PYP Sample Programme Of Inquiry
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Brown International Programme of Inquiry 2016-2017 Age An inquiry An inquiry into: An inquiry into: An inquiry into: An inquiry into: An inquiry into: into: Where we are in place and time How we express ourselves How the world works How we organize ourselves Sharing the planet Who we are
An inquiry An inquiry into orientation in place An inquiry into the ways in which we discover and An inquiry into the An inquiry into the interconnectedness An inquiry into rights and into the and time; personal histories; homes express ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs and natural world and its of human-made systems and responsibilities in the struggle to share nature of and journeys; the discoveries, values; the ways in which we reflect on, extend and laws; the interaction communities; the structure and finite resources with other people and the self; explorations and migrations of enjoy our creativity; our appreciation of the aesthetic. between the natural function of organizations; societal with other living things; communities beliefs and humankind; the relationships between world (physical and decision-making; economic activities and the relationships within and values; and the interconnectedness of biological) and human and their impact on humankind and between them; access to equal personal, individuals and civilizations, from local societies; how humans the environment. opportunities; peace and conflict physical, and global perspectives. use their understanding resolution. mental, of scientific principles; social and the impact of scientific spiritual and technological health; advances on society and human on the environment. relationship s including families, friends, communitie s and cultures; rights and responsibilit ies; what it means to be human.
4-5 Central Central idea Central idea Central idea idea People express their distinct preferences through the Buildings are designed The trash we produce and what we do Human clothing that they wear. because of their purpose, with it impacts our environment. location and available characteristi Key concepts: form, function, connection cs and materials. Key concepts: function, connection, emotions Related concepts: choice, sorting, expression responsibility Key concepts: form, create a Lines of Inquiry: sense of function, connection Related concepts: conservation self and Different types of clothing Related concepts: Lines of inquiry make architecture, design individuals What happens to trash after we throw unique. How clothing is made Lines of inquiry it away Key Materials concepts: How trash impacts the environment Factors that affect clothing choices (climate, used for building form, holidays, religion, culture) change, Our responsibility to reduce, reuse, perspective Approaches to Learning: Communication and Purpose of and recycle trash Related Thinking buildings concepts: Approaches to Learning: Thinking identity, The Learner Profile: Communicator, Open-Minded, and Self Management diversity Reflective How loca- tion connects to design The Learner Profile: Caring, Lines of Principled, Thinker inquiry Approaches to Physical Learning: Self- characteristi Management, Research cs of people and Thinking Feelings and The Learner Profile: emotions Inquirer, Knowledgeable Personal change over time The five senses
Approache s to Learning: 2 Age An inquiry An inquiry into: An inquiry into: An inquiry into: An inquiry into: An inquiry into: into: Where we are in place and time How we express ourselves How the world works How we organize ourselves Sharing the planet Who we are
An inquiry An inquiry into orientation in place An inquiry into the ways in which we discover and An inquiry into the An inquiry into the interconnectedness An inquiry into rights and into the and time; personal histories; homes express ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs and natural world and its of human-made systems and responsibilities in the struggle to share nature of and journeys; the discoveries, values; the ways in which we reflect on, extend and laws; the interaction communities; the structure and finite resources with other people and the self; explorations and migrations of enjoy our creativity; our appreciation of the aesthetic. between the natural function of organizations; societal with other living things; communities beliefs and humankind; the relationships between world (physical and decision-making; economic activities and the relationships within and values; and the interconnectedness of biological) and human and their impact on humankind and between them; access to equal personal, individuals and civilizations, from local societies; how humans the environment. opportunities; peace and conflict physical, and global perspectives. use their understanding resolution. mental, of scientific principles; social and the impact of scientific spiritual and technological health; advances on society and human on the environment. relationship s including families, friends, communitie s and cultures; rights and responsibilit ies; what it means to be human.
5-6 Central Central idea Central idea Central idea Central idea Central idea idea Education connects humans to one The scientific method is a means of discovering and There are patterns in the Shared norms establish an orderly The availability of resources influences Families another and provides diverse expressing new ideas. natural world and there environment in which we learn, work how we live. provide the opportunities and varied perspectives. are many ways to classify and play. foundation Key concepts: reflection, function, perspective organisms. Key concepts: form, connection, Key concepts: function, perspective, Key concepts: function, responsibility responsibility through change Related concepts: inquiry, communication Key concepts: form, which Related concepts: organization, Lines of inquiry change, causation Related concepts: diversity, home, relationship Related concepts: education, systems, repetition culture s and choice, geograrphy Exploration using the five senses Related concepts: Lines of inquiry Lines of inquiry identities Lines of inquiry organisms, solar energy, develop. Steps involved in the scientific method patterns, characteristics School wide systems, including Wants and needs of daily life. How schools are similar rules, routines, and conflict resolu- Key Various ways that scientists share infor- Lines of inquiry and different Patterns of growth tion strategies(function) Similarities and differences of food, concepts: mation change, Identification of clothing and shelters around the What it means to be a world. responsibilit Approaches to Learning:: Research and observable characteristics Responsibilities to our classroom, y, Primary Years Program student Communication Effect of heat and light school, and community (responsibil- The responsibility of taking care of on living things perspective ity) our resources Related How schooling has The Learner Profile: Communicator and Inquirer Approaches to Approaches to Learning:: Thinking concepts: changed over time Learning: Research Goal setting and decision-making identity, using democratic traditions (func- and Research Approaches to Learning: Thinking Skills and Communication relationship Skills tion) s, diversity and Research The Learner Profile: Open-minded and Balanced Lines of The Learner Profile: Inquirer and The Learner Profile: Approaches to Learning: Thinking inquiry Risk-taker Inquirer, Knowledgeable, and Self-Management Make-up of Reflective various The Learner Profile: Principled and families Thinker Roles and responsibilit ies in a family How a child changes over time
Approache s to Learning: Age An inquiry An inquiry into: An inquiry into: An inquiry into: An inquiry into: An inquiry into: into: Where we are in place and time How we express ourselves How the world works How we organize ourselves Sharing the planet Who we are
An inquiry An inquiry into orientation in place An inquiry into the ways in which we discover and An inquiry into the An inquiry into the interconnectedness An inquiry into rights and into the and time; personal histories; homes express ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs and natural world and its of human-made systems and responsibilities in the struggle to share nature of and journeys; the discoveries, values; the ways in which we reflect on, extend and laws; the interaction communities; the structure and finite resources with other people and the self; explorations and migrations of enjoy our creativity; our appreciation of the aesthetic. between the natural function of organizations; societal with other living things; communities beliefs and humankind; the relationships between world (physical and decision-making; economic activities and the relationships within and values; and the interconnectedness of biological) and human and their impact on humankind and between them; access to equal personal, individuals and civilizations, from local societies; how humans the environment. opportunities; peace and conflict physical, and global perspectives. use their understanding resolution. mental, of scientific principles; social and the impact of scientific spiritual and technological health; advances on society and human on the environment. relationship s including families, friends, communitie s and cultures; rights and responsibilit ies; what it means to be human.
6-7 Central Central Idea Central idea Central idea Central idea Central idea idea Exploring and sharing family histories Celebrations reflect culture and traditions. Humans use natural Human made systems create a method Water is an essential element of life and Societies enhances intergenerational Key concepts: causation, perspective and connection resources in their daily for understanding where we are in it is humans’ responsibility to manage rely on connections and leads to the lives in a variety of ways. relation to the rest of the world. and conserve it. Related concepts: diversity, culture, traditions people with development of international- Key concepts: form, Key concepts: function, connection, Key concepts: function, responsibility many mindedness. Lines of inquiry change, responsibility perspective perspective different Representations of culture Key concepts: connection, reflection, Related concepts: Related concepts: geography, Related concepts: conservation, abilities to perspective Honoring culture through celebrations function Cultural Symbols & their significance natural resources, regions, borders consumption, systems properly. Related concepts: ancestry, history, reusing, reducing, Lines of inquiry Lines of inquiry geography, chronology recycling, properties Key Approaches to Learning: Social communication Our place in relation to the rest of the The water cycle concepts: Lines of inquiry Lines of inquiry world How water is shared around the world form, The Learner Profile: Open Minded and Risk- Types of natural Purpose of a map Water management, including systems connection, Family origin and roots taker resources Identifying and using map features and the of management, technologies and responsibilit How humans use natural user’s perspective conservation y resources Keepsakes and customs passed on The impact of reducing, Approaches to Learning: Thinking Approaches to Learning:: Research, Related through generations reusing and recycling and Communication Skills Self-Management and Social concepts: employmen Approaches to The Learner Profile: Thinker and The Learner Profile: Caring and Children have characteristics that t, roles, Learning: Research and Inquirer Balanced identity are similar and different from their Social Lines of parents. inquiry The Learner Profile: Why Approaches to Learning: Thinking, Knowledgeable and communitie Communication and Self-Management Principled s need Skills different kinds of The Learner Profile: Reflective and jobs Knowledgeable Specialized skills and tools required for certain professions How various jobs are connected 4 Age An inquiry An inquiry into: An inquiry into: An inquiry into: An inquiry into: An inquiry into: into: Where we are in place and time How we express ourselves How the world works How we organize ourselves Sharing the planet Who we are
An inquiry An inquiry into orientation in place An inquiry into the ways in which we discover and An inquiry into the An inquiry into the interconnectedness An inquiry into rights and into the and time; personal histories; homes express ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs and natural world and its of human-made systems and responsibilities in the struggle to share nature of and journeys; the discoveries, values; the ways in which we reflect on, extend and laws; the interaction communities; the structure and finite resources with other people and the self; explorations and migrations of enjoy our creativity; our appreciation of the aesthetic. between the natural function of organizations; societal with other living things; communities beliefs and humankind; the relationships between world (physical and decision-making; economic activities and the relationships within and values; and the interconnectedness of biological) and human and their impact on humankind and between them; access to equal personal, individuals and civilizations, from local societies; how humans the environment. opportunities; peace and conflict physical, and global perspectives. use their understanding resolution. mental, of scientific principles; social and the impact of scientific spiritual and technological health; advances on society and human on the environment. relationship s including families, friends, communitie s and cultures; rights and responsibilit ies; what it means to be human.
7 Central Central idea Central idea Central idea Central idea Central idea idea People prepare for and handle People around the world share their cultural beliefs Scientific inquiry of force Communities and their leaders live in a Organisms and the nonliving Nutrition different weather phenomenon and ideals through stories. and motion has aided in shared organizational structure. components within a habitat function and lifestyle depending upon where they live and Key concepts: form, connection, perspective the evolution of simple interdependently. influence time of year. machines and affects Key Concepts: form, function, Related concepts: traditions, beliefs change, responsibility Key concepts: function, causation, human Key concepts: form, change, present–day life. responsibility growth and responsibility Lines of inquiry Key concepts: well-being. Related Concepts: organization, Related concepts: interaction, cycle, Methods of storytelling causation, function planning, community, resources Related concepts: seasons, cause How stories are communicated in the 21st century change Key con- and effect, extreme weather connection How beliefs and values are taught in different cultures · The organization of communities Lines of inquiry cepts: through story-telling Related concepts: Non-living components of habitats function, force, motion Lines of inquiry · How a community make choices What organisms need to survive connection, Approaches to Learning: Communication, Thinking, Lines of inquiry about and manage resources Interaction between living and nonliving Responsibil- Self-Management and Social Skills Understanding force and components ity Weather can be categorized into motion · How leaders influence change in Increasing understanding to protect seasonal patterns. The Learner Profile: Knowledgeable and their community habitats Related Communicator How simple machines concepts: make our lives easier -The role of responsible citizens wellbeing, Meteorologists use specific tools Approaches to Learning: Social, Self- Approaches to Learning: Thinking nutrition, to predict and classify weather. The process of scientific Management and Research Skills and Research Skills health, fit- inquiry ness, diet, The Learner Profile: Balanced, Severe weather impacts humans The Learner Profile: Open-Minded obesity Approaches to Reflective and Caring and Thinker around the world Learning: Thinking and Lines of Research inquiry Approaches to Learning: Self-Man- agement and Social The com- The Learner Profile: ponents The Learner Profile: Balanced and Inquirer and Thinker of good Risk-taker nutrition (func- tion) How physical activity affects health (connec- Age An inquiry An inquiry into: An inquiry into: An inquiry into: An inquiry into: An inquiry into: into: Where we are in place and time How we express ourselves How the world works How we organize ourselves Sharing the planet Who we are
An inquiry An inquiry into orientation in place An inquiry into the ways in which we discover and An inquiry into the An inquiry into the interconnectedness An inquiry into rights and into the and time; personal histories; homes express ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs and natural world and its of human-made systems and responsibilities in the struggle to share nature of and journeys; the discoveries, values; the ways in which we reflect on, extend and laws; the interaction communities; the structure and finite resources with other people and the self; explorations and migrations of enjoy our creativity; our appreciation of the aesthetic. between the natural function of organizations; societal with other living things; communities beliefs and humankind; the relationships between world (physical and decision-making; economic activities and the relationships within and values; and the interconnectedness of biological) and human and their impact on humankind and between them; access to equal personal, individuals and civilizations, from local societies; how humans the environment. opportunities; peace and conflict physical, and global perspectives. use their understanding resolution. mental, of scientific principles; social and the impact of scientific spiritual and technological health; advances on society and human on the environment. relationship s including families, friends, communitie s and cultures; rights and responsibilit ies; what it means to be human.
8-9 Central Central idea Central idea Central idea Central idea Central idea idea Ancient civilizations contribute to Mood and perspective are shared through creative Scientific principles Economic systems empower people to Living things interconnect, adapt and Characterist modern day societies and expression. explain why the earth’s organize themselves financially through change in predictable patterns and ics of technologies. physical features change the exchange of goods and services. cycles. heroes in Key concepts: change, connection, Key concepts: function, connection, perspective Key concepts: Key concepts: function, causation, Key concepts: causation, change, various reflection Related concepts: expression, communication, causation, connection, connection responsibility cultures change throughout Related concepts: civilization, interpretation Related concepts: want vs. need, Related concepts: cycles, history help geography, human need, Lines of Inquiry: Related concepts: resources, exchange, economy interconnection, growth, conservation define developments geology, erosion, matter, Lines of inquiry Lines of inquiry individual Lines of inquiry: Similarities and differences between forms of cre- changes of state History of money, including trade and · How plants and animals are intercon- beliefs. Time period, location, and ative expression Lines of inquiry bartering nected through food chains similarities of ancient civilizations Money management and short Key Causes of concepts: around the world term/long-term financial goals . How plants and animals change in an How word choice and style express mood and changes in earth’s form, Producers and consumers and the individual life cycle How inventions and/or develop- perspective features perspective, exchange or goods and services ments bring about change in com- · How living things adapt to environ- reflection munities and societies Individual interpretation of the poet’s perspective The link be- Approaches to Learning: Social, ments and meet their needs Related Thinking and Self-Management Skills concepts: How inventions reflect the needs tween the rock cycle · The impact of humans and environ- Approaches to Learning: Communication, Social history, of people (past and present) and the Earth’s fea- mental variables on living things and Self-Management tures The Learner Profile: Balanced and values, Thinker diversity, Approaches to Learning: Approaches to Learning: Social, Self- The Learner Profile: Caring, Risk-Taker and The connection activism Communication and Thinking Skills Management and Thinking Skills Communicator between humans and Lines of the Earth’s materials The Learner Profile: Inquirer and The Learner Profile: Thinker and inquiry Knowledgeable Knowledgeable Characterist Approaches to ics of a Learning: hero vs. Research, Self- being management and famous Social Past and present The Learner Profile: heroes from Knowledgeable and various Thinker cultures How heroes reflect beliefs 6 Age An inquiry An inquiry into: An inquiry into: An inquiry into: An inquiry into: An inquiry into: into: Where we are in place and time How we express ourselves How the world works How we organize ourselves Sharing the planet Who we are
An inquiry An inquiry into orientation in place An inquiry into the ways in which we discover and An inquiry into the An inquiry into the interconnectedness An inquiry into rights and into the and time; personal histories; homes express ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs and natural world and its of human-made systems and responsibilities in the struggle to share nature of and journeys; the discoveries, values; the ways in which we reflect on, extend and laws; the interaction communities; the structure and finite resources with other people and the self; explorations and migrations of enjoy our creativity; our appreciation of the aesthetic. between the natural function of organizations; societal with other living things; communities beliefs and humankind; the relationships between world (physical and decision-making; economic activities and the relationships within and values; and the interconnectedness of biological) and human and their impact on humankind and between them; access to equal personal, individuals and civilizations, from local societies; how humans the environment. opportunities; peace and conflict physical, and global perspectives. use their understanding resolution. mental, of scientific principles; social and the impact of scientific spiritual and technological health; advances on society and human on the environment. relationship s including families, friends, communitie s and cultures; rights and responsibilit ies; what it means to be human.
9-10 Central Central idea Central idea Central idea Central idea Central idea idea Analysis of data and continuing Primary and secondary sources create a lens through All living things are classi- Government creates a system and a Responsibility of sharing finite resources Internal and exploration of space enhance our which a region’s history, geography and economy is fied according to their structure for a country’s decision- leads to conservation of energy and its external knowledge of the universe. expressed and interpreted. characteristics, which making process. sources. factors Key concepts: form, reflection, help them to adapt and Key concepts: form, function, Key concepts: form, connection, contribute perspective, connection Key concepts: causation, change, perspective survive. responsibility responsibility to people’s decisions to Related concepts: systems, space Related concepts: history, geography, economy Key concepts: form, Related concepts: justice, Related concepts: energy, renewable, relocate. Lines of inquiry function, responsibility citizenship, legislation non-renewable, conservation Key • Characteristics of planets (form) Lines of Inquiry Related concepts: Lines of inquiry Lines of inquiry How primary and secondary sources tell the story of concepts: extinction, classification, -Structure of the state and federal gov- • Renewable and non-renewable energy how: change, Comparison of the components of adaptation ernment (form) sources (responsibility) causation, the solar system (connection) • Impacts of energy use (connection) early Coloradans shape our state (biographies) Lines of inquiry · Function of the various branches of perspective Colorado’s geography affects region’s lifestyle and Understanding different types of Gathering and collecting data about How and why are liv- government (function) energy (form) Related economy the sun and moon (reflection) ing things are classi- concepts: Colorado changed over time. · Responsibilities of government lead- fied (function) Approaches to Learning: location, Space Exploration (perspective) ers and citizens (responsibility) Communication, Thinking and Research journey, Approaches to Learning: Communication and Skills migration/i Research Skills Similarities and differ- Approaches to Learning: mmigration, ences of species Approaches to Learning: Self Communication, Social and Research The Learner Profile: Caring and history, The Learner Profile: Communicator (form) (Polar Bear vs. Management and Thinking Skills Skills Balanced expansion, and Risk-taker Brown Bear) geography The Learner Profile: Balanced, The Learner Profile: Open minded Principled Lines of and Risk-taker Impact of environ- inquiry mental changes on survival (responsibili- Factors ty) that facil- itate mi- Approaches to gration/i Learning:: Self- mmigra- Management, Thinking tion and Research Skills (causa- tion) The Learner Profile: Inquirer and Thinker Perspec- tives on immigra- Age An inquiry An inquiry into: An inquiry into: An inquiry into: An inquiry into: An inquiry into: into: Where we are in place and time How we express ourselves How the world works How we organize ourselves Sharing the planet Who we are
An inquiry An inquiry into orientation in place An inquiry into the ways in which we discover and An inquiry into the An inquiry into the interconnectedness An inquiry into rights and into the and time; personal histories; homes express ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs and natural world and its of human-made systems and responsibilities in the struggle to share nature of and journeys; the discoveries, values; the ways in which we reflect on, extend and laws; the interaction communities; the structure and finite resources with other people and the self; explorations and migrations of enjoy our creativity; our appreciation of the aesthetic. between the natural function of organizations; societal with other living things; communities beliefs and humankind; the relationships between world (physical and decision-making; economic activities and the relationships within and values; and the interconnectedness of biological) and human and their impact on humankind and between them; access to equal personal, individuals and civilizations, from local societies; how humans the environment. opportunities; peace and conflict physical, and global perspectives. use their understanding resolution. mental, of scientific principles; social and the impact of scientific spiritual and technological health; advances on society and human on the environment. relationship s including families, friends, communitie s and cultures; rights and responsibilit ies; what it means to be human.
10-11 Central Central idea EXHIBITION Central idea Central idea Central idea idea Historical thinkers study people, places Central idea Earth’s surface changes Global citizens recognize that all The uneven heating of Earth’s surface Human and events to tell the story of history Effective communication promotes awareness of local constantly through a vari- humans deserve certain rights and take by the Sun’s energy changes weather body from multiple perspectives and inform and global issues and can lead to solutions. ety of processes and action when they are violated. conditions and impacts humans. systems the present. Key concepts: ALL forces and impacts hu- Key concepts: form, perspective, must mans. Key concepts: function, causation, Key concepts: causation, connection, Related concepts: communication responsibility change, responsibility function perspective together to Lines of inquiry Key concepts: Related concepts: civic ideals, Related concepts: : atmosphere, Related concepts: revolution, citizenship, civic responsibility, rights maintain a Environmental, human and animal issues causation, change, climate, seasons, systems, disasters healthy conflict, rights responsibility Lines of inquiry Lines of inquiry body. Lines of inquiry Problem solving strategies Related concepts Citizenship within school, nation and Motivating factors contributing to a world Tools used to forecast Key Forms of communication Lines of inquiry concepts: revolution Rights and responsibilities of a citizen weather function, Outcomes of revolution Actions that illustrate civic ideals Approaches to Learning: All Tools used responsibilit Violent vs. nonviolent action Causes of change in to identify, locate and Approaches to Learning: y, reflection Earths’ atmosphere Approaches to Learning: Social, The Learner Profile: All describe Earth’s sur- Self-management, Communication and Related Thinking and Research face and its changes Social concepts: (function) Impact of weather on hu- systems The Learner Profile: Open-Minded The Learner Profile: Principled and mans Causes of (digestive, Risk taker, and Communicator Balanced nervous, Earth’s changes (plate reproductiv tectonics, deposition, Prevention of man-made e, erosion, human activi- climate change respiratory, ty)(causation) skeletal, Approaches to Learning: muscular, How Self-management, Communication and circulatory) changes on Earth’s Social Lines of surface impact hu- mans (change) The Learner Profile: Reflective and inquiry Caring Human body Approaches to systems Learning: and their Communication, Social, functions Thinking and Research Impacts of system The Learner Profile: failure Thinker and Knowledgeable Comparing 8 8/16