1 Progress Report Summery 3

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1 Progress Report Summery 3

Grant agreement no. IEE/ 07/503/SI2.499430

Project acronym ENERCITIES

Full title of the action Game-based Platform Energy-efficient Virtual Cities

Intelligent Energy – Europe (IEE)

SAVE or ALTENER or STEER or COOPENER or Horizontal Key Actions

Key action:

Interim Technical Implementation Report (IR)

Period covered: from 01/09/08 to 28/02/10 Due date: 31/03/10

Start date of the action: 01/03/10 Duration: 4 weeks End date of the action: 31/03/10

Project coordinator name Wilfrie Koekkoek Organisation ROC Nijmegen e-mail [email protected] tel.numb. +31(0)24 3813239

Project website www.enercities.eu www.surfgroepen.nl/sites/enercities (requires registration)

IEE / 07 / 503 / S12.499430 ENERCITIES Page 1 from 29 Table of Contents

1 Progress report summery 3  Objectives of the period 3  Achieved results 3  Identified problems 3  Main activities in the next period 3 2 Consortium management in the period 4 3 Progress of work plan in the period 7  Progress on work packages against initial objectives 7  Deviation from the project work plan 7  Progress regarding deliverables (Table 1) 8  Progress regarding performance indicators 8 4 Work plan for the next period (July 2009 – March 2010) 9  Planned activities in the next period 9  Planned meetings and dissemination activities 10 5 Other Issues 10 6 Appendices to the Technical Progress Report 11  Table 1: First/updated list of submitted deliverables since starting date. 11  Table 2: First/updated indicative state of advancement of hours spent 12  Table 3: Updated list of main persons in charge of the action 13  Updated version of the project fact sheet 14  Updated version of the publishable summary slides 16  Copy of the deliverables produced during the reporting period 25

IEE / 07 / 503 / S12.499430 ENERCITIES Page 2 from 29 1 Interim Report Summary Period: September 2008/March 2010 Objectives of the period Achieved results Identified problems 1) Development of a business 1) Development plan and business case case and a development plan have been developed

2) Development of project descriptions (educative 2) toolbox structure is ready. toolbox, game-based platform and community facility)

3)Communication problems concerning the toolbox 3) Map and analyse in-depth and related to the WP leadership and shift of deadlines energy-related education 3) toolbox is ready in all languages have been tackling the normal development of the materials toolbox. Anyway the toolbox has been developed according to the requirements and the project plan.

4) Redevelopment existing materials and development of 4) Teachers’ manual ready in all new materials (students’ languages; student education materials education materials and included in the toolbox teachers’ training manuals)

5) Pre-pilot (Development of Enercities version 1.0 and 5) Pre-pilot realised related test run by a small group of teachers/students)

6) Pilot (testing Enercities 1.0 6) Pilot realised; reflection workshop in all countries); pilot realised reflection workshop

7) Enercities learning platform running 7) Final version of Enercities (on www.enercities.eu and Facebook), (1.0) game based learning feedback from IEE and results of both platform; system pre-pilot and pilot have been used to configuration representing improve the game; instead of student game based platform as and teachers’ manuals a support team service; delivery of manuals has been set up in each land (see Rollout plan for details)

8) Development of community 8) Community facility running on facility; system configuration?; www.enercities.eu manuals

9) It was remarkable to see how we got connected to youngsters. Teachers found it difficult to understand the game by themselves and tended to keep the game away from their instruction lessons. They told the project leader the game seems to be to difficult for their classes according to their opinion. We got the idea the 9) Rollout development plan 9) Rollout development plan ready game was/is to difficult for the teachers. Since the opportunity to play the game by using Facebook, youngsters started to play without problems. We intend to present again Enercities during the next school openings of August/September 2010 to reach more teachers and students.

10) Remote training for 10) Training is delivered via e-mail, educational institutions messenger, chat and community facility

11) Contacting and 11) In progress; memorandum of contracting 45 rollout agreement ready 11) Difficulties in NL to contract educational institutions educational institutions in 11 countries; model contract 12) Communication strategy 12) Communication plan realised; first implemented press release realised and spread in The Netherlands and Germany; other countries are busy with translation. IEE / 07 / 503 / S12.499430 ENERCITIES Page 3 from 29 Another press release will be spread during the Energy Week of March 2010; a USB stick for approaching rollout schools is available

13) University of Twente (NL) has been subcontracted for the analysis of project 13) Analysis of project results results (shift in youth attitudes towards energy)

Main activities until the end of the action – April 2010 to August 2011 In February EnerCities 1.0 has been launched and there is a press release available. Partners are going to use the sustainable Energy week in March to give more publicity to the project. EnerCities partners will attend to several congresses to promote the project. In Granada there will be an updated list of educational institutes partners have contacted. Partners will offer a memory stick with the educational toolbox and other information to each educational institute that is going to use the EnerCities project in its curriculum. Consortium partners will have a support team available for (remote) training and support. Teachers will have access to the Teacher Area on the Community facility. The first virtual European competition will be on April the 20th, In Granada the data for the other 4 competitions will be chosen. In each consortium country there will be a local event to promote EnerCities, using the project infrastructure. EnerCities will participate in an European Conference as the final conference in July 2011. There are going to be consortium meetings in Granada (Spain), Greece and England to reflect on the rollout, the events and the competitions as well as to prepare events, competitions and the final conference. Partners will support the University of Twente with the questionnaires before during and after educational institutes have used the EnerCities game and infrastructure. In Granada there will be a workshop in using Office Live workspace, as a replacement for Surfgroepen. After the Granada meeting the development plan, the roll out plan and the communication- and dissemination plan will be updated according to the first findings from the roll out and the remarks from this meeting.

IEE / 07 / 503 / S12.499430 ENERCITIES Page 4 from 29 2 Consortium management until the interim date September 2008 / March 2010

Communication: To involve all partners in the communication towards Enercities, project leader started to sent out emails to the partners and granted them access to the created communication platform on Surfgroepen. Because of the sustaining problems some partners have signing in on Surfgroepen, the EnerCities. EU page is used as consortium forum for announcements and for questions and answers. The rest of the communication is by email. The document sharing has been done bij Surfgroepen as well as the consortium area. (www.surfgroepen.nl) For access to this website, please contact Mr. Bernd Decker and Ms. Helena Ruiz Fabra from EACI.

Between the Dutch partners and the German partner there have been several meetings to prepare the consortium meeting in Germany and to fine-tune the game, the community and the toolbox. When the deadlines were close or if the plans weren’t clear enough, project leader made several telephone calls to consortium partners. The Dutch partners had a meeting with Waltraud Schmid in Brussels, to discuss the comments we got on the game after the progress report.

Quality control ROC has an open eye for quality issues and as a matter of fact, arranged a meeting in Klausenhof to be pro-active in this. We asked the partner Klausenhof to take a critical look at the evaluation questions for the pre-pilot. The game has been tested in 5 countries. Both Pre-Pilot and Pilot showed that youngsters like the game concept. They suggested the game should have more options and there must be an urge in acting. The game then didn’t have the improvement option, what was build in after the testing period. The comments we got from Brussels and the information from piloting, led us to the game as it is now. Results from the pilot can be red in the pilot findings.(deliverable D9.1) As for the number of players and the playing time, we have over 4000 players already. This is on both facebook and our own website www.EnerCities.eu.

The rollout has entered a critical phase. The game has been officially released and we are preparing the first events and virtual competitions.. The toolboxes has been evaluated and there has been some redeveloping. In Hamminkeln we decided to have the toolboxes structured in 5 chapters. 1) introduction about Enercities; 2) teaching methodologies (serious gaming and energy themes); 3) general information about energy; 4) national energy information sources (web links); e) a players/teachers manual. Those toolboxes still consists of 1 file. Next step is to create html driven toolboxes with each 5 chapters to be entered from a content page.

At our organization we have a project agency with a lot of experience with international projects. Also the financial administration and monitoring of this project was done in a way that we, at all times, can give an accurate overview of all costs within a month.

Meetings: Kickoff 25-26 September 2008 Nijmegen For the kick-off meeting a solid financial administration was set up, to support the project. Miss S.de Pruyssenaere de la Woestijne (ROC Nijmegen) from the project agency made sure every partner had the correct information about the financials and the administrative issues. She prepared a presentation for the first meeting. The main agreements to be made were: - Each of the partners will make a financial report every 9 months. The dates are similar to the project report dates. The first will be in July 2009. - The partners will use formats for staff costs, travel and subsistence costs, other costs and a time sheet which Miss de la Woestijne will deliver by email. (they are on the internet site too. - Partners will use real hourly rates, when accounting for the staff costs. Therefore they will deliver a calculation of the staff costs per person.

IEE / 07 / 503 / S12.499430 ENERCITIES Page 5 from 29 During the kickoff meeting the project leader went through the work plan, to look for questions and to agree on the work that has to be done.

Ljubljana 9-11 March 2009 The meeting was prepared together with Miss Mirjana Sibanc (Ljudska Univerza Velenje). ROC has made a development plan mainly for WP3, 4 and 5. For the communication and dissemination towards the game and its players, ROC asked LMC to take things in hand. In Ljubljana there were arranged agreements on the final planning of the testing, the pilot and the pilot meeting, We agreed on building toolboxes containing new as well as existing materials instead of educational materials to be developed. There we rescheduled the exact data for the Pilot and our meetings in Germany (4-7 November 2009) and Spain (18-21 April 2010). We also agreed that the partners will have their financial data ready end of June..

Hamminkeln 5-6 November 2009 Meeting has been hosted by Akademie Klausenhof. There has been a bilateral meeting to set up the workshop we had during the Hamminkeln meeting. During the meeting, results of the pre-pilot and pilot have been discussed and investigated, as well as the game, the toolbox and the community facility. A very important feedback from Ms. Waltraud Schmid of the IEE has been evaluated in detail by all meeting participants; comments contained in the feedback have been taken into account for the development of Enercities 1.0 (final version). Another important issue such as the right parameterization of the energy sources available on Enercities has been raised by the Spanish partner which took responsibility to contract an external organisation able to provide for a professionally-made parameterization. It was decided to let Enercities run on a very popular social forum (Facebook) to get more visibility and more players. The communication plan was explained by John Perry of LMC and we agreed on the issues of how to get the roll out to be a success. For the financial problems of Paladin, related to a cash-flow shortage, we reached a solution in Hamminkeln.

Granada 20-21 April 2010 Consortium partners are actually busy with the preparation of this next milestone.

Greece 7-10 November 2010 Date has been agreed.

Local Meetings Holland Before the pre-pilot meeting (In Ljubljana) there were several meetings in Holland. Utrecht 14 november 2008 Here Wilfrie Koekkoek (ROC Nijmegen), Erik Knol (Qeam), Derk de Geus (Paladin Studios), Dylan Nagel (Paladin Studios), and Eric Luijten (ROC Nijmegen) met, to discuss the planning of the project. The agreement on the surfgroepen site was made here. We discussed the business plan, the development plan and the educational toolbox. With Paladin Studios we agreed to make a beta of the game, for look and feel purpose and to have the real game build a few months later. Leiden 17 December 2008 Paladin Studios showed the raw game look. We discussed what the activities of the player should be. ROC asked Paladin Studios to have a playable demo ready for the meeting in Ljubljana. Nijmegen 19 December 2008 Erik Knol, Marco Rescigno and Eric Luijten met to discuss the educational toolbox, the business case and the development plan. ROC called John Perry (LMC) to ask for the Enercities Logo. Utrecht 17 February 2009 Here ROC and Qeam prepared the meeting in Ljubljana. The meeting should give some answers on how to test (pre-pilot) the game, what the toolbox should look like and what the connection should be between the toolbox and the game. Leiden 15 May 2009 To make sure the game meets our expectations, and the pre-pilot will go well, project leader organized a meeting with Paladin Studios and Qeam. Here the development of the game was discussed. Also the

IEE / 07 / 503 / S12.499430 ENERCITIES Page 6 from 29 developing of the toolboxes and the coordinating of this development. ROC asked Qeam to have some evaluation questions ready for the pre-pilot. In order to tackle some financial issues (Paladin Studios had most of the work in the beginning of the project, while they got 30% of the money like the other partners,), ROC arranged a meeting in Nijmegen, with Paladin Studios. Utrecht 23/06/09 We had a discussion on how to modify the game, the toolbox, the community and the questionnaire, so we could pilot successfully. We also discussed the planning and the preparations for the Hamminkeln meeting in November. Leiden 09/09/09 Here we had a view at the last modified game. We discussed how to use this in the Hamminkeln meeting and how to have the pilot workshop. We prepared the meeting in Hamminkeln and organized the travelling from Schiphol to Hamminkeln. Here we discussed the financial problems too. Utrecht 11/12/2009 The Dutch partners had a meeting in Utrecht to discuss the way we could improve the communication amongst the partners. We decided to keep using Surfgroepen until something better came up. We suggested some improvements on the community facility, the toolbox and the game. For the game we considered the suggestions we got from Brussels. We made plans to have the roll out in February, and get the game going. Leiden 27/01/2010 In Leiden we finished our plans for the roll out. Agreed on how to communicate with the partners and how to deal with some issues like the teacher code and the support of the game, the toolbox and the community. The week after our meeting the game rolled out.

Bilateral meeting. ROC Nijmegen – Klausenhof, 5 June 2009 In order to discuss the quality of the game and the evaluation of testing, ROC had a meeting with Klausenhof, to discuss the game, the educational toolbox and some financial administrative questions. ROC agreed on being present when the testing at Klausenhof takes place. ROC Nijmegen – Paladin Studios, 16 June 2009 Solving some financial issues. Discussing what work should be done at this moment, to make the pre-pilot a success. The last planning activities for testing and piloting the game ROC Nijmegen – Klausenhof to prepare the 3rd transnational meeting (September 2009) 24/11/2009 meeting Brussels (Paladin Studios, Qeam, ROC Nijmegen (feedback from IEE)

Dissemination Activities  The game, the toolbox and the community facility can be found on the website www.EnerCities.EU. This website is promoted by all partners. The game is available on the social network FaceBook, where you can find a link to the EnerCities website too.  At the website http://www.enercities.eu where information about the project and the game. Can be found by clicking the link “project page” .  In order to promote the game, John Perry (LMC), Derk de Geus and Dylan Nagel (Paladin) participated in the conference on serious gaming in London the 7e of May 2009.  There have been 4 occasions where Wilfrie Koekkoek presented the game: Schio: 23 persons from 11 countries Regensburg: 11 persons from 7 countries Montpellier: 12 persons from 6 countries Bologna: 16 persons from 8 countries  On 7/11/2009 Enercities was nominated for the best ICT for energy efficiency project award. See http://ec.europa.eu/information_society/index_en.htm  On 3/12/09 Enercities has been presented at Albeda College (Rotterdam) during a congress about internationalisation – 130 participants  Paladin Studios presented Enercities at the “Serious gaming conference” in Lille (FR) on December 2009  Paladin Studios attended the LearnTech conference in Frankfurt (DE) on 3/2/2010 where Enercities 1.0 was launched

IEE / 07 / 503 / S12.499430 ENERCITIES Page 7 from 29  Enercities has been presented at the third transnational meeting of the Interreg IVB-North Sea project “Poyo” held in Hamburg (DE) at the premises of the Elbcampus – 20 participants  The roll out is a fact, but there was not much publicity. We agreed on having this in the Energy week (22 – 26 March) The preparations are being made. There will be a memory stick with useful data for the schools that tent to participate. John is preparing a press release that partners can translate and send to the press.  Preparation have been taken for a presentation at the ICT-Education Congress in Veldhoven (The Netherlands) on the 16th of April 2010.

Feedback on comments from the project officer. A very important feedback from Ms. Schmid, senior officer of the IEE agency, was discussed during the meeting in Hamminkeln (see previous point “meetings”). This feedback contained very important remarks - mostly about the game itself – which Paladin Studios has been taken into account for the development of Enercities 1.0 (final version). Ms. Schmid pointed out, among others, that subjects such as energy efficiency and energy saving at individual level were totally missing in Enercities. There has been made changes, so that there is an urge to act. When building new structures, you have the opportunity to put savings in, or to do that later. If you don’t save energy at all, it is almost impossible to end the game. We think it is an attractive game, and it learns the players a lot about energy, Energy and the environment and the need for energy savings

IEE / 07 / 503 / S12.499430 ENERCITIES Page 8 from 29 3 Progress of work plan and achievements until the interim date September 2008 – March 2010  Progress and achieved results per work package against initial objectives  Deviation from the project work plan Planned activities Achievement Deviation Partners involved Project meetings; development of 3 project meetings held; 1 PR submitted; ROC Nijmegen (WP leader); all project progress reports (interim and final No WP1 1 IR submitted (this document) partners (meetings) included) ROC Nijmegen (education materials and WP2 Define project scope; define business Project scope is defined via business development plan); Paladin (learning case, development plan; define project case; new updated version of the platform and community facility); Qeam descriptions (education materials, game- development plan is available; toolbox No (business case); Dip. Granada based learning platform, community structure ready (education materials); (community platform); all other partners facility) project descriptions available (education materials) WP3 Un. Velenje (WP leader; mapping and analysing activities, central translation partner, pilot and rollout preparation); Development of education materials for Toolbox content is ready; a new structure Toolbox content has been completed in Klausenhof (testing education materials); students; development of teachers’ for the toolbox is in progress January 2010 Dip. Granada (provider of energy-related training manuals contents); other project partners (involvement in mapping and analysing activities) WP4 Paladin (WP leader and game developer); Dip. Granada (technical information regarding parameterization of game elements); KEK (monitoring of Development, testing and installation of Final version (1.0) ready educational aspects of the game); game-based learning platform Klausenhof (strong role in testing the game platform); Un. Velenje (translation partner); other partners (test involvement) WP5 Paladin (WP leader and community developer); Dip. Granada (Advisory function regarding energy-related topics); Development, testing and installation of Final version (1.0) ready Un. Velenje (translation partner); the community platform Klausenhof (strong role in testing the community); other partners (test involvement) WP6 ROC Nijmegen (WP leader, performing the pilot, review workshop, rollout Pilot implementation; development of preparation); Paladin (integration and evaluation plan; pre-pilot meeting with Pilot has been implemented as well as packaging of project infrastructure); also EACI stakeholders; teachers’ the reflection workshop and teachers’ There has been one month delay Qeam (evaluation plan); Dip. Granada training sessions; pilot reflection training sessions. (integration and packaging of project workshop infrastructure); other partners (performing the pilot, review workshop, rollout preparation) WP7 Contacting and contracting schools; A memorandum of agreement to contract No All partners

IEE / 07 / 503 / S12.499430 ENERCITIES Page 9 from 29 schools is available; rollout plan is ready; development of a rollout plan; rollout rollout workshop will be in Granada on workshop April 2010 WP8 LMC (WP leader, developer of Communication plan ready; first virtual communication plan, attending workshop, Communication and dissemination of competition will happen on April 2010 organisation of regional event, project results; development of a (during the Enercities meeting in organisation of final conference); Qeam communication plan by which 50 Granada); new banners are available; a (input for communication plan, attending education institutions and youngsters not USB stick with Enercities logo is workshop and conference); Paladin linked to rollout education institutions get No available and will be used to contact (active role in EU game competitions, informed about Enercities; organisation of external schools/organisations and to attending workshop and conference); 4 EU-level virtual competitions; supply them with data; other publicity other partners (active role in organisation of 6 regional events; activities will be held in the occasion of dissemination activities, attending organisation of a final conference the Energy Week of March 2010 workshop, organisation of regional event, attending final conference) WP9 Pre-pilot and pilot analysis are completed, results are available; Analysis of both pre-pilot and pilot; rollout University of Twente has been No Qeam (WP leader) analysis and evaluation subcontracted to run the analysis of project results WP10 Updating online project information;  Fact Sheets document has been participation to information and updated; dissemination events related to IEE or other EU programmes  On 3/12/09 Enercities has been presented at Albeda College (Rotterdam) during a congress LMC (WP leader; involvement upon about internationalisation – 130 request of EU Commission); ROC No participants Nijmegen (involvement upon request of  Enercities has been presented at EU Commission) the third transnational meeting of the Interreg IVB-North Sea project “Poyo” held in Hamburg (DE) at the premises of the Elbcampus – 20 participants

Interim review of deliverables – Assess deliverables listed in Annex I of the grant agreement against results achieved until the interim date, give reference to appendix table 1 of the interim technical implementation report. See Table 1 (next point 6)

IEE / 07 / 503 / S12.499430 ENERCITIES Page 10 from 29 Interim review of performance indicators – Assess performance indicators listed in Annex I of the grant agreement against impacts of the action achieved until the interim date

At the date of presentation of this interim report it’s possible to give a partial review of three performance indicators only, RI1, RI2 and RI5. Review of all the other indicators will be possible only after the end of the WP7 Rollout

Result indicators Quantification of success Achieved results RI1: Number of unique platform users 6.000 unique users (direct involved youngsters) There are now 1.264 unique users registered on 20.000 unique users (indirect involved www.enercities.eu and 3.504 unique users youngsters) registered on Facebook; 18 schools registered. Approximately 180 direct users are registered at Enercities.eu RI2: Number of countries of origin of users 11 countries of origin of users Enercities is played in 110 countries (see attached Google Analytics report for details) RI5: Number of education institutions using 50 education institutions (5 + 45) 5 consortium members + 13 external schools platform and/or education materials are using the platform

IEE / 07 / 503 / S12.499430 ENERCITIES Page 11 from 29 4 Work plan for the next period Period April 2010 to August 2011

Planned activities in the next period. Now the game has been tested and the infrastructure has been piloted, the roll out is running. Partners are contacting schools, and asking them to include sustainable energy topics in their curriculum. There is a list of possible educational institutes. This list is updated by the partners. For the next period there are going to be local events and virtual competitions. There will be a solution to the question “how to sustain the availability of the projects infrastructure after project period”. EnerCities will attend to a congress for the closing of the project, this because there is not enough funding for a final conference of the project itself. The impact of the game will be inquired by the university of Twente and the results will be presented in an academic publication.

WP1 It’s intention of the consortium members to discuss about sustainability of results of Enercities during the next project meetings. The possibility of setting up a not-for-profit organization to ensure the continuity of the Enercities services will be investigated. During the meeting in Hamminkeln it has been decided to use a new logo, which is available on the project web site.

WP2 FINISHED Development plan has been updated on 29/11/2009. There might be some other updates after the next meetings.

WP 3 FINISHED Toolbox structure has to be revised




WP7 RUNNING Consortium members are actually busy in contacting external schools and/or training institutions to let them participate in the roll-out phase. A USB stick has been developed to be used as communication tool and of course as support for the delivery of data to the contacted schools. A memorandum of agreement is ready to be used to contract the schools. In March 2010, during the Energy Week, a new press release about the state of the art of Enercities will be spread all over Europe. A list of contacted educational institutions is continuously updated on the basis of schools’ reactions.

WP8 RUNNING 4 EU-level virtual competitions will be organized. The first one will be held on 20 April 2010. In each partner country there will be a seminar (on a regional level) about energy-related topics using the game and the educational toolbox. Participation to other events for dissemination purposes is an option always on the table. As to the final conference, we are currently investigating the possibility to disseminate Enercities final results at an external, EU-level conference where energy and its implications are one of the themes. This in order to guarantee the presence of a broad public and to save money on travel/subsistence costs.

IEE / 07 / 503 / S12.499430 ENERCITIES Page 12 from 29 WP9 RUNNING The University of Twente has been sub-contracted to evaluate the real shift of attitudes of youngsters towards energy-saving topics. The subcontractor will submit evaluation questionnaires to both teachers and students using Enercities. Results of the questionnaires will be collected in a final evaluation report. Besides, the University will edit an academic publication about Enercities.

WP10 RUNNING On 3/12/09 Enercities has been presented at Albeda College (Rotterdam) during a congress about internationalisation – 130 participants On 3/3/10 Enercities has been presented at the third transnational meeting of the Interreg IVB-North Sea project “Poyo” held in Hamburg (DE) at the premises of the Elbcampus – 20 participants

4.2 Planned meetings and dissemination activities. 18-21 April 2010: meeting in Granada (traveling on the 18th and 21st) to discuss the implementation of the game and the organization of the events.

7-10 November 2010 meeting in Greece

Next report (PR2) on December 2010 5 Other Issues 1) It has been noted that the available budget is not sufficient to cover all the costs related to the final conference. Travel costs for the consortium meetings seem not sufficient, too. Creative solutions are being investigated, as already mentioned at point 4 (WP8), to overcome the problem. Suggestions from the IEE agency are of course welcome. 2) The partner Paladin Studios has moved to a new address: Caballero Fabriek - Saturnusstraat 60, Unit 82 - 2516AH Den Haag (NL) 3) Due to the contract each of the partners received their 30% pre-payment. This turned out to cause troubles, because one of the partners (Paladin Studios) had to deliver most of the work in the very first part of the project. They built up the game and will have a smaller role during the second half of the project. Therefore the partners agreed to use a part of their first 30% as a payment to Paladin Studios. We did have contact about this with Brussels and we are able to divide the budget for the second payment according to the workload partners are expected to deliver. There were no budget changes. Also was clear that building the game was far more complicated than anticipated and the remarks of Ms. Schmid about the game were also very time consuming. Therefore the hours of Paladin Studios were much higher, but there was no exceeding of the budget because of the lower hourly rates.

IEE / 07 / 503 / S12.499430 ENERCITIES Page 13 from 29 6 Appendices to the Interim Technical Implementation Report

Table 1: Updated list of submitted deliverables since starting date Please update table 1 of your last technical progress report until the interim date

Del. WP Deliverable name Month of Submission Deliverable uploaded at website? Deviation or N° 1 N° 1 completion with report assessment D1.1 WP1 Progress report M10 PR1 www.enercities.eu/project/deliverables.html No deviation D1.2 WP1 Interim report M18 IR www.enercities.eu/project/deliverables.html No deviation D2.1 WP2 Business case document M3 PR1 www.surfgroepen.nl/ENERCITIES ENERCITIES_WP2_business_case_final_KNOL_20090624 http://www.enercities.eu/project/Deliverables.html D2.2 WP2 Development plan Project M5 PR1 Development plan ENERCITIES_WP2_development_plan_Rescigno_20091129.doc IR http://www.enercities.eu/project/Deliverables.html (Project) had to be updated during Development plan Educational Material the project life. ENERCITIES_WP2_education_themes_draft_KNOL_20090624.doc http://www.enercities.eu/project/Deliverables.html Other updates are Development plan Game still possible. 20090311 Enercities meeting Ljubljana.doc Development plan Community 20090311 Enercities meeting Ljubljana.doc D3.1 WP3 Student education materials (pilot + rollout) for each partner. M15 IR www.enercities.eu

D3.2 WP3 Teacher (training) manual M14 IR http://www.enercities.eu/project/Deliverables.htm D4.1 WP4 Game-based platform as service (1.0) M16 IR http://www.enercities.eu/beta/ Yes http://www.enercities.eu D5.1 WP5 Community facility as service (1.0) M16 IR http://www.enercities.net/community/ Yes http://www.enercities.eu D6.1 WP6 Local training sessions M14 IR www.enercities.eu/project/deliverables.html D6.2 WP6 Pilot-reflection workshop M15 IR www.enercities.eu/project/deliverables.html D7.1 WP7 Remote training (support team) M15 IR www.enercities.eu/project/deliverables.html D8.1 WP8 Communication and dissemination plan M12 IR www.enercities.eu D9.1 WP9 Pre-pilot and pilot analysis document M17 IR www.enercities.eu

IEE / 07 / 503 / S12.499430 ENERCITIES Page 14 from 29 Table 2 Indicative state of advancement of hours spent (in %) since starting date per partner and per work package

Please update table 2 of your last technical progress report until the interim date. Please regard that this indicative state of advancement has to correlate with the information given in the report and the interim financial statements.

This is a raw guess of how far we planned to be on the work packages. the achievement is calculated from the hours spent towards the hours in the project plan..

Work Actual/Planned Total Total1 Total Total Total Total Total Total Total package Achievement ROC Paladin Qeam LMC Klaushof KEK Velenje Granada WP 1: Actual 56 % 122 % 59 % 70% 112% 44% 109% 52% 78% Planned 50 % 50 % 50 % 50 % 50 % 50 % 50 % 50 % 50% WP 2: Actual 100 % 248 % 93 % 32% 93 % 97 % 100 % 96 % 107 % Planned 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100% WP 3: Actual 90 % 0 % 56% 56 % 89 % 100 % 57 % 83 % 66 % Planned 100% 100 % 100% 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100% WP4: Actual 90 % 140 % 96% % 12% 100 % 27% 63 % 75 % Planned 100 % 100 % 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% WP5: Actual 80 % 120 % % % 34% 100 % 12 % 95% 74 % Planned 100 % 100 % 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% WP6: Actual 100 % 66 % 95 % 10% 82% 100% 39% 103% 74 % Planned 100 % 100 % 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% WP7: Actual 20 % 0 % 18% % % 25% % 12% 19 % Planned 25 % 25 % 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% WP8: Actual 20 % 41 % 26% 2 % 15% 27% 1% 2% 17 % Planned 30 % 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% WP9: Actual 10 % 0 % 15% % 22% 52% % 28% 25 % Planned 25 % 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% WP10: Actual 40 % 103% 60 % Planned 50 % 50% 50% Total Action 50 % 123 % 41% 16% 35% 52% 27% 49% 50 %

1 Development of the game EnerCities did cost far more working hours then expected. Due to the relatively low hourly rate Paladin Studios was able to have the job done within the planned budget. IEE / 07 / 503 / S12.499430 ENERCITIES Page 15 from 29 Table 3: Updated list of main persons in charge of the action

Particip Participant Short name Family name, first Telephone N° Fax E-mail Date of Justific ant N° name N° Change ation Wilfrie Koekkoek +3124 3813239 [email protected] Luijten, Eric +3124 8904887 [email protected] Rescigno, Marco +316 48137386 [email protected] Olde Riekerink Jos [email protected] 1-4-2010 Stefanie de CO ROC Nijmegen [email protected] Pruyssenaere de la +3124 8904057 Woestijne Jacob Hensums +31243813226 [email protected] Dini ten Westenend +3124 8904063 [email protected] Mirella Argante 3124 3813275 [email protected] Geus de, Derk +316 81926666 [email protected] CB2 Paladin Studios Nagel, Dylan +31628555663 [email protected] CB3 Qeam Erik Knol +31 646 20 78 58 [email protected] John Perry +44(0)1524521216 [email protected] CB4 LMC John Latham +44(0)1524521216 [email protected] Hans Nakath +49 2852890 [email protected] CB5 Akademie Klausenhof Clemens Naffin +49 2852890 [email protected] Nick Chyssinis +30 6974736140 [email protected] CB6 KEK Kykladon Theodora Amorati +30 6974736140 [email protected] Mirjana Sibanc +38 641791180 [email protected] CB7 Ljudska Univerza Velenje Nada Mazgon +38 641791180 [email protected] Gonzalo Esteban CB8 Diputacion Granada +34 958 28 15 51 [email protected] López

IEE / 07 / 503 / S12.499430 ENERCITIES Page 16 from 29 Project Fact Sheet Created/updated: 22 03 2010 Game-based Platform Energy-efficient Virtual Cities ENERCITIES

Programme area: Intelligent energy education initiative (Integrated Initiative) Status: Ongoing

Coordinator: Mr. Wilfrie Koekkoek ROC Nijmegen, the Netherlands E-mail: [email protected] Tel: +31 24 381 32 00 Partners: Paladin Studios, the Netherlands Qeam2, the Netherlands Lancaster & Morecambe College, United Kingdom Akademie Klausenhof, Germany Unified Vocational Training Centre Of Cyclades, Greece Ljudska Univerza Velenje, Slovenia Agencia de la Energía de Granada, Spain Website: www.EnerCities.eu and http://www.EnerCities.eu/project

Objective: Development and rollout of a game-based platform regarding energy-efficient cities, including related education materials. Benefits: Shift in energy-aware attitudes and behaviours of youngsters (and teachers) across Europe.

Keywords: Energy awareness stimulation, energy education, game-based platform

Duration: 08/2008 – 08/2011 Budget: € 1.458.437,00 (EU contribution: 75%) Contract number: IEE/07/503/SI2.499430

Short description Project EnerCities offers a game-based learning platform for young people to experience energy- related implications. The goal is to create and expand virtual cities dealing with pollution, energy shortages, renewable energy etc. The platform and related education programmes will be piloted in 5 education institutions. European rollout of the platform - accompanied with education materials - is facilitated among 50 education institutions. 26.000 youngsters will use the game-based platform. 6 regional events, 4 game-competitions, 1 community platform, and 1 final conference are organized.

2 Project initiator IEE / 07 / 503 / S12.499430 ENERCITIES Page 17 from 29 The project makes youngsters (and teachers) aware of energy-related implications and will have the ability to change their energy-aware attitudes and behaviours. The platform is attractive for youngsters: advanced on energy topics, teamwork-oriented, competition-based and community- driven. Education institutions will have a learning tool to upgrade their education programmes. Project duration is 36 months.

Expected and/or achieved results - The EnerCities game (version 1.0) is available since Q1 2010: http://www.EnerCities.eu and on Facebook http://apps.facebook.com/EnerCities. Inputs for this version were pilots (including student surveys; Q3 2009), a pilot workshop with students and teachers (Q4 2009) and online experiences with a Facebook version (beta) of the EnerCities game (Q4 2009). - The rollout is fully activated since the beginning of 2010 and schools are contacted to embed the EnerCities educational package including game in their lessons. In April 2010 the first European EnerCities competition takes place; more competitions will follow the coming period. As from September 2010 large-scale usage of EnerCities among schools in the EU is expected. - The intervention potentials of the EnerCities package on the energy-related attitude and energy-related (household) behavioural intentions of the involved students are measured the coming period. Since the beginning of 2010, for this purpose a specific questionnaire is available in six languages for the as well the experimental group as the control group via the following website: http://www.EnergyQuestionnaire.eu. - Dissemination is important to create traffic to EnerCities and its online platform. The project EnerCities is promoted on several conferences and via (online) media channels (magazines, blogs). Conference examples: Apply Serious Games & Virtual Worlds, E-virtuoses 2009 and Learntec. Respected (blog)articles about EnerCities are: http://seriousgamesmarket.blogspot.com/2010/02/serious-games-for-better-future.html, http://www.insidesocialgames.com/2009/12/08/enercities-a-sim-city-style-look-at- environmental-issues and http://www.bright.nl/energiek-en-duurzaam-computeren. At this moment the following EnerCities (paper) presentations on conferences are in the pipeline for 2010: Conferentie voor Onderwijsvernieuwing & ICT (14-15 April, Veldhoven) and CESB10 - Central Europe towards Sustainable Building Conference (30 June - 2 July, Prague). LinkedIn is being used to build up online relationships with education, energy and gaming professionals: http://www.linkedin.com/groups?about=&gid=2496242. The following EnerCities Twitter account is active: http://twitter.com/EnerCities.

IEE / 07 / 503 / S12.499430 ENERCITIES Page 18 from 29 - Ultimately, after completion project EnerCities shows a shift in energy-aware attitudes and behaviours of youngsters (and teachers) through the usage of the game-based platform and related education materials. - Substantial number of education institutions in Europe used the platform and related education materials to enhance education programmes. - The project EnerCities will organize 6 regional events, 4 game-competitions, 1 community platform, and 1 final conference to show and use the game-based platform and to discuss its implications. - Experiences are shared. Development and rollout of the platform and related education materials will be continued.

Lessons learnt The project is instantly looking for channels and opportunities to disseminate EnerCities. It realised (due to professional experiences of consortium partners with online social networks) that Facebook is a very important online channel to reach European youngsters. The consortium experienced the process of making the EnerCities game ready as a Facebook application: the first serious game application on Facebook! Secondly, the consortium experienced the powers of online magazines, blogs and other online platforms (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter) to create (professional-oriented) buzz around EnerCities and to stimulate online traffic to the EnerCities game on the internet. Thirdly, the consortium realizes that time and professional communication are needed in order to attract schools to embed EnerCities package in their lessons.

IEE / 07 / 503 / S12.499430 ENERCITIES Page 19 from 29 Updated version of the publishable summary slides

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