Class Guidelines

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Class Guidelines


The following information is a general summary of descriptions and guidance’s that are not all inclusive of the rules and regulations that govern each class. For complete information on each class please refer to the current USEF Handbook, or and the USEF approved Friesian Division rules at, show rules.

Awards: All classes to be awarded Champion and Reserve Champion Neck ribbons, and Top Ten Placement rosette ribbons. Exception: Show Grand Champion class.

Grand Nationals Qualification: A Top Ten placement in any class qualifies the entry for 2004 or 2005 IFSHA Grand Nationals.

Grand Nationals Liberty Class: This venue cannot safely accommodate this type of class, therefore IFSHA will accept Liberty entries from those who are awarded an In-Hand Top Ten in Gelding, Mare, and Stallion classes.

Junior Rider- An individual who has not reached his/her 18th birthday as of December 1st of the current competition year. The age of an individual on Dec. 1st will be maintained throughout the entire competition year. Persons born on Dec. 1st assumed the greater age on that date. Junior Exhibitors are not allowed to exhibit stallions under saddle. Junior Horse is one that is three to five years of age.

Senior Horse is six and older. Novice Rider - Any rider who has not won more than 3 blue ribbons at any competition. The status shall be determined as of the closing date of the entries for this competition.

Novice Horse - Any horse who has not won more than 3 blue ribbons at any competition. The status shall be determined as of the closing date of the entries for this competition.

Open Classes – Open classes are “open” to all entries who qualify for the class guidelines, and by the current USEF Handbook and the approved Friesian Division guidelines.

Amateur / Amateur Owner – Entries must be either an amateur or amateur owners as defined in the current USEF handbook. Amateur Certification is required.

In – Hand (Halter)

In-Hand classes – Weanling Fillies/ Weanling Colts/ Geldings under 3 / Geldings 3-5 / Geldings 6 and older/ Mares Under 3 / Mares 4-5 / Mares 6 and older/ Stallions under 3 / Stallions 4-6 / Stallions 7 and older: All horses shall enter the ring showing on the rail counterclockwise at a trot, single file, well spaced. Continue along the rail to the far side. Each horse shall be called to the judge by the ringmaster. Then follow the judge’s directions. Qualifier for Show Champion.

In-Hand Show Champion – Geldings / Mares / Stallions : The top three placements from each age group shall be qualified to enter and show in-hand as specified for IFSHA Western States Regional Show Champion and Reserve Show Champion titles, purse $100.00. Class number 109 or 110 respectively.

Walk / Trot Green Horse Pleasure Walk Trot – Open/Amateur/Junior: Equipment, attire, and presentation must match the discipline being ridden, for western, saddleseat, or huntseat. Horses may be shown in any style of tack. Open to any horse that has never been shown in a class requiring a canter or lope, and may not show in any class that requires a canter or lope at the same show. Shown at Walk/Trot only horses will not be asked to back up. Green Rider Pleasure Walk Trot – Amateur / Junior: open to rider who has never shown in a class that requires a canter or lope in any recognized show. Riders may not show in any class that requires a canter or lope at the same show. The rider only is judged. No tests or patterns to be called for. Equitation Lead Line Equitation 6 and under: Class will enter at a walk counter clockwise. To be shown at the walk only both ways of the arena, line up and stand. Horse will be lead by an attendant. Rider and mount attire should match. Rider should have control of the reigns and have feet in stirrups. To be judged on exhibitors position and appointments. Rider may not enter any other riding class at the same show.

Walk Trot Equitation 10 & under: Judged on the exhibitor’s performance at the walk and trot as well as the suitability of the mount to the rider. Exhibitor will also be judged on his or her ability to govern, control and properly exhibit the horse; horses’ manners and suitability.

Youth Equitation, Saddleseat Equitation: The rider’s position, seat, hands and the correct use of the aids are to be judged. Riders may be asked to work individually. Appointments as appropriate to Saddle Seat Equitation, classes are to be shown at a walk, trot and canter both ways of the ring.

Youth Equitation, Huntseat Equitation: The rider’s position, seat, hands and the correct use of the aids are to be judged. Riders may be asked to work individually. Appointments as appropriate to Hunt Seat Equitation, classes are to be judged and shown both ways of the arena at a walk, trot and canter and may be asked to back.

Youth Equitation, Western seat Equitation: The rider’s position, seat, hands and the correct use of the aids are to be judged. Riders may be asked to work individually. Appointments as appropriate to Western Equitation, exhibitors shall enter the ring in a counterclockwise direction at the jog trot. Horses shall be worked at the walk, jog trot and lope both ways of the ring and may be asked to back.

Riding Hunter Pleasure – Open/ Amateur / Junior: To be shown at the walk, trot and hand gallop both ways of the ring. Horses entered in Junior Exhibitor Classes shall not be asked to hand gallop. At the judge's discretion horses may be asked to extend any gait in the Open class only. In the lineup, horses must stand quietly and may be asked to back individually or as a group.

Hunter Hack – Open/ Amateur / Junior: To be shown at the walk, trot and hand gallop both ways of the ring. Horses entered in Junior Exhibitor Classes shall not be asked to hand gallop. At the judge's discretion horses may be asked to extend any gait in the Open class only. In the lineup, horses must stand quietly and may be asked to back individually or as a group. Horses are required to jump 2 obstacles, not to exceed 2'6".

English Show Hack – Open / Amateur / Junior: Judges are required to consider the performance at each gait equally in adjudicating this class. Classes are to judged on manners, performance, quality and conformation.

Saddleseat Pleasure – Open/ Amateur / Junior: Pleasure horses should have the ability to give a good pleasurable ride at all paces. Judged on movement natural to the horse, brilliant performance, presence, quality, type, manners and conformation at the flat walk, animated trot, and canter. Saddleseat Park – Open/ Amateur / Junior: Park horses should be very animated with bold and expressive movement at all paces. Judged on movement natural to the horse, brilliant performance, presence, quality, type, manners and conformation at the animated walk, animated trot, and canter. Tandum Riding – Open: Limited to two horses one under saddle & one in driving harness, worked both ways of the arena at the animated walk, animated trot, and extended trot and may be asked to back. One header permitted. To be judged on performance, freedom, regularity and purity of the paces: harmony, lightness and ease of movements: lightness of the forehand and engagement of the hindquarters; acceptance of the bridle with submissiveness throughout, without tension or resistance. Dressage Suitability – Open/ Amateur / Junior: Horses are judged on its’ suitability to be a dressage mount including, gaits, type and correctness and manners. Horses which have competed first level dressage tests and above are not eligible to compete in this class and should be shown in Dressage Hack. Dressage Hack – Open/ Amateur / Junior: The class shall be judged on freedom, regularity and purity of the paces; harmony, lightness and ease of movements; lightness of the forehand and engagement of the hindquarters; showing thrust, acceptance of the bridle with submissiveness throughout, without tension or resistance. Horses are judged on gaits, type and correctness may be asked to reign back, drop reigns. Rider may be asked to trot rising or sitting at the judges discretion, class entrance on the rail working trot rising.

Western Pleasure – Open / Amateur / Junior: Horses are to be shown at a walk, jog trot and lope with light contact to the horse’s mouth both ways of the ring. Judged on performance, manners, type, quality and conformation. Only one hand may be used around the reins, two hands may be used when a Junior Horse is being shown in a snaffle bit or hackamore. A natural head position is desired. A vertical head carriage not to be penalized. Western Trail – Open / Amateur / Junior: Trail horses are required to work over and through obstacles using the rules that apply to Western Pleasure. Entry will be evaluated on responsiveness, willingness and general attitude while on course. Period Costume – Open/Amateur/Junior: Exhibitors shall enter in the ring at a walk in a counterclockwise direction. All horses shall be worked at a walk & trot both ways of the ring. Exhibitors may be asked to halt & stand quietly nose to tail. Horse & rider are to display in an authentic costume with time period of choice. Exhibitors can show individually or in groups up to but not exceeding five per entry. Reticulated metal alloy is not allowed.

Fantasy Costume – Open/Amateur/Junior: Exhibitors shall enter in the ring at a walk in a counterclockwise direction. All horses shall be worked at a walk & trot both ways of the ring. Exhibitors may be asked to halt & stand quietly nose to tail. Horse & rider are to display in an authentic costume with time period of choice. Exhibitors can show individually or in groups up to but not exceeding five per entry. Reticulated metal alloy is not allowed.

Armored Costume – Open/Amateur: Exhibitors shall enter in the ring at a walk in a counterclockwise direction. All horses shall be worked at a walk & trot both ways of the ring. Exhibitors may be asked to halt & stand quietly nose to tail. Horse & rider costume to be reviewed by the show steward prior to entrance, entries are to display in an armored costume with the appropriate appointments. Exhibitors can show individually or in groups up to but not exceeding five per entry. Combination Classes Drive and Ride – Open / Amateur / Junior: To be driven and ridden by the same individual. Vehicles are to line up, gates open, one assistant per entry to enter the arena to assist with the tack change. Tack change is to be conducted in the following order; unhook the horse from the vehicle, secure the horse with a In Hand before the driving bridle is removed, with In Hand secured remove the harness, then proceed to tack up with saddle and bridle. Automatic elimination will occur if the horse is unbridled before the vehicle is removed. Then under saddle (English/western or side saddle), horse to be shown both ways of the arena at a walk, trot and canter. Horses will be asked to stand quietly and to rein back.

Drive, Jump, Ride – Open / Amateur / Junior: To be driven and ridden by the same individual. Vehicles are to line up, gates open, one assistant per entry to enter the arena to assist with the tack change. Tack change is to be conducted in the following order; unhook the horse from the vehicle, secure the horse with a In Hand before the driving bridle is removed, with In Hand secured remove the harness, then proceed to tack up with saddle and bridle. Automatic elimination will occur if the horse is unbridled before the vehicle is removed. Then under saddle (an appropriate English saddle for jumping), horse to be shown both ways of the arena at a walk, trot and canter. Then over a Hunter course of no more than four fences, no higher than 2’ 6”. Protective headgear as defined by Article 318.3 must be worn. Horses will be asked to stand quietly.

Driving Classes

Friesian Sjees Driving - Open / Amateur / Junior: To be shown at the extended trot only both ways of the arena with an emphasis on the movement and performance of the horse, the Sjees may be show in single or pair, vehicle, harness, appointments as well as exhibitor costumes are to be judged. Pleasure Driving Junior Horse – Open/Amateur/ Junior Horse: To be shown both ways of the arena at a Walk, Trot, Strong Trot, line up and may be asked to back up. Classes are to be judged on manners, performance, type, quality and conformation.

Pleasure Driving working – Open / Amateur / Junior: Exhibitors are to enter the arena in a counterclockwise direction at the working trot. To be shown both ways of the arena at the walk, slow trot, working trot, and strong trot, to stand quietly, both on the rail and while lined up, and to rein back. Entries chosen for a workout may be worked both ways of the ring at any gait requested by the judge and may be asked to execute a figure eight. To be judged on the suitability of the horse to provide a pleasant drive, performance, manners and way of going, the condition and fit of harness and vehicle, and neatness of attire.

Pleasure Driving Turnout – Open / Amateur / Junior: Exhibitors are to enter the arena in a counterclockwise direction at the working trot. To be shown both ways of the arena at the walk, slow trot, working trot, and strong trot, to stand quietly, both on the rail and while lined up, and to rein back. Entries chosen for a workout may be worked both ways of the ring at any gait requested by the judge and may be asked to execute a figure eight. Judged primarily on the performance, and the quality of each turnout.

Pleasure Driving Reinsmanship- Open / Amateur / Junior: Exhibitors are to enter the arena in a counterclockwise direction at the working trot. To be shown both ways of the arena at the walk, slow trot, working trot, and strong trot, to stand quietly, both on the rail and while lined up, and to rein back. Entries chosen for a workout may be worked both ways of the ring at any gait requested by the judge and may be asked to execute a figure eight. To be judged on the ability and skill of the driver, on handling of reins and whip, control, posture and overall appearance of driver and the condition of harness and vehicle.

Obstacle Timed - Open / Amateur / Junior: To be driven over a prescribed course of obstacles over an elapsed time, not to exceed 20 obstacles. After passing the starting line, the driver shall proceed through each obstacle in order to the designated finish line.

Obstacle Pick your - Route - Open / Amateur / Junior: To be driven over a course of obstacles (paired markers) with no set route, not to exceed 20 obstacles. After passing the starting line, the driver shall proceed through each obstacle to the designated finish line, choosing his own route. Each obstacle is to be negotiated once and only once, but may be approached from either direction. Placing is determined on a low total time; ties for first will be decided by a drive-off.

Obstacle Gamblers Choice – Open / Amateur / Junior: To be driven over a course of unnumbered obstacles each carrying a specific point value. Each driver to negotiate as many obstacles as possible over a specified amount of time, collecting as many points as possible for high score. After passing through the starting line, the driver may drive through the obstacles, in any order, from any direction. Each obstacle may be driven twice, but not in succession. No obstacle may be re-driven once it has been disturbed. (Exception: obstacles which are designed to be knocked down). A signal will sound at the end of the allowed time and the driver must then exit through the finish markers when the total time on the course will be recorded. If the signal sounds when the competitor is committed to an obstacle, the competitor may complete the obstacle and receive the appropriate points, then proceed through the finish markers for total time to be recorded. Placing are determined on a high score basis. Time will decide ties. If a tie occurs in both points and time, the winner will be decided by a drive-off.

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