Programme of the Fourth International Conference on Sensing Technology
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Programme of the Fourth International Conference on Sensing Technology June 3 – 5, 2010 University of Salento Lecce Italy Day Time Plenary Thu 09:00-09:30 S0: Inaugural Ceremony 09:30-10:00 Tea Break#1 10:00-11:00 S1: Keynote address #1 S2A: MEMS and NEMS, 11:10-12:30 S2B: Bio-Sensors, S2C: Image Sensors 12:30-13:30 Lunch#1 13:30-15:00 S3: Invited Presentations 15:00-15:30 Tea Break#2 S4A: Magnetic Sensors - I, 15:30-17:30 S4B: Gas Sensors, S4C: Sensors for Robotics Applications Fri 09:00-10:00 S5: Keynote address#2 10:00-10:30 Tea Break#3 10:30-12:00 S6: Poster Session 12:00-13:00 Lunch#2 S7A: Optical and Fibre Optic Sensors, 13:00-15:00 S7B: Think and Thin Film Sensors, S7C: Sensors for Special Applications - I 15:00-15:30 Tea Break#4 S8A: Chemical and Biological Sensors, 15:30-17:30 S8B: Sensors for Environmental Monitoring - I, S8C: Sensors Interfacing and Signal Analysis S9A: Magnetic Sensors - II, Sat 09:00-10:00 S9B: Ultrasonic Sensors, S9C: Humidity Sensors 10:00-10:30 Tea Break #5 S10A: Wireless Sensors Network - I, 10:30-12:30 S10B: Sensors for Special Applications - II 12:30-13:30 Lunch #3 S11A: Wireless Sensors Network - II, 13:30-15:10 S11B: Sensors for Environmental Monitoring - II
Thursday, June 3 09:00 AM - 09:30 AM S0: Inaugural Ceremony
09:30 AM - 10:00 AM Tea Break#1
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM S1: Keynote address #1
Ultrasound measurement and non linear biomedical applications, Professor Mustapha Nadi, Electronic Instrumentation Laboratory of Nancy, Nancy University, France
Chair: Dr. Aimé Lay-Ekuakille, University of Salento, Italy
11:10 AM - 12:30 PM S2A: MEMS and NEMS
Chair: Dr. Michael Haji-Sheikh, Northern Illinois University, USA
11:10 [paper001] Signal Enhancement Based on Stochastic Resonance in Carbon Nanotube Field-Effect Transistors Yasufumi Hakamata (Osaka University, Japan), Yasuhide Ohno (Osaka University, Japan), Kenzo Maehashi (Osaka University, Japan), Seiya Kasai (Hokkaido University, Japan)
11:30 [paper002] Thermal and mechanical properties of porous 3C-SiC thin films for M/NEMS applications Gwiy-Sang Chung (University of Ulsan, Korea); Kyeong-Il Ryu (University of Ulsan, Korea); Kang-San Kim (University of Ulsan, Korea)
11:50 [paper004] A comparative study of the electrical properties of rat I7 and human 17-40 olfactory receptors for the realization of a nanobiosensor Eleonora Alfinito (Universita' del Salento, Italy); Jean Millithaler (Universita` del Salento, Italy); Lino Reggiani (Universita` del Salento, Italy)
S2B: Bio-Sensors
Chair: Dr. Takehito Azuma, Utsunomiya University, Japan
11:10 [paper005]The Origin of Surface Stress experienced by a Micro- cantilever bio-sensor Aditya Mathad (Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology, India), Rajendra Patrikar (Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology, India)
11:30 [paper006] Novel biosignal electrodes based on TiNx: First application in EEG measurements Paulo Pedrosa (Minho University, Portugal); Patrique Fiedler (Ilmenau University of Technology, Germany); C. Fonseca (INEB, Portugal); Stephan Brodkorb (Technische Universität Ilmenau, Germany); Jens Haueisen (Ilmenau University of Technology, Germany)
11:50 [paper007] A structured approach for the metrological characterization of biometric systems based on face recognition Giovanni Betta (University of Cassino, Italy); Domenico Capriglione (University of Cassino, Italy); Francesco Crenna (University of Genova, Italy); Michele Gasparetto (Politecnico di Milano, Italy); Consolatina Liguori (University of Salerno, Italy); Alfredo Paolillo (University of Salerno, Italy); Giovanni Rossi (University of Genova, Italy); Emanuale Zappa (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)
12:10 [paper008] Third generation biosensor based on Zinc Oxide-Ferric Oxide Composite Matrix Shibu Saha (University of Delhi, India); Monika Tomar (University of Delhi, India); K. Sreenivas (University of Delhi, India); Vinay Gupta (University of Delhi, India)
S2C: Image Sensors
Chair: Dr. Gourab Sen Gupta, Massey University, New Zealand
11:10 [paper009] Development of a Full-Field Range Imaging Sensor Dale A Carnegie (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand); Johnny McClymont (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand); Adrian P. P. Jongenelen (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand); Adrian Dorrington (University of Waikato, New Zealand); Andrew Payne (University of Waikato, New Zealand)
11:30 [paper010] Feature-based Image Registration for Locating Surface Mounted Components Zhou Wu (South China University of Technology, P.R. China), Hu Yueming (South China University of Technology, P.R. China)
11:50 [paper011] Comparison of Resampling Methods using FORMOSAT-2 Satellite Images Fahim Arif (National University of Sciences and technology, Pakistan); An Ming Wu (NSPO, Taiwan)
12:10 [paper103] Optimization of Sound-Absorbent Material Employment in Phantoms for Echographic Imaging Studies Antonio Greco, Francesco Conversano, Ernesto Casciaro, Roberto Franchini and Sergio Casciaro, National Council of Research, Lecce, Italy
12:30 - 13:30 Lunch#1
13:30 - 15:00 S3: Invited Presentations
Chair: Dr. Subhas Mukhopadhyay, Massey University, New Zealand
13:30 – 14:15 Principles and Criteria of Selection of Materials for MOS Gas sensors Gotan H. Jain, Arts Commerce and Science College, Nandgaon, India
14:15 – 15:00 GaAs and AlGaAs/GaAs nanowire-based transistors and their carrier transport Jonathan E Spanier, Drexel University, Philadelphia, USA
15:00 - 15:30 Tea Break#2
15:30 - 17:30 S4A: Magnetic Sensors – I Chair: Dr. Gideon Gouws, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
15:30 [paper012] Operation peculiarities of the fluxgate sensor in non-uniform compensation magnetic field Andriy Marusenkov (Lviv Centre of Institute for Space Research of NASU and NSAU, Ukraine)
15:50 [paper013] The reactive excitation circuit analysis of the fluxgate with rotational magnetization reversal of the disc core Lyubomyr Pavlyk (Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine); Sergii B. Ubizskii (Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine)
16:10 [paper014] Sensitivity limits of a magnetometer with an air-core pickup coil K. Tashiro (Shinshu University, Japan), S. Inoue (Shinshu University, Japan) and H. Wakiwaka (Shinshu University, Japan)
16:30 [paper015] Nondestructive Evaluations of Residual Strains in Stainless Steels by using Electromagnetic Sensors Koji Yamada (Saitama University, Japan), Toru Kosaka (A-tree Corporation, Japan), Jiaoliang Luo (Saitama University, Japan), Yoshihiro Isobe (Nuclear Fuel Industry, Japan) and Masato Enokizono (Ooita University, Japan)
16:50 [paper016] Electromagnetic Cavity Sensor for Phase Measurement in Oil Pipelines Stephen Wylie (Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom); Salem Al-Hajeri (Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom), Ahmed Al-Shamma’a (Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom) and Andrew Shaw (Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom)
S4B: Gas Sensors
Chair: Prof. Vinay Gupta, University of Delhi, India
15:30 [paper017] Very sensitive PL quenching technique for sensing organic vapours by porous silicon: Dependence on surface morphology Saikh Islam (Jamia Millia Islamia (Central University), India); Saakshi Dhanekar (Jamia Millia Islamia (Central University), India); Harsh Harsh (Solid State Physics Laboratory (DRDO), India)
15:50 [paper018] SrTiO3 Thick Film as a Room Temperature H2S Gas Sensor: Effect of Nano Cu activator Vishwas Gaikwad (K.T.H.M. College, Nashik, India); Dnyaneshwar Kajale (Arts, Commerce & Science College, India); Gotan H Jain (Arts, Commerce & Science College, India)
16:10 [paper019] Investigation of an Embedded Microwave Spectrometer for Alcohol Detection and Measurement Alex Mason (Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom), A. Attar (Xpertrule Software limited, United Kingdom), A. Mason (Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom), L. Wendling (Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom), A. Al- Shamma'a (Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom)
16:30 [paper020] Gas sensing characteristics of pure and ZnO-modified Fe2O3 thick films Nitin Pawar (K A A N S Arts, Commerce and Science College, India); Gotan H Jain (Arts, Commerce & Science College, India); Vishwas Gaikwad (K.T.H.M. College, Nashik, India)
16:50 [paper021] Cr2O3-doped BaTiO3 as an ammonia gas sensor Suresh Nahire (G. M. D. Arts, P. W. Commerce and Science College, Sinnar, India); Gotan H Jain (Arts, Commerce & Science College, India); Vishwas Gaikwad (K.T.H.M. College, Nashik, India)
17:10 [paper022] Enhanced response of tin oxide based sensor for NO2 gas Anjali Sharma (University of Delhi, India); Arijit Chowdhuri (University of Delhi, India); K. Sreenivas (University of Delhi, India), Vinay Gupta (University of Delhi, India)
S4C: Sensors for Robotics Applications
Chair: Prof. Dale Carnegie, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
15:30 [paper023] QNH Corrected Air Data for UAV Terrain Avoidance Chin E. Lin (National Cheng Kung Univ., Taiwan); Wei Cheng Huang (National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan), C. C. Li (National Cheng Kung Univ., Taiwan) C. C. Nien (ISTC Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan)
15:50 [paper024] A Master-slave Robot System to Implement Bilateral Force Sensing without Mechanical Sensors Chunguang Li (Kochi University of Technology, Japan); Yoshio Inoue (Kochi University of Technology, Japan); Tao Liu (Kochi University of Technology, Japan); Kyoko Shibata (Kochi University of Technology, Japan) and Koichi Oka (Kochi University of Technology, Japan)
16:10 [paper025] Cooperative Sensors Using Localization and Communication for Increased VRU Safety Axel Sikora (Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Lörrach, Germany); Ralph Rasshofer (BMW Forschung und Technik GmbH, Germany)
16:30 [paper026] Multi-Sensor SLAM Approach for Robot Navigation Sid Ahmed Berrabah (Royal Military Academy, Belgium), and Yvan Baudoin (Royal Military Academy, Belgium)
16:50 [paper027] Relative Localisation using Optical Motor Sensors on LEGO Mindstorm NXT Robotic Platform Michael Johnson (University of Limerick, Ireland); Martin J Hayes (University of Limerick, Ireland)
Friday, June 4 09:00 - 10:00 S5: Keynote address#2
Design of Thin Film Permalloy Sensors for Automotive and Commercial Applications Michael J. Haji-Sheikh, Northern Illinois University, USA
Chair: Dr. Subhas Mukhopadhyay, Massey University, New Zealand
10:00 - 10:30 Tea Break#3
10:30 - 12:00
S6: Poster Session
Chairs: Dr. Anton Fuchs, Graz University of Technology, Austria
Dr. Gourab Sen Gupta, Massey University, New Zealand
[paper028] Design, fabrication and characterization of poly 3C-SiC pressure sensor for harsh environments Gwiy-Sang Chung (University of Ulsan, Korea); Jae-Cheol Shim (University of Ulsan, Korea)
[paper029] Microwave on-line measurement of water and salt content in crude oil Alexander Sovlukov (Institute of Control Sciences, Russia); Alexander Lifanov (Resource-Invest Co., Russia); Yuriy Makeev (Resource-Invest Co., Russia)
[paper030] A Smart Sensing System to Apply Measured Controlled Force to Animals to Study Pain Sensitivity K. Alkhumaisi (Massey University, New Zealand) I.H. Al-Bahadly (Massey University, New Zealand), S.C. Mukhopadhyay (Massey University, New Zealand), N. Beausoleil (Massey University, New Zealand) and C. Johnson (Massey University, New Zealand)
[paper031] 2D FEM model for integrated GMR current sensors Maria Doleres Beltrán (University of Valencia, Spain); Candid Reig (University of Valencia, Spain); Diego Ramirez (University of Valencia, Spain); Susana Freitas (INESC-MN, Portugal); Paulo Freitas (INESC-MN, Portugal)
[paper032] Production and characterisation of multifunctional textile for masonry retrofitting and health monitoring Angela Coricciati (Consorzio CETMA, Italy); Paolo Corvaglia (Consorzio CETMA, Italy); Alessandro Largo (Consorzio CETMA, Italy); Michele Arturo Caponero (ENEA Frascati Research Centre, Italy); Giovanni Fardin (SELCOM S.r.l., Italy)
[paper033] Energy-Aware Coverage in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks Fatemeh M. Kiaie (MAUT, Iran); Ahmad Khanlari (Malek-e-Ashtar University of Technology, Iran)
[paper034] Proposal of a Hydrogen Gas Sensor using Exothermic Reaction by Hydrogen Absorption in Palladium film Noriaki Takashima (Tohoku Gakuin University, Japan), Mitsuteru Kimura (Tohoku- Gakuin University, Japan)
[paper035] Experimental photovoltaic measurements of yields versus predicted and sensed irradiance Cosimo Calò (University of Salento, Italy); C. Chiffi (University of Salento, Italy); G. D’Aniello (University of Salento, Italy); Aimè Lay Ekuakille (University of Salento, Italy)
[paper036] CVC and noise properties of structures with porous silicon layer in different gas environments Zara Mkhitaryan (Yerevan State University, Armenia); Vladimir Aroutiounian (Yerevan State University, Armenia); Shushanik Geghamyan (Yerevan State University, Armenia)
[paper037] Electronic board for driving and control of HID and LED lamps in lighting systems Andrea Costantini (Cavalera Sistemi Srl, Italy); Daniele Romanello (Cavalera Sistemi Srl, Italy); Paolo Visconti (University of Salento, Italy); Giorgio Cavalera (Cavalera Sistemi Srl, Italy); Giuseppe Danese (University of Salento, Italy); Aimè Lay Ekuakille (University of Salento, Italy); Stefano D'Amico (University of Salento, Italy); Francesco Tempesta (Cavalera sistemi Srl, Italy); Andrea Baschirotto (University of Milano Bicocca, Italy); Stefano D'Amico (University of Salento, Italy)
[paper038] Data Acquisition Systems for Monitoring and Control of Photovoltaic Generators Daniele Romanello (Cavalera Sistemi Srl, Italy); Aimè Lay Ekuakille (University of Salento, Italy); Giorgio Cavalera (Cavalera Sistemi Srl, Italy); Francesco Tempesta (Cavalera sistemi Srl, Italy); Paolo Visconti (University of Salento, Italy)
[paper050] Recent Advances on Unobtrusive Measurements of the Cardiovascular Function Eduardo C Pinheiro (Instituto de Telecomunicações, Portugal); Octavian Adrian Postolache (Institute of Telecomunication - IST, Portugal); Pedro Girão (Institute of Telecommunications (IT), Portugal)
[paper063] Smart Sensors and Intelligent Signal Processing in Water Quality Monitoring Context Octavian Adrian Postolache (Institute of Telecomunication - IST, Portugal); Pedro Girão (Institute of Telecommunications (IT), Portugal); Jose Costa Pereira (ESTSetúbal, Portugal)
[paper101] Characterization of Microbubble Contrast Agents for Echographic Imaging through Time-Scheduled Size Distribution Measurements Francesco Conversano, Roberto Franchini and Sergio Casciaro, National Council of Research, Lecce, Italy
12:00 - 13:00 Lunch#2
13:00 - 15:00 S7A: Optical and Fibre Optic Sensors
Chair: Prof. Candid Reig, University of Valencia, Spain 13:00 [paper039] A Method for Localising the Projected Centre of Cylindrical Objects under Natural Illumination Norbert Eidenberger (Johannes Kepler University of Linz, Austria); Daniel C. H. Schleicher (Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria); Bernhard G. Zagar (University of Linz, Austria)
13:20 [paper040] Fibre-Optic Technologies for Tunnel Structural Monitoring – The MONICO EC Project Konstantinos Loupos (Institute of Communication and Computer Systems, Greece); Angelos Amditis (Institute of Communication and Computer Systems, Greece); Stamatia Frondistou (RISA Sicherheitsanalysen GmbH, Germany); Johann Meisner (Advanced Optics Solutions GmbH, Germany); Dimitris Bairaktaris (D. Bairaktaris and Associates – Structural Design Office Ltd, Greece); Bruno Griffoni (GHT Photonics Srl, Italy); Mathaios Bimpas (Institute of Communication and Computer Systems, Greece)
13:40 [paper041] Electrocardiogram Measurement using Conductive Polymeric Fibres in a Wearable Sensor Platform Ram Manoj Sarda (Northern Illinois University, USA), Thomas Donnely (Northern Illinois University, USA), Mansour Taherinahzahdi (Northern Illinois University, USA), Michael J. Haji-Sheikh (Northern Illinois University, USA)
14:00 [paper042] Development of optical FBG Sensor for MIRS Jungju Lee (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea); Hoseok Song (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea); Jungwook Suh (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea)
S7B: Thick and Thin Film Sensors
Chair: Prof. Gotan Jain, Arts Commerce and Science College, Nandgaon, India
13:00 [paper043] Al-doped TiO2 thick film resistors as H2S gas sensor Chandrakant Dighavkar (Pune university, India); Arun Patil (Pune university, India); Sunil Patil (Pune university, India); Ratan Borse (Pune university, India)
13:20 [paper044] Formulation and Characterization of Cu Doped ZnO Thick Films as LPG Gas Sensor A.V. PATIL (L.V.H. College, Maharastra, India), C. G. DIGHAVKAR (L.V.H. College, Maharastra, India), S. K. SONAWANE (L.V.H. College, Maharastra, India) , S. J. PATIL (M. S. G. College, Maharastra, India), and R.Y. Borse (M. S. G. College, Maharastra, India)
13:40 [paper045] Effect of Annealing Temperature on Gas Sensing Performance of SnO2 Thin Films Prepared by Spray Pyrolysis Gotan H Jain (Arts, Commerce & Science College, India); Vishwas Gaikwad (K.T.H.M. College, Nashik, India); Ganesh Patil (A.C.S.College, Nandgaon, India)
14:00 [paper046] Studies on Gas Sensing Performance of Pure and Modified Indium Oxide Thick Film Resistors Dnyaneshwar Chavan (Arts, Commerce and Science College, Lasalgaon., India); Gotan H Jain (Arts, Commerce & Science College, India); Vishwas Gaikwad (K.T.H.M. College, Nashik, India)
14:20 [paper047] Effect of Firing Temperature on the Composition and Structural Parameters of Screen Printed ZrO2 Thick Film Sensors Sunil Patil (Pune university, India); Ratan Borse (University of pune, India); Arun Patil (University of Pune, India); Chandrakant Dighavkar (Pune university, India) 14:40 [paper048] Synthesis and characterization of nanostructured ZnO thick film gas sensors prepared by screen printing method Ratan Borse (Pune university, India); Vaishali Salunke (Pune university, India)
S7C: Sensors for Special Applications – I
Chair: Dr. Ian G Platt, Lincoln Ventures Ltd, New Zealand
13:00 [paper049] Three-dimensional measurement of the behaviour of small aqua creatures using circular dynamic stereoscopy Yuichiro Oya (University of Miyazaki, Japan); Kikuhito Kawasue (University of Miyazaki, Japan)
13:20 [paper051] A New Approach for Computation of Zernike Moments Rajarshi Biswas (Netaji Subhash Engineering College, Kolkata, India), Sambhunath Biswas (Machine Intelligence Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata -700108, India)
13:40 [paper052] A Model for Estimating the Effectiveness of Ground Penetrating Radar in Monitoring Road Condition Ian G Platt (Lincoln Ventures Ltd, New Zealand); Ian M Woodhead (Lincoln, New Zealand); Michael Hagedorn (LVL, New Zealand)
14:00 [paper053] A high performance web application for oil spill detection Diego Fustes (University of A Coruña, Spain); Tamara Fernández (University of A Coruña, Spain); Carlos Dafonte (University of A Coruña, Spain); Diego Cantorna (University of A Coruña, Spain); Alfonso Iglesias (University of A Coruña, Spain); Bernardino Arcay (University of A Coruña, Spain)
14:20 [paper054] A Random Subspace Approach Based on Hierarchical Clustering of Transient Features in Electronic Nose Mohammad Bagheri (Tarbiat Modares University, Iran); Gholam Montazer (Tarbiat Modares University, Iran)
14:40 [paper102] Ultrasound Signal Analysis Applied to Determine the Optimal Contrast Dose for Echographic Examinations Roberto Franchini, Francesco Conversano, Antonio Greco, Raffaella Verrienti and Sergio Casciaro, National Council of Research, Lecce, Italy
15:00 - 15:30 Tea Break#4
15:30 - 17:10 S8A: Chemical and Biological Sensors
Chair: Dr. Alessandra Flammini, University of Brescia, Italy
15:30 [paper055] Phthalocyanine based chemical gas sensors: a relevant approach to the selective metrology of oxidising pollutants in troposphere. Laurent Spinelle (Université Blaise Pascal, France); Jerome Brunet (Université Blaise Pascal, France); Alain Pauly (Université Blaise Pascal, France); Marc Dubois (Université Blaise Pascal, France); Christelle Varenne (Université Blaise Pascal, France); Katia Araujo da Silva (Université Blaise Pascal, France); Bernard Lauron (Université Blaise Pascal, France); André Hamwi (Université Blaise Pascal, France) 15:50 [paper056] Highly Sensitive Electrical Detection of Chemical and Biological Molecules Based on Graphene Field-Effect Transistors Kenzo Maehashi (Osaka University, Japan), Yasuhide Ohno (Osaka University, Japan), and Kazuhiko Matsumoto (Osaka University, Japan)
16:10 [paper057] Electronic Interface circuits for Resistive Chemical Sensors Alessandro Depari (University of Brescia, Italy); Alessandra Flammini (University of Brescia, Italy); Daniele Marioli (University of Brescia, Italy); Emiliano Sisinni (University of Brescia, Italy); Andrea Taroni (Carlo Cattaneo University, Italy); Andrea De Marcellis (University of L'Aquila, Italy); Giuseppe Ferri (University of L'Aquila, Italy); Vincenzo Stornelli (University of L'Aquila, Italy)
16:30 [paper058] Plasmonic Based Harsh Environment Compatible Chemical Sensors Phillip H. Rogers (University at Albany-SUNY, USA), Nicholas Joy (University at Albany- SUNY, USA), Michael Carpenter (University at Albany-SUNY, USA)
16:50 [paper059] A Bioelectrical Sensor for the Detection of Small Biological Currents Gianluca Fabbri (University of Coimbra, FCTUC/IT, Italy), C. Boccaletti (University of Coimbra, FCTUC/IT, Italy), A. J. Marques Cardoso (University of Coimbra, FCTUC/IT, Italy), F. Castrica (University of Coimbra, FCTUC/IT, Italy)
S8B: Sensors for Environmental Monitoring – I
Chair: Dr. Alex Mason, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom
15:30 [paper060] Environmental monitoring systems based on humidity- temperature-sensitive thick films Halyna Klym (Lviv Institute of Materials of SRC "Carat", Ukraine); Ivan Hadzaman (Lviv Institute of Materials of SRC “Carat”, Ukraine); Oleh Shpotyuk (Lviv Institute of Materials of SRC “Carat”, Ukraine); Michael Brunner (Fachhochschule Köln / University of Applied Sciences, Köln, Germany)
15:50 [paper061] Level-3 Geometric Correction of FORMOSAT-2 Daily Revisit Imagery for Disaster Monitoring Fahim Arif (National University of Sciences and technology, Pakistan); An Ming Wu (NSPO, Taiwan)
16:10 [paper062] The development of NMR sensors for the study of Antarctic sea ice Robin Dykstra (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand), M. Hunter (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand), M. Halse (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand), E. McCarney (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand), A. Gädke (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand)
16:30 [paper064] A Two Layer Structure Capacitive Tactile Sensor with Sensing Function of Environmental Condition Jun-ichiro Yuji (Kumamoto National College of Technology, Japan); Yoshinari MANABE (Kumamoto National College of Technology, Japan)
16:50 [paper065] Modular Sensor Nodes for Environmental Data Monitoring Akbar Ghobakhlou (Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand); Achala Perera (Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand); Philip John Sallis (Deputy vice chancellor, New Zealand); Sara Zandi (Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand) S8C: Sensors Interfacing and Signal Analysis
Chair: Prof. Srinivas B. Mandalika, Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Hyderabad Campus, Hyderabad, India
15:30 [paper066] Design Intricacies of a Data Recorder: Sensors and Memory Interfacing Robert Beck (Fieldair Engineering, New Zealand); Gourab Sen Gupta (Massey University, New Zealand); Chris McLaughlin (Fieldair Engineering, New Zealand)
15:50 [paper067] [paper067] Intelligent Networks Sensor Processing of Information using Key Management Vasanth Iyer (International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad, India); S.S. Iyengar (Louisiana State University, USA), G. Rama Murthy (International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad, India); K. Srinathan (International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad, India); Rakhee (Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Hyderabad Campus, Hyderabad, India); Srinivas B. Mandalika (Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Hyderabad Campus, Hyderabad, India);
16:10 [paper068] An Approach to Estimation of Protein Networks for Cell Cycle Based on Least–Squares Method Takehito Azuma (Utsunomiya University, Japan); Masachika Kurata (Utsunomiya University, Japan); Noriko Takahashi (Keio University, Japan); Shuichi Adachi (Keio University, Japan)
16:30 [paper069] A Revised State Space Modelling Approach for Sensor and Unit Operation Fault Detection Monitoring Shallon Stubbs (Newcastle University, United Kingdom); Jie Zhang (Newcastle University, United Kingdom)
16:50 [paper070] Improving Ergospirometric Sensing Capability through Optimized Denoising Patrizia Vergallo (University of Salento, Italy); Aime' Lay-Ekuakille (University of Salento, Italy); Amerigo Trotta (Politechnic of Bari, Italy); Antonio Trabacca (IRCSS “E. Medea, Italy); Marta De Rinaldis (IRCSS “E. Medea”, Italy); Francesco Angelillo (IRCSS “E. Medea”, Italy); Lucia Petrara (IRCSS “E. Medea”, Italy)
Saturday, June 5
09:00 - 10:00
S9A: Magnetic Sensors – II
Chair: Dr. K. Tashiro, Shinshu University, Japan
9:00 [paper071] Flux-Gate Magnetometers Design Peculiarities Valery Korepanov (Lviv Centre of Institute for Space Research, Ukraine)
9:20 [paper072] Magneto-inductive sensors for metallic ropes in lift application Aldo Canova (Politecnico di Torino, Italy); Francesco Ficili (Politecnico di Torino, Italy); Daniel Rossi (Politecnico di Torino, Italy)
9:40 [paper073] Wide-band induction magnetometers stability Vira Pronenko (Lviv Centre of Institute for Space Research, Ukraine); Ye. Vasiliev (Lviv Centre of Institute for Space Research, Ukraine)
S9B: Ultrasonic Sensors
Chair: Dr. Robin Dykstra, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
9:00 [paper074] A Realtime and Accurate Technique for Estimating Position and Velocity of Moving Node using Ultrasonic Communication Tomohiko Sato (University of Tokyo, Japan); Shigeki Nakamura (University of Tokyo, Japan); Masanori Sugimoto (University of Tokyo, Japan); Hiromichi Hashizume (National Institute of Informatics, Japan)
9:20 [paper075] Numerical Simulation of the Wave Propagation during Ultrasonic Monitoring of Polymers Francesca Lionetto (University of Salento, Italy); Alfonso Maffezzoli (University of Salento, Lecce, Italy, Italy)
9:40 [paper076] Using ultrasonic sensors for automatic tank capacity measurements Nicola Ivan Giannoccaro (University of Salento, Italy); Arcangelo Messina (University of Salento, Italy); Giulio Reina (University of Salento, Italy); Luigi Spedicato (University of Salento, Italy)
S9C: Humidity Sensors
Chair: Dr. Anton Fuchs, Graz University of Technology, Austria
9:00 [paper077] Fabrication and characteristics of SAW humidity sensor using nanocrystalline ZnO film Gwiy-Sang Chung (University of Ulsan, Korea); Hong Hoang (University of Ulsan, Korea)
9:20 [paper078] Application of SnO2 Doped WO3 Nanocomposites for Humidity Sensing Narendra Pandey (University of Lucknow, India); Akash Roy (University of Lucknow, India)
9:40 [paper079] Nanostructural characterization of humidity-sensitive ceramic sensor materials with positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy Halyna Klym (Lviv Institute of Materials of SRC "Carat", Ukraine); Adam Ingram (Opole University of Technology, Poland); Oleh Shpotyuk (Lviv Institute of Materials of SRC “Carat”, Ukraine); Jacek Filipecki (Institute of Physics of Jan Dlugosz University, Czestochowa, Poland)
10:00 - 10:30 Tea Break #5 10:30 - 12:30
S10A: Wireless Sensors Network – I
Chair: Prof. Mustapha Nadi, Nancy University, France
10:30 [paper080] Improving the Energy Efficiency of Wireless Sensors through Smart Antenna Design Alex Mason (Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom); Andy Shaw (Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom); Ahmed Al-Shamma’a (Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom)
10:50 [paper081] Fabrication and characteristics of SAW by using ZnO thin films for wireless sensornodes Duy-Thach Phan (University of Ulsan, Korea); Gwiy-Sang Chung (University of Ulsan, Korea)
11:10 [paper082] WSN and GIS Integration for Urban TrafficManagement Alex Mason (Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom); Cordova Lopez (Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom); Andy Shaw (Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom); Ahmed Al-Shamma’a (Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom)
11:30 [paper083] Development of Wireless Data Acquisition System Using RF Technology Pravin PS (Anna university, India); Rajesh A (Anna university, India)
11:50 [paper084] A Dynamic Bandwidth Measurement for a Cross-Layer Architecture over Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks Lung-Jen Wang (National PingTung Institute of Commerce, Taiwan); Cheng-En Wu (National Pingtung Institute of Commerce, Taiwan)
S10B: Sensors for Special Applications – II
10:30 [paper085] Pneumatic level-sensing for liquid, powdered and solid media storage tanks Gert Holler (Graz University of Technology, Austria); Rudolf Brunnader (Graz University of Technology, Austria); Bernhard Schweighofer (Graz University of Technology, Austria); Hannes Wegleiter (Graz University of Technology, Austria)
10:50 [paper086] A Plantar Pressure Instrument for Ankle Rehabilitation Boukhenous Samir (Houari Boumediene University, Algeria); Mokhtar Attari (Houari Boumediene University, Faculty of Electronics and Computers, Algeria)
11:10 [paper087] Micromachined Wind Sensors Based on a Circular Thermistor Array in a Double Bridge Configuration Samir Cerimovic (Vienna University of Technology, Austria); Almir Talic (Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria); Franz Kohl (Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria); Roman Beigelbeck (Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria); Johannes Schalko (Vienna University of Technology, Austria); Franz Keplinger (Vienna University of Technology, Austria) 11:30 [paper088] Detection of micro-cracks on metal surfaces using near-field microwave dual-behaviour resonators Julien Kerouedan (LabSTICC - UBO Brest, France); Patrick Quéffélec (LEST - UBO University of Brest, France); Philippe Talbot (LabSTICC - UBO Brest, France); Cedric Quendo (LabSTICC - UBO Brest, France); Alain Le Brun (EDF R&D, France)
11:50 [paper089] Sensors properties in designing of interrupter device for the respiratory mechanics measurement Ireneusz Jabłoński (Wrocław University of Technology, Poland); Janusz Mroczka (Wrocław University of Technology, Poland); Grzegorz Głomb (Wrocław University of Technology, Poland)
12:10 [paper090] Basic Research on Diesel Particulate Matter for Establishing Laser-induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Analysis Method Satoshi Ikezawa (Waseda University, Japan); Muneaki Wakamatsu (Waseda University, Japan);, Yury Zimin (Waseda University, Japan);, Joanna Pawlat (Waseda University, Japan); Toshitsugu Ueda (Waseda University, Japan);
12:30 - 13:30 Lunch #3
13:30 - 15:30
S11A: Wireless Sensors Network – II
13:30 [paper091] FRA: Fast Rumor Agents for Wireless Sensor Networks Leila Kheroua (USTHB Algiers, Algeria); Samira Moussaoui (USTHB University, Algeria); Fatma Zohra Djemmah (USTHB University, Algeria); Rachida Cherif (USTHB University, Algeria)
13:50 [paper092] An Energy efficient QoS-based Routing protocol for wireless (Multimedia) Sensor Networks Gholamhossein Ekbatanifard (Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran); Reza Monsefi Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, IRAN
14:10 [paper093] EDF scheduler technique for wireless sensors networks: case study Rym Cheour (National school of engineers of Sfax, Tunisia); Sébastien BILAVARN (University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis, CNRS, Nice, France) , Mohamed ABID (National school of engineers of Sfax, Tunisia)
14:30 [paper094] ZigBee Test Harness Andrea Ranalli (Telecom Italia S.p.A., Italy); Claudio Borean (Telecom Italia, Italy)
14:50 [paper095] Electromechanical sensors based on carbon nanotube networks Petr Slobodian (Tomas Bata University in Zlin, Czech Republic); Pavel Riha (Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic, Czech Republic); Robert Olejnik (Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Czech Republic, Czech Republic); David Petras (Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Czech Republic, Czech Republic); Michal Machovsky (Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Czech Republic, Czech Republic); Petr Saha (Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Czech Republic, Czech Republic) 15:10 [paper104] Au-assisted MOVPE Self-Assembly and Properties of GaAs, AlGaAs, and GaAs-AlGaAs Core-Shell Nanowires Paola Prete (National Research Council, Lecce, Italy), Fabio Marzo (University of Salento, Lecce, Italy), Ilio Miccoli (University of Salento, Lecce, Italy), Pasquale Paiano (University of Salento, Lecce, Italy) and Nicola Lovergine (University of Salento, Lecce, Italy)
S11B: Sensors for Environmental Monitoring – II
13:30 [paper096] A New Planar Electromagnetic Sensor for Quality Monitoring of Water from Natural Sources Mohd Amri Md Yunus (Massey University, New Zealand); Subhas Mukhopadhyay (Massey University, New Zealand); Gourab Sen Gupta (Massey University, New Zealand)
13:50 [paper097] A comparative study of three different design of novel planar interdigital sensors for food inspections Abdul Rahman Mohd Syaifudin (Massey University, New Zealand); Subhas Mukhopadhyay (Massey University, New Zealand); P. Yu (Massey University, New Zealand); Cheng-Hsin Chuang (Southern Taiwan University, Taiwan); Michael J. Haji- Sheikh (Northern Illinois University, USA); Chinthaka Gooneratne (KAUST, Saudi Arab); Johnny Vanderford (Northern Illinois University, USA); Yao-Wei Huang (Southern Taiwan University, Taiwan)
14:10 [paper098] Environmental conditions influence measurement result of Different Turbidimeters Hou Wen- Shang (National Taiwan University, Taiwan); Teng Te-Huei (Nationanl Taiwan University, Taiwan)
14:30 [paper099] Impedance measurement systems for sea ice microstructure determination. Gideon Gouws (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand); Malcolm Ingham (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand); Sean Buchanan (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand); Rufus Boyack (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand); Andy Mahoney (University of Otago,Dunedin, New Zealand); and Alec Gough (University of Otago,Dunedin, New Zealand)
14:50 [paper100] The influence of interdigitated electrode configuration modeling for the bioimpedance biological medium Mouhamad Ibrahim (Nancy University, France); Djilali Kourtiche (Nancy University, France); Mustapha Nadi (Nancy University, France)
15:30 Closing Ceremony