Board of Directors Meeting Notes - Sept 24, 2005
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Association of Business Process Management Professionals
Board of Directors Meeting Notes - Sept 24, 2005
September 24, 2005 2:00 – 5:00 PM CST (12:00 AM PST, 3:00 PM EST)
Location: Tele-Conference Dial in: 866-279-0222, meeting number: *6671747* AGENDA
1. Introductions/Check-In - All a. Who said they would be attending: - Brett Champlin, President - Brad Reynolds, Membership Services - Joey Johnson, Chapter Services - Chris Jensen, Marketing - Tony Benedict, Relationships - Dale Cohen, Finance (checked in, will rejoin later fro Finance report) - Leon Zhao, Communications - David Heidt, Chicago - Sandra Lusk, Portland - Anene Nolin, SE Michigan - Janyce Wolf, Metro New York
b. Regrets: - Jerry Mirelli, Information - Andrew Spanyi, Education - Jack Langowski, Operations - Trevor Naidoo, Philadelphia
c. Establish quorum (5 votes, board member &/or proxies)
2. Approve Minutes of Last Meeting - Brett a. Minutes of April 10, 2005 Meeting - approved 3. Approve Agenda - Brett a. Additions? Changes? 4. Old Business - Brett a. Action Item List - reviewed and updated Action Item list 5. New Business a. Ratify appointment of new director of chapter services - approved b. Vote on new policies (see President’s report) - approved Customer Service Contacts, Transaction Currency, and Data
05366b0e2a1c768d5832e968b7e26c95.doc 1 9/24/2005 Association of Business Process Management Professionals Privacy policies - Refund policy needs revision, specific criteria and guidelines c. Membership Management Process Committee - reported d. Nominations Committee for 2006 - Tony Benedict and Chris Jensen will form Nominations Committee e. MAL & virtual chapter - discussion, Chapter Services will coordinate and bring policy to next board meeting for review f. Metro New York grant - approved g. Chapters Sharing Content - Chapter Services will work on incentive program and bring to next meeting 6. Board of Directors Status Reports 7. Chapter Presidents Status Reports 8. Set Next Meeting Date - will be done via email 9. Adjournment - All
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Action items – Old Business Person responsible: Deadline:
1) Private Policy for the Website and ensure we Brett ASAP stay within the guidelines.
2) Refund and other policies need to be addressed Dale Cohen done 3) Verisign and a timetable for delivery and Dale Cohen & David Heidt May 1 security. - they can have it up 72 hours after go. Still Status - done, setup working on contract terms. Negotiations in process – we don’t want to give power of attorney or term length
4) Need all code of Ethics signed by all All officers for ABPMP May 10 officers for ABPMP international International and Some people have Chapter Presidents sent them to the PO Box – Dale has them, I don’t 5) Directors need to let Dale know of All officers for ABPMP Status upcoming expenses. International - didn't get much of anything 6) Will get in touch with Philadelphia about Chris Jensen Overcome by events sponsorship vendors. Conference Provider to send a discount. – looking for vendors to sponsor meetings
7) The brochure needs to be updated. David David Heidt will work done will create a PDF and Chris will work on the with Chris Jensen to brochure. Expense to print this will be create a PDF in reported to Dale Cohen. Affiniscape.
8) Look into expenses and options for setting Leon Zhao Next BOD meeting up list management, forums, bulletin boards, and other communications options through Affiniscape - Leon will setup tests for open source solutions with Jerry & David
9) Vendor Sponsorship Program – finalize Tony Benedict and Complete - started, details for proposal with Affiniscape and Chris Jensen Tony will meet with pursue initiation of program them on Oct 5 for update 10) Make the Code of Ethics part of the David & Brett Next BOD meeting application form - Jack was going to do this by Sept
05366b0e2a1c768d5832e968b7e26c95.doc 3 9/24/2005 Association of Business Process Management Professionals 11) Contact lawyer regarding language for Brett Champlin & Jack Next BOD meeting online forms Langowski 12) Circulate up-to-date logo file matching Chris Jensen Complete - Sent out website zip file
13) Photograph the ABPMP “table skirt” and David Next BOD meeting circulate to chapter presidents
14) Investigate form generation for invoices – Dale Cohen Resolved - Issues appeared to be overdue even when not with aging status on invoices and default status (when is it due), standardized everyone now 15) Send Jack contact for lawyer for Brett Champlin done international issues
16) Circulate the BPMG survey results to the Brett Champlin done board
17) Assign all members at large to closest Dale Cohen & Brad Cancelled local chapter Reynolds
New Business a. Ratify appointment of new Director Chapter Services - Brett Champlin - Joey Johnson, EDS, Plano, TX, has been appointed to fill vacant director's slot pending board ratification i. Unanimously approved b. Vote on new policies:
. Approval of new policies: . (i) Refund Policy: o Refunds of membership fees may be granted on an individual case basis as determined by the ABPMP VP for Finance o Refunds for merchandise and events may be granted on an individual case basis as determined by the ABPMP VP for Finance . Discussion - this may not be adequate… we need to have some more specific conditions and guidelines, e.g., Portland had two refund requests . Action Item: Sandra will send Dale the Portland - Dale will develop guidelines and conditions (exceptions require BOD) . (ii) Customer Service Contacts: o For questions related to membership, contact the VP Member Services at [email protected] o For questions related to chapters, contact a chapter officer as listed on the chapter website at, or email the VP Chapter Services at [email protected] o For questions related to specific events, contact information will be contained in the event announcements and schedule
05366b0e2a1c768d5832e968b7e26c95.doc 4 9/24/2005 Association of Business Process Management Professionals o For all other questions, send an email to [email protected] o With all communications, please be sure to include your name, email address, phone number, indicate whether or not you are a current member in good standing, and local chapter. . passed . (iii) Transaction Currency: o All transactions are denoted in $USD. o Exchange rates are calculated at the time of clearing. . passed . (iv) Data Privacy Policy: o No member or customer's individual identifiable information will be shared with any other organization not directly involved in completing business transactions unless the member has selected the “opt-in” option for making their information available to organizations with special offers for members. o Any organization participating in completing a business transaction with ABPMP with which we will share data for that purpose must have in place a data privacy policy restricting that organization’s use of the data strictly to completing that transaction. o Demographic (non-identifiable) information may be made available from time to time to researchers. o Personal data may be made available to other members in an online virtual membership directory through an “opt-in/out” selection in the membership database profile. No personal data will be available to anyone except officers of the organization performing their official duties if the member has not selected the “opt- in” option for sharing information with other members. . passes c. Membership Management Process Committee – Jerry Mirelli - Brad addressed since Jerry wasn't participating - Discussion on processes being setup around membership management and managing membership dues in relation to the new web site. - Aug 30th Brad, Dale, David and Brett met to define basic processes - Brad is in process of setting up Affiniscape to become our book of record to track members, and separate that from finance processes. Brad will get a list of non-credit card payments from Dale, activate membership, notify the chapters - Launching campaign for overdue memberships, determining termination policy - commitment to participate and lead MAL discussion - Question, what are we doing with notifying members to renew - kudos to David for all his work setting up Affiniscape - we will circulate a process model based on the constraints that may d. Need to form Nominations Committee - Brett Champlin - produce a slate of candidates - send out letter soliciting new officer candidates - determine voting method (using the website survey/polling feature if possible) i. Tony Benedict & Chris Jensen e. Members At Large - Brett Champlin - Should we be assigning members to chapters or letting them decide for themselves? - Director Chapter Services can coordinate "virtual" chapter for MAL - MAL can have their own officers and website
05366b0e2a1c768d5832e968b7e26c95.doc 5 9/24/2005 Association of Business Process Management Professionals i. Discussion of how the funding percentage arose ii. What about those whose residence is in a local chapter's area - are they going to be required to be a local member or not? iii. This raises another issue: reciprocity, do local chapters allow MAL to participate in their activities iv. If someone signs up as a chapter member - regardless of their address - we will not change their affiliation v. Poll at large members - find out the reason they wish to remain at- large… whether they are in a chapter's area or not… vi. Action Items - Joey - will continue discussions with Brad and others and bring some ideas for policy to next board. f. Metro New York requests start-up funds – Janyce Wolf - Can we authorize a grant to fund membership drive/first event costs for MNY? We have done so for other chapters in the past. - First major recruiting effort will be at the BPM conference in NY. Costs will be needed for printing - Also an event at Stevens Institute of Technology Oct 5th - Requesting up to $1,000 for printing/reproducing handouts for these events i. Passed g. Chapters sharing content - David wants us to address chapters sharing presentations on the website - Discussion of the value of sharing presentations from all chapters and how much this would mean to our members and prospective members. - Suggestion for adding tools and templates for people to use in their work - i. Action Item: Joey - Will work on developing some incentive program for chapters to share their content - by next BOD meeting - suggestions for incentives based on quality or other specific criteria - suggestion that it is a requirement (but some presenters have issues with sharing)… what would we do to enforce this? Do we "revoke their charter"?
Director Status Reports a. Membership - Will be updating affiniscape, adding new records when sent by Dale, define and refine process, launching campaign for overdue memberships, define membership process, deal with MAL - #members, retention trends, by chapters b. Chapters - supporting creation of a Boston Chapter, Connecticut - will be coordinating with Jerry, others to gain access to membership info - working with chapters to coordinate virtual meeting for all chapters - mid next week, will be circulating info on a finance teleconference for chapter finance officers c. Education - Request for funding up $1,000 for editing - passed
05366b0e2a1c768d5832e968b7e26c95.doc 6 9/24/2005 Association of Business Process Management Professionals d. Finance - Reviewed budget report - Would like to find a replacement for next year - or - assistance - Action Item: Dale will schedule a finance committee e. Communications - no report f. Marketing - sent out report - new relationship with Business Mgt America, looking for content (articles, columns) - working with Tibco, IQPC, some international events - Action Items: Chris - setup press release process - by next meeting g. Relationships - contacted Affiniscape last Wed requesting current status report on sponsorships to-date, will meet with them Oct 5th, review it and send status. - individual meetings with vendors, IDS-Scheer, ProForma h. Information Management - no report i. Operations - no report j. President -
10. Chapter President Status Reports a. Chicago - building chapter officers for next year, had turnover - president has been spending a lot of time working on the website - looking for organizations to partner with - focusing on providing value to members and extending our appeal to wider arenas b. Metro New York - covered in earlier discussions c. Philadelphia - no report d. Portland - Had a planning meeting, defined programs through May - holding Monthly meetings except in July and August, June will be training - varying topics, panel discussion, national speaker, etc. - scheduling BPM 101 class again in - BPM 102 in June - membership not increasing, but attendance and interest is building - good feedback from programs - Sandra taught the BPM101 class in Washington - building relationships with Assoc of Auditors, PMI and other local groups
05366b0e2a1c768d5832e968b7e26c95.doc 7 9/24/2005 Association of Business Process Management Professionals e. Southeast Michigan - Anene had to leave meeting early due to environmental issues, no report
11. Next Meeting & Meeting Schedule Teleconference in December (11th or 18th?) - Tony will be in Europe and unavailable - Brett will send out appointments and collate information on date preferences
April 2006 meeting at BPM Conference Chicago - please keep April 9th reserved for all day Face to Face meeting in Chicago - Chicago because concentration of members who live nearby will reduce expenses - We should be able to cover National Officers' T&E and assist chapters with expenses as necessary. - we have to have at least one F2F meeting per year to stay "legal", should be 2 or 3 -- 12. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at 5:10 PM CST
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REVISED ACTION ITEM LIST Action items – Old Business Person responsible: Deadline: 1) Need all code of Ethics signed by all All officers for ABPMP May 10 officers for ABPMP international International and Some people have Chapter Presidents sent them to the PO Box – Dale has them, I don’t 2) Look into expenses and options for setting Leon Zhao Next BOD meeting up list management, forums, bulletin boards, and other communications options through Affiniscape - Leon will setup tests for open source solutions with Jerry & David
3) Make the Code of Ethics part of the David & Brett Next BOD meeting application form - Jack was going to do this by Sept 4) Contact lawyer regarding language for Brett Champlin & Jack Next BOD meeting online forms Langowski 5) Photograph the ABPMP “table skirt” and David Next BOD meeting circulate to chapter presidents
6) Develop conditions and guidelines for Dale Next BOD meeting refund policy 7) Send Dale examples of how refunds were Sandra Oct 1 handled for Portland events 8) Develop clear Member-At-Large policies - Joey Next BOD meeting to address assignment to chapters, reciprocity by chapters, attendance at chapter events, etc. 9) Develop incentive program to motivate Joey Next BOD meeting Chapters to share content from speaker presentations, etc. on members area of website 10) Setup Finance Committee with VP Finance, Dale Next BOD meeting chapter finance officers, other BOD officers as appropriate, and schedule meetings 11) Setup Press Release program Chris Next BOD meeting
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