Cherry Creek Career & Technical Education
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2013 – 2014
Commercial Photography “Welcome Package”
Todd Adams Cherry Creek Career & Technical Education Commercial Photography Teacher (720) 554 – 4563
Please read and sign all documents
Return on, or before Wednesday - August 21, 2013
1 This page left intentionally blank.
2 Enrollment Information Cherry Creek Career & Technical Education Commercial Photography ( Please print clearly using pen only)
1. Student Name: ______Class Hour: AM or PM (Please print clearly) 2. Home Address: ______(Please print clearly) City ______Zip ______Student School ID No. ______(Leave Blank If Not Known)
3. Gender: Male Female Date of Birth ______Grade Level ______
4. Parent/Guardian(s) Name: (please print) Father’s: ______First Name Last Name Occupation Work Telephone No.
Mother’s: ______First Name Last Name Occupation Work Telephone No.
Student lives with: Both Father/Mother Father Mother On Their Own
5. Telephone No.’s: (please print clearly) ______Parent’s Home/Cell No. Student Personal/Cell Emergency No.
6. Parent Email Address: ______ Check if no email (please print clearly) 7. Student Email Address: ______ Check if no email (please print clearly) 8. List Medical Concerns / Conditions that Teacher Should Know About: ______
9. HomeHigh School ______Counselor Name ______
10. Yes, I have an IEP/504 (Individualized Education Plan). No, I am not covered by an IEP/504.
11. Expected month/year of student graduation: ______
12. How did the student hear about this CTE program? ______
13. Are you enrolled and taking this course as Concurrent Enrollment? Yes No
3 Base Agreement Signature Page
Both the parent/legal guardian and student are required to read this enrollment package. Then, the parent and student are required to sign below, which documents that both parties have read, understood, agree, and concur with all of the documents, policies, procedures, and guidelines as noted in this package as well as to the Cherry Creek School District policies and procedures. Any exceptions and/or concerns must be immediately directed to the teacher in writing and these will be addressed individually.
The pages contained herein that require information and/or signature(s) are: 4, 10, 21 and 22.
Please return this original copy signing all required areas to the teacher by August 21, 2013 for full credit. A complete non-signed copy of this packet has been given to your student and is in their 3-ring class notebook provided to them.
Document Description/Title
Cherry Creek Career & Technical Education Student Conduct Code
Cherry Creek Career & Technical School (CTE) Student Attendance Policy for Commercial Photography
Cherry Creek Career & Technical Education Student Conduct Code
Information on Photography Assignments Being Completed Outside the Classroom
Sample of the Shooting Authorization Form
Use of and Financial Responsibility for School Photography Equipment by Student and Photography Check-out Permission
Cherry Creek Career & Technical School Student Drive Form
Cherry Creek Career & Technical Education Student Internet Use Agreement
Student Expression Rights
Safety in the Photo Lab
Cherry Creek School District Policies
Commercial Photography Class Expectations
Weather Problems Commercial Photography
Movie Permission Form
Cherry Creek School District No. 5 Parent E-mail Authorization
Cherry Creek School District Media Waiver / Internet Publishing Parent Consent Form for 2010-2011 School Year
______Student Signature / Date Student Name (please print) Date
______Parent / Legal Guardian Signature / Date Parent / Legal Guardian Name (please print)
Parent’s email: ______Student’s email: ______
4 Cherry Creek Career & Technical Education (CTE) Student Conduct Code
Student behavior and conduct is important to help maintain an atmosphere that will promote and allow learning to take place. The reason for rules and regulations is to encourage individual students to be active learners and to provide an atmosphere where teaching and learning can flourish. In addition, having a standard conduct code promotes and maintains order, health, and safety as well as complies with the laws of our society.
Student Rights and Responsibilities
You have the right of free access to education and to participate in school activities. You have the freedom to exercise your own judgment and make responsible decisions. You have the right to express opinions in an appropriate manner, and also to expect Due Process in any disciplinary process. However, if you act irresponsibly, the Cherry Creek Career & Technical Education has an obligation to protect the rights of others. You have a responsibility to attend school on a regular basis, be respectful to self, others, and the community and to abide by all school policies.
Student Responsibility and Conduct Warning
You have the responsibility to read and understand this document. If you have any questions regarding the content of this document, please contact your CTE teacher or program coordinator. Your signature verifies your understanding of these policies, procedures, guidelines, and understandings. Your signature will be kept on file at the program site. In addition, this Cherry Creek CTE program fully supports all cities, county, state laws and member district policies.
If the teacher has a concern regarding the student’s behavior, attitude, attendance, clothing/dress code, performance, language, and/or grade, the teacher may notify and contact the student’s parent/legal guardian, counselor, dean, principal, or any one else who might be need to know as well as be a part of the solution if required via e-mail, letter, conference, and/or telephone.
For Commercial Photography:
Students are not allowed to wear hats in the classroom or in the CTE building. All hats must be removed unless due to substantiated medical reasons. Students cannot wear “PJ’s” or sleepwear to class either. Shoes, no sandals are also required for safety reasons. Bullying and/or sarcasm are never tolerated and immediate consequences will occur. Students must have in their possession their school IDs while attending Commercial Photography. After 3rd forgetful occurrence per semester, student will lose points. Swearing, cursing, crude remarks, disrespectful comments, and inappropriate jokes is never permitted; students will be removed from the class for the day; 2nd offense – parents are notified. Students are NOT permitted to use their cell phones during class. Texting is not permitted. Violations will be addressed with student’s parents and respective counselor/dean. A grade reduction will be assessed for late homework and late projects. Late homework lose of 50% value; late projects lose 20% value. Cheating or plagiarizing will result in a zero for the quiz, test, and/or project. Attendance issues can warrant grade penalties, and/or withdraw from program.
5 Cherry Creek Career & Technical Education (CTE) Student Attendance Policy for Commercial Photography In the Commercial Photography class we teach that attendance is critical to one’s successful career. Students are to attend all class sessions as designated by the approved CTE Calendar. Achieving high standards is important while absenteeism is strongly discouraged. This CTE program will follow the Cherry Creek School District attendance policy and procedures. If a student knows in advance that he/she will be absent, a “pre-absence” form must be completed and given to the teacher; the absence will be deemed as excused if applicable. First day starts August 19, 2013 and ends on May 16, 2014. The final portfolio review sessions occur on May 13, 14, & 15; the final exam is on May 16, which is required for all students. Out of district students are strongly recommended to follow the attached CTE calendar schedule. Our Winter Exhibit is on December 18, 2013 @ 6pm-8pm, and the Spring Exhibit is on May 20, 2014 @ 6pm-7pm awards ceremony and the Open House @ 7pm-9pm.
Please understand: Commercial Photography serves the needs for students in 5-school districts. Each school district has different days off for in-service days, PLC days, non-student contact days, Collaboration Days, CSAP/TCAP, ACT/SAT Testing Days, holiday schedules, fall and spring breaks. As result, Commercial Photography has developed a calendar that denotes which days are scheduled for class. Your signature on page 4 confirms your understanding that you will need to make every reasonable effort to be in class even if your home high school is “off.” If you cannot be here when class is scheduled, students may be required to make-up this time missed. Attendance is paramount to one’s success especially in this program.
Students are required to call their CTE teacher, Mr. Adams at (720) 554-4563, when they will be absent prior to class starting. Within 2-class days of the last absence, students are responsible to bring a note signed by their parent/guardian noting the date(s) of their absence and reason. By satisfactorily completing this process, the teacher may deem the absence as excused providing it falls within district guidelines. The absence will be deemed as unexcused without a parent note beyond 2-class days. Students need to submit this written notice to the CTE Attendance Office to get the absence excused. The teacher will be recording student attendance and is responsible for deciding if an absent is excused. Definitions Excused absences: sick, injured, disabled, hospitalized, attending a school sponsored activity with advanced approval, or to observe an established religious holiday. Teachers may also consider bereavement, court, jury duty, and medical appointments as excused. The teacher is within his/her right to request documentation for any/all of the above. Loose 5 pts.
Unexcused absences: if the student fails to provide a note that is complete and authentic stating a legitimate reason for the absence within 2-class days of the last day of absence, the absence will be deemed unexcused. Loose 25 pts.
Tardy: students will be considered tardy coming to class after the designated start time of any CTE class. Loose 2 pts.
Administering Attendance Policy: Responsibilities of All Parties A teacher may initiate a conference between student, parent (or guardian) and administrator at any time concerning attendance issues (excused or unexcused). Poor attendance could result in a withdrawal or failing grade in the course. The following procedures will be followed to assure student attendance in CTE program:
a. Upon student’s 5th absence from Commercial Photography regardless whether or not the absence was excused or unexcused, the student must make-up the time. Specifically, for each day missed starting on the 5th absence and beyond, the student is required to make-up the time that they missed. During each quarter, a specific time/date, (like a Saturday, or day that is originally deemed as a non-student conduct day) will set aside for students to work in the classroom and/or darkroom. b. If the student missed 5 or more days and does not make the time, other consequences will occur which includes grades being affected and/or possible withdraw from the program. c. In addition, each quarter’s grade will have points dedicated towards professionalism as demonstrated by attendance. Each quarter, each student receives professionalism points unless one of the following infraction occurs: Tardy: loss of 2 points; excused absence: loss of 5 pts; unexcused absence: loss of 15 pts; leaving early from class: loss of 2 pts.
Make-up Work Credit for work missed during an excused absence will be allowed when the required work has been satisfactorily completed per teacher expectations. Generally, students shall have one day for every day of excused absence, and usually this is not to exceed 5-class days to make-up any one missed assignment. All projects must be completed. It is the student’s 6 responsibility to obtain class notes and handouts as appropriate. Late homework lose of 50% value; late projects lose 20% value.
Information on Photography Assignments Being Completed Outside the Classroom
The Commercial Photography program is designed to assist students in developing effective organization skills, strengthen communication abilities, and nurture the student’s self-esteem and confidence. The program requires students to read weekly assignments and complete corresponding questions or written narratives that summarize the reading materials. The purpose of the reading assignments is to supplement the education and learning experience in photography. It is important to supplement the class lecture and hands-on experiences with reading supplements. In addition, the program requires that students photograph outside the classroom. Sometimes the student may wish to travel to a location beyond walking distance from the school. When doing so, the student must assume full responsibility for travel and transportation. The teacher will not accompany students and they must assume responsibility for personal actions while away from the classroom.
Before leaving the classroom, the student must inform the teacher of their intent to shoot pictures during classroom time via the appropriate authorization form. The student and parent must sign this form PRIOR to the shooting event. The student cannot simply call on the day of the shoot and “check-out” via the telephone; in doing so, they will be marked as absent. The authorization form must be signed PRIOR to the shooting event. The student will be given 18 authorization forms per year. When both the student and parent sign this form, the student may check out of class for that particular day and work on their shooing assignment. The student may not check out of class more than 2 days per week for shooting pictures. If a student leaves class without a pass or violates the use of this pass, (i.e. not going to the designated location for the purpose indicated), he/she will be subject to suspension or removal from the program. The pass privilege will be revoked in any event and it will become necessary for the student to take pictures on his/her own time.
Before a student will be permitted to leave the campus during scheduled class time, it will be necessary for you to grant permission via the shooting authorization form, (see page 8 of this package for a sample/copy), as well as signing this blanket authorization letter acknowledging your understanding and support with the provisions as stated.
I grant permission for my student to leave the school campus during class time for the purposed of working on photographic assignments. I realize that he/she is fully responsible for his/her own actions and will not hold the school liable in the event of accident or misconduct by the student. I also understand the consequences of misuse of the pass privilege.
7 Sample of the Shooting Authorization Form
Coupon / Authorization Form No. 1
Student Name:
Date of Shoot: Time of Shoot:
Destination of Shoot:
Student will be working on his/her photography assignment outside of the classroom as noted on the date, time, and location above. Student understands that they are responsible for their actions and will abide by the policies, guidelines, restrictions, and rules/laws as set forth by the Cherry Creek CTE Program and their respective school district as well as by government laws.
(SAMPLE) Parent Signature / Date Student Signature / Date
This particular page illustrates an example of the “Shooting Authorization Form.” All students are given a packet of these blank forms. A new form must be signed PRIOR to the student shooting pictures during normal class time instead of attending class. The teacher will advise the students when there are designated shooting days. Students are not allowed to take a “shooting day” when they feel like they need a shooting day. It must be pre-approved by the teacher and parent in order for the absence to be treated like a field trip day.
8 Use of and Financial Responsibility for School Photography Equipment by Student
As a student in the Cherry Creek Career & Technical School Commercial Photography Program, your son/daughter has the privilege of using a variety of photographic equipment. Anything required to complete any assignment is available for student use. There is, however, a financial responsibility, which must be agreed upon by the student and his/her parents or guardians before the student is permitted to check out equipment for personal use. I want to be sure you are aware of this responsibility.
During the school year, your student will be using cameras that are valued from $250 to $5,000 depending upon the specific camera/item. He/she will also be using photographic accessories such as filters, additional lenses, or lighting equipments, which range in value from $50 to $3,500. When a student checks out equipment, he/she will bear full responsibility for any loss or damage incurred whether the student or someone else inflicts the damage or causes the loss. The school does not carry insurance on this equipment. It is imperative that the student treats this equipment with care and respect.
A locker will be provided to the student in the photography classroom. The student is issued a lock and the combination should be kept secure by not sharing it with friends. The lock is generally a safe place for the student’s equipment. During class, students should place personal items inside their locker and lock it accordingly in order to prevent someone from stealing a purse and/or personal items.
Cameras should never be left on the seat or windows in an automobile. Primarily, that is to protect them from the extreme heat, which will harm the lubricants in the lenses or even the parts through expansion or melting. Theft from cards is also a common problem. If a camera is left in a car, it should be placed in trunk. Use common sense in dealing with equipment. Treating the equipment as if it were your own will promote the product’s life.
Experience has demonstrated that careful students have no problems with loss, theft, or damage to the equipment checked out to them. Those students who have had such problems have left the cameras and other equipment on lunchroom tables, on the seat of their car, in school lockers to which several students have had access, or through simple foolishness. Damage has occurred through rough handling such as swinging the camera by its strap, dropping it, throwing school backpacks in which the camera was being carried, or leaving the camera in extreme heat. Part of learning the craft of photography is learning to properly care for the equipment used.
In order for a student to use any of school equipment, it is necessary for us to have a parent and/or guardian’s signature of approval and assumption of financial responsibility. Past experience has indicated that homeowner or renter insurance has generally been able to pay for all or part of the loss or theft, depending on the situation. Perhaps it may be wise to check the specific provisions of your insurance policy.
If you are not able to agree to this condition and agreement, it will be necessary for the student to furnish his/her own camera and perhaps a few other accessories such as a tripod. If students already have their own personal camera or equipment, I encourage them to use it, primarily so they become familiar with what they have. Students in the Basic Photo Program will be able to fulfill all the assignments if they have a 35mm camera, which has manual control capability. Students enrolled in the Advanced Course will need to be able to use the school equipment. In that program, we use medium format, 4x5 View Cameras, and digital cameras. Many different types of lighting equipment, metering systems, and accessories are also used.
Photography Equipment Check-out Permission
Parent(s)/legal guardian have read the information page entitled, Use of and Financial Responsibility for School Photography Equipment by Student, and agrees to permit their son/daughter to checkout photography equipment from the Cherry Creek CTE Commercial Photography Program. Parents/legal guardian understands that they are ultimately responsible for any loss, theft, or damage to items that were checked out by their student from Commercial Photography. You agree to pay for the replacement or repair for items that were checked out or broken by their student from Commercial Photography, whichever is necessary and appropriate. Failure to meet the financial responsibility for any loss, theft, or damage to the school’s photography equipment may result in the withholding of student grades and/or final transcripts or even possibly walking at graduation .
9 Cherry Creek Career & Technical School Student Drive Form
Approval is requested to use a privately owned automobile.
A. I certify that whenever I drive a privately owned vehicle, the vehicle will always be: i. Covered by liability insurance for the minimum amount of $300,000 single limit or $100,000/$300,000/$50,000 automobile liability insurance. ii. Equipped with one seat belt for every passenger. iii. To the best of my knowledge, in a safe mechanical condition and adequate for passenger transportation. B. I further certify that while using a privately owned vehicle, all motor vehicle laws will be obeyed, including all passengers’ use of seat belts. C. I have never been convicted of either Driving Under the Influence (DUI) or Driving While Ability Impaired (DWAI).
Insurance Company Policy No. Expiration Date
I certify that the above information is accurate and true. Furthermore, I permit my student to drive the vehicle as described in the attached photocopy of the insurance declaration page.
I do , or do not approve that other students ride in the vehicle as described in the attached photocopy of the insurance declaration page.
I certify that the above information is accurate and true.
The school provides transportation for students to and from many activities and events. However, the school is unable to provide transportation in all circumstances and to all events. When school transportation is not available, it is the student’s parent(s)/guardian(s) responsibility to provide or arrange for their student’s transportation to and from the event. We, the undersigned parent or guardian and student, hereby acknowledge, agree, and understand that the school does not insure, endorse, approve, or sponsor any form of non-school transportation, whether by parents, students, or otherwise, to and from school campus.
We further acknowledge it is our responsibility to provide or arrange for student transportation to school when school transportation is not available. As such we consent to our student’s use of a vehicle to transport himself/herself and others to school. We hereby waive, release, discharge and agree to hold harmless and indemnify the school, its agents, employees, and insurers, from any claim, cause of action, damage, injury, or demand of any nature, including bodily injury, property damage or death, arising from or sustained during or as a result of my student’s utilization of the private vehicle described above.
11 Cherry Creek Career & Technical Education Student Internet Use Agreement
The Commercial Photography Program utilizes computers to complete assignments and conduct research for class presentations. These computers are online to the Internet. Appropriate security and restriction guards are in place to restrict students from visiting illegal/immoral or websites that illegal activity can transpire, be arranged, or communicate.
Internet Terms and Conditions
Acceptable Use: The Internet may be used by students to research and educational activities. The network and Internet connection may not be used to access, download, store, and/or distribute any material (text, graphic, photo, or audio) which is defamatory, abusive, obscene, profane, threatening, or sexually explicit to the average person, inappropriate use will result in disciplinary action by the teacher that may result in suspended, revoked, or canceled Internet access by that user.\
In addition, students may check their grades via the Internet, but are NOT permitted to check any email account, Youtube, Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Flickr, or any other Internet account service like those just noted.
Internet Conduct: User will abide by the generally accepted rules of network etiquette. These include, but are not limited to, the following: Use appropriate language. Use of vulgar language does not conform to established Code of Student conduct and may result in disciplinary action. Illegal activities and use of the Internet in furtherance of illegal activities are strictly forbidden. Use of the Internet for financial gain via CTE owned equipment is also strictly forbidden.
Liability: CTE makes no warranties of any kind, expressed or implied, for Internet service. Use of any information obtained via the Internet is at each user’s risk. CTE specifically denies any responsibility for the accuracy or quality of information obtained through the Internet.
Student Internet Access: Each Student Internet user will be required to have a signed Student Internet Use Agreement on file in the building.
I have read this Student Internet Use Agreement and agree to the terms and conditions. I also understand that this access is designed for educational purposes. I hereby give permission for my child to have access to the Interne
12 Policy: JICED Student Expression Rights
While students do not shed their constitutional rights when they enter the school or engage in school related activities, it is the Board of Education’s responsibility to adopt rules reasonably necessary to maintain proper discipline among students and create an effective learning environment.
Therefore, all student expression shall be consistent with the aims and objectives of the mission of the school district, the curriculum and this policy. For purposes of this policy, student expression includes expression in any media, including but not limited to written, oral, visual, audio, video, and electronic media in all classroom and other school related activities, assignments, and projects.
Students shall not turn in, present, publish, or distribute expression or act/behave in a manner that is:
1. Obscene 2. Libelous, slanderous, defamatory, or otherwise unlawful under state law 3. False as to any person who is not a public figure or involved in a matter of public concern 4. Creates a clear and present danger of the commission of unlawful acts, the violation of lawful school regulations, or the material and substantial disruption of the orderly operation of the school 5. Profane or vulgar 6. Violates the rights of privacy of others 7. Threatens violence to property or persons 8. Attacks any person because of race, color, sex, age, religion, national background, disability, or handicap 9. Tends to create hostility or otherwise disrupt the orderly operation of the educational process 10. Advocates illegal acts of any kind, which create a sense of threat to the orderly operation of the educational environment
Violation of this policy shall result in disciplinary action against the student consistent with the district student discipline policies.
Cherry Creek School District No. 5, Greenwood Village, CO
Proposed: August 14, 2000 Adopted: September 11, 2000
Legal Refs: C.R.S. 22-1-120 (rights of free expression for public school students) C.R.S. 22-32-110 (1) (power to exclude materials that are immoral or pernicious) Cross Refs: JICDA, Conduct and Discipline Code JICDB, Violent and Aggressive Behavior JICEC, Student Distribution of Noncircular Materials JK, Student Discipline
13 Safety in the Photo Lab
General Principles
1. Keep the classroom and darkroom clean! Keep scraps off the floor and counters. Keep chairs out of the darkroom and hallways. 2. Wipe up spills. Notify instructor of any major spills. Keep counters and floors dry. 3. No “horse-playing”. There will be no chasing, water fights, door slamming, hiding personal belongings, scaring each others, or foolishness. 4. Treat one another with respect. This applies personally and to the equipment and materials of others. 5. When using any piece of equipment, be sure to know how it works prior to using it. Use extreme caution around cutting, trimming, and drying equipment. Put knives and scissors away after use. 6. Use caution when moving around light stands and tripods. The legs are extended and it is very easy to trip and fall over these items. Be careful to not trip over cables, wires or support structures. 7. During late March, the class is engaged in a “forensics” photography assignment; a plastic skeleton and mannequin are staged/used for an in-class lab photography purpose. Please understand that a (fake) crime scene is set-up and may be graphic or disturbing for your student. Please let the teacher know prior in order to make alternative arrangements.
Chemical Use and Preparation
1. Always be cautious when using any chemical. 2. Read all instructions. Even if you know how to make a particular solution, be sure to read the instructions; often times, the directions can change for products. 3. Be sure ventilation is adequate. 4. Wear protective gear, i.e. gloves; aprons; eye glasses. 5. It is mandatory that students wear gloves when using color chemicals. 6. Wear eye protection and dust mask when mixing chemicals. Be extremely careful with powdered chemicals. 7. Avoid contact with skin for either dry or concentrated liquid chemicals. 8. If chemicals get on your skin, wash thoroughly. Wash eyes immediately and thoroughly with running water. Flexible hoses are available at every sink. 9. Avoid breathing fumes. 10. Never smell a chemical directly. Waft the air. 11. Never splash chemicals on other students. 12. Never drink a chemical or pour chemicals into someone’s drink/container.
Use of Electrical Equipment
1. Never use electrical equipment when you have wet hands. 2. Be sure you know how to operate a piece of equipment. Ask for instructions if you are uncertain. 3. Check for frayed cords. 4. Avoid horse-play with any of the equipment. Do not try to “brand” any classmate with the tacking iron. Use the equipment only for the purpose for which it was designed. 5. Check temperatures on dryers and dry mount press before using them.
14 6. Be cautious around the dry mount press. It can burn you if you lean against it. 7. Report any equipment you feel is not operating properly. 8. Never suspend electrical cords in the air. They must always lie on the floor. 9. Be sure equipment is turned off before connecting or disconnecting any kind of power cord. 10. Keep lights away from background materials and bounce screens.
1. Note the instructions for leaving the building. 2. Know where all he exits are in the building. Know how to “kick-out” the circular rotating darkroom door. Do not (just) kick-it out for fun; it will break. 3. When the fire alarm sounds, proceed immediately to the nearest classroom exit and leave the building. Regroup as a class in the East side parking lot. If you are busy developing film, leave it. You cannot continue printing and/or developing film. Leave immediately. If there was a fire, you life is not worth a roll of film. 4. Know the location of the fire extinguishers. 5. Take immediate action to extinguish any fire if it were in the class or darkroom. Alert others of the danger, scream for help, and move quickly. 6. Warn and inform the instructor and/or classmates immediately of any fire or potential fire hazard.
Always report any accident or dangerous situation to the instructor, especially if a chemical has been spilled on you, even if your clothes got the spill. It is important that appropriate action is taken to prevent injury.
Safety Instruction Verification for Photography
I have received instruction regarding the safe use of the photographic lab and classroom. I understand that violation of any safety rule(s) will immediately limit, restrict, or deny use of the photography lab, equipment, and/or facility.
I also understand that I am not to mix any chemical or use any piece of equipment about which I have not been instructed. I am also to report any accident, chemical spill, or dangerous situation to the instructor immediately. I will also not throw anything in the dark or classroom.
Lastly, I understand that absolutely no “horse-playing”, or inappropriate behavior be displayed, acted out, or demonstrated while I am in the darkroom, classroom, school facility, school grounds, or while on assignment taking pictures for a class assignment. This includes harassment, bullying, sarcasm, foul and/or obscene language, and/or crude and immoral actions, comments, threats, intentions, hostility, fights, hitting, or otherwise misappropriate behavior. Students language while in the classroom or shooting on-location, will be professional and not include crude, cursing, swearing, sarcastic, rude, or otherwise non-professional language; language that is not professional is never tolerated and will be immediately dealt with, which might include notification of parents and authorities in home school, suspension, or withdraw from class.
15 Cherry Creek School District Policies
Cherry Creek School District No. 5, Greenwood Village, Colorado Student Dress Code: A safe and disciplined learning environment is essential to a quality educational program. District-wide standards on student attire are intended to help students concentrate on schoolwork, reduce discipline problems, and improve school order and safety. The Board recognizes that students have a right to express themselves through dress and personal appearance; however, students shall not wear apparel that is deemed disruptive or potentially disruptive to the classroom environment or to the maintenance of a safe and orderly school. Any student deemed in violation of the dress code shall be required to change into appropriate clothing or make arrangements to have appropriate clothing brought to school immediately. In this case, there shall be no further penalty.
If the student cannot promptly obtain appropriate clothing, on the first offense, the student shall be given a written warning and an administrator or teacher shall notify the student’s parents/guardians. On the second offense, the student shall remain in the administrative office for the day and do schoolwork -- which will constitute an in-school suspension-- and a conference with parents/guardians shall be held. On the third offense, the student may be subject to out-of-school suspension or other disciplinary action in accordance with relevant disciplinary procedures outlined in the school discipline code.
The following items are not acceptable in school buildings, on school grounds, or at school activities:
1. Inappropriately sheer, tight, short, or low-cut clothing that bare or expose the student’s underwear, and/or traditionally private parts of the body including, but not limited to, the stomach, shoulders, buttocks, upper thigh, back and breasts; pants must be pulled up and NO underwear can be showing; 2. Any clothing, paraphernalia, grooming, jewelry, hair coloring, accessories, or body adornments that are or contain any advertisement, symbols, words, slogans, patches, or pictures that: Are obscene, profane, vulgar, lewd, or legally libelous Threaten the safety or welfare of any person Promotes any activity prohibited by the student code of conduct Promotes use of drugs, tobacco, alcohol, or weapons Are of a sexual nature By virtue of color, arrangement, trademark, or other attribute denote membership in gangs which advocate drug use, violence, or disruptive behavior Otherwise disrupt the teaching-learning process Shoes must be worn at all times in school facilities.
Exceptions: Appropriate athletic clothing may be worn in physical education classes. Clothing normally worn when participating in school-sponsored extra curricular or sports activities (such as cheerleading uniforms and the like) may be worn to school when approved by the sponsor or coach. Building principals, in conjunction with the school accountability committee, may develop and adopt as part of the building code of conduct a specific school dress code for appropriate apparel in accordance with the standards identified in this policy.
For Commercial Photography: Students are not allowed to wear hats in the classroom or building. All hats must be removed unless due to substantiated medical reasons. Students cannot wear “PJ’s” or sleepwear to class either. No sagging pants and exposing underwear. Student will receive only one warning; 2nd offense goes to Dean. Students must wear their school IDs while attending Commercial Photography. Student ID badge must be visible at all times. After 3rd forgetful occurrence per semester, student will lose points. Swearing, cursing, crude remarks, and inappropriate jokes is not permitted; students will be asked to leave class for the day; 2 nd offense – parents are notified. Students are NOT permitted to use their cell phones during class. Texting is not permitted. Violations will be addressed with student’s parents and respective counselor/dean.
Proposed: August 14, 2000 Adopted: September 11, 2000 LEGAL REF.: JBB, Sexual Harassment JIC, Student Conduct JICDA, Code of Conduct JICF, Secret Societies/Gang Activity JICH, Drug and Alcohol Use by Students JICI, Weapons in School JK, Student Discipline 16 JKD/JKE, Suspension/Expulsion of Students JLI, Student Safety
17 Commercial Photography Class Expectations
Through the process of attending class lectures, reading supplemental information, and completing photography projects, this course is designed to allow all students the opportunity to:
Learn new information about photography and business via a hands-on approach and experience Strengthen one’s reading and writing skills Lean more about photography techniques
This class is designed to enable the student to build, strengthen, and gain more self-confidence and respect, as well as be productive in any desired career or education field.
Keys to Success
Positive attitude Enthusiasm to learn Regular attendance; minimal absences Respecting self and others Timeliness Multi-tasking Organization Acting responsibly
Attributes that help to define “Professionalism”
Attendance Attitude Turning in all required components per assignment Timeliness Organization Respect Integrity Honesty Helping to teach and educate others Striving to learn more; taking the initiative to self-teach Ambition Drive; dedication Passion and dedication for the pursuit of excellence Perseverance Determination Teaming and working well with others
I have read this page and will try to the best of my ability to achieve these class expectations, keys for success, and attributes that help to define professionalism.
18 Weather Problems Commercial Photography
First, the safety and well-being of each student is far more important than attending class. To get into an accident because of weather, poor road conditions, visibility, and/or driving experience as it relates to weather conditions, is not appropriate. We do not want any student to have car problems, or an accident because of the weather. It would be better to stay warm and safe than it is to risk injury and an accident. Student is responsible to keep on schedule and find out what information/homework was delivered by asking other students and when necessary the teacher.
Regarding Commercial Photography, if the Cherry Creek School District is closed, we too will be closed. If the district is on a time delay start, this class remains on its original scheduled time. The class does NOT have an alternative time delay schedule. Come to class at your original appointed time.
Bottom line: each student and/or parent will have to assess the weather condition and overall situation. If they can make it to class safely, that would be great. If parents do not want their child to drive over to our facility because of the weather, simply remember to call me.
This class emphasizes the importance of making a choice and the right decision, because we are accountable for our actions. If you miss class because of the weather, then you made the right choice; but, you must also remember to call me in order to prevent receiving an unexcused absence. In order to stay current, you may need to come in earlier and/or stay late to catch-up on days missed due to weather. It is your responsibility to be meet the deadlines and to manage your assignments.
If you have questions, please call me, (720) 554 - 4563
Thank you,
Todd Adams Teacher
19 Mission Statement
To provide a positive, rich, safe, and learning environment that allows a diverse group of students to develop individual character traits while nurturing academic success, intrinsic problem solving, and creativity. It is important to challenge students to become active members in society who are responsible, accountable, and productive citizens. In addition, it is important that through the study and practice of Commercial Photography that the students leave with improved literacy skills, which includes critical thinking and reading comprehension.
The main goal of this course is to learn basic photography as well as fundamental business principles that apply in the realm of Commercial Photography. The curriculum is designed to teach students how to learn about photography through a variety of projects in order to continue their education about photography and business on a self-taught basis. Additionally, the student will learn how to apply this knowledge in order that each student can strengthen, enhance, and develop their personal character and be able to problem solve more effectively and efficiently.
To learn basic camera operation and purposes for the following commercial cameras: 35mm; medium format; 4x5 view cameras, and digital SLR. To learn basic darkroom techniques and processes including film development and print processing for both black/white and color. To learn basic computer skills using Adobe Photoshop and Adobe’s Bridge. o Second year students will learn Adobe’s InDesign software product. To learn all of the different types of cameras used in commercial photography and experience using them for different projects. To learn about customer quality, timeliness, and service To learn about setting expectations and meeting deadlines To learn basic skills relating to oral presentations, developing effective M/S PowerPoint presentations, personal communication, and business writing skills To practice shooting various commercial photography assignments, which include: portrait photography; commercial advertising; sports; photojournalism; and nature. To build a commercial photographer’s portfolio which includes personal resume To learn about basic interviewing requirements, suggestions about interviewing and how to find a job. To learn how to problem solve and work through difficult situations in a cost effective and time efficient manner that meets the needs of both the consumer/client and business objectives/policies. To learn how to demonstrate positive character traits and challenge the students in developing, strengthening, and maturing their personal character. To learn the basic elements and styles of business writing and communication To learn how to develop a monthly financial personal budget. To strengthen one’s character and professionalism. To work in teams developing a marketing product brochure for an actual client.
20 Movie Permission Form
Typically in January or February, I will be showing a movie entitled, “Touching the Void.” In the mid-80's two young climbers attempted to reach the summit of Siula Grande in Peru; a feat that had previously been attempted but never achieved. With an extra man looking after base camp, Simon and Joe set off to scale the mount in one long push over several days. The peak is reached, however on the descent Joe falls and breaks his leg. Despite what it means, the two continue with Simon letting Joe out on a rope for 300 meters, then descending to join him and so on. However when Joe goes out over an overhang with no way of climbing back up, Simon makes the decision to cut the rope. Joe falls into a crevice and Simon, assuming him dead, continues back down. Joe however survives the fall and was lucky to hit a ledge in the crevice. This is the story of how he got back down.
The purpose of the movie is to show that having goals and objectives in life are key to one’s success. In addition, the determination of one individual to never give up in life is important in any career. In my class, I have been emphasizing this point throughout each lesson. Regardless if my students become pro photographers or pursue a different career, it is important to be a professional and to never give up; quitting is never an option. Learning that perseverance and commitment to excellence is important and keys to their success.
The movie has incredible photography, drama, and shows unique photography lighting poses and environments. However, the movie is rated “R” because of one scene in which the actor uses the “F” word because he has just fallen 100 feet into a crevice, severely breaks his leg with a compound fracture, and realizes that he may die. Short of this, the movie does not show any violence, nudity, or sex scenes, but it does unfortunately use this word during this one scene. Just before the actor uses this word, the teacher tries to mute the sound in order to prevent this offensive word from being heard. To watch the movie trailer, please logon to the Internet and go to:
By signing this form, you give permission for your student to watch this movie. Otherwise, the student may have a shooting day and are not required to come to class. If you elect to have them use this time shooting photography, they will be required to capture 20 images digitally of downtown specifically building architecture.
Please contact me if you have any questions and/or concerns, 720-554-4563.
Todd Adams Teacher
21 Cherry Creek School District No. 5 Parent E-mail Authorization
Cherry Creek School District Policy EGA, Electronic Mail, provides that confidential student information may be transmitted by electronic mail pursuant to the requirements of the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). This policy language allows for teachers and school officials to communicate student record information via e-mail, transmitted over the Internet, with parents/guardians and/or eligible students (students who are 18 years of age).
In order for school personnel to use the Internet e-mail system for transmission of student record information, a signed consent form from the parents/guardians or eligible student must be on file with the school. Once the signed consent form has been received, teachers and school officials may use electronic mail to communicate about their child to a parent/guardian or with the eligible student.
Cherry Creek School District does not and cannot control Internet access; therefore, the school district is not responsible for any information or material accessed on the Internet by any user, other than the parent/guardian or eligible student. There will be NO solicitation of any kind, and e-mail addresses will be considered confidential for FERPA purposes.
As evidenced by my signature below, I give consent for teachers and other school officials to provide me student information about my son/daughter via electronic mail in accordance with district policy and applicable state and federal privacy laws.
Parent/Guardian Name (please print): ______
Student Name (please print): ______
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______
Student Signature: ______Date: ______
Please check one of the boxes below:
As the parent/guardian or eligible student named above, I give consent for school officials to use electronic mail to communicate directly with me regarding student information, including but not limited to, attendance, grades, classroom behavior, and assignments.
E-mail address: ______
I choose not to have direct communication from my child’s teacher via electronic e-mail.
I do not have access to e-mail, but please call me, and/or send information via the U.S. Postal Service. I want to be informed about my child’s education concerns, status, and/or progress.
Please inform the teacher if you change e-mail addresses/accounts.
22 Media Waiver / Internet Publishing Parent Consent Form for 2011-2012 School Year
Electronic / Print Media Because of the intense interest in public education, the print and electronic media will want to visit schools for stories about programs and current events. In accordance with such activities, district policy requires parental approval be obtained before the media may shoot close-up pictures of students, or use a student’s photograph in non-school publications.
Please indicate, by checking the appropriate box, whether or not you want your child to be interviewed or photographed by the print and/or electronic media. This form will be kept on file in each school building.
Yes, I give my permission for the media to interview and photograph my child. No, I do not want my child interviewed or photographed by the media.
I acknowledge by my signature below I understand the above stated information.
District Media In the interest of promoting the successful programs of the Cherry Creek School District and improving communications with our public, the district is increasing the use and distribution of photographs and video footage of students in our schools.
The agreement constitutes permission to use any and all photographs and video footage of the student named below in presentations about our schools, programs, and people which may be distributed by the Cherry Creek School District. All interviews, photographs and video footage shall remain the sole property of the Cherry Creek School District. I understand that no compensation will be made to me for this use.
Yes, I give my permission for the Cherry Creek School District to use photographs/video footage of my child for information and possible distribution about its schools, programs, or people. No, I do not want photographs/video footage of my child used by Cherry Creek School District for information and possible distribution about its schools, programs, or people.
I acknowledge by my signature below I understand the above stated information.
World Wide Web & Internet Publishing The Cherry Creek School District recognizes the limitless potential for research, information and communication provided by the Internet and World Wide Web. Therefore, Cherry Creek Schools encourages the creation of school and district web pages for publication on the Internet. However, all Web publications are subject to the following terms and as described in the Web and Internet Publishing Board Policy and Regulation. Student work may be published only as it relates to a curricular or school activity. All Web page documents may include only student’s first names. No confidential student information shall be published or linked to a Web page. No names may be associated with pictures. Yes, I give my permission to publish the work, photograph(s), first name and non-confidential information of my student on the World Wide Web. No, I do not want my student’s work, photograph(s), first name or non-confidential information published on the World Wide Web.
I acknowledge by my signature below I understand the above stated information.
______Cherry Creek CTE Commercial Photograph Student name (please print) School of Attendance
23 Signature of Parent/Guardian Date