Proceedings of Clients Driving Innovation International Conference 2004

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Proceedings of Clients Driving Innovation International Conference 2004

Proceedings of Clients Driving Innovation International Conference 2004 25 – 27 October 2004, Surfers Paradise, Australia

Editor: Keith Hampson Published by: CRC for Construction Innovation, Brisbane, Australia


Click on PAPER or PRESENTATION to open respective files. Tuesday 26 October 2004 Keynote Address – Innovative Asset Management 9:00 Vectors, visions and values – the essentials for innovation Prof Peter Brandon, University of Salford (UK) PAPER Keynote Address Visualisation and Information 4D CAD and Collaboration 9:45 Prof Martin Fischer, Stanford University (USA) PRESENTATION

10:30 Morning tea:

Keynote Address – Procurement and Risk Sharing The Challenge of Change - Procurement V Supply Chain Management 11:00 Mr Murray Coleman, Bovis Lend Lease (AUSTRALIA) PRESENTATION Innovative Asset Procurement and Risk Visualisation and Information Scholars Papers CIB Management Sharing

111. Current State of Important Launch Event: Session keynote Presentation: Knowledge Management, New international Task Session Keynote Presentation Implementing an Enterprise Session Keynote Presentation Potential and Trends: Group (TG58 of CIB) Neil Marshall, Construction Portal Glenn Palin, John Holland Pty Implications for||the focussing on Clients and 11:50 Industry Engineering Services Adrian Burgess, Costain Ltd Ltd Construction Industry (R) Construction Innovation. Be Group (UK) PRESENTATION Tayyab Maqsood a Founder member and help PRESENTATION PAPER shape the agenda PRESENTATION 12:10 26. Improving the Management 142. E-tendering: benefits, 50. An Investigation into the link 156. Implementation Issues for of Building Life Cycle: A Data challenges and between healthcare facility Building Product Models in Mining Approach (R) recommendations for practice design and service provision Australia: A Framework for Wei Peng (R) (R) Investigation PAPER Rob Williams Chris Landorf Cameron Beard (CS) PRESENTATION PAPER PAPER PAPER PRESENTATION PRESENTATION PRESENTATION 72. Innovative Benchmarks for 70.A conceptual framework to 63. Owner Initiated 46. Logic Programming in a Built Asset Performance – The investigate the performance of Modernization of Bridge Safety Construction Planning Triple Bottom Line Approach financial incentive mechanisms Inspections (R) Workbench (R) 12:30 (R) in construction projects (CS) Thomas Mills Gerardo Trinidad Terry Boyd Tim Rose PAPER PAPER PAPER PAPER PRESENTATION PRESENTATION PRESENTATION PRESENTATION

12:50 Lunch

Keynote Address – OH&S The Caring Client Occupational Health & Safety – The Caring Client 13:50 Mr Bill Wild, John Holland Group (AUSTRALIA) PAPER Scholars papers Innovative Asset Procurement and Risk OH&S The Caring Client Visualisation and Information Management Sharing 104. Externalisation as a source of innovative asset 151. Sources and effects of 20. Studying Collaborative management : The case of the 9. Sustainable suburbs - the uncertainty in the management Design in High Bandwidth transfer of the UK Department developer’s challenge (R) of construction Virtual Environments (R) 14:40 of Social Security estate to the Michael Ambrose projects:federation square (CS) Zafer Bilda private sector (R) PAPER Agustin Chevez Session Keynote PAPER Frederic Bougrain PRESENTATION PAPER Achieving Breakthrough PRESENTATION PAPER PRESENTATION Performance in Safety PRESENTATION Andrew Greig, Bechtel, 136. Risk Assessment in Life- 143. ICT in the Australian 16. Non-Price Criteria for 68.Cre workshop part 1: Australia Cycle Costing for Road Asset construction industry: status, Selecting Innovative comprehending the context Management (R) training and perspectives (R) Contractors (R) (CS) 15:00 Neil Robertson Stephen Kajewski Fredrik Waara Marcello Tonelli PAPER PAPER PAPER PAPER PRESENTATION PRESENTATION PRESENTATION 38. Managing Occupational 87. Creating a Proactive Health and Safety on Decision Support Environment 21. Supporting Collaboration 37. Sustainability at William 152. Risk factors leading to cost Queensland Government in Managing Road Traffic Noise and Multiple Views of Building McCormack place (CS) over-run in highway Building projects – A 15:20 (R) Models in Virtual Worlds (R) Delwyn Jones construction projects (CS) Management Systems Saman De Silva Mary Lou Maher PAPER Garry Creedy Approach (CS) PAPER PAPER PRESENTATION PAPER David Evans PRESENTATION PAPER PRESENTATION

15:40 Afternoon tea Procurement and Risk Innovative Asset Innovative Asset OH&S The Caring Client Visualisation and Information Sharing Management Management 51. Reliability Based Optimal 41. Use of Alliance Contracting 17. The benefit to clients of a Solution for Rehabilitation or 19. Automated Code Checking for Delivering Local 57. Forecasting property zero accident and ill health Strengthening of Existing (R) Government Engineering performance (R) culture, the UK’s approach 16:10 Bridge Structures (R) Lan Ding Projects (R) Merv Cowley (R) Sujeeva Setunge PAPER David Thorpe and Guy Dugdale PAPER Rodger Evans PAPER PRESENTATION PAPER PRESENTATION PAPER PRESENTATION PRESENTATION 140. Mapping planners' 53. Property in Business - 39. Implementation of the 116. Photonic Technologies in information-visualisation 55. Development of the Inefficiencies in Corporate national ohs Smart Structures (R) requirements for 4D CAD 'competitive toc' alliance - a Property Investment in Australia strategy 2002- 16:30 Chris Scott developments (R) client initiative (CS) (R) 2012 (CS) PAPER Guillermo Aranda-Mena Brad Cowan Clive Warren Wayne Artuso PRESENTATION PAPER PAPER PAPER PAPER PRESENTATION PRESENTATION 110. Development of a user 56. Lyell McEwin Health 22. The use of 3D and 4D CAD friendly guide for rehabilitation Service Redevelopment Stage systems to reduce error rate Construction Innovation – or strengthening of bridge A (CS) and reworking in construction Economic Impact Modelling structures using fibre reinforced Judith Carr 16:50 operations (R) Study polymer composites (R) PAPER Mary Hardie David Campbell Abe Nezamian PRESENTATION PAPER PRESENTATION PAPER PRESENTATION PRESENTATION

17:10 End of sessions

18:30 Pre-Dinner Drinks

Formal Conference Dinner 19:00 Guest Speaker: Janet Holmes a Court Launch of ICALL Network

(R) Indicates Refereed Paper (CS) Indicates Case Study Time Wednesday 27 October 2004 Keynote Address International Innovation On the way towards a sustainable knowledge society - the European approach 9:00 Mr Pekka Huovila, VTT (FINLAND)

PAPER PRESENTATION Keynote Address – Visualisation and Information Modelling for multiple perspectives 9:45 Martin Betts, QUT (AUSTRALIA) PRESENTATION

10:30 Morning tea:

Keynote Address - Stakeholders Innovative ways of delivering improved satisfaction – How can clients lead the way? 11:00 Dr Keith Futcher, EastPoint Ltd (CHINA) PAPER PRESENTATION Capturing and Maintaining Procurement and Risk Stakeholders Scholars Papers International Innovation Clients Requirements Sharing Knowledge Intensive 106. Dynamic Capability for Session Keynote Presentation Session Keynote Presentation Session Keynote Presentation Businesses and their Changing Construction Contractors (R) Dennis Lenard, 11:50 Michael Pyers, Housing Elizabeth Whatmore, Dept of Demands for Fixed Assets (CS) Li Liu Constructing Excellence, UK Industry Association Trade and Industry, UK Mike Hefferan PAPER PRESENTATION PRESENTATION PRESENTATION 47. Standardisation and Pre- 149. What about those ants? 28. Implementing Innovation on 105. A stage-by-stage factor 130. A multiple-criteria decision Assembly- Capturing Clients' Swarm intelligence for virtual Commercial Building Projects in control framework for cost model for accessibility Requirements (R) environments (CS) Australia (R) estimation of construction 12:10 assessment (R) Martyn Pendlebury Ji Soo Yoon Karen Manley, Mike Swainston projects (R) Angela Lee PAPER PAPER PAPER Kai Zhu PAPER PRESENTATION PRESENTATION PRESENTATION PAPER 2. Assessing the Owner’s Role 120. The development of ‘soft’ 43. The Demanding and in Improving Constructability of strategic indicators for 112. Procurement and risk 155. Client Decisions and Rewarding Client (R) Construction Projects in international client satisfaction sharing (CS) E.S.D. – The Story So Far(CS) 12:30 Ted Smithies Indonesia (R) (R) Ross Williams Colin Greville PAPER Bambang Trigunarsyah Kerry London PAPER PAPER PRESENTATION PAPER PAPER PRESENTATION PRESENTATION PRESENTATION

12:50 Lunch

Keynote Address - Performance Based Building Client-Driven Innovation through the Performance Approach and Value Management 13:50 Dr Greg Foliente, CSIRO (AUSTRALIA) PRESENTATION Capturing and Maintaining Stakeholders Scholars papers International Innovation Performance Based Building the Clients Requirements 146. Stakeholder Engagement 25. Raising the performance 83. Front-loading the Building 71. GreenSmart housing case 1. Triple Bottom Line: Its in the Performance Approach – bar: gauging asset Design Process for study – successes and lessons Relevance to the Construction the Australian and European management improvement in a Environmental Benefit (R) (CS) Industry (R) Performance Based Building 14:40 government context (R) Steve Watson David Luxmore Don Dingsdag Networks (R) David Ness and Bill Lambie PAPER PAPER PAPER Greg Foliente PAPER PRESENTATION PRESENTATION PRESENTATION PAPER PRESENTATION PRESENTATION 58. Organisational structure, 49. Townsville Bulk Sugar The European Construction culture and commitment: an 141. Achieving Sustainability in 133. Demonstrating excellence Terminal Expansion- Innovation Products Directive and its Australia public sector case the 21st Century (CS) through client engagement (CS) in Action (CS) Implications for Australian 15:00 study (CS) Ned Wales Dennis Lenard Cameron Gillanders Industry Fiona Cheung PAPER PAPER PAPER Lam Pham PAPER PRESENTATION PRESENTATION PRESENTATION PRESENTATION PRESENTATION 145. Assisting interactions in a 64. A Regional Model For Service Life Performance and 107. Way-finding in the built 79. Re-engineering Scope dynamic design process: a new Innovation And Cultural Change Planning of the Built environment (CS) Management (CS) role for an adaptive design tool In The Construction Industry (R) Environment - European 15:20 Dennis Hogan Harry Carrick (CS) Carol Abbott Developments PAPER PAPER Wei Peng PAPER Selwyn Tucker PRESENTATION PRESENTATION PAPER PRESENTATION PRESENTATION

15:40 Afternoon tea:

Procurement and Risk Capturing and Maintaining International Innovation Stakeholders Sharing Performance Based Building the Clients Requirements 82. Industry Culture: Challenges 153. Web-based collaboration 125. Declining standards of 30. Achieving relevant to the Successful tools for the construction project documentation quality in construction research through Performance Criteria for Healthy Implementation of Innovative industry: the John Holland the building & construction industry-university partnerships Indoor Environments 16:00 Change (R) experience (CS) industry (CS) (R) Philip Paevere Achim Weippert Claudelle Taylor Trevor Parminter Chris Clifton PRESENTATION PAPER PAPER PAPER PAPER PRESENTATION PRESENTATION PRESENTATION PRESENTATION 109. Use of ‘VR walkthrough 96. Capturing requirements in panorama’ technology to support of a performance-based 84. The Development and Use Environmental Labelling of 54. A building sustainability assess public perceptions of management approach to of Secondary Performance Manufactured Products – assessment framework (R) personal safety on railway Facilities Capital Asset Indicators for measuring Australia’s Opportunity to Catch 16:20 Phillipa Watson stations (R) Management at the US Coast Project Health (R) Up With International Trade PAPER Richard Neale Guard (CS) Steve Brown Matthew Humphreys PRESENTATION PAPER Greg Foliente PAPER PRESENTATION PRESENTATION PRESENTATION PRESENTATION 118. Necessary skills and 60. Social responsibility, 114. OH & S Building and 124. Systematic Performance 23. Value adding in 3D CAD practices required for effective sustainability and the triple Construction Industry Requirements Management of models for environmental participation in high bandwidth bottom line: Bringing building Perspectives (R) Built Facilities (CS) assessment of buildings (R) 16:40 design team activities. (R) stakeholders back in (R) Ross Williams Pekka Houvila Selwyn Tucker Tom Bellamy Philip Kimmet PAPER PAPER PAPER PAPER PAPER PRESENTATION PRESENTATION PRESENTATION PRESENTATION

17:00 Closing Remarks by Dr Keith Hampson

(R) Indicates Refereed Paper (CS) Indicates Case Study

© Copyright Copyright individual authors 2004. Enquiries about dealing with these proceedings, beyond what is permitted by the Copyright Act 1968, should be directed to the individual author.

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