English: Read Unfamiliar Texts and Analyse the Ideas and Language Features (90380)

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English: Read Unfamiliar Texts and Analyse the Ideas and Language Features (90380)

NCEA Level 2 English (90380) — page 1 of 9

Assessment Schedule – 2006

English: Read unfamiliar texts and analyse the ideas and language features (90380)

Evidence Statement

TEXT A: Christmas Holidays (autobiography) Evidence contributing Evidence contributing to Question Evidence contributing to Achievement to Achievement with Achievement Excellence with Merit 1. Explains metaphor.

What is suggested Must have sense of summer / holidays AND by the metaphor in ‘large size’ eg the opening sentence (line 1)? “summer / holidays seemed long / endless / full of possibilities” etc.

2. Explains ONE Achievement difference with Analyses Convincingly analyses TWO supporting evidence ONE Merit Merit differences, with Analyse difference, supporting evidence. differences shown with by the boys and supporting the girls in lines 8– evidence. 22. “Differences” could include For Achievement, differences will tend to be For Merit and Excellence analyses will tend differences in straightforward and supported by isolated to be inferential and/or explore a range of behaviour, pieces of evidence ways that the difference is shown. dialogue, or attitude. Boys are more carefree / casual / informal Modesty vs Exhibitionism: The boys are open about their bodies and physicality, / relaxed, supported by eg they make whereas the girls are more modest, eg as “casual references to their ‘togs’” and shown by the way the girls keep their togs carry them casually “draped” over their tightly rolled up, while the boys carry theirs shoulders, they stretch out on their towels unashamedly “draped around their necks” whereas the girls are tidier / more formal and show off their bodies by flexing their with their togs carefully rolled up muscles. Boys act immaturely –flicking towels etc while the girls try to act in more grown up Attraction: They are both interested in each ways ‘walking haughtily’ other but deal with their attraction in different The girls are ashamed of their togs and ways. The girls pretend they are not interested by acting ‘haughtily’ even though keep them hidden but the boys are happy they are really delighted by the boys’ to display their togs openly. attention, whereas the boys show off The boys show off to the girls but the girls because they know they are being watched, and act physically, even aggressively, to get pretend they aren’t interested / don’t notice the girls’ attention. even though they really are.

They are separated from each other with Physical vs Mental: The boys are repeatedly the boys ‘having their own end’ by the described in active terms – swimming, diving boards showing that they live in flexing, stretching, showing off – while the different worlds girls are more mental / physically passive – watching, criticising, ‘enduring’, ignoring (NOT ENOUGH to just identify that boys emphasising these differences swim / girls watch.) NB ‘Analyses’ must be sufficiently different to count as separate points. NCEA Level 2 English (90380) — page 2 of 9

TEXT A (continued) Evidence contributing to Evidence contributing to Evidence contributing to Question Achievement with Achievement Achievement with Merit Excellence 3. Correctly answers (a), AND Correctly answers (a), AND Correctly answers (a), AND presents a straightforward The author (b) ONE answer analyses (b) At least TWO answers identification of ‘negative’ presents a how the attitude is convincingly analyse how language for (b). negative attitude presented. the attitude is presented. in lines 23–33. (a) Explain, in detail, Must have a sense of why the narrator sadness about summer has this negative ending or having to go back attitude. to school / wearing a uniform. (b) Achievement-level answers Merit / Excellence-level answers Analyse how the Explains how a negative Analyses how her attitude is reflected in weather imagery: negative attitude is mood is established through summer has changed from being beautifully clear sunny presented, with any ONE of: days – “quiet blue January” – into oppressive mugginess – close reference to “long and hot”, “cloudy doom and weariness” as she has the language used  multiple uses of words with gone from happiness to dread. in lines 23–33. negative connotations, eg “doom”, “weariness”, Repeated references to dull monochromatic colours – “dread” to create a general “grey”, “black”, “white” – suggest a drab, depressing feel atmosphere of gloom. (NB must have sense that this is a pattern of imagery – isolated examples not enough).  Repetition of “dreading” emphasises how much she Listing of all the different uniform items she needs for hates the idea of it (NB school makes it seem overwhelming / impossible for her to “dreading” by itself is not obtain. enough). Imagery of death and decay – understands the dying  Simple explanation of dying flowers in final paragraph at a figurative level suggest that flowers to emphasise the all the good times / happiness she had over summer are end of summer (i.e. NOT dying just like the flowers. recognising it as metaphor)  Simple explanation of change in weather to hot and humid (i.e. without fully recognising contrast to previous section)

NOT ENOUGH: identifying that words like ‘doom’ and ‘weariness’ are used without explanation of how they convey negative attitude NB ‘Analyses’ must be sufficiently different to count as separate points NCEA Level 2 English (90380) — page 3 of 9

TEXT B: For Albert Wendt (On his Birthday) (poem) Evidence contributing to Evidence contributing to Evidence contributing to Question Achievement with Achievement Achievement with Merit Excellence 4. EITHER Explain why “For Recognises positive and Albert Wendt (On complimentary tone AND his Birthday)” is an therefore is appropriate to link appropriate title to ‘birthday’ because it is her for this poem. gift for Wendt. OR The whole poem is a celebration of Wendt / a tribute to him on his birthday OR Receiver of gift (Wendt) would appreciate the effort of making a poem a gift as he is himself a poet. OR It is written especially for him which is why she uses ‘you’ to speak directly to Wendt. NOT ENOUGH: ‘Because it’s about Albert Wendt / tells you who the poem is about’. NOT ENOUGH: ‘It’s a present for him on his birthday’ – it must have sense of the positive tone

Evidence contributing to Evidence contributing to Evidence contributing to Question Achievement with Achievement Achievement with Merit Excellence 5. Analyses ONE quality. Analyses TWO qualities. Convincingly analyses THREE qualities. Analyse how THREE qualities He goes beyond the safe / the known / he pushes the limits of poetry / his poetry shows of Albert Wendt are more understanding or knowledge than other people’s, eg presented in lines 1–17. Support your  “you dare to fish beyond the coral reefs of our understanding”. analysis of each quality with specific NOT ENOUGH: ‘Shows he is brave / daring / intelligent’ without explanation – must have reference to lines sense that this quote applies to his writing or thinking 1–17. He is a distinctly Pacific poet, eg

 repeated references to “coral reefs”, “hurricanes”, “frangipani”, which are all iconic images of the Pacific. He finds beauty in the negative / unexpected places / looks on the positive side of bad situations / sees the ‘silver lining’ / looks on the bright side eg

 “you find nuanua [rainbows] in the eye of hurricanes”, etc. He likes to be challenging / thought-provoking / brutally honest / stir things up, eg

 he tells them things they “prefer not to hear”, he “shakes the tree”. He uses all his experiences – good and bad – in his poetry, eg

 he doesn’t just write about “frangipani” – he writes about the ants as well. NB: Must show in at least ONE that these qualities refer to his poetry/writing NCEA Level 2 English (90380) — page 4 of 9

NB: Each point must be supported by close reference to lines NB: ‘Analyses’ must be sufficiently different to count as separate points. References to writing / poetry may be circled CODE NW for no reference to writing / poetry TEXT B (continued) Evidence contributing to Evidence contributing to Evidence contributing to Question Achievement with Achievement Achievement with Merit Excellence 6. Straightforward explanation Explanation of metaphor As for Merit PLUS more of metaphor OR needle AND needle image with convincing / in-depth / Analyse the image with supporting supporting evidence insightful analysis of extended evidence extended metaphor metaphor in the final stanza (lines EITHER BOTH eg Merit plus ONE of the 18–24). following Tattoo metaphor: His poetry Tattoo metaphor: His poetry is compared to tattooing is compared to tattooing The tattooist’s needle because of any ONE of: because of any ONE of: hurts but creates something beautiful – like a tattoo his poems like a tattoo his poems suggesting that his poetry leave a permanent leave a permanent is challenging – may be impression impression painful but reveals the truth. poetry and tattoos are both poetry and tattoos are ways of telling stories both ways of telling Understands that the stories people who read his tattoos are a Pacific art-  poems are altered by tattoos are a Pacific art- form and he is a Pacific  them; he doesn’t just write poet. form and he is a Pacific about Pacific people, he poet. changes cultures / history OR AND through his work in the same way someone is Needle image: Understands Needle image: Understands altered by a tattoo. image of the ‘needle that image of the ‘needle that pierces the thickest skin’ – pierces the thickest skin’ – the combination of his that his poetry is penetrating / that his poetry is penetrating writing skills and the hard to ignore / gets in even / hard to ignore / gets in richness of Polynesian when people resist it. even when people resist it. culture creates something new (supported by ‘blending with our blood’ idea). NCEA Level 2 English (90380) — page 5 of 9

TEXT C: Nature’s Way (advertisement) Evidence Evidence contributing to contributing to Question Evidence contributing to Achievement Achievement with Achievement with Merit Excellence 7. Identifies pun / double-meaning AND explains either the double-meaning of growing or Identify the alliteration / consonance language feature used ONE of: in the phrase “Organic Double meaning: “growing” is a pun / has a gardening is a double meaning because “gardening” is literally growing thing” about growing things as well as meaning that it is AND explain getting more popular. why it is effective. Identifies pun and explains one side only but explains effect of creating humour to gain interest

Identifies with examples alliteration / assonance AND explains how this makes it catchy / memorable.

Evidence contributing to Evidence contributing to Evidence contributing to Question Achievement with Achievement Achievement with Merit Excellence 8. Simple explanation of ONE of: Black and White = experience Convincing analysis of effect plus ONE other in terms of audience. Explain how the use of Identifies link between ‘Black Explains link between ‘Black EITHER colour and and white’ and ‘…whose and white’ and ‘…whose Black-and-white photograph black-and- experience stretches back’ experience stretches back’ white suggests nostalgia and that reinforces the OR AND this company has been around for a long time and ideas about Use of B&W suggests it is ONE of: therefore can be trusted. “Yates” and simple / uncomplicated Use of B&W suggests it is “Nature’s product without lots of artificial OR simple/uncomplicated product Way” that are chemicals. developed in without lots of artificial Black-and-white photograph the written ‘Green’ is a symbol for being chemicals. suggests that this product will environmentally friendly / being help you relive the ‘good old text. Support OR your answer ‘clean and green’/products days’ when things weren’t so with specific that are natural (NOT ‘Green’ is a symbol for being complicated and there were references to ENOUGH: ‘green is a symbol environmentally friendly / being not a lot of artificial chemicals the use of of nature’). ‘clean and green’. and pollution, etc. colour and OR OR black-and- white AND to Colourful Yates product Colourful Yates product the written provides contrast to the black- provides contrast to the black- text. and-white photograph to and-white photograph to suggest that Yates will suggest that Yates will ‘brighten up’ your boring old ‘brighten up’ your boring old garden. garden so that as well as being traditional / experienced it is also totally modern NOT ENOUGH: “B&W is a natural/organic colour scheme” without explanation NOT ENOUGH: “contrast makes the product stand out” NCEA Level 2 English (90380) — page 6 of 9

TEXT C (continued) Evidence contributing to Evidence contributing to Evidence contributing to Question Achievement with Achievement Achievement with Merit Excellence 9. Analyses ONE way. Analyses TWO ways and Convincingly analyses discusses effects in terms of THREE ways and discusses Analyse THREE purpose. effects in terms of purpose. ways apart from colour that the Must explain how EACH point supports purpose in terms of promoting the product / Yates / photograph of the environmentalism / organic gardening etc. child supports the main purpose of  Child holding pumpkin shows the products are so non-toxic that they are even safe for the advertisement. children  Caring way that child is holding pumpkin reinforces heading and that this is a ‘caring’ product  Children are ‘our future’ so if you want them to have a nice environment in the future, use these organic products  Child has connotations of innocence and purity – which suit the image they want for this product.  Children have connotations of growing so healthy and happy child further supports link made in heading suggesting that using these products will grow healthy vegetables and healthy happy children  Photograph of the child is an emotional appeal that links to the heading “[If you] care for them” – makes people who don’t use this product feel like they are guilty of neglecting their children. Advertisement is about growing things in a caring and natural way – it suggests that we should care for plants / the earth in the same way we care for our children.  The image of the product is that it is a good old-fashioned, traditional product – this is supported by the ‘amateur’ nature of the cropped / canted angle / slightly high-angle photograph which emphasises this product is from a less sophisticated / low-tech time.

 The photograph is taken at eye-level to reinforce the intimate / caring nature of the product.  The caring way that the child is holding the round pumpkin suggests that the future of the earth is ‘in our hands’ and we need to care for it by using this organic product. NB must have sense of pumpkin representing earth  The round nature of the pumpkin that is echoed by the curve of the boy’s shoulders reinforces the idea that this is a ‘comprehensive’, ‘all-round’ range of products.  The direct gaze of the child suggests personal appeals about trustworthiness and caring – links to idea of “[if you] care …”.  Relative proportion of pumpkin to small child exaggerates its size suggesting how effective the product is in making veges grow (must have ‘proportion’ in relation to child – NOT just ‘pumpkin is big’)  Linking ‘growing’ child to heading reinforces that organic gardening is growing in popularity and therefore has bandwagon appeal. NOT: COLOUR! NOT ENOUGH: to just identify links with heading NOT: cemetery. NB ‘Analyses’ must be sufficiently different to count as separate points. NCEA Level 2 English (90380) — page 7 of 9

TEXT D: Book Launch for “The Rope of Man” (speech) Evidence contributing to Evidence contributing to Evidence contributing to Question Achievement with Achievement Achievement with Merit Excellence 10. Explains TWO meanings of “shaky steps”. Explain TWO meanings of the Any TWO of: phrase “shaky steps” as it is used  The migrants’ first steps in line 13. were shaky because they had been aboard a ship for a long time / weren’t used to walking on land.

 They were shaky because they were nervous about their new life / going into the unknown / uncertain / made some initial mistakes / like a baby taking first steps in a new life

 New Zealand is sometimes referred to as the ‘shaky isles’. NOT: ‘scared of Maori’

Evidence contributing to Evidence contributing to Evidence contributing to Question Achievement with Achievement Achievement with Merit Excellence 11. Simple explanation Explains ONE of: Explains appeal to our vanity / sense of being Analyse how the ‘Shared experience’ unique / nationalism speaker includes OR different members of his audience in ‘Kiwi’ lines 3–15. He repeatedly uses the Includes all his audience by He makes all New inclusive pronoun “our” AND referring to a ‘shared Zealanders feel included refers at different times to experience’ – we all had to and special because the Māori, Polynesians, Pākehā, travel great distances to get experience we share in and all our “further migrants”. here, we are all migrants, coming great distances to we are all brave travellers get here is something “only OR a Kiwi knows” as if no one OR He refers to New Zealand as else in the world has had “New Zealand” and Explains “Kiwi” – it refers to this experience we have. “Aotearoa” which includes all New Zealanders – it is an He makes New Zealanders both Māori and Pākehā. affectionate term / nickname feel included and special by that is used to include all OR emphasising that we all New Zealanders because it share this quality of does not refer to a particular Uses “Kiwi” which refers to all “courage” as migrants – we ethnicity. New Zealanders feel flattered and united OR when he says, “only a Kiwi knows” suggesting we have Tells stories about the NOTE: will not necessarily plenty to be patriotic about. journeys of all the different include Achievement level cultures that came so answers everyone can relate to how NOTE: will not necessarily their own ancestors came include Achievement or here. Merit level answers NCEA Level 2 English (90380) — page 8 of 9

NOT ENOUGH: he lists lots of different nationalities / he tells about lots of different journeys NOT ENOUGH: just to identify pronouns – must explain how “our” is used at different times to refer to different cultures so different groups feel included. NOT anything to do with opening greeting as this is outside lines 3–15 TEXT D (continued) Evidence contributing to Evidence contributing to Evidence contributing to Question Achievement with Achievement Achievement with Merit Excellence 12. Explains basic idea of the Analyses how the metaphor As for Merit PLUS more in- metaphor. works. depth / insightful / detailed Analyse how the analysis image of the Rope in lines 16–31 The different strands / The different strands of the eg supports the main threads of the Rope rope represent all the an insightful and detailed message of the represent all the different different cultures that have analysis of the metaphor speech. cultures in New Zealand come together in NZ. Just as which link us together and a rope gets stronger with the -convincing analysis of how make us one / united / addition of more strands of the rope has changed over stronger rope we have become time stronger as a people because of cultural diversity -convincing analysis of how the different ‘strands’ have NB: Must have sense of NZ and the different strengths come together to create a involving different cultures different groups have strong and unique culture coming together in unity or brought. that is more than the sum of strength its parts NB: ‘entwining’, ’weaving’, -convincing analysis of the NB: Must include cultures ’solder together’ etc are used rope as a structural device other than just Maori and in the text so will require -convincing discussion of the Pakeha explanation or judicious use different things that are woven into it: strands of cultural diversity, strands of history and future, ‘moral’ strands such as equity and justice, etc.

NB: this is not an exhaustive list NOTE: must have a sense that it is referring to New Zealand/our nation/our society CODE: ‘No NZ’ if reference lacking.

Judgement Statement

Achievement Achievement with Merit Achievement with Excellence

Read a range of unfamiliar texts and Read a range of unfamiliar texts, Read a range of unfamiliar texts, analyse the ideas and language analyse the ideas and language convincingly analyse the ideas and features. features, and discuss the effects. language features, and discuss the effects.

6 A 3 A + 3 M 3 A + 3 E NCEA Level 2 English (90380) — page 9 of 9

Note: Grades can credit down.

As examples:

4A + 1M + 1E would be Achievement 2A + 2M + 2E would be Achievement with Merit 1A + 2M + 3E would be Achievement with Excellence.

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