonic formation at kidneys formation. They form several tissues, other similar tissues being destroyed before birth. We can see also autoimmune diseases in which several values are not recognized as necessary by the organism, and necessary tissues sharing these values (characteristics) are attacked damaging the entire organism. The main idea is: if such a plan for a global human world exists already in our genes don’t we need to study and define this plan and clarify its rules? Biological responses are developmental. Organisms evolved from independent (1) cells to (2) colonies, (3) colonies that created specialized sub-colonies, (4) organisms with tissues that can regenerate from a small part, (5) organism that can replace a detrimental part, (6) more adapted organism in which interdependence among components is so big that nothing can be replaced if is damaged. These organisms considered superior started the same process developing colonies (tribal cultures), colonies with specialized sub colonies (professions), organisms with tissues that can regenerate from a small part (migratory cultures), organisms that can replace a detrimental part (nations), and finally we start to globalize. The main characteristics of a global world are also biological, interdependence among components. Nothing can be replaced if it is damaged.

3 In the same way as an organism can be destroyed by autoimmune diseases our global social organism can be destroyed by cultural offence. The solution is human communication at various levels in a complex way. For this goal education is the solution. A global system of education can be designed on the Internet, considering the biological model and using the same level of complexity as an organism uses. Following the organic pattern this system of education will respect organs and tissues (cultures and nationalities), will respect internal metabolism and human environmental metabolism creating a better and closer relationship with the environment. This last aspect is also included in the general developmental pattern of the plan. In any organism the environment is included. Our blood replaced the original see in which life developed, our moving cells are similar with primitive organisms, we are in symbiotic relationships with many microorganisms, we are parasite by others in a close informational relationship. These parasites usually can produce genetic mutations that help in creating new adaptations, selection and evolution. Our organic independence started in the water, but we include in our complex metabolism numerous forms of life, that were our ancestors’ environment in this water, like microorganisms, worms, or crustaceans. These forms of life are not completely developed, being on inferior stages of development (a crustacean can replace a broken leg developing a new one, several worms can regenerate from any metamer). In a global world these phenomena can continue, preserving our natural and social environment as metabolic components of the global organism. We already have pets, apartment plants, several animal species live in human communities being adapted to modern life, but in the same time we consume and destroy our environment without knowing and integrating it. The solution is again educational, regarding a global system of education on the neural human network created by the Internet. The most difficult part for creating such a system of education is the technical part. Numerous technical demands can be solved only using complexity and complexity philosophies, and probably improved technology that started from these complex approaches. It is possible to be difficult but it is certainly not impossible, and is very desirable. A market of educational values created on the Internet using this system will create a better cultural communication among cultures, possibility of adjustment in the most appropriate culture for everybody, will impose global values that will be not dependent on local policies, and will create a global intelligent behavior using the network of communication. The system will delete cultural intolerance creating new social philosophies, developing more concerns and responsibility for the social and natural environment, and will certainly replace the actual leadership based on fortune with one based on complex thinking, responsible thinking, and computation of consequences. Only a network can fight with another network. Global problems are networked in our time. Social problems can be judged by economic perspective considering the network of commercial and economic interrelations. Social problems form also a network related to immigration, cultures without a specific country like gypsies, cultures that have social cultural groups everywhere like Chinese have, or cultures that try to impose social their standards everywhere like American culture do. Economical networked problems impose environmental networked problems everywhere. Everything happens to the

4 tropical forest for example affects the climate at planet level. Ecological networked problems create networked political problems, for example developmental programs and poverty eradication programs that cannot be implemented without increasing environmental problems. Political networking crises develop human resources and natural resources networked crises. These resources are not any more national they need to be considered through the global perspective and protected from national abuses. Human rights movement started from these auspices, and has a major consequence in the educational networking development, now educational already created problems. Global problems need global solutions able to respect local demands, structure, values and plans. This perspective looks already like a plan. Educational system on the Internet will balance part of these problems, but what is most important is that will develop human minds able to solve the other problems and the global crises. The system of education on the Internet will be able to solve cultural adjustment with personal needs, specific education market, leadership instruction at complex level, specialization in various or even any domain, individualized route of education respecting individual qualities and gifts correlated with market demands, cultural dialog and delete of cultural offence, and what is the most important of all complex thinking. Following the organic model in which exoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm conquer each other in a very intricate and complex way forming organs, it is very possible that different social philosophies and religions to conquer each other responding to the main problem of cultural values. Our world will be different from this world, but will continue to exist and prosper. The other alternative is war, cultural rejection, and possibly an Apocalypse due to the level of lethal ammunition existing in the world.