Jenny Smith, Chief Executive Officer, Council to Homeless Persons
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Editorial Jenny Smith, Chief Executive Officer, Council to Homeless Persons
CHP Communications Survey — Results Lanie Harris, CHP Communications Officer
June Update from Homelessness Australia Glenda Stevens, Chief Executive Officer, Homelessness Australia
Tune In Now Glenda Stevens, Chief Executive Officer, Homelessness Australia
Chapter 1: Housing, Homelessness and Disability Scope and Context
The NDIS: A Call to Action Bruce Bonyhady, Chair National Disability Insurance Agency
The Housing Needs of NDIS Participants Eddy Bourke, Policy Officer, The Community Housing Federation of Australia
An Overview of the Affordable Housing Challenges for the National Disability Insurance Scheme Adam Farrar, Senior Policy Officer Shelter NSW
The Paradigm Shift to Control and Choice Maureen Sheehan, Executive Coordinator, ACT National Disability Insurance Scheme, Community Services Directorate
The Housing, Disability and the NDIS Forum 14 Housing Choices and Transitions Under the NDIS Ilan Wiesel, City Futures Research Centre, University of New South Wales and Karen Fisher, Social Policy Research Centre, University of New South Wales Non-Psychiatric Disability and Homelessness: Understanding the Risks Andrew Beer, Emma Baker and Laurence Lester, Centre for Housing, Urban and Regional Planning, The University of Adelaide
The Role of Community Housing in Disability Housing: What the Research Tells Us Eddy Bourke, Policy Officer, The Community Housing Federation of Australia
Chapter 2: The Implications of the NDIS
Choosing a Home of One’s Own: Housing, Disability and Human Rights Siobhan Clair, Policy and Research Officer, Disability Advocacy Network Australia (DANA) Limited
Big Disruptive and Here to Stay: The Impact of the National Disability Insurance Scheme on Not for Profit Housing and Homelessness Agencies Joseph Connellan, Director, MC Two Pty Ltd
The NDIS, Housing and Indigenous Australians Living with a Disability Elizabeth Grant, Office of the Deputy Vice Chancellor and Vice President (Academic), Alwin Chong, Yaitya Purruna Indigenous Health Unit, George Zillante School of Architecture and the Built Environment, Andrew Beer Centre for Housing, Urban and Regional Pl
The Importance of Carer Support in Securing Appropriate Housing for People with Disability Sarah Judd, Policy and Development Officer, Carers NSW
Why Gender Should be Considered in Implementing the NDIS Veronica Wensing, Head, ACT Office for Women, Gender Adviser to the ACT National Disability Insurance Scheme Taskforce Chapter 3: Program and Service Responses
What is a Reasonable and Necessary Support to Live in Safe, Appropriate Affordable Housing? Shaun Kelly, Senior Manager, Housing Policy Housing ACT and Maureen Sheehan, Executive Coordinator, ACT NDIS
Australian Capital Territory National Disability Insurance Scheme Trial Facts and Figures Maureen Sheehan, Executive Coordinator, ACT National Disability Insurance Scheme
Home at Last? Why the Vision for the National Disability Insurance Scheme Must be Backed by Access to Housing Simon Smith, Social Policy Officer, Research and Social Policy, Wesley Mission Victoria
Psychosocial Disability and the National Disability Insurance Scheme Wendy Kipling, Mental Health Consultant, Expert Adviser and Member of the ACT NDIS Taskforce
Innovative Disability Housing Options Danica Pasinis, Marketing and Communications Coordinator Housing Choices Australia
Social Housing and People with a Disability Aida Morden, Side by Side Advocacy
How the Community Housing Sector Can Play a Key Role in Meeting the Housing Needs of the NDIA: Seven Reasons Why We Can Make a Difference John McKenna, General Manager, North Coast Community Housing
Case Study: Disability Housing Partnership Between NCCH, KO:HO and FSG Australia The Girl Who Saved a Starfish Julia Mazur, Wintringham Communications Manager
Chapter 4: Consumer and Client Perspectives
The Right to Choose Kate Finch, Advocacy Projects Manager, People with Disability Australia Incorporated
Choice and Control: Why Peer Education is Vital in Supporting People with a Lived Experience of Mental Illness to Exercise Choice and Control under the NDIS Kate Higgins and Cassy Nunan, Quality and Service Development, MI Fellowship Victoria
Consumer Voices — The Impossible Dream Jacqui Gibson, Peer Education Support Program Member
Policy is People… Nicole Fernley
Fay Minty Chief Executive Officer, Capital Community House