Mrs Brown S Shopping List

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Mrs Brown S Shopping List

MRS BROWN’S SHOPPING LIST Equipment: none  Divide class into groups of six, standing on parallel lines at one end of the gym.  Each team member is given a name:  First team member: “butter”  Second team member: “sugar”  Third team member: “eggs”  Fourth team member: “tea”  Fifth team member: “milk”  Sixth team member: “bread”  Whenever a team member hears his/her “name” in the story, he/she has to run to the other end of the gym and back to his/her team – a relay against the other teams.  If the words “shopping list” appear in the story every member of the team must race.  Points are scored each time for first one back.  Here is the story; obviously there will be a pause after each key word until the relay is over and points have been scored.

“Another rainy day was dawning as Mrs Brown made her way downstairs. ‘Oh dear’, she murmured to herself, ‘it’s raining. It would be the day I had chosen to go shopping.’ So she made herself a nice cup of tea to cheer herself up, putting in several lumps of sugar for good measure. ‘I’d better have two eggs today’, she said as she took in the milk bottles which the milkman had left for her. ‘Oh dear, he’s forgotten to leave me any bread. I’ll have to add that to my shopping list.’ There on the table, right next to the butter dish was her shopping list. ‘I’d better check to see if I’ve got everything down. Let me see……. Butter, sugar, eggs, tea,….I must add bread which the milkman forgot.’ After she had finished her breakfast, she left the house, clutching her shopping list, and caught the bus to the supermarket, where she quickly found the refrigerated counter. Here she could see lots of margarine, yoghurt, and what seemed like hundreds of cartons of milk, but no butter. ‘I definitely need butter’, she said, ‘Auntie Ethel doesn’t like margarine, and I want to make her a nice bread and butter pudding for tea. Ah, here it is. Now is there anything left on my shopping list? Let me see….milk, butter, sugar, tea, bread, eggs….No it’s all here.’ So she made her way to the check out and checked her change eggsactly, then threw away her shopping list before making her way home once more.” TAILS Equipment: tails (scarves, bibs, Velcro belts)  Everyone has a tail tucked into their shorts/pants – use several scarves or bibs.  On the command ‘go’ everyone runs around trying to steal other player’s tails while protecting their own.  If you lose your tail you are out, and move to the side.  You must also hand over any other tails which you have stolen.  You cannot stand with your back to the wall!!  The winner is the last person left with the most tails.

DODGE BALL Equipment: 8 soft foam balls  2 students ‘in’ – one on either side of the gym with 3 – 4 foam balls each.  Object is to get to the other side of the gym without being hit by a ball.  Remainder of the students at one end of the gym.  On command students run to the other end of the gym, dodging balls which are being thrown by the two ‘in’ students.  If a student is hit below the waist by a ball, they are eliminated and move to one side of the gym where they join the ‘in’ students and can throw balls too.  Students can run into the court to retrieve balls, but cannot throw them until they are back at the edge of the gym.  The last student to be eliminated is the winner and they and the second last person can be the first ‘in’ next time.

10 UP Equipment: team bibs, 1 ball  2 teams, 1 with bibs, 1 ball.  Pass the ball between team members to times to score 1 point.  Then, you get one shot at basketball hoop from the free-throw line (score extra 2 points if successful).  Cannot pass back to person you received ball from.  Cannot pass one meter back from the person with the ball.  Can intercept – if you catch, OK, if you drop then the original team still has possession and the same count.  Good for guarding/marking, dodging, feinting, freeing self from marker. FAT MAT SPLAT Equipment: 2 – 3 large, soft mats  Split class into teams of multiples of 4. (i.e. teams of 8, 12, 16, etc.)  Align mats on starting line at one end of the gym.  In groups of 4 per team, players must run and land on the mat to move it forward.  The aim is to move the mat from one end of the gym to the other before the other team.  Cannot use knees to move the mat.  Waiting groups of 4 on each team cannot go until the first group returns behind the line.

BENCH BALL Equipment: 2 benches, 6 soft balls, 2 mats, cones.  Set out this:

 One team on each side of the cones with one team member on the opposite bench.  Throw ball the to ‘bench person’ – if caught on the full then the player who threw the ball goes over and joins the bench person.  Object is to get all team members on the bench before the other team does.  Catch the ball on the full – if fall off or step off then it is not counted.  After call is caught, drop it down in front of the bench – may not throw the ball back to your team.  May go up to the cones to throw – in between the cones is ‘no mans land’.  May stop/intercept the ball from being caught by the opposite team member on the bench.

LINE TAG Equipment: none  2 – 3 people ‘it’.  Players only allowed on certain lines in the gym. (i.e. white/yellow lines)  No jumping lines.  No running.  Once a player is tagged, he/she must sit down where they were tagged, and now become a road block – other players may not go around except the tagger.

TEAM BALL TAG Equipment: team bibs, 1 ball  Split class into 2 teams.  One team starts with the ball and passes it between them trying to tag member of the opposite team.  You cannot throw the ball at the opposition – you must be holding the ball when the tag is made.  If the team drops the ball, it is handed over to the other team.  You can intercept the ball.  You can only hold the ball for 3 seconds.  Object is for each team to try to eliminate the other team by tagging out players.  If you get tagged, you move to the perimeter of the court.  You can still be involved in the game by catching and passing the ball, however you are not allowed on the court and cannot tag people.  When you tag a player, you put the ball on the ground and the other team now has possession.  The winner is the team that eliminates the other team first.  With more experienced players, you can make it more challenging by adding the rule that when they catch the ball they have to touch it to the ground before they pass it.

GOTCHA! (NEVER-ENDING DODGE BALL) Equipment: 2 – 3 soft balls  Must hit players with the ball below their shoulders.  If someone catches your ball you are out  If you get hit by the ball you must sit down, but when the individual who struck you gets out, you may re-enter the game.  Three steps are allowed with each ball you have. FRISBEE NETBALL Equipment: team bibs, 1 Frisbee  Split the class into 2 teams.  Netball rules – no stepping, held ball, non contact.  Goal is scored if Frisbee is touched down over the base line of oppositions end, or the opposition’s wall of the gym.  The Frisbee is then turned over to opposition.  If dropped, or a netball rule is broken, then the Frisbee is also turned over.  The game starts with the teacher throwing the Frisbee into the court.

NON-STOP CRICKET (inside) Equipment: 1 bat, 1 set of wickets, 1 ball  Split class into 2 teams – one batting, one fielding.

 When batting – leave the bat in circle for next batter; run to the end of the gym, touch wall, return to the end of batting line.  As soon as bowler gets ball then they may bowl, even if next batter isn’t ready.  A batter must run every ball that is bowled, even if does not swing at the ball. (Towards the end of the game when there are only 2/3 batters left then they are almost continually running)  Batter is out if: bowled, caught on full (including off the wall), hit the roof.  You cannot be stumped – wicket keeper is there to return missed ball to bowler.  When batters get out they sit in corner by entrance or on stage edge.  Count number of successful runs.  Teams swap when last (exhausted!) batter is out.

INDOOR SOFTBALL Equipment: 4 bases, 1 soft softball, 1 softball bat.  Split class into 2 teams.  Same rules as softball:  Ball must be pitched under arm in the strike zone.  Batter must run on strike 3.  Four balls pitched, batter may walk.  Can stop on any base but only 1 person one base at a time.  Batter is out if:  The ball is caught on full (including off the wall).  They hit the roof.  The ball is thrown to and held at base one before they get there.  Runner is out if:  They leave the base before ball leaves pitcher’s hand.  They are tagged while off a base or the ball is thrown to the base they’re running to and they get tagged while trying to touch it.  Each successful homerun counts as 1 point.  Side away after three outs, or the batting team has been through twice.

LONGBALL Equipment: 1 tennis ball, 1 tennis racquet or bat  Played in gym or marked outside area.  Split class into 2 teams – one batting and one fielding.  Batting: aim to score as many homeruns as can. (1 run = to end of gym and back)  Fielding: aim to get one person out in batting team.  Player gets out by: catching ball on the full, hitting the runner with the tennis ball or the pitcher calls STOP before the runner has reached either end of the gym.  Fielding team cannot chase the runners with the ball, must pass it amongst their team to hit the runner.  Once batter hits the ball they can choose to stay or run – batter can run at anytime.  If member of batting team gets out, the fielding team runs to the batting end of the gym.  If a batting member going out to field hits them with the ball, the team has to return to fielding.  Can keep going on until all the team gets to the batting line without being hit. CRASH MAT CRICKET Equipment: 2 crash pads, 1 blue crash mat and 2 blue mats, 2 wickets, bat, soft ball.  Hit ball and run to bases 1, 2, 3, then home.  You may stop at any of the bases but only one person on base 1, two people on bases 2 and 3.  Score run if get all the way around to home base.  Runners must land on or touch each mat.  When batter is out the bowler must wait until the new batter ready before bowling.  Bowling: under arm from half-way line of basketball court using soft ball, after two dismissals the bowler must change, everyone in team must bowl.  Batter out if:  Ball is caught on the full or a rebound off the wall.  Ball hits the roof, white sections and Perspex of side walls.  They hit the wickets.  They are bowled out.  Run out.  You drop the bat on the floor.  Hit the floor with the bat.  Three out side away.  Even number of innings.

DEAD ANTS Equipment: 1 – 2 bibs, 3 hoops/mats  Choose 1 – 2 students to be taggers.  Spread 3 hoops/mats out around the gym – they are the hospitals.  Similar to tag – if you get tagged you lie on the ground with your arms and legs in the air like a dead ant.  Other players come to rescue you by grabbing a limb each.  You must have one person on each limb (4 people) before you can carry the dead ant off to hospital.  Once you have reached the hospital, the dead is repaired and you are all back in the game.  You cannot be tagged while you are holding onto a dead ant’s limb.  Taggers cannot guard the hospital, must give players a chance to get away.  Players cannot stay at hospital for longer than 5 seconds.

FRUIT SALAD Split class into 2 teams.  Sit in pairs with someone from the opposite team, facing each other, with feet touching, making a long row or ladder of legs.  Each pair is given the name of a fruit – e.g. banana, apple, orange, lemon, pineapple, grapes, plums.  When a pairs name is called they must stand up, run over the legs, around the end, up the side and back down over the other legs and sit down.  The first to sit down wins one point for their team.  If ‘fruit salad’ is called, all members run at once.  Cones should be used to mark the end of the ladder.

SHADOW TAG Equipment: none  In pairs or teams – must get your pair or the other team.  Tag person by standing on their shadow.  Tagged players bob down, or now become the tagger.

PAIR TAG Equipment: none  Choose 1 – 2 students to be ‘it’.  When tagged, but link arms.  More than two on the chain then the chain breaks up into two’s.

BACTERIA TAG Equipment: none  Choose 1 – 2 students to be ‘it’.  As each person is tagged, they link arms and join onto the end of the chain.

STIFF CANDLES Equipment: none  Choose 2 – 4 students to be ‘it’.  Tagged people stand with their legs apart – to be freed, another person must pass through their legs.

ACCUMULATION TAG Equipment: bands or bibs  Begin with 1 – 2 players wearing a band or bib.  When a player is tagged, he/she must put on a band or bib and helps tag.

LEAP FROG Equipment: none  Choose 2 – 4 students to be ‘it’.  Tagged people must crouch down.  To be freed, an untagged player must leap frog over them.

FOX AND GEESE Equipment: none  Split class into even teams of about 6 or 7.  Teams in file formation, gripping at the waist.  One player ‘fox’ is free – usually the person at the front breaks off to be the ‘fox’.  ‘Fox’ tries to tag the ‘goose’ at the end of the line.  If tagged or ‘change’ is called, then ‘fox’ goes to the front of the line and the ‘goose’ becomes the ‘fox’.

CHAIN TAG Equipment: none  Students linked together in two’s.  Choose one student to be the ’chaser’ and one student to be the ‘runner’.  Person being chased (‘runner’) can link onto a group and the person at the other end must drop off and now becomes the person being chased (the ‘runner’).  Good to start off with pairs stationary and only the ‘runner’ may move around, and then have the pairs able to move around also.

ELASTIC BLOB TAG Equipment: large elastic or band  Begin with 2 people inside the elastic – they move together trying to tag others.  If tagged, you must enter the elastic with the other taggers.  Variation: only allow 3 people in the elastic blob – as one person gets tagged and goes into the blob, another player drops out.

DIVE TAG Equipment: 2 – 3 small mats  Choose 2 – 3 students to be ‘it’ – depending on size of class.  If get tagged, you become the tagger.  Safe stations: two people lying down on the mats (spread out around gym).  Only two people allowed on mats at a time – if someone new lays down on the mat, the person on the other end must enter the game.

ROB THE NEST Equipment: bean bags or shoes as the eggs  Split class into 4 teams.  Each team starts from a different corner of the gym.  Bean bags placed in the center of the gym.  Objective is to get as many eggs into your nest in one minute.  First person goes and must get an egg from the center of the gym.  The next people to go may either get an egg from the center of the gym or another team’s nest.  Only allowed to take one egg at a time.  Bean bags must be placed back in own team’s nest – not just thrown down!  No protecting nests!

CAPTAIN’S COMING Equipment: none  Students all start in the center of the gym.  ‘Bow’: front of the gym.  ‘Stern’: back of the gym.  ‘Port’: left side of the gym.  ‘Starboard’: right side of the gym.  ‘Salute the Captain’: stand at attention.  ‘Man Overboard’: fall to ground and protect someone else.  ‘Clean the Deck’: down on knees, cleaning floor.  Teacher class.  After a few practice rounds, last one to perform the action is out until only one person left.

SOCCER HANDBALL Equipment: soccer ball, soccer nets  Split class into 2 equal teams.  Teams must pass the ball between their team to score a goal in the other team’s net – no players allowed in 3 meter radius around net.  If the ball is kicked up (by feet only) above the waist, it may be held in the hands and passed between team members.  May score a goal by kicking or throwing the ball into the net – no goalies.  Only allowed to hold the ball in hands for 3 seconds.  If the ball is picked up with hands, that team loses the ball and the other team gains possession at that spot.

STAR WARS Equipment: 10 – 20 soft balls  Split class into 2 even teams.  One team is the ‘rebel’ fort and the other is the ‘imperial’ fort.  Teams cannot cross the middle line.  Choose two Jedi’s for each team.  If hit by the ball, must sit down in that spot until one of the two Jedi’s (who the other team is constantly trying to figure out) comes and taps them so they can re-enter the game.  If a ball is caught, then the student who threw it must do the same.  However, if a Jedi is hit by the ball, or even touches the ball accidentally, he/she loses his powers and sits to the side for one minute.  After this time, he/she may re-enter as only a normal player.  Object of the game is to make the other team’s Jedi’s lose their powers and hit every player on the other team.  Once all of the players are down, the game is over.

MUSICAL WARM-UP Equipment: CD and CD player  Quick and fun warm-up (especially for fitness)!  Teacher plays fun, upbeat music to get students motivated.  Teacher leads students through different activities to the beat of the music.  Examples: dancing, skipping, jumping-jacks, running, tossing balls around.  Variation: class can stand in a circle and each person in the circle must lead the class through one exercise or activity to the music.

SIX-BASE KICKBALL Equipment: 6 bases, large soft ball  Basic kickball rules except:  More than one runner may be on a base.  Runners return to the base when they are up to bat again.  Bases are placed on the corners of the gym.  After kicking, players run across the baseline to first base; they proceed to second base at the half-court line; third base is across the half-court line; fourth base is at the other baseline; fifth base is across the far baseline; sixth base is returning home, across the length of the gym.  Players are out if the ball is caught, forced at first only, or if they are hit below the shoulders.  Runners must stop when the ball is thrown to the pitcher in the center circle area.  If aren’t halfway to a base other than first, must return to their previous base.

FITNESS WARBALL Equipment: 10 cones, 6 volleyballs  Split class into 2 equal teams – stand on each side of a regulation basketball court.  If a student is hit with a ball they must go to the side and perform one of the listed exercises that are placed on the wall.  If they hit a student in the head they must exercise.  Also, if they throw a ball and the other team catches it they must exercise.  When the students have completed the exercise they may re-enter the game.  Place 5 cones on each side – when one team’s cones have been knocked over the other team is determined the winner.  Players can guard the cones but cannot stand on them.  Examples of exercises: 20 crunches, 20 push-ups, 30 line jumps, 30 jump ropes, 30 jumping jacks, etc.

BUILDERS AND BULLDOZERS Equipment: cones  Split class into two equal teams – one are the ‘builders’ and the other are the ‘bulldozers’.  Spread cones around the gym, half up and half tipped over.  The builders must stand the cones up, while the bulldozers must tip them over.  Teacher provides guidelines as to how you’re to ‘build’ or ‘bulldoze’ the cones – i.e. with left foot, right foot, left hand, right hand, with a partner.  Class can switch jobs and the process can be repeated.  Each team gets one minute at each job.  Award points to the team who wins – i.e. more cones up or tipped over.

HULA-HOOP TAG Equipment: hula hoops (one for every player except the tagger)  Choose one student to be ‘it’.  Other players stagger around the entire gym with their hoops.  Once a player is tagged, they become the tagger.  Players must hula-hoop to be safe.  Once the hoop drops to the floor, the player must run and find another non- used hoop and begin hula-hooping again.  Players can only be tagged when running from one hoop to find another hoop.

BOX BALL Equipment: 6 basketballs, 2 boxes or hula hoops  Players in line formation: from 2 – 4 depending on the class size (side by side).  Place a hoop or box at the end of each line.  At one end, place 6 balls for each team inside the hoop.  Object is to pass the ball one at a time down the line until the balls end up in the other hoop at the end of the line.  Once the first ball is passed, keep retrieving the basketballs one after the other.  Nobody may be skipped when passing is taking place (hand-off pass).  When the last ball is placed in the hoop, the person at the end of the line becomes the shooter.  First shot in the ‘basket’ wins the first point.  The team that finishes the passing first also scores a point.  Now, when the ball starts again, the new shooter is the other person at the end of the line.  Change position often to ensure everybody gets to be a shooter. BATMAN AND ROBIN TAG Equipment: none  Choose 2 people to be the bad guys: Penguin, Cat Woman, etc.  Have them turn their back and choose, secretly, a person to be Batman or Batgirl.  This person secretly unfreezes anyone tagged by the ‘bad guys’.  Tell the ‘bad guys’ that they have two jobs – to tag as many people as they can and to find out who is unfreezing people.  The older classes get real sophisticated with this – they decide everyone should tag everyone who is frozen but they know only the ‘real’ unfreezer can unfreeze someone.  Older students use other techniques too: don’t move immediately after being unfrozen, keep your eyes on the ‘bad guys’ and not on the ‘good guy’.  Remind younger students not to call out the name of the ‘good guy’.  Have a discussion with the class to find ways to confuse the ‘bad guys’.

DODGE BOWL Equipment: 8 foam balls, 10 bowling pins  Objective is to knock over pins rather than just hitting opponents – hit players can continue playing.  Divide class into 2 teams – each team on one half of the gym.  5 bowling pins are set up at the back of each team’s court (usually on the base line), spread out approximately 2m apart.  To start the game, the 8 balls are placed in the center of the court and each team is lined up in front of their bowling pins.  On command, the teams run to get the balls and they begin throwing them.  Each team is trying to knock over the other team’s bowling pins, which cannot be placed upright once knocked over.  While this is going on the students can also throw balls at the opponents in order to try and hit them below the chest.  The players can use their hands to block shots and in this case they are not considered hit.  If a player is hit below the chest, he/she must join the other team.  As the game progresses it is possible, and quite likely, that one team will outnumber the other.  When the final pin falls the game is over.

HUMAN OBSTACLE COURSE RELAY Equipment: none  Split class into 4 groups – only 2 groups compete at a time.  Teams in line formation, one behind the other.  Each player in each team gets a number from 1 – 4, 5, or 6.  Number 1 runs to A and kneels; number 2 runs, steps over 2 and kneels; number 3 runs, steps over 1 and 2 and kneels.  Continue until back to starting place.  Extension: after one round of competition, the level of difficulty can be increased by:  Having students lay down (instead of kneeling) very close together.  Having students crouch down and their team mates must jump over them.  Students make bridges and team mates must crawl under.

CONE SCRAMBLE Equipment: 24 – 30 cones, kicking tees, or Frisbees, 6 different coloured bean bags  Arrange the class into 6 relay lines.  Place 6 different coloured bean bags in a random manner under the cones.  Leave a few cones empty for more cardio-vascular work.  Give each line a colour that matches a bean bag.  The first student in each line must run to any cone and lift it up slightly to see if it’s their colour to take back to their team.  If it’s the wrong colour then tag the next person.  Play is completed when all 6 bean bags have been found.  As a variation, give each line a different colour the next time; have all of the class run together and time them to see how long it takes to find a designated colour.

DODGE BALL ROUNDERS Equipment: one large ball, 4 markers  On signal, dodger enters defined court, and tries to avoid being hit by ball before partner (runner) can run around bases to finishing line.  Score one run of not hit, no runs if hit.  After all runners have had a turn the teams change over.  On second innings, dodgers become runners and vice versa.

BOMBARD BALL Equipment: 1 medicine ball, 8 – 10 basketballs  Split class into 2 equal teams – stand along opposite sides of the gym.  Medicine ball placed in the center between the two teams.  Each team is given 4 – 5 basketballs, depending on class size.  Objective is to throw the basketballs at the medicine ball to move it over the other team’s line.  Players must stay behind the standing line at all times and may not move along the line while holding a ball.  If taking a while to move the medicine ball, call ‘advance’ and allow teams to move a bit closer.  Teams get 1 point each time they move the medicine ball over the opponents’ line.

BEACH FLAGS Equipment: markers (1 less than the number of players)  Markers placed on one line (shoes will do).  Players lie on another line 10 – 15 m away, on stomachs, head on hands, lower arm in contact with the ground, facing away from the markers.  One less marker than the number of players.  On ‘go’, players get up and race to get a marker; one without is eliminated.  Continue until one is left.  For a large group, divide group into teams (eg. 4) and have four heats – one from each team competes.  Have a grand final – overall winner.


PLAY  What are the fundamental skills required to play that game?  What might you do if a group of students do not have those skills?  What did you need to consider when playing stinger?  Two elements in the game are…  How does the competitive aspect of the game change the way you play when you’re in the co-op phase?


 What strategies did you try? How did they help?  How did the change alter the technique you used to throw?  What aspects of fair play might you need to consider during this game?


 Let’s just share ideas for playing that game defensively – what did you try?  Transfer of strategies to sports  Think about behaviour during the competitive phase – how did your actions/throwing technique change as you entered this phase?  What was the only rule we talked about when we introduced the game?  Remember those things to consider we mentioned earlier… did we consider them throughout the game? Warm-up Game…Connections

Teacher sets the purpose

Teacher prior to this activity you may say… During this physical activity watch carefully to see what are the ‘favourite’ regular physical activities that many of our class members enjoy.

Set-up formation

A large class circle, students facing inwards, either all standing on a spot marker or all sitting on a chair. X X…Student standing in the middle of the circle.

How to play…

X says a statement and if it connects with any s, they have to shift to another spot marker… X moves quickly to a vacant spot marker and there is a new X (caller) in the middle of the circle.

For this physical activity the purpose is to observe how other class members use their physical activity time. Of course when students move from spot to spot they are moving *quickly and *safely so that they are not left in the middle. *class set the rules for quickly e.g. fast walk and safely, e.g. no physical contact.

NB: this process can be used in any curriculum area for any topic where you would like children to make a connection with other class members or as a simple formative assessment task for teachers to know their children’s interests in the world of physical activity.

A statement the middle person may use is: Those people who participate in the regular physical activity of….…move.… …mowing the lawns …playing tennis …walking to and from school …going for a run alone …going for a run with friends …swimming at Moana pool …water skiing in the summer …snow skiing in the winter …playing miniball …playing golf …vacuuming the house …picking up rubbish …playing touch rugby …playing hockey …going to the beach …training for rugby or netball …going to jazz

The first time this game is played the teacher may get children to share in pairs the sort of things they could say if they were left in the middle or give everyone a statement they could use.

Conclusion … ask a few students to share briefly what they observed.


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