Town of Milo MINUTES

Municipal Office Selectmen’s Meeting

6 Pleasant Street July 19, 2016 Milo, Me 04463

MEMBERS PRESENT: Lee McMannus, Paula Copeland, Peter Hamlin, Wilma Stanchfield and Isabelle Warren. MEMBERS ABSENT: Damien Pickel. 6:30 PM Call to Order– by Lee McMannus, Chairman. AGENDA: MINUTES: Isabelle made the Motion to approve the Minutes of May 18th, May 24th, June 7th and June 29th as presented. Second – Peter. Passed – unanimously. CORRESPONDENCE: Betty informed the Board that she received a letter from MMA stating that Bob Thomas stopped by on May 2nd for a safety inspection. The only issue he found was that the back deck still has not been completed. He did not give a time frame of when this did need to be done. The Board discussed how this project has been on hold due to insurance issues with Charleston Correctional. The Board will be in contact with Charleston Correctional for the current status of this project. Betty informed the Board that she also received a letter from Richard and Tracy Facteau. They are interested in a piece of property that has been Tax Acquired as of 11/24/2015. There has been no response from the current owners. Wilma made the Motion to put the Tax Acquired Property described as Map 7, Lot 10-1 on the Hobbstown Road out to bid with a minimum bid of $3,600. Second – Isabelle. Passed – unanimously. Betty informed the Board that she received a letter from the State of Maine regarding Shoreland Zoning Ordinance. They are requesting that the Planning Board update the Ordinance. Lee stated to contact the Planning Board and set up a meeting. Lee read a resignation letter from David Wilson who has accepted a Town Manager’s position in Howland. His last day will be August 9, 2016. PUBLIC COMMENTS AND QUESTIONS: Lois Wagner asked if anything could be done regarding the plant pots/trees in the downtown area. She stated that the plants pots were too big and is hoping they can be placed somewhere else in the town. Lee stated that it is the last step of the Safe Streets Grant and they need to stay in the downtown area. He stated that it may be possible to paint the pots so they match the light poles. He will check into this. Lois also asked if Wilma still planned on donating any of her flowers. Wilma stated that she would depending on what and how many were being requested. Sean Bolen came to speak to the Selectmen regarding the recycle bins at the Municipal Parking Lot. The has been multiple complaints regarding the recycle bins are always full and not being taken care of properly. Sean stated that he empties the cardboard bins every Saturday and the other bins once a month. He stated that he charges Greenville $30,000 to do the same thing and he may need to start charging Milo $3,000 for this service. The cost of the bins when Sean purchased them was $8,100. His contract states that he has to provide recycling services which he does by having recycling at the Transfer Station. Sean will be attending the Brownville Meeting tomorrow night to tell them the same things. Lee agrees that Milo needs to provide recycling services but there has been no money budgeted to pay for it at this time. Lee also asked Sean to attend the next meeting on August 2nd to discuss this further after the Board thinks about the situation. AGENDA: DEPARTMENT HEADS: Treasurer – Robin updated the Board regarding the clock at the Methodist Church. The church had previously requested a letter from the Selectmen stating that they didn’t want to handle the clock repairs. The church would like to take possession of the clock but does not want to handle any of the money that has been donated since they do not have a time frame of when the repairs can be done. Robin stated that she has the names of most of the people that have donated money and the Board agrees to have Robin send the money back to the people who donated. Robin did up a letter addressed to Gary Dunham for Lee to sign. Wilma made the Motion to have Lee sign the letter to the Methodist Church regarding the clock. Second – Isabelle. Passed – unanimously. Library – Rochelle informed the Board that the Summer Reading Program is going well. They have 27 participants. Everything else is good. Police Department – Robbie informed the Board that the crew has been busy but all is going good. The new cruiser is all lettered and equipped. The 2014 cruiser should be back soon. The last payment has been made on the cruiser. Robbie stated that with the resignation of David Wilson all shifts will be covered. Town Hall – Blaine informed the Board that one bid has been received from Ron Mullens regarding the handrail. The bid is for $850 not installed. The Board stated that this project needs to be put on hold until the Town Hall steps project gets looked at. BOAT DOCK FEE DISCUSSION: Lee wanted to discuss the possibility of lowering the Boat Dock fees to $75 from $100. Currently, not all of the docks are filled but the Board discussed the pros and cons of increasing the fees. The Board agreed to stay at the $100 fee for the season and possibly revisit the idea next budget season. The money collected from the boat docks goes into an account used for improvements and repairs at the Boat Landing. The Board would like to see a contract be used starting next season. Betty informed the Board that Scott Wyman has requested a refund on his boat dock fee due to gas being stolen from is gas tank and he is not using the space anymore. Wilma made the Motion to deny the request for Scott Wyman’s boat dock fee. Second – Isabelle. Passed – unanimously. SAFE ZONE FOR INTERNET SALES: Betty informed the Board that an estimate from Michael Russell has been received for the equipment for the internet sales safe zone. The estimate is for $300 with images being stored for up to 30 days for review. Betty stated that the cost would be paid out of the Computer Purchase Account Line. Peter made the Motion to approve the $300 for the equipment for the safe zone. Second – Paula. Passed – unanimously. 2016 TAX COMMITMENT: Betty handed out different mil rate options for the 2016 Tax Commitment. The Assessors are requesting an overlay around $50,000 due to the situation at the Railroad. Betty recommends a mil rate of $32.50 which would make the overlay $59,252.39. Peter made the Motion to set the 2016 Mil Rate at $32.50 making the overlay $59,252.39. Second – Wilma. Passed – unanimously. OTHER – RECYCLE BIN DISCUSSION: This discussion took place during Public Comments/Questions. OTHER – MMA BALLOTS: Betty informed the Board that she had multiple ballots for the Board to vote. The first ballot is for the Policy Committee asking for 2 votes. One for Jack Clukey and one for DP. Peter made the Motion to vote for Jack Clukey and DP. Second – Lee. Second – unanimously. The second ballot is for Vice President and Executive Committee Members. Linda Cohen is running for Vice President and three people are running for 3 openings for Directors. Peter made the Motion to vote for the designee nominees for each. Second – Isabelle. Passed – unanimously. The third is a 3-page survey regarding Legislative issues. Paula made the Motion to have Betty fill out the survey and send in. Second – Peter. Passed – unanimously. OTHER: Jerry informed the Board that the MDOT is requesting that Riverside Street be taken over by the Town of Milo. Damien had sent a request in to not have it returned but it will be as of September 1, 2016. NEW/UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Appointment: Betty informed the Board that she had 1 Appointment. Assistant Animal Control Officer – Melanee Mitchell: Peter made the Motion to sign the Appointment for Melanee Mitchell. Second – Wilma. Passed – unanimously. Other: David Pullen wanted to inform the Board that the Cemetery Trust Committee is moving forward with changing the Trust Fund into an endowment. However, they have been waiting for Erik Stumpfel with no results. Lee stated that he will make a call to Erik to get an updated status. Other: The Board discussed needing a Special Town Meeting to use funds out of the Fund Balance. They set the Special Town Meeting for August 2nd at 6:30 with the regular Selectmen’s Meeting to follow. Peter made the Motion to sign the Special Town Meeting Warrant as prepared. Second – Wilma. Passed – unanimously. PUBLIC COMMENTS AND QUESTIONS: None. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Peter made the Motion to enter Executive Session at 8:56 PM to discuss a Personnel Matter under Title 1, MRSA – Subtitle 405 (6)(A). Second – Paula. Passed – unanimously. Peter made the Motion to come out of Executive Session at 9:45 PM. Second – Wilma. Passed – unanimously. Motion: None ADJOURNMENT: Peter made the Motion to adjourn at 9:47 PM. Second – Isabelle. Passed – unanimously. Respectfully submitted: ______Lee McMannus, Chairman Betty Gormley, Secretary Date: ______