Minutes of the Patient Participation Group
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Minutes of the Patient Participation Group 6.30pm on Thursday 23rd October, 2014
Apologies for Absence
Dr Hindocha, CA, RH, JB, MC, JM, SM, PH, JC, PH, SC, PC
Minutes of the Previous Meeting
The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed and signed off by the Chairman.
Did Not Attends
The DNAs for September Newland (combined) Total - 12 Portland Street GP - 121 Nurse - 139 Total - 260 Which is a minimum of 21 GP hours and 24 Nurse hours.
No decision has been made yet on sending text reminders to patients;
CA has discovered that David stopped the procedure of sending a letter if a patient missed three appointments in six months. This was not very effective but, at the moment, there is no action in place.
PC suggested that the appointment card should be redesigned.
RH suggested that the new poster should be moved around the surgery so that it is noticeable from all areas of seating.
Cancer Awareness Display
The ‘Stoptober’ campaign and Breast Cancer campaign will continue.
Pheonix did not attend the surgery or provide any display materials.
CA told the meeting that the County Council funding for EPOC is dwindling and they will be approaching the CCG for support.
Sarah Blount will provide details and materials for a short period. Carolyn will email her
Did You Know? Board
The November display will continue: the Breast Cancer campaign. the early diagnosis of Dementia
Dedicated ‘flu’ Clinic 4 th October
PC, SC and Mc attended the ‘flu’ clinic. They managed to get some people to fill in EDD forms but experienced a lot of resistance. Patients were very unhappy with the crowding, waiting time and parking problems. For the next clinic on 1 st November the appointments will be every 2 minutes which should solve these problems. MC and PH will attend and distribute EDD forms. It was suggested that PRG registration forms should be handed out by the receptionists as the patients book in to the clinic.
Pharmacy Week
The date for the Pharmacy Week is provisionally the week beginning 3 November. CA has had problems reaching Hazel to confirm it. The surgery is going live with electronically transferred repeat prescriptions in February. The prescriptions will be transferred to the patient’s pharmacy of choice.
OPTIMUS Report The date of the next meeting is 7p.m. Thursday 27th November at Ruston’s. It will be a question and answer session with a panel of experts from:
A & E 2 GPs 2 Practice managers Wendy Martin (CCG) Dr Hindocha (CCG) Michelle Atkin (GEMS)
They will discuss A & E alternatives such as: o using the Out of Hours service, o asking the pharmacist. neighbourhood teams.
Dr Hindocha explained they are trying to prevent patients being sent from the surgery to A&E where they can wait for a further 4 or 5 hours. Instead, patients who have been assessed should be sent to a bed rather than to A&E.
PH and Jeff gave their apologies for being unable to attend.
Patient Participation Group Survey
The questionnaire is approved and will be posted by the first week in November.
The Automated ’Patient Partner’ Phone System Trial
Appointments can be booked up to 8 weeks in advance if they are available.
Patients in Control Programme
The CCG is holding an event at the Showroom, Tritton Road on 27th November. PPG members are invited to attend.
Leaflet for Eastern European Patients
Maria is unwell. The leaflet could be added to the registration pack and used to explain the differences in the vaccination programme here and in Eastern Europe.
Recruitment of New PPG Members
A patient, who is currently at Cross ‘o Cliff, wants to register with City Medical Practice. He would be happy to do free translations in five languages. It was suggested that he be invited to join the PPG. PC suggested: that the registration pack include the PRG registration form, which is simpler than the PPG Pamphlet. that PRG registration forms be available at the Wednesday baby clinic.
Dr Hindocha mentioned that the CCG holds daily drop in clinics where babies can be weighed etc.
Any Other Business
Suicide Rates
CA has been contacted by Paul Carrick who has been appointed to look into the suicide rates in the Abbey and Park wards which have the highest rates in the area. It is believed that this is due to the levels of debt experienced by people in these wards.
Funding has been found by LCC to employ one person, one day a week, for six months to engage with patients to offer financial advice. City Medical Practice has been invited to be a pilot surgery in this study.
Healthy Lifestyle Gold Award
CA told the group that once again this year the practice has received a gold award for promoting a healthy life style.
MC told the group that the gym at Lincoln City football ground is free to the over 50s from 10am – 11 am on a Wednesday morning. Practice Website
’Psychological Therapies’
Information from the Mental Health Trust explains how patients can ‘self refer’ if they are suffering from anxiety or depression. Time targets are being introduced.
Dr Hindocha told the group that he could see problems with people suffering from anxiety or depression being able to ‘self refer’. Most referrals will probably be made after an appointment with the doctor.
On the practice website there is information about Ebola.
If a patient:
feels unwell, has a fever, has returned from Sierra Leone or Liberia within the last 21 days.
They are asked to remain at home and one of the designated ambulances will be sent to the patient.
Four hospitals have been designated to deal with suspected cases including:
The Royal Free, The Hallam, Sheffield.
Infection is passed by direct touch. Only people who have cared for sufferers have become infected so far.
Access to Medical Health Records
Dr Hindocha explained that we have already dealt with sharing records with A&E. This initiative is about looking at your own records electronically. Slightly more information is available than in the Summary Care Record.
Dial a Ride
MC told the group that Andrew Tysoe from Dial a Ride has got some leaflets to advertise that Dial a Ride is able to take patients who have to travel in their wheelchair to appointments at the hospital or surgery. The RVS has problems offering transport to wheelchair users who stay in their chair so Andrew is keen to fill this gap in the service. MC will ask Andrew if the surgery can have some leaflets.
Date of the Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held on Thursday 20th November at 6.30. p.m. It has been moved forward to avoid a clash with the OPTIMUS meeting. Pam gave her apologies