List of Ulpanim

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List of Ulpanim

List of Ulpanim

Afula WIZO Community Center Address: 5 Rehov Omer, Afula 18308 Tel: (04) 6591325 Email: [email protected] Notes: Morning

Akko Beit Heiman Address: 16 Rehov Herzog, Akko 247201 Tel: (04) 9812822, 0508453762 Email: [email protected] [email protected] Notes: Morning + evening, Olim + tourists, Beginners + advanced

Ariel Ulpan Ariel Address: 3 Rehov Ha’atzma’ut, POB 104, Ariel 44837 Tel: (03) 9061809, 054 5691273 Fax: (03) 936 4630 Notes: Morning + evening, Olim + tourists, Beginners + advanced

Ashdod Hamerkaz Lehaskalat Mevugarim Address: 54 Rehov Ha'atzmaut, Ashdod Tel: (08) 8559882 Notes: Morning + afternoon + evening, Olim + tourists, Beginners + advanced

Ashkelon Beit Vosk Community Center Address: 3 Johanessberg, Ashkelon 78433 Tel: (08) 679 2321

Sapir College Tel: (08) 680 2879

Bat Yam Ulpan Sharett Address: 1 Rehov Haviva Reich, Bat Yam 59504 Tel: (03) 551 9959 Fax: (03) 551 9877 Notes: Morning + evening, Olim + tourists, Beginners + advanced

Beit Shemesh WIZO Community Center Address: 7 Simtat Zinman, Beit Shemesh Tel: (02) 991 0621 Fax: (02) 999 9892 Notes: Morning and evening, Tourists + olim

Carmiel Carmiel Community Center Address: 200 Hativat Yiftach, Carmiel Tel: (04) 9088274, (04) 9580444 Email: [email protected]

Hadera Ulpan Hadera Address: 84 HaGiborim Tel: (04) 634 5975 Notes: Morning + evening, Olim + tourists, Beginners + advanced

Haifa Haifa University Tel: (04) 384 7743 Email: [email protected]

Ulpan Beit Ardstein Address: 20 Rehov Y.L. Peretz Haifa 31447 Tel: (04) 911 1403, 050 9571771 Email: [email protected] mailto:[email protected] Notes: Morning + evening, Olim + tourists

Jerusalem Beit Canada-Ulpan Etzion Campus (Jewish Agency Ulpan) Address: Rechov Raziel 27, East Talpiot Phone: 02-6367326 Notes: Also offers non-intensive, advanced classes

Beit Ha'am Address: Gerard Behar Center (City Ulpan) Rechov Bezalel 11 Pone: 02-625-4156/7 Fax: 02-623-4654

Beit Ha'noar Ha'ivri (YMHA) City Ulpan Address: Rehov Herzog 105 Phone: 02-678-0442 / 02-678-9441 Fax: 02-678-8642

Beit Ulpana Address: Rechov Zerach Barnett 6, Har Nof Phone: 02-651-8896 Fax: 02-652-1544 Notes: Men and women study in separate classes.

Fanny Kaplan Address: Magen HaElef 1 Shmuel Hanavi Phone: 02-582-1297 / 02-642-3792 Fax: 02-582-1503

Gilo Community Center Address: Rechov Vardinon 14, Gilo Phone: 02-676-8886

Machon Meir Address: 2 Sdeirot Hameiri Phone: 02-652-5997 Fax: 02-651-4820 Notes: For men only; takes place in a Yeshiva setting

Merkaz Hachvana LeTa’asuka (Employment Direction Center) Address: Hamem-Gimmel Street 5, Romema Phone: 02-537-3929 Notes: Special emphasis on employment issues and assistance

Katzrin Katzrin Community Center Tel: (04) 6964111 (ext. 4) [email protected] Notes: Morning + evening, Olim + tourists, Beginners + advanced

Kfar Saba Ulpan Kfar Saba Address: 4 Rehov Geller, Kfar Saba Tel: (09) 764 0701 Notes: Morning + evening, Olim + tourists

Kiryat Ata Kiryat Atat Municipality Address: 11 Rehov HaMiyasdim, Kiryat Ata 28000 Tel: (04) 847 8466, 052 4239251 Email: [email protected]

Migdal Ha’emek Migdal Ha’emek Community Center Address: 5 Rehov Ramat Raziel, POB 183, Migdal Ha’emek 23000 Tel: (04) 654 1140 Email: [email protected] Notes: Evening

Nahariya Merkaz Tikvatenu Address: 6 Rehov Achad Ha’am, Nahariya 22442 Tel: 050 8619851 Fax: (04) 992 7618 Email: [email protected] [email protected] Notes: Morning + evening

Nazareth Illit Nazaretz Municipality Address: 16 Gilboa St. Tel: (04) 647 8842, 052 7904735 Notes: Morning Email: [email protected]

Netanya Ulpan Netanya Address: 8 Rehov Tel Hai Tel: (09) 834 1223, 052 5799041 Fax: (09) 862 6143

Petach Tikva Ulpan Petach Tikva Address: 1 Ha'aliyah Ha'shiyah, Petach Tikva Tel: (03) 923 6530, 054 584486 Fax: (03) 923 6529 Email: [email protected] or [email protected] Notes: Morning + evening, Olim + tourists, Beginners + advanced

Rehovot Ulpan Rehovot Address: 2 Rehov Giborei Yisrael, Rehovot 76489 Tel: (08) 945 9397 Fax: (08) 945 4090 Notes: Morning + evening, Olim + tourists, Beginners + advanced

Rishon Lezion Ulpan Rishon Lezion Address: 45 Rehov Rothchild Tel: (03) 950 0637 Fax: (03) 956 8126 Notes: Morning + evening, Olim + tourists, Beginners + advanced

Tel Aviv Ulpan Ma'aleh Address: Municipality, 69 Eben Gavirol, Tel Aviv Tel: (03) 724 0875, 054-5597718 Fax: (03) 696 9183 Notes: Morning + evening, Olim + tourists, Beginners + advanced

Ulpan Gordon Address: Municipality, 69 Eben Gavirol, Tel Aviv Tel: (03) 724 0875, 054-5597718 Fax: (03) 696 9183 Notes: Morning + evening, Olim + tourists, Beginners + advanced

Ulpan Diganya Address: Municipality, 69 Eben Gavirol, Tel Aviv Tel: (03) 724 0875, 054-5597718 Fax: (03) 696 9183 AH"A Association for the Deaf Address: Beit Keller, 13 Yad Levanim, Tel Aviv Tel: (03) 730 3355, 052 6100931 Fax: (03) 631 0813

Tiberias Beit Ginzburg Fanny Kaplan Community Center Tel: 057 3512210, 057 3512930 Email: [email protected] Notes: Morning+ evening

Tzemach Ulpan Dept. Jordan Valley College Address: Tzemach 15132 Tel: (04) 665 3610 Email: [email protected] Notes: Morning

Tzfat Bloom Community Center Address: 15 Rehov Herzel, Tzfat Tel: 050 8381370, 052 4454060 Email: [email protected] [email protected] Notes: Morning + evening, Olim + tourists, Beginners + advanced

Upper Galilee Upper Galilee Regional Council Tel: (04) 681 6691/24, 681 6301 Email: [email protected] Notes: Morning

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