Tisbury Parish Council s1
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TISBURY PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 2nd September 2008 at 7:00pm in the Elizabeth Hall, Tisbury. 08.09.01 Present: P.Cnllrs D. Carroll (Chairman), Mrs J. Golder, J. Berkley-Matthews, Mrs P. Chave, D. Boxall, P. Coopman, M. McGrath, Miss F. Corp, R. Dearden and Mrs J. Amos (from 7:04pm). Also in attendance: C.Cnllr Mrs B. Wayman (until 9:26pm); D.Cnllrs Mrs J. Green (until 9:20pm) and R. Beattie (7:40pm to 7:50pm); Mrs S. Harry (Clerk); Andy Fell, Community Beat Manager (8:20pm to 8:45pm). 08.09.02 Apologies received: None. 08.09.03 Declarations of Interest: P.Cnllr. R. Dearden with respect to S/2008/1468 (7:04pm) Questions and /or statements from members of the public: 08.09.04 None. Note: The resident that had previously indicated an interest in the vacancy for a Parish Councillor withdrew shortly before the meeting. Reports from County and District Councillors: 08.09.05 a. County Councillor Mrs Bridget Wayman expressed concern with the extent and scope of the current SDC consultation ‘Our Place in the Future’; the nature of the rural area being under threat from uncoordinated policies issued from Salisbury, South Somerset and Dorset Councils affecting the area between Salisbury, Shaftesbury and the A30/303 corridors. An issue with the Highway Engineers concerning the width of Hindon Lane would be MrsBW investigated following a concern notified to the Chairman by a resident. 08.09.06 b. District Councillor Mrs Jose Green highlighted the ‘Sawmills’ appeal being made and also the Tisbury CAP (Community Area Partnership) currently looking for a ‘quick win’ to establish itself. 08.09.07 c. District Councillor Richard Beattie (actually spoke following the reports for Clarence) indicated his concerns with the ‘Our Place in the Future’ consultation, highlighting the limitations of the shortened 5 year time period with a reduced housing number target. Minutes of the previous meetings: 08.09.08 Full – 1st July 2008 - these were accepted and signed as a true record. Proposed MsJG / seconded MrsJA / unanimous of those present (7) Planning – 15th July 2008 - these were accepted and signed as a true record. Proposed MrsPamC / seconded MissFC/ unanimous of those present (7) Planning – 19th August 2008 - these were accepted and signed as a true record. Proposed MrsJA / seconded PeterC/ unanimous of those present (5) 08.09.09 Matters arising from the previous meetings: 08.07.05 a. – WCCs acceptance of the connection of water and electricity supplies to the KGV Cricket Pavilion had been confirmed in writing. 08.07.31 – a letter concerning the reduced hours proposed for Tisbury Railway ticket office had been received from SWTrains, assuring the PC that no changes would be made unless warranted. It was noted that the meeting proposed for 18th August had not taken place due to SWTrains staff shortages. 08.09.10 Consideration of Planning Applications: S/20081414 - s.211 - Barwell, Hindon Lane, Tisbury - crown raise x2 copper beech Cnllrs resolved to object to the proposals as the trees formed such an important part of the skyline from the High Street. Clerk Proposed MrsPamC / seconded PeterC / 9 in favour with 1 abstention S/2008/1421 - s.211 - Place Farm, Court Street, Tisbury - fell x1 poplar & x1 ash, pollard x4 limes, remove x2 lateral limbs from willow Cnllrs resolved to support the proposals. Clerk Proposed MrsPamC / seconded MissFC / unanimous Page 1 of 4 S/2008/1463 - advert – Boots Shop, High Street, Tisbury - –installation of non- illuminated fascia signage & projecting sign Clerk Cnllrs resolved to support the application. Proposed MMcG / seconded MissFC / unanimous S/2008/1468 – TPOs – 15 Ladydown View – fell 1 dying horse chestnut & reduce x1 beech tree by 25% Cnllrs resolved to support the proposals. Proposed MrsPamC / seconded JBM / unanimous Clerk 08.09.11 Applications Determined: noted. Other Planning Matters: a. The ‘Our Place in the Future’ presentation would be held jointly with West Tisbury PC and would be facilitated by D.Cnllr RAB. b. P.Cnllrs opted not to sponsor the upkeep of any red telephone boxes removed by BT as a part of the national strategy. c. It was noted that planning permission had been applied for by St John’s School to install floodlighting at the tennis courts. d. P.Cnllrs felt that the ‘Sawmills’ appeal should be supported by the Parish Council. Clerk e. The planning application for 11 Weaveland Road would be considered at 7:30pm on 9th September 2008. (7:40pm) REPORTS FROM PARISH COUNCILLORS: 08.09.12 Clarence / Highway Issues a. The dropped crossings in Queens Road did not appear to have been inspected. Clerk b. The litter bin outside the Co-op was overflowing on a regular basis – the manager would be approached (in writing) and SDC asked to pay particular attention to this Clerk area. c. Hedges at the Beckford crossroads needed cutting back. Clerk d. The Avenue – lateral growth and nettles obscuring motorists’ view of oncoming traffic. Clerk (7:50pm) 08.09.13 KGV th play area - works by Youth Club members were now progressing, but had already been vandalised by other youngsters. Bordering grass edges had been strimmed by JF’s group, but the old football posts were still in place – JS to be contacted. Clerk 08.09.14 Lower Recreation Ground - a response from B. Woodcock was still awaited with respect Clerk to the meeting with Sid Kimbrough regarding the wet pour and also the landscaping. The safety notices had already been vandalised and needed to be replaced. Clerk 08.09.15 Footpaths - advice had been given by WCC Footpath Officer who had confirmed that PCs could contact landowners directly with respect to blocked footpaths. Standard paragraphs for inclusion in letters would be submitted to NC for comment and Clerk approval. 08.09.16 Community Composting – Total sales for the year to date amounted to £235.10 but there was still a problem with fly tipping of material for shredding. SDC had declined to put their own notices forward but WCC would be approached for use of their signs. Clerk The PC confirmed that it would support any grant applications. Clerk Proposed MrsPamC / seconded RD / unanimous 08.09.17 TISBUS AGM – A grant for £5,000 had been obtained from SDC and there were plans for a 3rd new bus. Cnllrs briefly discussed the use and further promotion of the service.
08.09.18 TCSP – a well attended meeting had seen a demonstration of a radar unit indicating traffic speed that could be bought for £3,500. It was proposed that the portable unit would be purchased to cover the TCSP area. No funding was being requested at this time, the monies to be subject to a grant application dependent upon road assessments. Finance: Page 2 of 4 08.09.19 Payments - The income and payments data previously circulated were approved. proposed JBM /seconded RD/unanimous 08.09.20 Annual Return – although Mazars had indicated verbally that the 2007/08 return was in order, the opinion had yet to be received in writing. Clerk 08.09.21 R2 monies update – quotes were still being obtained for all current R2 applications. Clerk 08.09.22 Financial regulations – Cnllrs resolved to make the changes suggested by the RFO/Clerk that were primarily concerned with formatting and references to ‘regulations in force at Clerk (8:20pm) the time’ rather than specific acts/years. In addition, budget estimates would cover a 3 year rather than 1 year period. proposed JBM /seconded RD/unanimous 08.09.23 Risk Register – Cnllrs resolved to accept the suggestions made by the Chairman with respect to all ‘perception of risk’ changes, e.g. low to medium, high to medium as especially as these were very much subjective and subject to the changing circumstances of the Parish Council. However, with respect to RA07/outsourcing work, there was considerable discussion on the necessity for all contractors to provide risk assessments and, if not available, for contractors to sign the PC’s risk assessment. P.Cnllrs eventually resolved that a decision would need to be made for each individual contractor used by the PC, to be decided by a full meeting of the PC prior to any contracts being awarded; the criteria to take account of the size and nature of the work involved and whether the contractor had adequate public liability insurance. proposed MrsJA /seconded MMcG/unanimous 08.09.24 Training for the Clerk / membership of SLCC – although the options available had been discussed with WALC, the further information sought over the summer recess had not yet arrived. 08.09.25 DISCUSSION WITH ANDY FELL, COMMUNITY BEAT MANAGER: Officer Fell informed P.Cnllrs that he had been in post some 6 weeks, following periods of time with Traffic and CID. Although he was still ‘finding his feet’, during the time in Tisbury, the detection rates had increased from 2½% to 14% and he was determined to put 110% effort into the work. He advised that for non urgent matters the best way to contact him was to email ([email protected]) and that if an acknowledgement was not received within 48hours then he was likely to be on leave. One of his tasks would be to set up the Neighbourhood Tasking Group (NHTG) and following a short discussion, it was decided that this would sit most comfortably with the TCSP group. The NHTG would mostly deal with low level crime and nuisance.
(8:45pm) MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION: 08.09.26 Co-option of Parish Councillor The Wardour resident that had previously indicated that he would like to stand for co- option withdrew shortly before the meeting. P.Cnllrs were asked to let as many people as ALL possible know about the vacancy. 08.09.27 Tisbury & District Sports Centre management options Following a request from the TDSC management group for Tisbury PC to head up an Clerk-> umbrella group to take forward future management of the centre along with other site PeterC/ MrsBW that comprises the Centre, Nadder Hall, two schools and other buildings, the umbrella group to include parties such as WCC, Nadder Halls committee, governing bodies of the schools etc. After a robust discussion, the C.Cnllr, Bridget Wayman, offered to progress this matter, with WCC taking the lead role in facilitating such matters as most effective land use, car parking etc. 08.09.28 Allotments + permission for shed P.Cnllrs were informed that WCC had been sent a copy of the proposed agreement between TPC and the Allotments committee and that the legal section was looking at the document. Page 3 of 4 Cnllrs resolved that Mr Dingsdale’s shed at a size of approx. 1.44m by 2.33m could be erected on his allotment. Clerk Proposed MMcG / seconded JBM / unanimous 08.09.29 WCC Delegation P.Cnllrs did not wish to add any further possible delegated functions to those already notified to WCC. 08.09.30 Housing Co-ordinator and responsibilities P.Cnllrs discussed this topic at some length , exploring the various options for encouraging residents to register with SDC and ‘My Place’ in order to be considered for the affordable housing available in Tisbury – both now and in the future. A newsletter would be drafted for consideration and the Youth Group contacted for design and printing. DC 08.09.31 Traffic on the Churchill Estate Various suggestions had been made by parents, staff and pupils at St John’s School and these were briefly considered by members. The suggestions would be relayed to WCC Clerk and the school thanked for their contribution. Clerk 08.09.32 Sustainable Communities Act – action by Tisbury PC? Further information, promised for September, had not yet been received from Local works. 08.09.33 Airspace segregation by MOD to south of Salisbury Plain Danger Areas P.Cnllrs considered the information and did not have any objections. Clerk 08.09.34 Shared use of speed indicator device (9:20pm) See 08.09.18. 08.09.35 Gate to KGV playing field A response had been received from Stephen Diffey and this had raised questions about the lease with respect to use of the field by residents outside of school hours. This PeterC would be investigated and information on the Charity Commission website amended if Clerk appropriate. (9.26pm) CHAIRMAN’S NOTICES: 08.09.36 Members were given details of the One Council for Wiltshire meeting in Wilton. 08.09.37 CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED: Noted.
There being no other business, the meeting closed at 9:30pm. Date and time of next full monthly meeting - Tuesday 7th October 2008 at 7pm.
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