High Gear Archives 07062005 - 12282005
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High Gear Archives – 07062005 - 12282005
High Gear December 28, 2005
The holidays are quickly drawing to the official close with New Years just a few days away. It is understandable that to usher in the New Year in proper Rotary style, wine and cheese must preempt its arrival.
Many visitors attended our meeting. Did the word spread about the libation being offered or is it just a coincidence? June Cramer, Charlotte Bradbury, Scott Saunders, Mike (the Italian Midget), John Mitchell, Diane Willett, Fred Campbell, Jay Stewart, and Debbie Wood. Also how nice it was to have Don Cramer and Frank Kreson back with us. Word has it that Sam Leone will once again return as a member of the club. Any exceptions should be shared with the Board of Directors.
The meeting was short with a small list of housekeeping items to take care of:
The Salem Cross trip monies are due next week. Dr. Tooth will not chase people for money. The trip costs are $75.00 for single and $150.00 for a couple so please be sure that you get your money in by next week.
Neal Cunningham announced that Vocational Services Committee is seeking nominations for the Vocational Service Award. All Rotarians who would like to submit a name are welcome to do so. The award will be presented at the Paul Harris banquet on March 15, 2006.
The Rotary Information Committee will have a meeting prior to next week’s Rotary meeting at the Ridge at 11:15 AM. If you are a member please try and attend.
Roy Spiller gave members a recap of the Salvation Army Bell Ringing for 2005. Roy recapped in short form that 40 Rotarians and 13 spouses and children participated this years in raising $ 2,629.00 in 69 hours. Rotary has participated in the ringing for the Salvation Army for 17 years and has raised a total of $ 42,156.00 and rung for 1,041 hours. Special thanks to Roy Spiller and his organizational skill and dedication to this worthy project.
President, Carol Krantz read a thank you note received from Helen & Sue for their annual holiday gift for exceptional service.
The meeting ended with an appropriate verse of Auld-Lang-Syne.
Wishing you and yours a very healthy, happy and prosperous New Year.
See you all in 2006.
Marcia Editor's Note: Don't be left speechless next time everyone crosses arms to sing in the new year. These are the words to first verse and chorus of Auld Lang Syne. [Words adapted from a traditional song by Robbie Burns (1759-96)]
Should auld acquaintance be forgot, And never brought to mind? Should auld acquaintance be forgot, And days of auld lang syne?
CHORUS: For auld lang syne, my dear, For auld lang syne, We'll take a cup of kindness yet, For auld lang syne!
High Gear December 21, 2005
Today, despite the brisk weather outside the ridge was warm with holiday cheer, good food, vocal eloquence, and grateful blessings. This is one of my favorite meetings. We have the opportunity to listen to the talents and gifts of our East Hartford students and thank Sue & Helen for the attentive and friendly service provided to us throughout the year.
Art Bradbury delivered the invocation despite having his thoughts disrupted by a Rotarians cell phone. Some truly special guests, Joan Brow, Sam Leone, Fred Clark, and Emil Kopcha joined us for this meeting.
Our guests and fellow Rotarians were treated to the musical talents of Mary Martin & Glen Peterson as they lead us in the welcome song.
Tom Galvin announced he has four seats left for the trip to the Salem Cross Inn on January 21, 2006. Please contact Tom if you are interested. Tom (AKA Dr. Tooth) also served as Sgt-at-Arms. Dan Larson paid to sing his version of a Happy Birthday song to President Carol Krantz.
Make-up: Steve Jacoby-California, Herb Tischofer-Naples, Florida.
Raffle winner Steve Jacoby donated his winnings to the Scholarship Fund. Roy Spiller raffled off tickets to the UCONN girls basketball game on Thursday evening.
The meeting closed with the talented and delightful musical group, Next Edition. We can all agree this group of talented teens brought home the magical spirit of the holidays to each of us.
May your holidays be filled with the wonder and merriment?
High Gear December 14, 2005
Jack Frost was very definitely nipping at the toes as East Hartford Rotarians and their guests gathered for our annual Holiday party. The locale was the Gallery Restaurant in Glastonbury, the hot hors d’oeuvres were plentiful, the open bar was well patronized, and the dinner, itself, was both tasty and sufficient. All in all, Bill Leone and his Social Committee did another exemplary job of it.
The convivial atmosphere in the room was once again abetted by the keyboard offerings of our own Don Hallquist, never one to allow an opportunity to set a mood pass by. Almost all the men in the room were sporting Christmas ties, and many of them were quite subtle and tasteful. Some of us, including this writer, were still wearing the broad, loud, Push a Button – Ho,Ho,Ho brand of tie that first characterized the Christmas tie. It is interesting to note how these holiday ties have evolved over the past few years. It is also interesting to note which of us Rotarians have evolved with them and which have not.
Dan Russell led us in a thoughtful grace this evening and President Carol commanded Dancin’ Dave Amberg and Dick McCarthy to join Don in leading our Welcome song. It was great to see so many old friends in our midst. It was particularly good to see Lucille Bailey, Bob and Agnes Popp, and Scotty Howat, who demonstrated he can still distinguish between a Johnny Walker Black and a Dewars with just a sip. Herkimer’s buddy hasn’t lost a thing.
Sergeant At Arms Tom Galvin went easy on us tonight in honor of the occasion, but he did announce that the Salem Crossing Trip (open hearth dinner and hayride) scheduled for January 21 was just about full. Only four seats remain. Contact him immediately if you want to join the fun.
President Carol reminded us that the high school carolers will join us next week, December 21st, and the wine and cheese social hour will be enjoyed on December 28th
The Prez also announced this year’s Paul Harris recipients. Congratulations to Ceil Collins, Don Hallquist, Jan Sayre, and the inimitable Ruthie Sheehan. Mark March 15th on your calendar for
recognition and celebration.
Herb and Julie Tischofer sent their holiday greetings and proof that Herb is faithfully making up each week down in sunny and warm Southwest Florida. Sounds like a good idea. In fact, stepping out in the cold air and avoiding the ice spots as we left the party, it sounds like a very good idea. Come New Year’s Day, I thing I’ll do the same. See ya, WDOUGW
High Gear December 7, 2005
Acting President Dan Larson banged the bowl, which marked the official start of the meeting. The welcome song was lead by Doug Willett and Hyacinth Douglas-Bailey and led the way for a recap from our Sgt-at-Arms Dr. Galvin.
Dan Larson sent a special thank you out to John Mozzicato for hosting our luncheon with a fantastic spread of nourishment. Bill Leone recapped the Holiday Party to be held next week on Wednesday, December 14th at the Gallery Restaurant. Cocktails are to begin flowing at 6:30 PM followed by dinner. If anyone has not submitted payment, $ 35.00 per person is now due.
Mary Martin requested on behalf of President Carol, transporters for the toys collected at the Holiday Party. Dan Larson volunteered and a second person is needed. Please contact Carol or Mary to assist.
Roy Spiller reported that the Annual Bell Ringing raised over $500.00 last week. Moreover, a reminder: “If you signed up, please show up.”
Dr. Galvin reviewed the details of the Salem Cross Inn-Dinner & Sleigh Ride trip is slated for Saturday, January 21, 2006. The bus will leave VMC at 3:30 PM. Cost is estimated to run between $70 & $80.00 per person. To register you can reach Tom at the office, 633-1822 or home, 649-8228.
The winning raffle ticket was pulled and Mary Martin claims to have won with a misplaced ticket. In the spirit of Rotary, she offered the winnings up to the scholarship account.
The annual meeting was officially started at 1:12 PM.
Make-ups reported:
Sue & Peter Klock, Dalton, MA. Frank & Ceil Collins, Hartford Rotary.
In Rotary Friendship,
High Gear November 30, 2005
By November standards, the day was warm and drizzly, quite a contrast from a week ago. It was a good day to appreciate the midday, midweek escape from the pressures of business, to gather, as Rotarians and to remember what we are all about: Service above Self. Following our normal opening ROTARY song and salute to our nation’s flag, John Shemo offered a fitting invocation, asking us to recount our many blessing, including the return from Iran of Valerie, President Carol’s daughter, and the hope for the safe return of our troops as we endeavor to bring democracy to peoples who have suffered under tyranny.
Lunch consisted of chicken croquettes, mixed risotto, broccoli with cheese sauce, followed by cherry Jell-O with real cherries and whipped cream. Guests with us today included Bev Saunders, Jean McCarthy, Peg Spiller, all wives of East Hartford Rotarians; Lois Brooks, daughter of Peg and Roy Spiller; Bonnie Mountz, friend of Carol’s; Valeria Lughi, daughter of Paul and Carol Krantz; Paul Krantz, Carol’s husband; Mike Malinguaggio, former member, who has been proposed for “new” membership. Any objections (who could not like Mike?) to Mike’s coming back into the Club, contact the Club Secretary.
Roy Spiller had a number of good seat tickets for the up-coming UCONN football game, complete with parking passes. The donor suggested the proceeds go to the Shelter Box project, Rotary Foundation, or our Scholarship Fund. This reporter didn’t make note of who, if anyone, bought the tickets.
Basic announcements: Our Annual Holiday Dinner: December 14th, 6:30 gathering, eat at 7:30, at the Gallery in Glastonbury, $35 per person, please have money and meal choices by next week. Bill Leone has all the details. Our Club’s Annual Meeting will take place next week, usual time, different place, The East Hartford Golf Course clubhouse. Scholarship Committee is asked to meet before that meeting, at 11:30. You should know who you are. East Hartford’s Holiday Fest begins this coming Friday, with numerous and almost continuous events all weekend.
Leo Christmas won the weekly raffle.
President Carol forgot to call upon Sergeant-at-Arms Glen Peterson, but he handed this reporter a neatly printed report of fines and celebrations: Leo Christmas, for a wedding anniversary; John Mozzicato, for something related to a New York baseball team which the SAA could not bring himself to put on paper; the usual early leavers and late comers; Dan Firestone, for a new car (didn’t know Hudson was still in production); and the SAA himself, because it’s the 5th Wednesday of the month, and all the birthdays and anniversaries have been appropriately recognized by donations.
Our speaker was Valerie Lughi, daughter of Carol and Paul Krantz. Valerie spent a year with the National Guard on active duty in Baghdad, Iraq. Her remarks were accompanied by a power point presentation of still and action packed scenes of that far-away country where we have expended so much time, money and lives. In introducing her daughter, Carol remarked that Valerie has said, “Never go to war without your nail polish.” Valerie was stationed at the U. S Embassy, headquartered in a commandeered palace, of which there are countless in Iraq. The pictorials began with what looked like something from a Bushnell Travel Series, then segued into views of bombed and burned out building, an outdoor market which no longer exists except in memory. There was a film clip of “driving in Iraq” which made bumper cars and the Indy 500 look like a merry-go-round. Incredible wheelies and spins, lots of dust. Valerie felt that what we see on the news is mostly the violence, whereas there is much humanitarian aid that is an essential part of the war effort: schooling, reconstruction of infrastructure: water systems, sewer systems, electricity generation and distribution, things we all take for granted for the most part. She took part in an orphans’ party, helping distribute holiday candy and toys. Valerie, in answer to the question, did she feel safe there, said, yes and no. Some of her comrades were killed. But she felt that if she had to go to war, the duty she had was the best. She had air conditioning, lived in a palace. She commented that morale among service personnel varied because of mixed feelings about the whole “endeavor.” She lived and worked in the “green zone” which is the safest—the entire rest of the country is a “red” zone. Just let us remember that she was away from her children and family for a year, serving her country.
We ended our meeting with one verse of “God Bless America.” And so I end my six- week assignment of writing our High Gear. It’s been, as always, something I enjoy. --- Dan Russell
High Gear November 23, 2005
As we gathered at the Ridge, outside the temperature was about thirty degrees, there was a stiff wind blowing, the Pratt and Whitney runners were for the most part warmly bundled. Inside, there was the warmth of fellowship assisted by glasses of wine and some tasty munchies. Don Hallquist's lovely, lively music was seasonal, ranging from “The Sound of Music” through “White Christmas” to the East Hartford Fight Song. President Carol sounded the bell a couple of minutes late, but then even the best of presidents are allowed a glass or two during the holidays.
Ted Mosebach offered the invocation, asking that we remember to be grateful, especially in this season, and that we, as a club, try to make a difference in the world. Lunch was Boeuf Bourguignonne with noodles and peas followed by slices of chocolate cake for dessert. Based on President Carol’s sotto voce comment to this reporter, it sounds better in French than it tasted.
Guests today: former member Rich O’Brien, former member Mike Malinguaggio, who has been proposed for membership reinstatement, Steve Jacoby’s friend Priscilla Marrah from San Antonio, Texas and Peter Klock’s sister Julie Lipton from Austin, Texas. Darlene Roberts and Jackie Danise led us in the Welcome Song, with great assistance from Don at the keyboard.
Grinning Glen Peterson was Sergeant-at-Arms and reported the following: Bob Richmond, Jack Sayre and Dick Lemieux all paid for Rotary anniversaries. Glen himself paid for his third wedding anniversary, a dollar for each year of bliss. The Board paid for being so late in announcing the preprandial wine and cheese celebration—notification went out via email late Monday—many thanks to Dean Roland for organizing the refreshments. Steve Jacoby paid a “happy dollar” for Carol’s daughter’s safe return from Iraq. There was an anonymous contribution to thank the host families for last Saturday’s Progressive Dinner. And finally, George Stewart paid in celebration of his wife Jay’s birthday.
As seems to be the rule, rather than the exception, there were a lot of announcements. President Carol thanked the hosts for the Progressive Dinner. The Club was presented with a banner from the Lucaya, Freeport, Bahamas Club, where Leo Christmas recently made up. Our meeting of December 7th will be at the East Hartford Golf Course. That meeting will also be our Annual Meeting. Frank Collins asked Priscilla Marrah how many members there are in the San Antonio Club—she replied she did not know, because she’s not a Rotarian. Answer: approximately 750 members--the world’s largest club. Frank sold all the medallions he had last week, each for a $250 contribution to the Rotary Foundation. Sue Klock is hoping to get $1 per person in support of the Shelter Box Project. She and Peter have personally contributed very substantially to the project—they are caring individuals. Peter Klock can still take citrus orders. Peter also spoke to an email warning—there is a lot of virus ridden spam going around —especially if the return address ends in .zip. Watch carefully.
Bill Leone announced the following slate of officers for the 2006-2007 year: President, Daniel Larson; President-elect, William Saunders; Secretary, Sue Klock; Treasurer, William Secord; Directors, Celia Collins, Glen Peterson and George Schoen. There were no nominations from the floor.
Mary Martin is selling magnetized picture frames in support of the Interact Club at the High School. She’d like to sell four more, so that the proceeds equal that of the bake sale the kids had earlier in the year. Mary passed out a few flyers announcing the Department of Social Services need for toys for kids. Age group: 12 to 14. Needs: cosmetic kits (make up), toiletry sets (perfumes, lotions, nail polish), radios or CD players, electronic gadgets, like hand-held games, and gift certificates to area stores such as J.C. Penny, WalMart, Target, Best Buys and Comp USA. Toys are needed by December 16th, so we can bring them to our annual Holiday Party.
The raffle was won by Jim Fallon. (He needs the money.)
Frank Collins, with a litany of colleges and degrees, introduced our own Ted Mosebach, Pastor at First Church, East Hartford, who gave us our annual Thanksgiving message. Ted began in a light vein, citing some church bulletin bloopers, where one letter can change the meaning of a word or a word well intended, but misplaced, can alter the intent of an announcement. One example: remember in prayer the many who are sick of our church. Then, getting serious, Ted asked, “What are you doing for the holidays?” Cooking? Cleaning the house? (Have guests at least four times a year, it does get the premises picked up.) Going on, he asked, “What are you doing to give thanks?” He gave some suggestions: go to church, share something, help someone, make someone’s life a little better, a little easier. He talked about the people of Israel who got out of Egypt, their exodus being a true gift from God. We’ve been given life as a gift, so let us celebrate our bounty after we’ve done something in thanksgiving. Ted then went on to suggest that we be mindful of our military personnel, and told the story of the film, “Saving Private Ryan.” It was a story of strife and sacrifice, and includes a couple of very poignant scenes, the last of which depicts Ryan as an old man, visiting a Veteran’s Cemetery— probably in Flanders—with his wife. He touches a gravestone or two, remembers fallen comrades, and asks his wife, “Have I been a good man?” Ted touched our hearts and souls—many of us wiped tears from our eyes. President Carol whispered to me, “I didn’t know it was going to be so hard.”
Thanks be to God for all that we have this day. So be it. We sang one verse of American the Beautiful.
-- Dan Russell
High Gear November 16, 2005
As this reporter walked into Veteran’s Memorial Clubhouse today, the thought occurred that it is amazing how our members, when gathered, never run out of topics for discussion. Don’s piano music provided a delightful melodic undercurrent for all the conversations. President Carol rang the bell at the appointed hour, we sang, we Pledged our Allegiance to our flag, which was back in its corner, and then listened as Art Bradbury offered a meaningful invocation, reminding our members to keep ever mindful those who are not as blessed as we who have warm homes, stocked larders and loving family and friends.
Lunch was sort of Krause’s version of a lean cuisine meal: a small scoop of mashed potato, a small scoop of mashed butternut squash, a very small chicken breast with gravy, rolls and butter, and soggy apple crisp with whipped cream. Small, but nourishing. Well, let’s remember, our weekly gatherings are not all about food, but about Service above Self.
Guests today were Rick Lawrence of the Manchester Club and Bob Dugger from the Glastonbury Club. Don Pitkin and Arthur Apostol, our newest members, led us in the Welcome Song, with accompaniment by Don Hallquist. Well done.
Glen Peterson, Sergeant-at-Arms, reported the following fines: Don Pitkin for a photo in the paper and his reelection to the Town Council; Herb Barall for his name in the paper; Frank and Ceil Collins for their photograph in the paper; Ted Mosebach for a rowdy offense of pouring coffee over half his table, Dan Larson for the Reverend’s irreverent offense, early leavers and late comers. Birthdays: Hyacinth Douglas-Bailey made a generous contribution to the Rotary Foundation, and asked for, rather than being sung to, that we keep the victims of the various hurricanes in our thoughts. Art Bradbury, celebrating 80 years, also made a generous donation, and asked that all the octogenarians and those older serenade him; there were six, and in good voice, too. Don, at the piano, segued into “The Old Gray Mare.”
There were numerous announcements:
Kathy McCabe, speaking about the Progressive Dinner this coming Saturday, announced that the cocktail hour (5 to 6 o’clock) and dessert (8 o’clock on) venue has been changed from The Ridge to the home of Frank and Ceil Collins, 200 Timber Trail.
Our Holiday Party will be the evening of December 14th, at The Gallery in Glastonbury. Cocktails at 6:30 p.m. The menu (meat and fish) and the price have not been fully determined as yet.
The Program Committee will meet at 10:30 before next week’s meeting at The Ridge.
George Agnelli, Jr. has run a program for needy children for a number of years, providing $50 at the Burlington Coat Factory for warm coats for 50 kids. He’s apparently looking for an organization to take over this responsibility. Perhaps one of our Board members will follow up on this.
President Carol’s daughter will be our speaker on November 30th, when she will share experiences and insights into what it is like to be in Iraq.
Dee Blackwood has lost her sister. Send notes of condolence to 19 Armstrong Road, Enfield. And Gil Wishart’s wife Jean faces serious surgery later this week. The Board will meet next Monday at Dan Larson’s office.
Dan Dienst announced the famous Holiday Village Fair at First Congregational Church this Saturday, running from 9 to 3 o’clock. Lots of good food and stuff.
Peter Klock wound up the citrus sale today. The YMCA will be joining us with an order for twenty-eight boxes which will go to needy families in the area.
Peter and Sue Klock are just back from Florida, where they visited a Lakewood Ranch Club, home club of ShelterBox USA. A tremendous job has been done in sheltering people; shelter supplies are running low. The need is still great, and the most sobering thing is that 350 boxes were sent out "prepaid" to Gulf Coast -- haven’t been funded as yet. This is a club by club sponsorship program, not a RI Foundation project.
Frank Collins announced that the 2007 Rotary International Convention will be in Salt Lake city, not New Orleans as originally planned. Many Rotarians in the New Orleans area still do not have housing, so planning participation in a convention is just not practical. (2006 Convention: Malmö, Sweden/Copenhagen, Denmark) Frank also spoke about the new monument in Washington, DC, honoring those who went the extra mile, including Rotary Founder Paul Harris. He has a commemorative copy of the sidewalk plaque, available from him for a $250 donation to the Foundation.
The raffle was won by Glen Peterson.
Frank Collins introduced Past District Governor Everett Watson, from Willimantic, who introduced today’s speaker, former Ambassadorial Scholar Mark Oliver from Queensland, Australia. Mark is a fascinating speaker—club members gave him rapt attention throughout his time. Mark considers himself one of the luckiest persons in the world, for having received the Rotary Scholarship, and for the great support he has gotten here in the United States. One of his mottos is “Let the world change you and you can change the world.” Actually, Mark’s year under Rotary has run out, but he is continuing on at UCONN, where he is working on his PhD. in Cognitive Instruction, Psychology of Educational Technology, or something like that. Two of the world’s leaders in this field are on the faculty at UCONN. Mark told us a bit about Australia: a population of 20 million, a continent 95% the size of mainland USA. The national symbol is the kangaroo because that animal cannot take a step backwards. Important to Mark are volunteerism, compassionate action, addressing the needs of the world and making a difference. A half hour is not enough time to allot to a such a spell-binding speaker.
Makeups: George Stewart, Frank & Ceil Collins, Steve Jacoby; at last Saturday's Foundation Dinner; Sue & Peter Klock, Sarasota Gateway Club, Sarasota, Florida; Pat Gately, South Windsor; Frank & Ceil Collins, UN Day, New York; Frank Collins, RLI training, Somerset, NJ, and UN Women Ambassador, New York. Sorry to be so wordy (1009 words without this line) ---Dan Russell
High Gear November 9, 2005
It was a very Novemberish day, gray and cool, both outside and in, since the heat was not working at the Ridge. Don’s wonderful music from “The Piano Man” and other Broadway musicals was, as always, a delight. It was good to have President Carol back with us—she is tired of so much business travel. She rang the bell at the appointed time, we sang, Steve Jacoby, ever available to be the center of attention, advanced the length of the room unfurling the flag, and held it as we saluted out nation’s emblem. George Stewart offered the invocation, giving thanks for all that we have, and especially for being back at the Ridge.
Luncheon was a buffet: a carvery featuring baked ham, with a lot of accompaniments: tossed salad, rolls, codfish cakes, quiche, ziti in red sauce, mixed peas and carrots, all followed by an apple crumb cake topped with whipped cream. It took us a while to quiet down as we finish eating and Carol brought us to order again. Guests included Patrick Kennedy from South Windsor, and Mike Malinguaggio, former member of the club, and Doug Smith, our speaker for the day. Jim Fallon and Neil Cunningham led the Welcome Song.
Sergeant-at-Arms Glen Peterson reported fines and contributions as follows: Larry Frazier for a birthday, one which he shared with Jim Sheehan, so he donated generously in memory of Jim; Don Pitkin for his re-election to the Town Council; Glen Peterson for one of his students being on TV and pictured in the paper; Art Bradbury and Bob Wood, for being on TV; George Schoen for his fourth Rotary Anniversary, and Mary Martin for her Wedding Anniversary, for which she paid $1 for each year of bliss. The number was not reported.
There were numerous announcements. The Foundation Dinner at the Windsor Marriott will be Saturday, November 12th. Space is still available; call President Carol if you want to go. Peter Klock’s Citrus Sale order sheet made the rounds; next week is the last time to order, money due at that time. It was reported that in Washington, DC, near the corner of Pennsylvania Avenue and 15th Street, there are imbedded in the sidewalk large (four feet square) medallions commemorating some twenty or thirty individuals who have “gone the extra mile.” One of those was Rotary’s Founder, Paul Harris. Art Bradbury is performing in “The Music Man,” a production by the Little Theater of Manchester. (This reporter believes he has the lead role.) Shows are this week and next, Thursday, Friday, Saturday evening, Sunday matinee; for tickets, call the box office: 647-9824. The performances are in historic Cheney Hall on Hartford Road. The raffle was won by Bob Wood.
Jim Reik introduced our speaker, Doug Smith, who enthusiastically told us about the clean up of the Hockanum River and the construction of hiking trails along its banks. The river, which is 25 mile long, flows from Shenipsit Lake in Ellington to the Connecticut River in East Hartford. In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, its banks held many mills, many of which eventually contributed pollution to the stream. Towns allowed sewage to run into the stream as well. Now, a lot of cleanup has occurred, so that the river is fishable and canoeable, not swimable or drinkable. But it has come a long way since the various committees from the towns along the banks got to work in the 1970’s. Manchester has held canoe races for 27 years. It is a picturesque resource, at its lower levels flowing through mature forest flood plains. A lot of wildlife live along it—deer, turkeys, coyotes, hawks, and lots of little varmints There are over half a dozen little brochures which outline various (fifteen miles of them) hiking trails, complete with maps and information about interesting features. Good thing to do with the grandchildren some nice day.
Progressive Dinner, the 19th: A-M, please bring an appetizer to the Ridge for 5 o’clock cocktail hour; N-Z, desserts, for afterwards. Sign-up space is still available.
Make-ups: Herb Tischofer, Naples Bay, Florida, twice. According to our Secretary, October attendance was 84.1%, down from 86% in September. We closed with the singing of God Bless America.
Thanks for reading—Dan Russell
High Gear November 2, 2005
Today we gathered in the Lecture Hall at the Connecticut International Baccalaureate Academy on Forbes Street, adjacent to and attached to the East Hartford High School. The Lecture Hall offers stadium style seating for approximately 140 persons, in chairs at long, continuous, curved writing surfaces which seemed a bit high for this reporter. Perhaps the room was designed with the school’s basketball players in mind. At any rate, we assembled, row by row, a pattern which makes one appreciate our normal gathering around tables. We picked up box lunches, provided by Krause, as we entered. At the usual time acting president Dan Larson, subbing for President Carol who is apparently suffering from a strained back, brought us to order, asking us to sing the ROTARY song in Chinese, in observance of the fact that the Academy is international. (More about that later.) But we sang in English, saluted the flag, and then heard our honorary member (emeritus) Bill Flynn, who must have flown against the wind like a bird migrating the wrong way, up from Florida, as he offered a fitting invocation, giving thanks for the gathering of friends and for those who teach throughout our land.
The box lunch consisted of a tossed salad, a choice of turkey, ham and cheese, tuna or roast beef sandwiches, a couple of cookies, (chocolate chip and oatmeal raisin) and a choice of various soft drinks and bottled water. It was tasty and nourishing.
Remember that next week we return to Veterans Memorial Clubhouse, aka “The Ridge” which will have undergone an exorcism to remove last month’s resident demons and ghouls. Guests today were Bill Flynn, as you already have read, and who isn’t really a guest, but goodness, it was nice to see and hear him, and Spencer Clapp, J.D., Principal of the Academy. We managed the Welcome Song a capella. Sergeant-at-Arms Glen Peterson collected from John Shemo, who appeared on TV, from Bill Flynn, who was just happy to be with us, and from Herb Barall, Don Pitkin and Pat Gately, each of whom had had pictures in the newspaper.
There were a number of announcements. Bob Brown, reporting on the Progressive Dinner, November 19th, which will be here soon. Cocktails at the Ridge, five o’clock, off to dinner at the various homes at six, and then regathering at the Ridge for dessert about eight o’clock. Sounds like it could be a lot of fun. Jim Watts has called for a Paul Harris Nominating Committee meeting on Wednesday, the 16th, at 10:30 a.m. Nick Cecere had heard from Margaret LaCroix—flu shots today at the Lung Association. That will be over by the time anyone reads this, but you can call the Lung Association Hot Line to get other scheduled times and places. Steve Jacoby reminded us that the Foundation Dinner at the Windsor Marriott will be Saturday, November 12th. A sign-up sheet was circulated. Also circulated was Peter Klock’s Citrus Sale order sheet. This reporter thinks it is a good deal, based on recent mail order brochure prices. Sue Klock had newly printed Roster Sheets. Thanks, Sue, for keeping those up-to-date. The Raffle was won by Bill Secord, ticket pulled by Spencer Clapp, we wonder if there was any collusion there.
The program consisted on a Power Point presentation covering the International Academy by its principal. Spencer handed out business cards and photo copies of a newspaper article about the Academy and himself. Because the Academy is considered a World School, it seemed appropriate to have us, as members of an international group. sitting in the school and learning about it.
The International Academy is Connecticut’s toughest , most vigorous high school. Its 175 students come from ten school districts: Hartford, East Hartford, Manchester, Vernon, Ellington, Somers, Bolton, Tolland, Mansfield and Regional School Districts #8 and #9. Most International Academies (there are 1053 of them, in 111 countries) are private, and entrance requires an examination. Because ours is public, enrollment is open, but does require statistical indication that the student is capable and motivated, and that his or her guidance counselor feels that success and survival are probable. Graduation brings almost automatic admission to some very high end colleges and universities, at least some of which (e.g, Harvard) credit the entering student with a year of college for the years spent at the CIBA. For most parents, that would equate to a saving of perhaps $40,000. Ninety-one percent of the graduates go on to college. May all parents be blessed with bright and motivated children. The diverse student population (50% white, 25% black, 17% Hispanic, 7% Asian) get to enjoy (that means work hard at) exercise in a personal fitness center, the use of laptop computers during 11th and 12th grades, foreign travel as part of studies to China, Mexico, Costa Rica. Wouldn’t you like to go back to school? The school gets its funding from the State of Connecticut, and from the $2000 tuition fee which the local school districts pay. You can learn more about CIBA on the Internet: www.cibanet.org.
Make-ups: Steve Jacoby: Manchester; Frank and Celia Collins: Rochester, New York, Tom River, New Jersey, Corpus Christi, Texas, and Hartford, Connecticut, all for important Rotary International meetings and celebrations.
This was a good way to spend time indoors, on a particularly beautiful fall day, if you had to be indoors at all.
Good to be with you all; thanks for putting up with my verbiage—Dan Russell
High Gear October 26, 2005
If readers will forgive me, I feel compelled to write,, at least part of today’s report, in the first person. The last time I wrote High Gear, which was last April, we had just come off a cold and wet weekend, and the day for Rotary was, thankfully, bright and sunny. At breakfast this morning, I thought the same; bright sunshine glinted through the tall pine trees in my backyard. The day glowered a bit, midday, but then did brighten some. The best brightener, however, is the meeting of friends and colleagues at Rotary. Midday, midweek, our Club is blessed to have the perfect workweek respite. Don Hallquist was at the keyboard in Charrier Hall, South Congregational Church, conversation was lively and interesting, and Dan Larson, acting President, President elect, Vice-president, was in charge. Dan called upon Bill Saunders, not for a Golf Tournament Report, but for the invocation, ably delivered.
Lunch, for those of you who collect returning menus, was a hot open-faced turkey sandwich with cranberry sauce, al dente green beans and roasted yam. D
Dan Firestone and Neil Cunningham are on the Nominating Committee. If you are interested in really participating in the life of our club, let your will be known to one of those two. Jim Watts is calling for Paul Harris nominations. Pat Gately, in an attempt to make up a meeting, discovered that Wild Bill Cody’s, where the Bloomfield Club used to meet, no longer exists. Best to check club locations and times on the District Website Internet, link at bottom our our club's site, www.rotary.org. Sue Klock reported that ShelterBox #2179, which we purchased for $900, has gone to help Katrina victims. Note that there were many mentions of East Hartford in the recent District Newsletter. And lastly, Acting President Dan asked Mark Sirois if he could borrow his “costume” (read: Chief of Police Uniform) for a week, promising to return it in good condition. Let us all remember that laughter is an important part of living well! Jack Ghagan won the raffle.
Roy Spiller introduced our speaker, Gloria McAdam, President of Food Share which is headquartered in Windsor. Gloria is an accomplished speaker, as are many of our guests, talking without notes, explaining what Food Share does, and the needs that it helps to fill, citing statistics which were both sobering and uplifting. One out of ten families makes use of food pantries. In our area, that comprises 100,000 individuals. Food Share began with one person, and now has thirty employees, and countless volunteers. Nutrition is important to good health, good health is important, especially for children, to doing well in school. Food Share tries to break into that vicious circle of substandard living. It is currently completing a new purpose built facility which will allow it to collect and distribute more food efficiently. The Department of Agriculture says that we waste 28% of the food we produce, part in processing, part in quality control, and part in mislabeling during the packing process. Food Share picks up at least some of the good stuff that falls through the cracks. Food Share picks up, trucks, sorts, distributes to local pantries, 9.3 million pounds of food per year. There were too many statistics to commit to paper, but suffice it to say that wish our government might operate as well. An operation worthy of support.
Make-ups: Jackie Danise and Roy Spiller, Rockville. Good to be with you—Dan Russell
High Gear October 19, 2005
To usher in this beautiful fall day at East Hartford’s South Congregational Church, Maestro Don Hallquist, he of the nimble digits at the keyboard, played us some tantalizingly “cocktail lounge” tunes, taking us back to high school proms, college hops, or just plain cold winter evenings with the girl (boy) we loved, sitting in front of the fire. If we could have any wish imaginable, what might it be? To have the talent to play the piano like Don! Our local electrical engineer, Gil Wishart, had set up the microphone for President Carol Krantz and earned a potential fine for placing it at belt buckle height. Never mind, it seemed to go unnoticed! Our dinner tables were stocked with E. H. Rotary calendar of events for the 2005-06 year, all by courtesy of “YIR” Sue Klock (also to be found on our website). The secret is out: Sue carries red, white and blue Rotary blood in her veins, and we’re the lucky recipients! Dinner this day was that old favorite, hot chicken pot-pie. Not a plate needed scraping! Guests who were sung to by Kathy McCabe and Dean Roland included PDG Dick Seidman and a sales friend of Skip Guillemette, Gene (sorry, the last name escaped this scribe!).
Sgt at Arms George Schoen told of a pretty good day with gift$ from anniversary celebrants Larry Frazier (38 years) and Kathy McCabe (12 years). Oh yes, cheapo Gil Wishart coughed in $1.00 in honor of wife Jean’s birthday (oh, oh, I wasn’t supposed to print that!).
In honor of what most every president does at least once, President Carol forgot to put on the Presidential medallion at the start of the meeting, thus treating the club to a future cocktail party!
Lots of Announcements, thusly:
Foundation Dinner – Nov.12 - $45 per, see Carol for details “Thank you’s” from Mayor Tim Larson and a recipient family, the Ross Thompsons, for our help with “Rebuilding East Hartford” project. Progressive Dinner – Nov.19 – at 6 host families and the Ridge. Sign up next week! High Gear entrepreneur Peter Klock told us there’ll be “mini” fruit sales coming available soon…watch for the details! Our own professional chairman of superior amateur golf tournaments, Bill Saunders, gave some wonderful results of the recent successful campaign: 84% of club participated; 43 members brought in 96 hole sponsors; 34 contributed to the raffle prizes; and the whole thing has grossed about $23,000, with 20 fewer players! Bill and his committee received a hearty and well-earned “thank you” applause from the club. Bob Richmond was the lucky raffle winner today, eliciting his shy, but happy smile. Program for this wonderful Rotary meeting day, introduced by Peter Klock, was Exec. Director of the Literacy Volunteers of Greater Hartford, Carol Hauss. Ms. Hauss is a charming, enthusiastic, literate, and articulate spokesperson for this organization, dealing as it does with the literacy level of our areas’ children. Literacy was defined for us as being able to read and communicate well (in English) and the best indicator of a child’s literacy level is the mother’s literacy level! Other interesting/significant points made were: Kids really do want to please their parents (until they become teenagers!) Poverty and literacy go hand-in-hand (kids in poverty mostly don’t succeed in school) Kids in poverty have limited access to medical care 44% of East Hartford’s adults have low literacy levels; level 1 makes up 18% and these individuals are probably at the 6th grade level of learning.
Ms. Hauss assured us that there is good news in the existence of vital tutoring programs which are trying to reverse this trend by offering classes for adults at a number of area schools and libraries. Both reading and writing skills are being taught to individuals who currently read below the ninth grade level, or whose native language is other than English. Though, on the face of it, a discouraging picture, we can take hope from the positive presentation by such an informed and committed person as Carol Hauss. Thanks for bringing us this program, Peter!
And, once again, it was nice that we could get together!
High Gear October 12, 2005
During perhaps the wettest week in memory club members enjoyed another inspiring meeting at the South Congregational Church.
The invocation was given by Dan Russell.
The menu featured Swedish meatballs (no doubt in celebration of the next RI Convention) with egg noodles, zucchini, and strawberry shortcake for dessert.
Marcia LeClerc and Dave Amberg led an a capella version of the welcome song.
Our one guest was frequent visitor Gil Spencer of the Glastonbury Club, who was also the lucky raffle winner and happy to take his plunder across the border.
Sergeant-at-Arms George Schoen received handsome donations from:
Ceil Collins who is celebrating 9 years in Rotary,
Doug Willett who is celebrating 26 cumulative years, and Hyacinth Douglas-Bailey who has joined the Hartford YMCA as a vice president, as well as smaller sums from the typical late arrivals and early leavers.
President Carol’s daughter has returned to the States after 14 months in Iraq.
Rotary UN Day is Nov. 5. Applications were on tables and can be found on the website. They need to be returned early so security checks can be performed.
The Progressive Dinner will be held on Nov. 19. We’re collecting nominations for Paul Harris awards. The deadline is the 1st week in Nov. Please get them to Jim Watts.
Neal Cunningham thanked the Rotarians who helped manage the marathon water station on Pitkin Street had a wonderful, albeit wet, morning of community service and fellowship. In addition to Neal, the following members and friends participated: Neil Cunningham, Rosemary Hogan, Bill Saunders, Gil Wishart, Dan Larson, Jack Sayre, Dan Firestone, Carol Krantz, Ceil Collins, Frank Collins, Dick McCarthy, Pat Gately, Dave Amberg, and Mary Martin.
Doug Willett and Mary Martin are acting as advisors to the East Hartford High Interact Club, the Rotary service club for high school students. The first club meeting attracted 35 students. The club held a bake sale and raised $120 for hurricane relief. Mary is helping to sell magnetic picture frames to help the Interact Club’s current fundraiser. They say “East Hartford Yellow Jackets” and are very reasonably priced. They’d make a lovely gift for any East Hartford High alum.
Former member Donna Kehoe was in the hospital over the weekend due to a burst appendix. She’s at home recovering.
This week’s program was a panel presentation given by members who attended the centennial Rotary International Convention in Chicago. The members were introduced by Sue Klock.
Frank Collins, who has attended many conventions, spoke about how Rotarians were welcomed by the city and how clean and inviting Chicago seemed to a visitor. The district reserved a block of rooms at the Weston Hotel which allowed district friends to spend time together. Transportation was very convenient. Bus service was available from the hotel to the convention site is designated bus only tunnels and lanes.
This was the second convention for Doug Willett. He felt that attending the convention helped him appreciate the international scope of Rotary. Thousands of Rotarians, marching by country, paraded through the streets, and the vast number of international humanitarian projects was impressive. He encouraged other members to attend the international conventions to better understand the vastness of Rotary.
Steve Jacoby spoke about fellowship. 41,000 Rotarians attended the convention. He read from the “Principles of Rotary.” He shared a story of a meal he had a McDonalds with Rotarians from half a dozen countries. He also spoke about the “House of Friendship,” an exhibit of hundreds of international projects.
Sue Klock found the experience humbling. She and Peter attended the plenary sessions, and found them much more interesting that anticipated. Each session had a keynote speaker, videos of important projects, and other pertinent information. She was very impressed by Ted Turner’s speech. He spoke about how he became involved with Polio Plus and other Rotary humanitarian projects and thanked Rotarians for the important work we do. Sue was dismayed that some Rotarians walked out rather than hear Mr. Turner. She hadn’t held this celebrity mogul in high esteem prior to the speech, but her opinion was raised by his heartfelt words. Ceil Collins attended a presentation given by a Nepalese Rotaract Club. Rotaract is Rotary’s service club for young adults. Members of this club decided to climb Mt. Everest and erect the Rotary flag in celebration of the 100th Anniversary of Rotary. They even called RI President from the summit by satellite phone. To make the occasion even more special, 2 members of the club were married at the summit, an international first.
Peter Klock spoke about his visit to Club One, the original Rotary Club. They no longer meet in the original location, but the club is filled with cases of early Rotary memorabilia, photos, and documents.
Next year’s convention will be co-hosted by Copenhagen, Denmark and Malmö, Sweden, two beautiful cities I visited in the 80’s that are connected by high-speed hydrofoils.
Respectfully submitted,
Glen Peterson
High Gear October 5, 2005
In-coming president Dan Larson presided over the first of several meetings that are being held at the South Congregational Church.
Frank Collins gave the invocation remembering Jim Sheehan and Jack Sayer’s father who recently passed away. He also remembered Peg Spiller who is recovering from hip surgery and President Carol’s mother who is in ill health.
Lunch began with a clam chowder prepared in what I’ve always considered “Cape Cod” style, no cream like New England Style and no tomato like New York. It was followed by a turkey sandwich and coleslaw.
We had a large contingent of prominent guests including:
PDG Everett Watson
PDG Carolyn Pierce
PDG Dick Seidman and Susan Seidman
PDG Hogie Hanson from the RI Foundation
DG 07-08 Dick Borden and special guests Bob and Gladys Dunn
Art Bradbury and Tom Westbrook led the welcome song to the accompaniment of Don Hallquist. Sergeant at Arms George Schoen collected from:
Moe Belanger for his 74th birthday Dean Roland for 61 years of marriage Steve Jacoby and John Shemo for Rotary anniversary and a member who won his golf club’s summer-long match play tournament
Bill Saunders reported that Sept attendance was at 86.4%. Let’s work at reaching 90%.
Neil Cunningham asked that people helping with the Marathon Watering Station on Pitkin St. arrive no later than 7:30 on Saturday. Please bring a leaf rake and water pitcher if possible.
Steve Jacoby visited the Lyon, France club and presented acting president Dan with their club Flag.
Neil Cunningham won the raffle and donated it to the RI Foundation.
Frank Collins introduced our guest speaker Hogie Hanson from the RI Foundation. Mr. Hanson has an impressive list of Rotary credentials and professional credentials in the area of college development and fundraising.
Mr. Hanson thanked our club and our individual members for their generous gifts to the RI Foundation last year and in the past. Our district led the 15 districts in our zone in giving to the Foundation, and East Hartford was among the leading clubs.
Mr. Hanson said kind words about Jim Sheehan and led a moment of silence in his memory.
Mr. Hanson introduced Bob and Gladys Dunn who were honored for their generous gift to the Foundation. Bob attended East Hartford High School and the East Hartford Rotary Club sponsored him as an Ambassadorial Scholar. Bob became a teacher and school administrator finishing his career as the principal of Hall High School in West Hartford. Bob was also a member of the West Hartford Rotary club for 35 years. Bob spoke about the positive impact Rotary has had on his life. Rotary had long been a part of the Dunn’s estate planning, but they fully expected that their gift to Rotary would made as part of their estate. They realized that giving a substantial gift during their lifetimes would enable them to see the fruits of that gift. Bob wanted the gift to relate to the East Hartford club where Bob was introduced to Rotary as well as the West Hartford club were he was a member and benefit young people in the towns. The Dunn’s have endowed an annual Ambassadorial Scholarship to be nominated by either East Hartford or West Hartford Club. Selection of the recipient would be made by a committee comprised of a member from each club and someone from the district leadership. The first scholarship will be awarded for the 2007-2008 year.
PDG Everett Watson, chairperson of the district RI Foundation, leads the committee that selects district Ambassadorial Scholars and explained the selection process. Candidates must have completed 2 years of college, but there is no age limit. Nominees complete a 20 page application and face multiple interviews. As a district we have an Ambassadorial Scholar about ever other year. Now, as a result of the Dunn’s generosity a scholar will come for East Hartford or West Hartford annually.
PDG Dick Seidman presented the Dunns with a crystal globe from the RI Foundation. PDG Carolyn Pierce presented Bob with a major donor pin and Gladys with a major donor pendant. Frank Collins thanked Mr. and Mrs. Dunn on behalf of the leadership of Rotary International.
The meeting ended with a chorus of “God Bless America.”
Respectfully Submitted,
Glen J. Peterson
High Gear September 28, 2005
With her recently acquired finesse, President Carol opened the luncheon meeting with a sharp blow to the Rotary bell that almost knocked her steaming cup of coffee off her table. (Meetings are safer at the Ridge, but not as warm and fuzzy.) After a thoughtful opening prayer by Ted Mosebach, the membership jumped to the occasion and quickly formed a ragged conga line to the buffet table. And a marvelous buffet it was— turkey breast and roast beef personally sliced by John Mozzicato himself, sausage and peppers, ziti, fried potatoes, garden salad, and rolls. John’s wonderfully friendly staff served coffee, chocolate chip cookies, and vanilla ice cream with chocolate sauce for dessert.
President Carol reminded us all that next week’s meeting is at South Congregational Church at the usual time. She also announced that Peg Spiller is in St. Francis Hospital recuperating from hip replacement surgery. Don Hallquist, in a sharp break with tradition, led the “Welcome Song” with his own vocal cords starting us off—his Casio alone not being quite up to the task.
Sergeant-at-Arms Dick McCarthy proved as diligent as ever. He fined Jack Ghagan, Dean Rolland, and Dan Russell each for 32 years in Rotary. (We should compare their horoscopes.) Also, Peter Klock reached the age of Social Security entitlement. Dick imposed the most appropriate fine, however, on Dan Larson for his risqué performance on the speaker system at the Golf Tournament. Dick was relieved to see the Reverends Ted Mosebach and Al Turner on the golf course together in a prayer group pleading for Dan’s salvation. Dick even fined the president herself for attempting to fraudulently claim the winning raffle ticket at the tournament, even though Big Jim Fallon stood up to challenge her. Finally, Sue Klock volunteered to pay a fine for turning down her raffle prize (what’s wrong with a pink flamingo?)
The Golf Tournament, impeccably run as usual by Bill Saunders, finished up with 117 registered players, 36 raffle prizes, and 3 silent auctions. The general raffle netted $3, 825. The silent auctions (a painting by Dan Russell, a table from Dan and Loretta Dienst, and teeth whitening from Drs. Galvin and Round) netted $1,000. The 50/50 greens contest raised $265; and the putting contest, $105. These monies (beyond sponsorships and entry fees) totaled $5,200. The next meeting of the golf committee will be next week at 11:30 before the luncheon. Bill encourages anyone with ideas on ways to improve the tournament for next year to call him.
Jim Watts reminded the club that the time for Paul Harris nominations is upon us. The Paul Harris selection committee will be meeting to make their decision in late October or early November. Please get nomination forms from Jim or download them off our Web site.
Neal Cunningham is looking for a few good people to weather the water station for the Hartford Road Race. Volunteers will be protected from the rain this year because the water stand will be operated from within a convenient jewelry store on Main Street, East Hartford.
Mary Martin acknowledged the efforts of a number of people in providing hospitality for the Third Annual Rebuilding Together Day on Saturday, September 24: Ceil Collins, Frank Collins, Dan Firestone, Pat Gately, Dan Larson, Mary Martin, Jim Reik, George Schoen, Gil Wishart, and Bob and Debbie Wood. Mary also thanked the Klocks and Mo Moshovos for providing coolers and John Mozzicato for donating 30 roll-up sandwiches! Remember that folks donating their services at events like this receive attendance credit for missed meetings. Make-ups seem to be falling off.
The raffle ticket was pulled in secret; and as Spurge announced the number, Jack Ghagan announced that Carmen Piscatello had won. (Carmen is very shy.)
The meeting closed with one verse of “God Bless America.”
Respectfully submitted (really),
Bill Secord
High Gear -- September 21, 2005
President Carol presided over what was perhaps the shortest East Hartford Rotary Club meeting ever (no pun intended). She even beat Don Hallquist to his key board with a timely twanging of the magic bell—excruciatingly close to Doug Willett’s right ear. The breakfast meeting at John Mozzicato’s emporium triggered only a minor shuffling of the usual seating arrangements: it’s hard to teach old dogs new tricks.
The breakfast fare consisted of a groaning board filled with sausages, bacon, ham, scrambled eggs, French toast, bagels, and more. For a Rotary club with the average age of East Hartford’s, it was a dangerous meal indeed.
Dress was decidedly mongrel. Even George Stewart materialized in a polo shirt—in September! Perhaps the cause was the beautiful appearance of the golf course in the early morning sun. And the perfect weather—the warmest September on record. That statistic might bode either good or evil for the upcoming winter. At least we normally don’t experience hurricanes. Chuck Clarke introduced our one guest, Warren Westbrook; and Doug Willett and Dean Roland managed a rather off-key “Welcome Song.” Our diligent sergeant-at-arms, Dick McCarthy, blood-hounded down a furtive group of late arrivals (7:30 am is the middle of the night for retirees), early leavers (even without a program!), anniversaries, birthdays, and publicity hounds. Dean Roland celebrated 32 years in Rotary; John Mozzicato, 7 years. Bloodhound McCarthy, who diligently peruses 26 newspapers (even the police reports) every week for any villain’s appearance in the press, fined Dan Russell for a picture of him and his lovely wife Betty in the Glastonbury Citizen (of all places). Bob Wood also smuggled his angelic mug into the press (the Brigton Beacon?). But the piece de resistance was Don Hallquist’s seventieth birthday: at his request everyone had to sing “Happy Birthday” to an off-key rendition on the Casio synthesizer.
The whole club gave a spontaneous tribute to John Mozzicato for his exceptional support during the club’s temporary displacement from the Ridge. His only complaint? All he got for breakfast was an $8.00 bagel!
Neal Cunningham is searching for people to man (person?) the water station for the annual Hartford Run on October 8. He promises the weather will be better than Galveston’s.
President Carol announced that the club is sponsoring a local Connecticut College student, Joe Ramos, for a month of volunteer work in a hospital burn unit in Bolivia. Sue Klock reminded the club that she and Peter are leading the effort to have all the Rotary Clubs in District 7890 sponsor at least one Shelter Box for the victims of Hurricane Kristina. The board of directors has committed East Hartford Rotary to support one Shelter Box for a donation of $900.
Even though he pretended that the waitress had not been paid off to pull the winning ticket, Spurgeon Stokes won the raffle. At least the pot was small this week.
The meeting ended with Maestro Hallquist on the electronic keyboard in a very creative “God Bless America.”
Respectively submitted (sort of),
Bill Secord
High Gear - September 14, 2005
What a beautiful day (86 degrees—55% humidity)! Rain scheduled for tomorrow.
Our piano man Don played music from Music Man before the meeting. Art Bradbury will be starring in the production in November at the Manchester Little Theater. Don also played music from My Fair Lady, which opens this Sunday at the Bushnell. There is a different atmosphere when Don is playing.
President Carol is on a business trip, so incoming president Dan Larson rang the bell at 12:06:14 pm. Salute to the flag; invocation by Jim Fallon. Most of the Rotarians were appropriately dressed today. There must be a sales event on blue sports coats, as everyone seems to be wearing them. A former president was attired in a blue sports coat, open shirt, slacks, sneakers, and no socks. (You can’t change jocks!)
“Welcome Song” led by the illustrious Carmen Piscatello.
The menu for today was grilled chicken, sweet potato casserole (in case you were wondering), green beans, vanilla ice cream with chocolate sauce. Do you really want to know all this? They also had a veggie burger, but the vegetarians didn’t show up. We’ll save it for next week.
Raffle won by PDG Dick Seidman.
Sergeant-at-Arms Dick McCarthy had little to report. George Schoen had a birthday and wants Rotarians to sing to him when he turns 70. (Comment from the audience, “next year.”) Larry Hangland paid generously because he had a Timex repaired by George Agnelli and Agnelli didn’t charge him????
Golf tournament—Bill Saunders reported we have 96 golfers and over $6,600 in prizes. We need players! Play yourself and/or encourage others to join us. We have only a week to go.
Dan introduced District Governor Karen Andrews. She cited her goals for the upcoming year. They are increased membership, publicity, clean water projects, 100% Foundation membership in each club, local projects involving two clubs working together, and literacy. She will be coordinating these activities with the presidents for further action. She cited the many past district governors in the audience, a distinction East Hartford Rotary can be proud of.
Make-ups: Frank and Ceil Collins, Boston Zone Institute; Peter and Susan Klock, Quincy, Massachusetts; Art Bradbury, Salo Bay, Maine; and Dan Russell, Kapolei, Hawaii.
Mary Martin: She needs coolers or ice chests for the Rebuilding Together Day. Deliver them to Mary or call her at 291-7206.
Stu Harris: The South Congregational Church is having a golf tournament on October 8 at Keeney Park. Contact Stu.
Neil Cunningham: The Annual Marathon water station. If interested in participating, contact Neil.
Peter Klock: Peter and Susan are regional reps for the ShelterBox USA. If interested in donating towards this cause, please contact them.
Future meetings:
September 21 (Wednesday), East Hartford Golf Course, BREAKFAST MEETING at 7:30 am. Golf Committee meeting following.
September 28 (Wednesday), East Hartford Golf Course, Lunch meeting at 12:15.
I will be leaving shortly after the meeting today to attend a wake for a good friend of mine in Massachusetts. His wife informed me that it will be a closed casket with an open bar.
Big guy
High Gear - September 7, 2005
On this wonderful crisp day in September, Maestro Hallquist hastened the departure of an ugly summer with the lyrics, “…when autumn leaves start to fall.” Sounds good to me. John Shemo led us in prayer with a reminder of our commitment to both local and global service, especially now as the southeastern states struggle with the catastrophe named Katrina.
Lunch arrived in waves of garden salad with tangy dressing, lasagna with deep tomato meat sauce, and strawberry jello with whipped cream and sliced pears. And summer must still be here because the iced tea is still flowing.
Guests consisted of the husband and wife team of Jerry and Denise Hearn, here to speak to us about Rotary’s Shelter Box program, an unanticipated appropriate subject. The welcome song was enthusiastically delivered by George Schoen and Ceil Collins. Bill Saunders delivered the good news that our attendance for the month of August had risen to 81.3 % from July’s low of 78.5%. He then delivered his effective low-key encouragement for further support of the golf tournament, especially in the form of more sponsors (present tally: 91 golfers, 51 sponsors).
Dick McCarthy assumed the deadly armband of the sergeant-at-arms and collected fines for Glen Peterson’s birthday (somehow it slipped by last month—one reason that Glen is only 29 years old) and for Mary Martin’s similar 29th birthday. Bill Secord and Glen Peterson each paid for their Rotary anniversaries. And who enjoys baseball more than those fans who witness a victory by the Red Sox and a loss by the Yankees on the very same day—worth every penny of the fines paid by five giddy Rotarians. There were many late arrivals and many early leavers; but Gerry Brady’s record of late arrival was broken by Bill Leone, who thought today was a night meeting. Steve Jacoby, who was the only one not in attendance at the Information Committee meeting that he himself had called for today, temporarily escaped his fine. Bill Saunders, no longer treasurer, won the raffle. Spurge Stokes thought that the present treasurer should have won, since she so desperately needs to replace her degenerating briefcase (a lawyer without a brief?)
Make ups consisted of Bob Wood and Dave Amberg at Bridgton, Maine; George Stewart and George Schoen at Saco Bay, Maine; and Bill Secord at two eClub meetings.
Reminder: Our September 21 meeting will be a breakfast meeting at 7:30 at the East Hartford Golf Club; our September 28 meeting will be a luncheon at the East Hartford Golf Club; and the meetings from October 5 to November 2 will probably be held at South Congregational Church.
Announcement: Mary Martin needs to borrow picnic coolers or ice chests for the annual Rebuilding Together Day event. The size that fits at least 2 six-packs or more. Please bring to the meeting on September 14 or call Mary at work 291-7206.
Program: Frank Collins introduced today’s speakers, Jerry and Denise Hearn, a couple from Florida who are very active in their own Rotary district and club. Denise, as president of her Rotary club, raised its membership from 24 to 70 in four years (if you want a job done…). For one scary moment as Jerry began to speak, he mistook Sue Klock, who had just switched her seat, for Frank Collins. Who says blondes have more fun?
Jerry explained the ingenious nature of the Rotary Shelter Box—400 of which were shipped to the New Orleans area within three days after Katrina struck. Over 900 boxes have now reached disaster victims along the I10 corridor in the South. Each box is a brawny, self-contained unit containing such essential survival equipment as two tents, sleeping bags, a cook stove, and enough supplies and water purification tablets to serve 10 people for 6 months. Box content can vary slightly depending on the needs of the area into which it is sent. The United Nations has asked Rotary to sent 100,000 of these shelters to Africa over the next three years—enough to serve a million people, mostly women and children. When sponsoring Shelter Boxes, a Rotary Club receives information on exactly where each box is being sent, usually to a Rotary Club somewhere near the disaster area so that we know the supplies are being efficiently delivered to the intended targets. Rotary again demonstrates effectiveness and commitment to service.
Submitted by Bill Secord
High Gear -- August 31, 2005
Don tempered today’s balmy and intermittently rainy weather with several spirited tunes. Our piano player evidenced signs of impatience with Pres Carol, waiting anxiously for a hard rap to the bell. The Very Right Reverend Mary Martin offered prayers to the hurricane victims and all those serving in the armed forces. One could visualize her dressed in a habit. To spoil that vision she informed her tablemates that her horse has been diagnosed by the vet as a nymphomaniac. Many at the table inquired as to the composition of the grain used to feed the horse.
Casual attire once again ruled the day – with two Bermuda short clad Rotarians and a mere 5 dressed properly in sports jackets. The rigid winter dress code takes effect next week.
Today’s culinary delight included shoe-leathery sweet and sour chicken, rice and squash. Brought back fond memories of the best of college dorm food. Mini chocolate éclairs for dessert. Two guests – Bob Necci? from the Glastonbury club and Art Apostol from NewAlliance Bank. Art is being proposed for membership. Any comments regarding Art should be directed to the Secretary. Marcia LeClerc and Dan Russell led the welcome song in what also doubled as a tryout for the March of the Wooden Soldiers.
Sgt-at-arms Ghagan had little to report on today other than a Bob Richmond birthday.
Attention: Change in meeting locations. Sept 21, breakfast at the EH Country Club, Sept 21, lunch at the EHCC, all Oct lunches at South Congregational Church. Nov 2, Vocational Service Day lunch at a place TBD. Next week’s speaker will discuss Shelter Box USA. 100 boxes will be shipped to the Gulf, first time boxes will be used in the US.
Don Cramer bid the club farewell after 27 years. He was greeted by a standing ovation. Don will be sorely missed. Good luck in NH!
Steve Jacoby called for a Community Service meeting next Wednesday at 11:30.
Peter Klock offered the joke of the week. Makeruppers: Spiller, F Collins, C Collins.
Golf Tourney Report: Bill Saunders reported that we have 35 sponsors (need 100), 37 raffle prizes (need 75) and 56 players (need 136). Tournament is 4 weeks away. We have a very long way to go.
Raffle won by Dan Russell.
West Point Grad Fails to Marshal Troops
Dan Dienst delivered a bittersweet post mortem on last week’s pool party. He began to thank the many hands that labored to make the party a “success”. He announced no less than three casualties (including his) apparently in part due to an inadequate labor supply. Dan proceeded to lambaste members of the social committee for their lack of participation. He chose to read the names of every member of the social committee and commented on their participation or lack thereof, supporting evidence be damned. An unfortunate violation of the 4-way test. Dan informed the club that this will be the last year that he will host such an event. Too bad as the EH Park & Rec Department is offering an evening class this fall entitled “Party Planning for Novices.” To end this tirade, Dan informed the Club that his prized bifocal sunglasses are missing. Subsequently the Internal Audit and Investigation Committee has called in Scotland Yard to follow up. Sounds like this party was as much fun as celebrating the last dinner on the Titanic. The social committee has been summoned to be on hand next year to rearrange the deck chairs.
Aside from all of this, the Club extends its sincere appreciation to Loretta and Dan for the many times that they have opened up their home to these summer socials. In every case, a memorable event.
Start Me Up
Johnny Dangerously
High Gear -- August 24, 2005
What a day, what an evening, what a glorious world we are blessed to inhabit! This was party day at the Dienst’s lovely home up on Sunset Ridge Drive and the street name certainly lived up to its promise, as we were treated to a gorgeous setting sun.
Loretta and Dan had really let the animals out this day, for their back garden was filled with dozens of Rotarians, as well as the inflated kind. Looking like a true Lion King, our host Dan welcomed one and all. “The committee” had done their work well in setting up, and guests feasted on hot dogs, hamburgs, corn, and many delicious hors d’oeuvres, salads, main dishes and desserts. We know that it’s bad form to mention some, and leave out others; we’ll say only that Tom Galvin, Dean Roland, and Jack Ghagan appeared to have everything under control in the cooking department and we thank you, guys and gals for your unselfish labors. Even Bill Saunders got into the act by exacting a $5.00 attendance fee!
Just as we thought the evening was going splendidly, happy-Dan Larson rang the bell and walked the presidential plank to bring about the semblance of a meeting! He lamented the absence of President Carol for: 1) Not telling him she’d be absent, 2) Not leaving the presidential medallion for him, and 3) being short. (Seems as though there ought to be a fine somewhere in there – for both him and her!) Acting Pres. Dan-himself led “This is Rotary” and many were seen nodding off by the pace. Don Hallquist & Tom Westbrook were busily stuffing their mouths with desserts; their song leadership was sorely missed.
Though after the meal, Rev. Ted Mosebach fittingly thanked the Lord for being good to us.
There were twenty-two happy golfers who’d enjoyed the day on the links. Chair Bill Saunders told of the many proud winners. Some folk observed that it’s not only fishermen who can embellish the “reel” story in telling of the length of a drive or the precision of a putt. Claimants of new balls (this editor is really trying to restrain himself!) included:
First winning team: Cecere, Peterson, Tamiso, and Wood
Second winning team: Larry & Lois Churchill, Willett, and Doe
Closest to pin #2: Clarke
Closest to pin #11: Brown
Longest drive (Men): Larson
Longest drive (Women): Churchill, Danise, & Gately
Closest to line (Women): Gately
Closest to line (Men): Peterson
Lots of folks helped in the set-up and the clean-up, and the entire evening was a joy. Thanks, Dan and Loretta, for opening your gracious hilltop home to us. Rotarians who weren’t there…you missed a fine time, one of the occasions of East Hartford Rotary fellowship and fun which make our club the winner it is!
Next week? Back to the Hill. And for the Rotary Information Committee, Moe Belanger asks that you all meet at 11:00AM, okay?
Great we could be together……..
High Gear -- August 17, 2005 The East Hartford Chapter of the AARP met once again at noon at the VMC. Unfortunately our maestro was unavailable to play loony tunes. I thought I was a visitor at the Ft Myers club as no less than 8 male Rotarians were dressed in summer safari attire. Socks have also fallen out of favor with many other male Rotarians. This author stands corrected relative to the horse blanket that Dan Russell wore last week. In fact it was a new madras jacket purchased but one year ago. This week stylish Dan wore the real McCoy, a vintage madras jacket from the 60's. I'd have to flip a coin to decide on my favorite. Herb Barall wins first prize for best looking tie. The competition was thin however. Bob Brown sported the best looking shirt worn by any Rotarian in the last month. Marcia LeClerc was showing off a faded but still good looking tan. Our President presided with a virgin white pant suit, pretty hot! Congratulations to Bob Wood for climbing to the top of Mt. Washington with rickety knees. Bravo! Frank Collins offered the invocation today. He relayed bad news about a setback in RI's battle against polio. Today's marginal menu offered salad with pasta and sausage topped with chocolate cake. Reminder to new members. Pick up the attendance cards. Our President was anything but tentative in whacking the gong today. Our guests today included scholarship recipient Barbara Suida, J R Senak, intern of Herb Barall's, and Olivia Spiller, granddaughter of Roy. Art Bradbury and John Shemo led the welcome song today. Art challenged John to show some leg. John obliged. Advice to John, keep your pants rolled down! Our able Sgt at Arms Jack Ghagan collected numerable fines today. Gil Wishart - a birthday with a song led by the South Congo contingent. Bill Saunders - a birthday with no fanfare Herb Barall - a birthday honored by a Belanger/Cecere duet Frank Collins and Mary Martin - Rotary anniversaries John Shemo - a rare TV appearance Skip Guillemette - an even rarer appearance in Time magazine Our EH Rotary Scholarship recipient Barbara Suida addressed the club thanking one and all for the scholarship. She was EHHS's salutatorian and will be attending UCONN in the Fall majoring in elementary education. She was a member of the Student Council, National Honor Society, Future Teachers of America, and captain of the badminton team. No noon meeting next week. A big pool party at the Dienst's in the evening. Skinny dippin reserved until after 9:00pm. Could be a great photographic venue for Rotarians posing for the 2006 nude EH Rotary calendar. Dan needs volunteers at 1:00 at the Ridge to transport supplies. Loretta could use help at 2:30. If your last name ends in A-K bring a salad or side dish. L-K brings dessert. Anyone with a last name ending in Q or Z brings booze. Golf will at the Gilead Highlands which is near Blackledge CC. Please arrive by 9:45. Program Committee will meet on Aug 31 after the meeting. Frazier will assume Cramer's duties for the golf tourney. Many thanks! Cramer is looking for a few good men for partners at the Sept Golf tourney. Raffle won by Chuck Clarke Makeruppers - F Collins, C Collins, R Wood, R Spiller, D Cramer. What about the rest of you derelicts? We had God bless America to close the meeting. Sorry to miss you next week.
Born to run Johnny Dangerously
High Gear -- August 10, 2005
Our eminent pianist started us off with a medley of children’s songs starting with this year’s Presidential theme song. (You all know the tune, It’s a ….)
Our dress code has reached new lows for the summer led by the South Congo table sporting Bermuda shorts accompanied by knobby knees. Today’s standout was none other than local fashion consultant, Dan Lyman Russell modeling a moth-balled 1960’s vintage madras sports coat. I don’t care what anyone says, I like the look. Apprehensive bell ringer Pres Krantz was masquerading as a diminutive Georgia peach. Mary Martin looked particularly lovely today. The graying/balding of America is no more evident than within the august halls of the VMC on Wednesdays’ noon. Notice this doesn’t apply to our female members.
Roger Nicholson briefed on his exit strategy before offering a thoughtful grace. We’ll miss you to be sure.
Today’s gastronomical delight included a buffet a la Krause. Sorry “Aw C’mon”, but you missed a real treat.
Attention new members, it’s your duty to pick up the attendance cards. It’s a way of familiarizing yourself with club members. Just a heads up for now. Be prepared to be chastised in future HG editions for non-compliance.
Mo Moshovos with a jaw full introduced our only guest, his friend Arthur Apostol (rhymes with apostle). Martin and Bradbury led the Westbrook welcome song. Mary planted a sloppy kiss on Rev Roger in hopes of redemption. Too bad Art’s great vocals aren’t matched by suitable Rotary attire.
Sgt-at-arms Johnny “that’s all you need to know” Mo listed the following fines, George Stewart for a 58th wedding anniversary. Our hearts go out to Jay. Ceil Collins for an unidentified birthday, Dr. Jack Martin for an introduction by Hilton Kaderli, Tom Galvin for some OB/GYN training, Don Hallquist for his music selection, Dan Larson for a new Larson, Joseph Eric (how to go Dorothy!), Bill Saunders for a story about his grandson, David (a 2004 EH Rotary scholarship recipient) (check out the UCONN alumni website via EH Rotary website).
Don Pitkin is looking for recruits to volunteer as EH historians for the School to Business Partnership.
Mary “the Empress of the World” Martin thanked Spurgeon Stokes, Frank Collins, Ceil Collins for their efforts in last Sunday’s BBQ.
Picnic/pool party at Dan & Loretta Dienst’s home on Aug 24. 4:00 for early dippers, 5:00 otherwise, bathing suits not required, great opportunity to dunk the President. Call Dan Dienst @ 569-2077 to sign up. Golf that same day at Blackledge CC. Tee times from 10:00 – 10:30. Call Bill Saunders @ 648-2842.
A progressive dinner is proposed for Nov 12. If you are willing to host a few Rotarian couples for an entrée, call Bill Leone @ 568-3512 right away. Step up to the plate Rotarians.
The Ridge will be closed from Sept 21 – Nov 2. Woopee! Will likely meet at South Congo. Would be interested in other venues however.
Our new elder statesman Dan Hudson Firestone referenced a letter from the School to Business Partnership thanking Rotary for their sponsorship of Career Day. Several letters from local 3rd graders were circulated.
Golf Chair Bill Saunders noted that we have 25 sponsors, 26 raffle prizes, and 16 golfers lined up. The Tourney is but 6 weeks away. You do the math. Get off your butts!
We need someone to step up and replace Don Cramer to help collect and organize door prizes. Please call Bill ASAP.
July attendance was 78.5%. Not good by any definition. Believe it or not there is an attendance rule. For those of you that haven’t been paying attention, don’t be surprised if you get a pink slip!
Maker-uppers include Frank Collins, Ceil Collins, Pat Gately, and Jackie Danise.
Today’s raffle winner, Johnny Mo.
If you missed the Saratoga trip, it was a blast. Great to have Sir Scotty Howat on board!
If your attire next week is even questionable, be prepared to get written up. If you didn’t get a mention in High Gear the past two weeks, you’ve got two more weeks to sweat out.
Born to Run
Johnny Dangerously
High Gear -- August 1, 2005
Dateline: BPOE Field Glastonbury, CT
Event: Glastonbury Rotary Invitational Softball Tilt Weather: a sunny, calm and pleasant 85 degrees
The boys of summer emerged once again for our annual attempt to both exhibit our resilience, grit and determination and risk injury to our aging bodies. Fortune would have it that our team was supplemented by three young and able bodied Larsons and a skilled younger Cunningham.
The E H Rotary line up:
1B: Dan Larson
2B: George Schoen
SS: Jeff Larson
3B: Glenn Larson
LF: Eric Larson
LC: Mike Cunningham
RC: Neal Cunningham
RF: Bob Richmond
C: Glenn Peterson
P: John Shemo
Range of age of EH team: 44-67
# of EH Rotarians participating: 6
Do these stats signal a need to invite younger members to join our club?
The EH cheerleading contingent was thin but enthusiastic.
The EH squad started off with a 3-0 lead with some strong hitting and fine defensive plays. The middle innings were subject to a mild defensive letdown. Pitcher Shemo suffered a severe contusion to his right thigh after being hit by an errant throw to first base. This brave soul refused to be replaced with a base runner and played out the rest of the game. First baseman Dan Larson successfully fielded a hard throw to the breadbasket. Fortunately there was plenty of padding to soften the blow. The GL club battled back to take the lead. The EH club came back to lead 7-6 going into the bottom of the 5th and final inning .A tremendous blast by a GL lefty with a runner on ended the game at 7:00, dinnertime.
Thanks to Dan and Neal for bringing their capable entourage. Isn’t it time our younger Rotarians got off their butts to participate in extracurricular activities? Our days of participating in this long standing tradition continue to wane. LET’S DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!
Dinnertime: Nice to see Bob “Can’t Keep Me Down “Brown, Bob “Dodge” Popp, and Frank “Son of Mohegan” Kresson.
The Greeks had their way tonight. Food that is. Entrees choices included roast lamb and pork supplemented by rice and eggplant. A Greek salad on the side. Baklava for dessert. This was a Mo “I Don’t Share My Photos” Moshovos delight.
An old EH man Barry Callahan presided as president of the GL club. EH President Krantz extended thanks to the GL club in spite of the sobering loss. GL Captain John Dufford chided EH for loosing in spite of bringing in the ringers. EH captain Neal basically told him to shut the hell up. The balance of the meeting was essentially uneventful. Nice to be able to renew our friendship with the GL club.
Back by popular demand, and
Born to Run
Johnny Dangerously
High Gear -- July 27, 2005
A quiet, routine feeling to today’s meeting, with many Rotarians wearing shorts to help cope with the oppressive heat outside the building. President Carol presided serenely over the session, ignoring the strains of “It’s a small world, after all” which once again emanated from our piano player, and discounting the miniature bell that appeared in front of her place setting. Adding to the serenity was the quietly eloquent blessing delivered by the Rev. Roger Nicholson, taking a break from his interim mission of inspiring the faithful in neighboring Simsbury. The menu of chef’s salad and mint chocolate chip ice cream blended nicely with the mood in the room.
Our guests today were two of our scholarship recipients, Nick Fulco and Nathan Zebedeo, both recent East Catholic grads and matriculates to Boston College and NYU, respectively. Also sharing our meal was Anne Fulco, Nick’s mom and the former Probate Judge in town. Larry Hangland and Pat Gately lead the Welcome song and Pat was both surprised and chagrined to be presented with her permanent membership badge: surprised because it arrived so soon after her induction to the Club and chagrined because it lacked an “e” in the spelling, rendering it immediately useless. Corrective steps will be taken.
Dan Dienst stepped in at the last minute as Sergeant at Arms and announced a few fines for late arrivals and no pins. John Shemo paid for a birthday, and Bob Wood (20), Art Bradbury (37) and Dan, himself, (9) paid for club anniversaries.
On the Injured Reserve Report, we heard the following: John McNaughton is recuperating from a broken leg from a domestic mishap; Gil Wishart is home after a disc operation; Carmen Piscatello’s sister passed away; Bob Brown is doing well after heart surgery and hopes to play golf soon; and Jim Sheehan successfully reduced the size of his tumor and is now headed into six weeks of chemo with a positive prognosis. Cards and phone calls would be in order.
Announcements this week:
Next Monday evening is our annual visit with Glastonbury Rotary at the Elks Club. Softball game to be followed by meal and fellowship. No noon meeting at the Ridge next Wednesday.
Saratoga Trip on Sunday, August 7. Meet at the Clubhouse at 8:15. Snacks and sandwiches will be provided. Welcome to bring own coolers on the bus.
The Golf Tournament has 19 sponsors and 14 players to date. Now is the time to come to the aid of the party.
Mark August 24 on your calendars. In lieu of our regular meeting, we will enjoy an evening picnic at the Diensts’ home. There will also be a golf outing that day.
th Peter Klock has UConn Tickets available for order until August 5 . See or call him for details.
Mary Martin is still looking for a couple of volunteers to man the ticket booth at the BBQ Cook-off on August 7th.
Bill Saunders was our raffle winner today and he bought the beer après golf with his winnings. What a guy!
That’s it for now. My month as editor has flown by. My sincere apologies to any I’ve offended with my piquant sense of humor. I know there is at least one who took umbrage with my scribbling.
For now I think I’ll go sit next to Mariano Rivera in the bullpen and wait for a save opportunity. Probably in late October. Right, Ruthie? WDOUGW
High Gear -- July 20, 2005
How hard was it to get to Rotary today? Well, for some of us who came in from I-84, we had to endure a detour that took us down Oak Street, along Forest, and up Forbes before we could see our way clear to the Ridge. Others skipped it entirely so they could get a head start on the Past Presidents’ Picnic tonight. And then there was one of us who ran out of gas on the way for the second week in a row. Maybe, just maybe, he was heard to concede, his gas gauge might be broken. Do you think? Duh!
Regardless, those who arrived for our weekly breaking of bread arrived safely and in a good Rotary mood. Our erstwhile President returned behind the podium this week, struggling mightily to be heard over the din. A more forceful ringing of the bell might help.
The Introduction of Guests was a little rocky, with our rookie President having a hard time spotting the guests over the Rotarians seated in front of her (“must be a little short-sighted,” commented one wag willing to forfeit a buck). But ultimately, all were recognized and they included Jack McCormick, a cousin of Peggy Schoen; John Murawski, one of our scholarship recipients; Sharon Fitzgerald, unashamed to admit in public that she is the smarter and better looking sibling of Dan Larson; and old pal, Roger Nicholson, who declared he had “chased the devil out of Pittsburgh” and was harassing Him in Simsbury for the next few weeks. It is always good to see the itinerant Reverend. In the absence of our piano player, Tom Westbrook and Art Bradbury lead a rousing Welcome Song.
Marcia LeClerc, missing in action as sergeant – at –arms last week, returned with a flourish today, demanding reparations from those who “mocked” her last week, namely Dan Larson who was certainly guilty as charged, Tom Galvin, who had the good sense to skip today’s meeting, and President Carol, who had nothing whatsoever to do with it. Fines were collected from Bill Leone and Skip Guillemette, for birthdays. Skip’s qualified him for the 70 Club, and was combined with a wedding anniversary. Lots of no pins, late arrivals and early leavers paid as well.
On the announcement front:
The Board approved a donation to the American Lung Association.
The meeting of Committee Chairs scheduled for next week has been postponed until date to be announced.
Beginning August 10, meal prices will increase $1, one dollar, to meet increase received from our caterer.
Mary Martin thanked those who volunteered for the Disaster Drill next Wednesday and solicited volunteers for the Barbeque Contest at Martin Park on Sunday, August 7th. Five or six Rotarians are needed to sell food tickets between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. Also opportunities available on Saturday for two people to direct vendors to assigned spots. This is a 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. shift. See Mary.
Golf Committee meeting next week at 11:30 a.m.
Dick McCarthy won the raffle yet again. No makeups reported this week. That does it for now. Short and sweet. WDOUGW p.s. No need to look back now, Ruthie, they are standing right beside you!
High Gear -- July 13, 2005
For a minute there, it appeared that we were about to experience the shortest presidency in East Hartford Rotary history. After just one meeting behind the podium, President Carol was nowhere to be seen. President Elect Dan Larson had donned the Rotary medallion and was wielding the presidential baton with a haughty authority. But he soon assured us that all was well with our leader. She was just tied up in a business commitment. So the prospect of a short presidency was alleviated, in at least that sense of the word.
Instead, our lone guest, Steve Brodie, Dan Dienst’s son-in-law, and a goodly crowd of local Rotarians were treated to the boisterous Dan and Tom Show. In addition to Dan Can’t Hold My Gas Larson as acting president, we were subjected to Tom You Can Call Me Marcia If You Want To Galvin as sergeant at arms. A volatile and riotous combination, if there ever was one.
An eloquent grace by the Reverend Dan Russell preceded our repast of open-faced bacon, lettuce and turkey sandwiches and modest slices of chocolate cake. Not bad, but then, other than Moe Belanger, who comes to Rotary for the meal?
No, we come to watch Don Pitkin leading the welcome song, earning both a goose and a new badge from our acting president. We come to witness a mincing Tom Galvin levy fines on himself, “sixty-four and damned glad to be here” and Mo Moshovos, “seventy-one and still a cheap bastard” for birthdays and an entire table for their Enron like swiping of the president’s baton, “squeeze one and the others will tumble like flies.”
When some semblance of decorum was restored, we got to the few announcements today:
Empress Martin reminded one and all of the Mock Disaster Drill next Wednesday (see her for directions) and the School Supplies Collection ending in two weeks.
th She also put in a plug for the Rockville Rotary Golf Tournament to be held July 25 at Ellington Ridge. They need golfers and can be reached at 860-731-5500 x170 (Paul Sheridan.) Past President Neal Cunningham reminded his fellows of the Past Presidents’ Picnic next Wednesday in East Hampton. Cocktails at 5:00 p.m. and Dinner at 6:00. Come early if you want a boat ride or Rotary Fellowship. Contact Neal at 860-623-0144 if you know of someone (non-member Past Presidents and/or deceased Past Presidents’ wives) who should be invited.
Larry Frazier won the raffle today and we had one makeup submitted – Lionel Lessard at Rockville. There was no program, so after a rousing verse of God Bless America, we adjourned to the golf course. Another memorable session in the books.
In closing, a paraphrase of the immortal Satchel Paige…” Don’t look behind just yet, Ruthie, but someone is definitely gainin on ya’.” ‘Till next week. WDOUGW
High Gear -- July 6, 2005
“It’s a Small World, After-All…” And so it began. Our diminutive diva, microphone firmly in hand (not tall enough to speak into the podium microphone holder) called her first meeting as President to order while being serenaded by one and all. Rumor had it that she was blushing as the serenade continued but there were too many normal sized Rotarians seated at the tables in front of the podium to see her clearly. Bill Flynn, making what might be his last official attempt to intercede with the Almighty on behalf of this Club, mercifully refrained from any “short” jokes in his blessing.
Nick Cecere and Doug Willett led a rousing edition of the Welcome Song in honor of Rick Lawrence from Manchester, Conrad Thamm from Avon-Canton and Joe Senak, an intern with Herb Barall. Sergeant At Arms Mark Sirois, filling in for Danny Got Some Kind of Bug Larson, reported on a series of minor infractions, and scored big on Gil Wishart’s 49th wedding anniversary, Jim Fallon’s new grandson, Henry Joseph Maytum, and President Carol’s daughter’s birthday. Valerie is a real Yankee Doodle Dandy, born of the Fourth of July.
As usual, we had our share of announcements, to wit:
Annual Softball Game and Meeting with Glastonbury is set for Monday, August 1st. No Wednesday meeting that week.
Meeting of the Golf Committee next week, July 13, at 11:30 a.m.
High Gear Committee is short a couple of writers for this year. Volunteers are encouraged to speak to Sue Klock or Doug Willett. Mary Martin called attention to the opportunities for volunteerism listed on the pink sheets on the tables and reminded the Club that the School Supplies effort is wrapping up on July 28th.
Larry Hangland reported on the Scholarship Committee results. Twenty-one applications were received, with four $2500 scholarships being awarded. Larry expressed concern with the systemic issues that make it difficult to award applicants from Synergy and Cheney Tech. The Committee will attempt to mitigate these issues in the coming year.
The Past Presidents’ Picnic will be held on Wednesday, July 20 at the Clubhouse on the Stewart’s lake. Official picnic begins at 5:00 p.m. with catered dinner set for 6:00 p.m. but George is encouraging early arrivals (anytime after 2:00 p.m.) for those who would like to go on a boat ride or just enjoy Past President Fellowship.
th President Carol is calling a meeting of all committee chairs for July 27 at which time she will be collecting committee goals and plans for the year.
Peter Klock presented the Club with a banner from the Rotary One Club in Chicago, Paul Harris’s home club and the first club in Rotary history. Others who had make-ups at the International Convention were Frank and Ceil Collins, Steve Jacoby, Sue Klock and Doug Willett. Jim Fallon won the raffle today. There was no program.
All in all, this first meeting, although a little short, was quite successful. But it is going to be very hard to resist tormenting our new President with vertically challenged jokes all year, so I have a modest proposal. Let’s agree that every time someone makes a reference to our President’s height from this point forward, the transgressor be fined One U.S. Dollar and, at the end of the year, all proceeds be given to the Rotary Foundation in President Carol’s honor. For example, say I’m tempted to recall the words of the wise guy who said, “Never trust short people. Their brains are too close to their bottoms.” That is certainly worth a buck to a good cause. I’ll brief you again next week. WDOUGW