Graeme McAusland

Graeme was recently appointed Chief Executive of The Children's Mutual. He joined the Society in 2000 as Finance Director and Appointed Actuary. In 2004 he became Chief Operating Officer taking on responsibility for all aspects of financial and operational governance.

Graeme graduated from Glasgow University in 1986 with a first class honours Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics & Statistics and qualified as a Fellow of the Faculty of Actuaries in 1991. Prior to joining The Children's Mutual he held a number of senior finance roles with Scottish Amicable and Prudential.

During his time with the Society, Graeme has been responsible for managing many aspects of the transformation of the business and the development of its strategy.

Outside of his work with the Society, Graeme is a non-executive director of Jarvis Securities plc, a stockbroking firm based in Tunbridge Wells. Until recently, he was vice chair of the governing body of his local primary school and also chair of the Finance and Staffing Committee.

Married with four children Graeme lives in Kent. His spare time is split between his interest in music and his family.