Title: How to Create Item Master and Item Branch Plant Records Using Interoperability

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Title: How to Create Item Master and Item Branch Plant Records Using Interoperability

Solution ID: Doc ID: 625451.1 Date Last Revised: 05/29/2007 200782101 Title: How to Create Item Master and Item Branch Plant Records Using Interoperability

Abstract: The Item Master (F4101) is used to record information about stock items. Interoperability is a tool provided by PeopleSoft that enables the mass upload of multiple items from an external system into EnterpriseOne inventory tables. Depending on what release of EnterpriseOne being used, Item Branch Plant records may also be added.

Table of Contents

General Information Flat File Information The Item Master (F4101) Creation Process Populating the F4101Z1 manually for the Item Master Records Executing the R4101Z1I in order to create the Item Master records The Item Branch Creation Process Modifying the F4101Z1 in order to create the Item Branch Plant Records Executing the R4101Z1I again in order to create the Item Branch Plant Records

General Information

The definition of Interoperability is enabling applications and technologies to allow one system to share data and/or logic with another system. It is often used to transfer large amounts of data from one system to another.

In PeopleSoft EnterpriseOne, the Item Master Inbound Transaction Process allows the upload of Item Master (F4101) and Item Branch Plant (F4102) records into the PeopleSoft's system.

Note: In B73.3.1, Item Branch Plant (F4102) records cannot be created through this process, only Item Master (F4101) records. In B73.3.2 and in Xe, Item Branch Plant (F4102) records can be created, but the process must be run twice: once for the Item Master (F4101) record creation and a second time for the Item Branch Plant (F4102) record creation.

Back to Top Flat File Information

Many clients elect to use a flat file in order to populate the Item Master Unedited Transactions (F4101Z1) file. For information regarding the flat file process, please refer to the following documents:

 Inbound Flat File Conversion (R47002C)  Flat File Creation Procedure  EnterpriseOne Flat File Formatting

Back to Top The Item Master (F4101) Creation Process

Populating the F4101 Item Master Unedited Transactions (F4101Z1) manually for the Item Master (F4101) records

1. The F4101 Item Master Unedited Transactions (F4101Z1) interface table is populated either manually or through an external process. This table holds the data before it is copied to the application tables (Item Master (F4101) and Item Branch Plant (F4102) tables). In this example, a manual process will be followed. It is recommended to follow a manual process first in order to successfully upload one or two items. Once this can be done, users may use various methods such as Flat files and other external means in order to populate the F4101 Item Master Unedited Transactions (F4101Z1) table. 2. From menu G41313, select the Inbound Item Master Inquiry (P4101Z1). This is where the Z file will be populated for the upload process. 3. Upon clicking ADD, the system accesses the F4101 Item Master Unedited Transactions (F4101Z1). This is the Header Revisions table. 4. The User ID (EDUS) field, the Batch Number (EDBT) field, and the Transaction Number (EDTN) field are all populated automatically upon accessing this screen. The user may alter these values as desired. 5. The following table shows what fields are the minimum REQUIRED fields in the F4101 Item Master Unedited Transactions (F4101Z1) (Header Revisions). Although these are the minimum required fields to get the process to run, clients may wish to populate other fields in this file according to their individual business needs. When running the process for the first time, it is recommended that clients populate the minimum fields first in order to verify that the process runs correctly. Once the process runs with the minimal data, clients can start populating other fields necessary for their business needs. The F4101 Detail Item Master Unedited Transactions (F4101Z1A) DOES NOT need to be populated with anything, unless there are fields in the file that the client wishes to populate. However, the process will run without anything populated in the F4101 Detail Item Master Unedited Transactions ( F4101Z1A) table. Minimum required fields in the F4101 Item Master Unedited Transactions (F4101Z1):

Data Item Description Notes: EDUS EDI – User ID Used to identify the user placing transactions in the Table. (Automatically populated but can be changed.) EDBT EDU – User Batch Used to identify a batch of transactions within the specified user. (Automatically populated but can be changed.) EDTN EDI – Transaction Used to identify a specific transaction within a batch. (Automatically Number populated but can be changed.) TNAC Transaction Action From UDC Table 00/TA, this field determines the type of action being performed. For adding new records, "00", "02" and "A" can be used. The field is left justified. ITM, Short Item Number, 2nd In creating the Item Master (F4101) records, only one of these three fields LITM, Item Number, 3rd Item MUST be populated for an ADD. However, when running the process a AITM Number second time in order to create the Item Branch Plant (F4102) records, ALL 3 FIELDS WILL NEED TO BE POPULATED. Due to this, users may want to populate these fields with as much information as possible the first time the file is created. DSC1 Description Although this field is not required for the Item Master Inbound Transaction Process (R4101Z1I) to run successfully, it should be populated since it is a mandatory field in the Item Master (P4101). If the Item Master Inbound Transaction Process ( R4101Z1I) is run without this field populated, the Item Master (F4101) record will be created, but an error will occur when trying to click OKAY in the Item Master (P4101) interactive application. STKT Stocking Type This must be a valid value from UDC 41/I. EDLN EDI – Line number For multi-line transactions, this column must be populated to differentiate each line within a given transaction. (Automatically populates.) TYTN Transaction Type Name of the Transaction – “JDEITEM”. DRIN Direction indicator “1” = Inbound “2” = Outbound. For adding records, a "1" should be populated in this field.

** The MCU field should NOT be populated when adding the Item Master record. If it is populated at this time, the system will create a record in the F4101T table that can cause problems when trying to upload the true Item Branch record.

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Executing the Item Master Inbound Transaction Process (R4101Z1I) in order to create the Item Master (F4101) records 1. On menu G41313, select the Item Master Inbound Transaction Process (R4101Z1I) application. This will convert the Z records F4101 Item Master Unedited Transactions (F4101Z1) into your Item Master (F4101) records. 2. There is only one Processing Option behind this program and this is used to determine what version of the Item Master (P4101) to use. 3. When running the batch program, a PDF will be produced with the successfully processed records. If an error occurs due to something in the F4101 Item Master Unedited Transactions (F4101Z1), the error messages are written to the Work Center. If the error is caused by the data selection used in the Item Master Inbound Transaction Process (R4101Z1I), page 2 of the PDF will say "No data selected", but the Work Center will say that the job completed successfully. 4. If the process was a success, the F4101 Item Master Unedited Transactions (F4101Z1) will be updated to reflect this. The Successfully Processed (EDSP) field will be populated with a "Y." Also, the Short Item Number will be populated in the F4101 Item Master Unedited Transactions (F4101Z1), if it was not manually assigned before. The system populates this field with the number that it assigns to the item when creating the Item Master (F4101) record.

Special Notes

Using the Z process to modify existing records needs to be done with extreme caution. Using the Item Master Inbound Transaction Process ( R4101Z1I) to make changes to the Item Master (F4101) and the Item Branch Plant (F4102) is supported from B73.3.2 forward, but it is urged that clients be very careful when doing such changes in order to avoid data integrity issues. Many clients try to use the Item Master Inbound Transaction Process ( R4101Z1I) in order to make a global change to all of the Item Master (F4101) records. Although this can be done, users must make sure that the F4101 Item Master Unedited Transactions (F4101Z1) file matches the Item Master ( F4101) exactly for each record or changes will be made that the user does not expect. For example, if the Item Master ( F4101) has a value in a certain field and the F4101 Item Master Unedited Transactions (F4101Z1) has BLANK in that same field, the Item Master Inbound Transaction Process ( R4101Z1I) WILL OVER-WRITE the Item Master ( F4101) value with a BLANK.

Back to Top The Item Branch Plant (F4102) Creation Process

Modifying the F4101 Item Master Unedited Transactions (F4101Z1) in order to create the Item Branch Plant (F4102) Records

1. At this time, the Item Master (F4101) records have been created and the F4101 Item Master Unedited Transactions (F4101Z1) has been updated to reflect this - the Successfully Processed ( EDSP) field is a "Y" and the Short Item Number is populated with the corresponding number. 2. In order to create the Item Branch Plant (F4102) records, the Z table will have to be modified. 3. These are the fields that must be modified in order to run the process a second time:

Data Item Description Notes ITBR Update Item Branch This must be a "2" in order to create Branch Plant records. MCU Branch Plant This must be populated with the Branch Plant. ITM, Short Item Number, 2nd Unlike the Item Master creation process, ALL 3 OF THESE FIELDS LITM, Item Number, 3rd Item MUST be populated when creating the Branch Plant records. AITM Number EDSP Successfully Processed This must be blank when re-running the process. This field cannot have a "Y" in it for the Item Master Inbound Transaction Process ( R4101Z1I) to run successfully.


Although the 2nd and 3rd Item Numbers will automatically be populated in the Item Master (F4101) after executing the Item Master Inbound Transaction Process (R4101Z1I) the first time, the F4101Z1 will only have what was originally populated by the user. Due to this, the user must make sure that all 3 of these fields (ITM, LITM, and AITM) are populated when creating the Branch Plant records.

Note: When adding more than one Item Branch Plant (F4102) record, the TNAC code needs to "A" for the first record, but then must be changed to "C" for any additional Item Branch Plant (F4102) records.

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Executing the R4101Z1I again in order to create the Item Branch Plant Records

1. Execute the Item Master Inbound Transaction Process (R4101Z1I) a second time with the modifications made to the F4101 Item Master Unedited Transactions (F4101Z1). This will convert the F4101 Item Master Unedited Transactions (F4101Z1) Z records into your Item Branch Plant Records (F4102) record. 2. Once again, if the process was a success, the F4101 Item Master Unedited Transactions (F4101Z1) will be updated to reflect this. The Successfully Processed ( EDSP) field will be populated with a "Y."

Note: Currently, if the Location Control flag on the Branch/Plant Constants (P41001) is checked, then a blank primary location will be created regardless of the information in the Z file. If the Location Control flag is unchecked, the location is created with the name supplied in the Z file. SAR #7054394 has been created to address this inconsistency. If a location name is specified in the Z file, that name should be used when creating the primary location. Back to Top

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