My job has taken my family and me to communities across our nation — from Oregon to California, down to Texas and, finally, here to central and northeastern Connecticut. More than any other place I’ve lived, this community has blown me away with the time, money and energy people put into making our home a better place for all. That’s one of the reasons why I agreed to chair the United Way Campaign this year.

I grew up one of six kids on a cattle ranch in Oregon. My mother was a full-time mom and substitute teacher. My father worked, 365 days a year on the ranch — a profession in which an entire year’s salary or life’s savings can be lost in a single storm. Like many families, money was always tight, but we never went without, and we were never alone when times were tough. Our community was always there, just as I know you will be there for ours today.

While my story has blossomed into one of success, not everyone is as fortunate. By working together, however, we can connect children and families in our community to the opportunities needed to live better lives and create a better future for us all. That’s why I am proud to give to United Way.

Creating change in this community we call home requires leadership from us all. I am asking you to please join with me and be a champion for children and families.

Please call on me if I can be a resource to you during your campaign, I am happy to discuss your workplace’s involvement and help in any way possible. I can be reached at 860-722-5029 or [email protected]. United Way staff members are also a resource for you. Please contact your United Way representative at any point during your campaign and throughout the year, as often as you need, [NAME], at [PHONE] or [EMAIL].

Last year, your workplace joined with 400 others to raise more than $24 million to help children read, families achieve financial security, and ensure everyone has immediate access to basic needs, such as food and shelter.

Let’s join together again to strengthen our community and turn challenges into opportunities for a better life. We will make our community a better place to live, work and raise a family.

Warmest regards,

Greg M. Barats President and CEO, Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company Chairman, 2015 United Way Campaign

P.S. If you have not already done so, please remember to appoint a campaign manager or campaign cabinet at [WORKPLACE NAME].