Measure Internet Transmission Speed Using ping

Follow-up Assignment

1. Your instructor has assigned you to work in a team. Team members should collaborate to determine what types of internet access each can use. Examples: 1. Home – DSL, cable modem, dial-up i. Identify the internet service PROVIDER (“ISP”) 2. School – computer lab after school or weekend 3. Public Library – open computer 2. Try to get as many different means of access and providers as possible for your research! Everyone should be able to gather some data. 3. Agree on a common list of 5 URL’s 1. Select from the ones use in class, or substitute one or two unique URL’s chosen by the group. 4. Each team member will log results following the procedures and spreadsheet format previously used. 5. In addition, team members should test their connection’s speed. Browse:

 List 3 hosts used to test:

Test type Target host (gif, text..) Speed




Ping Follow-up Activity - Handout2 1 7/20/2005 11:33 AM Measure Internet Transmission Speed Using ping

6. Also, review Toast results and check the link to “fastest ISP’s”

Your ISP: ______Avg speed: ______

“Best” ISP: ______Avg speed ______

At school during the second class session… 7. Pool data from all and prepare a common spreadsheet list highlighting variations in speed based on time, number of hops, ISP or access mode. 8. Investigate Internet Weather and Traffic reports to see if any significant outages are reported that may affect team results:

Internet Weather Report

  Identify an ISP with current problems: ______

Percent packet loss: ______

9. Team members should collaborate and prepare a list of all the factors now known that might influence speed of transmission of a packet over the internet. Teams should prepare a summary of findings to hand in.

10. Instructor will ask for a recap from each team.

Ping Follow-up Activity - Handout2 2 7/20/2005 11:33 AM