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Introduction For the week commencing Monday 14th November 2016 NHS Hull CCG hosted 42 students from Wyke College as part of their National Citizen Service (NCS) project, hosted by the Tigers Trust. NCS brings together young people from different backgrounds and helps them develop greater confidence, self-awareness and responsibility. It encourages personal and social development by working on skills like leadership, teamwork and communication. It is open to all 16 and 17-year-olds in England and helps them to build new skills, whilst completing new challenges and meeting new friends. Page 2 NCS/Tigers Trust Project
NCS involves a short orienteering break away from home followed by a social action project. The social action project should look to deal with a local issue the young people are passionate about and gives the young people the opportunity to get involved with their local community.
The Task Project Brief available in Appendix 1 The students undertaking the project were tasked with creating a social media campaign and designing a promotional item to raise awareness of a Healthier Hull Community Fund project with young people in Hull. Market research with young people was required to inform the content of the campaign and promotional item. The students were grouped into four teams, with each team given the opportunity to self-select one of the following social media platforms; Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat.
To ‘bring the project to life’ two recently funded Healthier Hull Community Fund projects presented to the students on the first day of the week. The presenters used the opportunity to promote the work they are doing with the funding and how it has helped their project development. This gave students a flavour of the many CCG funded projects in local communities to improve health and wellbeing.
During the week, the students were required to deliver two presentations to a ‘Dragon’s Den’ of NHS professionals; a pitch detailing two initial campaign and promotional item ideas and the final campaign plan, promotional item designs and findings from their market research.
Timetable Day/Time Activity Monday am Presentations from NHS Hull CCG: Welcome to Hull CCG What is a CCG? About the Healthier Hull Community Fund Example project: Rooted In Hull Example project: Max Life Project briefing Social media allocation & group formation Monday pm Tigers Trust – Project demonstrations Tuesday am Preparation for Dragon’s Den Tuesday pm Presentation to the Dragon’s Den Wednesday am Market research preparation Wednesday pm Off timetable Thursday all Market research in schools day Friday am Final presentation preparation Friday pm Final presentations to NHS Hull CCG 2 Birth Preparation & Education – Service User Engagement Page 3
Feedback from NHS Hull CCG Evaluation
Results Despite the very short timeframe to organise this project it was extremely successful and would suggest great scope for future collaboration.
There were some challenges in accommodating a large number of students in a busy work environment but the purposeful decision to expose young people to a live NHS workplace was an important feature. The project was more meaningful for being based in the actual workplace and this created greater energy and drive because the students knew there was a chance that their work may actually be used if of a high enough standard.
The students produced some extremely creative and innovative ideas which were wholly appropriate for use as a genuine social media campaign. The ‘Dragon’s Den’ panel were impressed by the level of thought and creativity and felt there were many ideas that had enormous potential.
Non engaged students were challenging, however, due to the nature of the participation in this NCS project i.e. the automatic involvement expectation as part of a college course it is likely that this would not always be the case. Having said this, the feedback from a number of the ‘non-engaged’ students suggests that ultimately they did gain valuable experience.
The NHS staff involved in the Dragon’s Den panel and final presentations were extremely positive about their experience. They valued the students’ efforts and ideas and were impressed by their commitment to the task. The staff members involved also seemed energised by their enthusiasm and ideas. One member of staff not involved in the project but who was present whilst the students were in the workplace gave feedback that they enjoyed the buzz and energy created by having the younger generation in the building. Student Evaluation All students were invited to complete an evaluation form about their week of work experience within NHS Hull CCG.
1. Have you enjoyed being a part of this project?
Chart 1 – Have you enjoyed being a part of this project?
Most NCS projects involve young people that have chosen to take part, however, those involved in this NCS project had no choice but to participate as it was adopted as part of their 3 Page 4 NCS/Tigers Trust Project
BTEC Sports Course. This meant there were a number of students involved who would not otherwise have elected to participate. This contributed to some challenges with engagement of some students and a sense of frustration for some students due to lack of co-operation in the task. Despite this the overwhelming majority indicated that they did enjoy being a part of the project this included students who did not particularly want to get involved but ultimately gave feedback that they got a lot out of it.
2. What did you enjoy about this project?
Chart 2 – What did you enjoy about the project?
The aim of this survey was to gather feedback about the NHS aspect of their NCS project however it is clear from the results that some students have also provided feedback on the residential part of the project. This is why the “Residential & Activities” features as an option. The most enjoyable feature seems to have been working in teams and mixing with different people.
In the “other” category students reported that they enjoyed the following: Designing the freebies Learning new things Trying new things I have loved every minute of it except the co-operation from certain members of my group I really enjoyed working with everyone from NCS as they are really humble and funny. I also enjoyed interacting with new people. I enjoyed the competitive aspects of NCS.
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3. What did you NOT enjoy about this project? Chart 3 – What did you NOT enjoy about the project?
Only 7 students gave feedback to this question. The majority of students did not report anything as not enjoyable. For those that did, the main reasons were a lack of interest in the project and also an Employment session (which was organised by Tigers Trust, not part of the NHS week).
4. Is there anything we could have done differently, to improve the project?
Chart 4 – Is there anything we could have done differently to make the project better?
The majority of students did not think there was anything that could have been done to improve the project. However those who added a comment have suggested one of the main issues was lack of time to prepare for aspects of the project particularly for the presentation.
Participants reported the following via the “other” option: Not really, just a little more time on the presentation Involved more sporting activities Maybe a little more time to make the presentation Larger mix of groups Maybe a little more time, maybe organise the structuring of what project we are doing Shorter walk on the second day of NCS The activities when we was on the trip could have been better More time to prepare for it We could have been given more time to do more research. More activities when we went away (residential) Hot meeting rooms Doing the project further Not really we were looked after and treated like young adults and activities were good.
5. Would you like to keep in touch with the CCG on future projects?
Chart 5 – Would you like to keep in touch and work with the CCG on future projects?
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A surprisingly large number of students indicated that they would be interested in working with NHS Hull CCG on future projects and left contact details. One student said they would like to but left the following comment “Other – If I am good enough”.
6. Why did you decide to get involved in this project?
Chart 6 – Why did you decide to get involved in this project?
As explained earlier there wasn’t a choice about getting involved but despite this the majority of students were able to describe additional benefits to participation.
Other: Mainly for the experience like having a deadline to make something in a group also the experience of presenting in front of dragons I wanted to get involved to learn about our community I enjoyed it as the activities were fun and the atmosphere was great Sounded fun ... but glad I did. Although when it came to it i did enjoy myself. Because I enjoy working in teams and individually creating out of the box ideas. Satisfaction of helping out I feel it is a great opportunity to get work experience and will help me get a taste in the working world. I got involved with the project via my college course. At first I was quite unsure of what was going to happen however it turned out to be a really good experience.
Conclusions/Next steps NHS Hull CCG would be happy to take part in future projects but would welcome more notice to allow improved planning. Ideally any future projects would involve students whom have elected to take part in NCS and are happy to undertake the requirements of the project.
There is real scope to put the social media campaigns designed by the students into action which would probably be very much appreciated by the Healthier Hull Community Fund projects. NHS Hull CCG is happy to discuss possible short term work placement to facilitate this and will look to support interested students in the Communications and Engagement team. 6 Birth Preparation & Education – Service User Engagement Page 7
It is suggested that a small group of engaged students are interviewed, as they would be in the ‘world of work’ for a short term placement with the Communications and Engagement team in early 2017, to develop and implement the social media campaigns which have been completed through the project.
NHS Hull CCG will provide feedback to the Healthier Hull Community Projects about the outcomes of this project and the possibilities for future developments using the outcomes of the students work.
Evaluation report to be shared with Tigers Trust & Wyke College.
Samantha Barlow – Engagement Manager (Business & Local Workforce) Melissa Timmins – Senior Communications Officer NHS Hull CCG 14.12.16
Appendices Appendix I – Project Brief
Now you’ve learnt all about how NHS Hull CCG work to create a healthier Hull, and some of the projects we have funded as part of the Healthier Hull Community Fund, we would like you to come up with a week long, creative social media campaign and promotional item (i.e. poster, leaflet, wristband … anything you can think of) to promote one of the Healthier Hull Community Fund projects listed to the right. Your campaign plan should be based on findings from market research around how best to promote activities to young people, and what young people think can help create a healthier Hull. Here’s how the task will work:
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1. You will be working with one of the following social media platforms; Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or Snapchat—this will be decided at 11:30am 2. Tomorrow morning, out of the three projects listed, pick two and come up with not only some initial campaign and promotional item ideas, but also some ideas on how you might inform your campaign through market research 3. Pitch your ideas to our panel—we will ask you questions about the campaign and the market research you’re planning. We will vote for our favourite idea for you to complete over the rest of the week 4. On Wednesday morning you will plan your market research before heading out on Thursday morning to complete the activities 5. On Thursday afternoon you will need to review your findings and use these to come up with your full campaign plan and start designing your promotional item 6. Friday morning can be used to put together your final campaign plan presentation and the finishing touches to your promotional item. Your 10 minute presentation should detail the following: · How you would promote your Healthier Hull Community Fund project on your selected social media platform for each day of the week long campaign · Any interesting techniques you would use and how you would expect this to look online, i.e. example graphics, posts or video clip ideas · Your presentation should also clearly show how your market research has influenced this plan, and how you have factored in your findings to the activities. · We would also like to see your promotional item; this might be a printed copy of your poster or leaflet, or a design for another promotional item.
Your final campaign plan will be shared with your Healthier Hull Community Fund project who may decide to use it across their social media; this could make a huge difference to their project, and the people in Hull who they are trying to help.