Dorset Real Ale

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Dorset Real Ale



Date Made 25/03/17 BJCP 23A Specialty Ale Final Volume (lt) 23.8 (24.25) Total BU 29.1 (28.6)

% Gms α % BU OG 50 (50) FG 13 (14) Alc % 4.8 (4.7) SRM 12

o Dingemans pils malt 48.2 2265 Carbonation: Force carb 85kpa at 4 C.

Best Malz Vienna malt 18.7 880 Date Kegged: 10/04/17

Best Malz light Munich 9.5 445 Resources Reading Zymurgy Mar/Apr 2014. Best Malz dark Munich 9.4 440 Characteristics Weyermann Caramunich Type III 7.9 370 METHOD :

Best Malz melenoidin malt 2.6 120 Grains/Hops 4700gms 60gms

Best Malz carapils 2.6 120 Strike water 16.5lts 70°C (158oF)

Dingemans aromatic malt 1.3 60 Target temp 66°C (151oF) 75mins

Centennial – 45mins 48.3 29 7.9 20.7 Mash out 76°C (169oF) 30+ mins

Chinook – 15mins 25.0 15 11.1 8.39 Sparge water 26lts 76°C (169oF)

Ella – dry hop (in bag) 18.3 11 13.3 Yeast Starter

Galaxy – dry hop (in bag) 8.3 5 15.0 Made 22nd Mar 17 Brewer’s Friend Whole Cumquats – primary in a bag 1kg Target pitch rate Pro Brewer 0.75 Ale Whirlpool – 15mins (LID ON) Batch Vol 23.8 Wyeast Nutrient – 10mins 1/2tsp Est OG 1.050 Brewbrite – 10mins 4 Yeast Date 26th Jan 17 27/03 Med Cells Avail 62 billion 28/03 Slow, roused 1.017 Target Cells 221 29/03 VVS Starter Vol 1 OG Bx – 11.0 2.0lt 01/04 Stopped. Roused 1.014. Added cumquats and dry hops in bags. 02/04 Barely ticking DME 205 gms Tasting Notes: Growth Rate 2.6 10/04 At Kegging – Fruit was in beer for 9 days although at 7 days I think it was ready. Innoc Rate 31.0 mil/ml The cumquats looked good, some had split and all were soft and pulpy. End cell count FG Bx – 5.1 233 billion The fruit was made into yummy Cumquat Belgian Ale jam. Pitching Rate 0.76M cells / mL / °P A clear amber beer full of cumquats. Both the nose and flavour profile are cumquat driven with underlying malt and hops. The fruit appears to Recipe Notes: have made the beer more bitter and overpowered the some flavours including the dry hops. But its early days. See a how it progresses. 1. Best Malz ilo Dingemans. Unavailable. Anyway I do like it. 2. Pitched yeast at 22°C. Ferment at 21oC. Target AA 74%. Achieved 72%. Target Eff 88%. Achieved 89%. 3. Average mash temp 66oC. 4. Mash out 60mins – 168oF, Sparge Water - 172oF. Sparge 40mins. 5. Whirlpool at end of boil. 15min rest. Lid On. 6. Diacetyl REST?? 7. Cold crash. 4C omitted Cumquat Notes ( Zymurgy Mar/Apr 2014): The peel of the kumquat contains significant levels of humulene and murolene. These compounds contribute to spicy, bitter, and woody notes and flavors. If those descriptors sound familiar, it’s with good reason, as these same compounds are also found in hops, particularly the citrusy American strains like Amarillo and Citra. As a result, using kumquats in beers that feature these hop strains offers a complementary flavor profile, and one that is quite different than most other fruits would impart in a beer. 26/03 Very fast. Lost temp. Up to 23oC. Chilled back to 20oC. Big head. THORPY’S PALE ALE Brewbrite – 10mins 4

Date Made 07/04/17 BJCP 10A American Pale Ale Wyeast 1272 American Ale II (16-22°C)

% Gms α % BU Final Volume (lt) 23.8 (24) Total BU 38.9 (38.5)

Simpsons Maris Otter 51.11 2327 OG 49 (49) FG 13 (14) Alc % 4.8 (4.5) SRM 7

o Best Malz light Munich 26.7 1218 Carbonation: Force carb 85kpa at 4 C.

Briess flaked maize 9.5 424 Date Kegged: 18/04/17

Best Malz light wheat 4.7 213 Resources Characteristics Weyermann carahell 2.7 125 METHOD : Dingemans biscuit malt 2.7 125 Grains/Hops 4554gms 75gms Best Malz carapils 2.7 122 Strike water 16.0lts 70°C (158oF) Mosiac – 60mins 20.0 15 13.6 21.43 Target temp 66°C (151oF) 75mins Mosiac – 15mins 20.0 15 13.6 10.29 Mash out 76°C (169oF) 30+ mins

Mosiac – 5mins 33.3 25 13.6 7.17 Sparge water 26lts 76°C (169oF)

Mosiac – dry hop (in bag) 26.7 20 13.6 Yeast Starter

Gypsum 12 Made 1st Apr 17 Brewer’s Friend Non-iodised salt 2 Target pitch rate Pro Brewer 0.75 Ale Epsom salts 4 Batch Vol 23.8 Whirlpool– 15mins (LID ON) Est OG 1.049 Wyeast Nutrient – 10mins 1/2tsp Yeast Date 5th Jan 17 6. Cold crash. 4C omitted Cells Avail 40 billion 08/04 Med Target Cells 217 09/04 Steady 22oC NOTE: No stir plate or agitation 10/04 Med 11/04 Slow, roused 1.023, upped temp to 21oC Starter Vol 1 OG Bx – 11.0 1.0lt 12/04 Slow DME 103gms 14/04 Slow, dry hopped

Growth Rate 1.3 18/04 Ticking? Kegged with airloack as a precaution. Tasting Notes: Innoc Rate 40.0 mil/ml 18/04 At Kegging – A dark straw coloured brew with aromas of tropical fruit and malt. Yummy malts and hops on the way in finishing with a low End cell count FG Bx – ? 92 billion bitterness. Maybe more of a summer drinker but who cares. Note: Use stir plate 15/05 Nice beer. Lots of tropical fruit, citrus, etc with great malts.

Starter Vol 2 OG Bx – 11.0 0.75lt

DME 77gms

Growth Rate 1.4

Innoc Rate 122.7 mil/ml

End cell count FG Bx – 5.2 219 billion

Pitching Rate 0.76M cells / mL / °P

Recipe Notes: 1. Pitched yeast at 18°C. Ferment at 20oC. Target AA 74%. Achieved 71%. Target Eff 88%. Achieved 88%. 2. Average mash temp 66oC. 3. Mash out 60mins – 166oF, Sparge Water - 170oF. Sparge 30mins. 4. Whirlpool at end of boil. 15min rest. Lid On. 5. Diacetyl REST?? Characteristics ARKELL BEST BITTER 3BS METHOD : Date Made 08/05/17 BJCP 8B Best Grains/Hops 4312gms 76gms % Gms α % BU Strike water 15.0lts 70°C (158oF) Simpsons Maris Otter 88.3 3806 Target temp 66°C (151oF) 75mins Simspons med crystal 9.9 427 Mash out 76°C (169oF) 30+ mins Best Malz light wheat 1.8 79 Sparge water 26lts 76°C (169oF)

Fuggles– 60mins 73.7 56 4.4 25.88 Yeast Starter

EKG – 15mins 15.8 12 6.5 3.93 Made 6th May 17 Brewer’s Friend EKG – 5mins 10.5 8 6.5 1.09 Target pitch rate Pro Brewer 0.75 Ale Gypsum 9 Batch Vol 23.8 Non-iodised salt 2 Est OG 1.047 Whirlpool– 15mins (LID ON) Yeast Date 4th Apr 17 Wyeast Nutrient – 10mins 1/2tsp Cells Avail 78 billion Brewbrite – 10mins 4 Target Cells 208 Wyeast 1968 London ESB Ale (18-22°C) Starter Vol 1 OG Bx – 10.8 1.0lt Final Volume (lt) 23.8 (23.9) Total BU 30.9 (x) DME 103gms OG 47(49) FG 15 (15) Alc % 4.3 (4.4) SRM 11 Growth Rate 1.7 Carbonation: Force carb 85kpa at 4oC. Innoc Rate 78.0 mil/ml Date Kegged: 23/05/17 End cell count FG Bx – 5.5. 210 billion Resources Pitching Rate 0.76M cells / mL / °P

Recipe Notes: 1. Pitched yeast at 16°C. Ferment at 20oC. Target AA 69%. Achieved 69%. Target Eff 88%. Achieved 92%. 2. Average mash temp 66oC. 3. Mash out 50mins – 165oF, Sparge Water - 76oF. Sparge 30mins. 4. Whirlpool at end of boil. 15min rest. Lid On. 5. Diacetyl REST?? 6. Cold crash. 4C omitted 09/05 Steady 10/05 Med 11/05 Slow 13/05 VS, roused 1.019 16/05 VVS Tasting Notes: 23/05 At Kegging – This perfectly clear amber beer turned out damn good. It has a malt nose with hints of earthy hops. Great malt and hop flavours and a medium bitter finish. Should be good. BANDSAW AMBER Wyeast Nutrient – 10mins 1/2tsp

Date Made 11/05/17 BJCP 10B American Amber Brewbrite – 10mins 4

% Gms α % BU Wyeast 1056 American Ale (16-22°C)

Simpsons Maris Otter 65.9 2998 Final Volume (lt) 23.8 (24.1) Total BU 30.9 (30.6)

Best Malz melanoidin malt 12.4 564 OG 50 (51) FG 13 (15) Alc % 4.8 (4.8) SRM 14

o Best Malz dark Munich 10.4 472 Carbonation: Force carb 85kpa at 4 C.

Briess Victory malt 5.6 256 Date Kegged: 18/05/17

Simpsons dark crystal 3.8 171 Resources Characteristics Simpsons medium crystal 1.9 88 METHOD : Chinook– 60mins 6.8 5 11.8 6.2 Grains/Hops 4549gms 74gms Chinook– 40mins 13.5 10 11.8 10.08 Strike water 16.0lts 70°C (158oF) Cascade – 20mins 12.2 9 8.4 4.45 Target temp 66°C (151oF) 75mins Cascade – 10mins 20.3 15 8.4 5.29 Mash out 76°C (169oF) 30+ mins Chinook– 10mins 13.5 10 11.8 4.96 Sparge water 26lts 76°C (169oF)

Cascade – whirlpool 33.5 25 8.4 Yeast Starter

Gypsum 12 Made 9th May 17 Brewer’s Friend Non-iodised salt 2 Target pitch rate Pro Brewer 0.75 Ale Epsom salts 4 Batch Vol 23.8 Whirlpool– 15mins (LID ON) Est OG 1.049 Tasting Notes: Yeast Date 2nd Apr 17 18/05 At Kegging – Hmm, I think this might have still been ticking over. Cells Avail 74 billion A nice amber coloured brew, although still cloudy, with an inviting malt hop nose. The speciality malts come through as does those hops. Target Cells 208 Finishes with a medium bitterness. A good drinker.

Starter Vol 1 OG Bx – 10.9 1.1lt 27/05 A nice amber colour with hints of orange garnet. A solid malt palate with hops more in the background. Finishes nicely. Good brew. DME 113gms

Growth Rate 1.8

Innoc Rate 67.3 mil/ml

End cell count FG Bx – 5.3 208 billion

Pitching Rate 0.75M cells / mL / °P

Recipe Notes: 7. Pitched yeast at 18°C. Ferment at 20oC. Target AA 75%. Achieved 71%. Target Eff 88%. Achieved 93%. 8. Average mash temp 66oC. 9. Mash out 80mins – 167oF, Sparge Water - 170oF. Sparge 50mins. 10. Whirlpool at end of boil. 15min rest. Lid On. 11. Diacetyl REST?? 12. Cold crash. 4C omitted 12/05 Steady 13/05 Med 14/05 Slow 15/05 Slow, roused 1.016 16/05 VVS 17/05 Stopped? METHOD : BLANCHE DE CHAMBLY Grains/Hops 4676gms 47gms Date Made 21/05/17 BJCP 16A Witbier Strike water 16.5lts 71°C (160oF) % Gms α % BU Target temp 67°C (152oF) 75mins Best Malz pils 48.9 2285 Mash out 76°C (169oF) 30+ mins Briess torrified wheat 24.7 1155 Sparge water 26lts 76°C (169oF) Best Malz light wheat malt 21.7 1014 Yeast Starter Clear candi sugar 4.7 222 Made 19th May 17 Brewer’s Hallertauer Hersbrucker – 60mins 100 35 3.0 11.03 Friend

Bitter orange peel (rehydrated) – 15mins 9 Target pitch rate Pro Brewer 0.75 Ale

Crushed coriander – 15mins 9 Batch Vol 23.8

Whirlpool – 15mins (LID ON) Est OG 1.051

Wyeast Nutrient – 10mins 1/2tsp Yeast Date 24nd Apr 17

Wyeast 3944 Belgian Wit (17-24°C) Cells Avail 83 billion

Final Volume (lt) 23.8 (24.6) Total BU 11 (10.7) Target Cells 225

OG 50 (46) FG 13 (12) Alc % 4.8 (4.5) SRM 3 Starter Vol 1 OG Bx – 10.9 1.1lt

Carbonation: Force carb 85kpa at 4oC. DME 113gms

Date Kegged: 01/06/15 Growth Rate 1.7

Resources Innoc Rate 75.5 mil/ml End cell count FG Bx – 5.3 226 billion Characteristics Pitching Rate 0.75M cells / mL / °P Recipe Notes: 1. Replaced 2311gms Dingemans pils with 2285 Best as unavailable. 2. Error with candi sugar. Original used 45ppg, should have 32. This would have increased candi to 275gms. 3. Rehydrate orange peel for 30mins prior to addition 4. FIT BLOW TUBE. Pitched yeast at 16°C. Ferment at 20oC. Target AA 74%. Achieved 74%. Target Eff 88%. Achieved 84%. 5. Average mash temp 66oC. 6. Mash out 80mins – 168oF, Sparge Water - 172oF. Sparge 40mins. 7. Whirlpool at end of boil. 15min rest. Lid On. 8. Diacetyl REST?? 9. Cold crash. 4C omitted 22/05 Fast, big spew 25/05 Steady 26/05 Med 27/05 Changer over to airlock, roused 1.014 28/05 VVS 30/05 Stopped Tasting Notes: 01/06 At Kegging – A very pale cloudy beer. Light pils grain and hint of orange one the nose. Spicy wheat and low bitterness on the palate. Quite yeasty. Needs a bit of barrel time. 21/06 Pretty happy with this beer although still too cloudy. Nice wheat estery nose, good wheaty palate with hints of lemon (from my homemade candy sugar) and a clean finish. DART PORTER Wyeast 1275 Thames Valley (17-22°C)

Date Made 30/05/17 BJCP 12A Brown Porter Final Volume (lt) 23.8 (24.1) Total BU 26.8 (31.7)

% Gms α % BU OG 48 (52) FG 13 (16) Alc % 4.7 (4.7) SRM 25

o Simpsons Maris Otter 66.9 3038 Carbonation: Force carb 85kpa at 4 C.

Briess Victory malt 10.0 454 Date Kegged: 09/06/17

Best Malz dark Munich 8.6 390 Resources Characteristics Simpsons chocolate malt 4.2 191 METHOD : Simpsons medium crystal 3.3 151 Grains/Hops 4539gms 60gms Simpsons amber malt 3.4 154 Strike water 16.0lts 71°C (160oF) Simpsons roasted barley 3.5 161 Target temp 67°C (153oF) 75mins EKG – 60mins 33.3 24 6.5 16.18 Mash out 76°C (169oF) 30+ mins EKG – 20mins 33.3 24 6.5 9.06 Sparge water 26lts 76°C (169oF)

EKG – 10mins 33.3 24 6.5 6.47 Yeast Starter

Gypsum 1 Made 27th May 17 Brewer’s Friend Non-iodised salt 2 Target pitch rate Pro Brewer 0.75 Ale Chalk 2 Batch Vol 23.8 Whirlpool– 15mins (LID ON) Est OG 1.047 Wyeast Nutrient – 10mins 1/2tsp Yeast Date 21st Mar 17 Brewbrite – 10mins 4 Cells Avail 53 billion 09/06 At Kegging – A brown brew with malt and low hop aromas. Luscious Target Cells 200 rich malts and chocolate on the palate, which lingers after swilling. It has a nice bitter finish. Starter Vol 1 OG Bx – 11.2 2.0lt

DME 205gms

Growth Rate 2.8

Innoc Rate 26.5 mil/ml

End cell count FG Bx – 5.6 201 billion

Pitching Rate 0.76M cells / mL / °P

Recipe Notes: 1. SG before boil was 1.2 times target so the hopping rates were increased by 1.2 rather than dilute wort. All hops were increased from 20gms to 24gms. The resulting BU is 31.7 ilo 26.8. 2. Sub'd Best Malz dark Munich 390gms for Weyermann Munich type II 396gms 3. Pitched yeast at 16°C. Ferment at 20oC. Target AA 74%. Achieved 69%. Target Eff 88%. Achieved 95%. 4. Average mash temp 67oC. 5. Mash out 65mins – 169oF, Sparge Water - 174oF. Sparge 65mins. 6. Whirlpool at end of boil. 15min rest. Lid On. 7. Diacetyl REST?? 8. Cold crash. 4C omitted 31/05 Steady to fast, reached 21oC 01/06 Med 02/06 Slow 03/06 Roused 1.018, upped to 21oC 05/06 Ticking Tasting Notes: RCH EAST CREAM BITTER

Date Made 05/06/17 BJCP 8C ESB Carbonation: Force carb 85kpa at 4oC.

% Gms α % BU Date Kegged: 15/06/17

Simpsons Maris Otter 87.5 4150 Resources Pg 456 HBDatabase, no. 1636 Simpsons pale crystal 5.7 270 Simpsons medium crystal 5.7 270 Characteristics METHOD : Simpsons chocolate malt 0.8 40 Grains/Hops 4745gms 92gms Simpsons black malt 0.3 15 Strike water 16.5lts 72°C (162oF) Challenger – 60mins 45.3 43 6.5 29.36 Target temp 67°C (153oF) 75mins Northdown – 30mins 15.8 15 8.2 9.3 Mash out 76°C (169oF) 30+ mins Styrian Goldings – 1mins 38.9 37 2.6 0.4 Sparge water 26lts 76°C (169oF) Gypsum 1 Yeast Starter Non-iodised salt 2 Made 2nd Jun 17 Brewer’s Chalk 2 Friend

Whirlpool– 15mins (LID ON) Target pitch rate Pro Brewer 0.75 Ale

Wyeast Nutrient – 10mins 1/2tsp Batch Vol 23.8

Brewbrite – 10mins 4 Est OG 1.052

Wyeast 1968 London Ale (18-22°C) Yeast Date 26th Apr 17

Final Volume (lt) 23.8 (24) Total BU 39.1 (38.7) Cells Avail 75 billion

OG 52 (54) FG 16 (20) Alc % 4.7 (4.5) SRM 16 Tasting Notes: Target Cells 230 15/06 At Kegging – A dark amber beer with heaps of malt, some chocolate Starter Vol 1 OG Bx – 10.8 1.5lt and spicy hops to the nostrils. Full malt flavours, some roasted and hops. Medium bitter finish. A nice beer. DME 154gms 17/07 This is one nice beer. Amber copper hues, a perfect English head that laces the glass, excellent hop and malt aromas. Goes down even better, Growth Rate 2.1 great balance and finish.

Innoc Rate 50.0 mil/ml

End cell count FG Bx – 5.5 231 billion

Pitching Rate 0.76M cells / mL / °P

Recipe Notes: 1. Bugger! Didn’t scale this recipe for my new volumes so it a little under weight. 2. Subing out EKG and Fuggles to up other hops. 3. Pitched yeast at 14°C. Ferment at 20oC. Target AA 69%. Achieved 63%. Target Eff 88%. Achieved 93%. 4. Average mash temp 67oC. 5. Mash out 100mins – 167oF, Sparge Water - 170oF. Sparge 40mins. 6. Whirlpool at end of boil. 15min rest. Lid On. 7. Perform diacetyl rest. 8. Cold crash. 4C omitted 06/06 Steady 08/06 Slowing 09/06 Roused 1.020 10/06 VVS 13/06 Stopped KILTER ALE Wyeast 1728 Scottish Ale (18-22°C)

Date Made 13/06/17 BJCP 9C Scottish Export 80/- Final Volume (lt) 23.8 (23.9) Total BU 22.3 (22.2)

% Gms α % BU OG 47 (52) FG 14 (14) Alc % 4.4 (5.0) SRM 16

o Simpsons Maris Otter 84.6 3631 Carbonation: Force carb 85kpa at 4 C.

Best Malz dark Munich 10.4 447 Date Kegged: 21/06/17

Simpsons medium crystal 2.7 115 Resources Zymurgy Sep/Oct pg64 Simpsons roasted barley 1.2 50 Characteristics Simpsons chocolate malt 1.1 47 METHOD :

EKG – 60mins 24.0 18 6.5 12.29 Grains/Hops 4290gms 75gms

EKG – 15mins 30.7 23 6.5 7.54 Strike water 15.0lts 71°C (160oF)

EKG – 5mins 24.0 18 6.5 2.46 Target temp 67°C (153oF) 75mins

EKG – whirlpool 21.3 16 6.5 Mash out 76°C (169oF) 30+ mins

Gypsum 3 Sparge water 26lts 76°C (169oF)

Non-iodised salt 1 Yeast Starter

Chalk 4 Made 10th Jun 17 Brewer’s Friend Epsom salts 3 Target pitch rate Pro Brewer 0.75 Ale Whirlpool– 15mins (LID ON) Batch Vol 23.8 Wyeast Nutrient – 10mins 1/2tsp Est OG 1.047 Brewbrite – 10mins 4 Yeast Date 10th May 17 Cells Avail 78 billion

Target Cells 208

Starter Vol 1 OG Bx – 11.2 1.0lt

DME 103gms

Growth Rate 1.7

Innoc Rate 78.0 mil/ml

End cell count FG Bx – 5.6 210 billion

Pitching Rate 0.76M cells / mL / °P

Recipe Notes: 1. Pitched yeast at 17°C. Ferment at 20oC. Target AA 71%. Achieved 73%. Target Eff 88%. Achieved 98%. 2. Average mash temp 67oC. 3. Mash out 80mins – 173oF, Sparge Water - 170oF. Sparge 45mins. 4. Whirlpool at end of boil. 15min rest. Lid On. 5. Diacetyl REST?? 6. Cold crash. 4C omitted 14/06 Steady 16/06 Slow 17/06 Roused 1.016. Upped to 21oC 20/05 Stopped Tasting Notes: 21/06 At Kegging – A brown ale, still cloudy, low malt and hop nose. Pleasant malt flavour and low bitterness. Well balanced. Good session ale in front of the fire. COFFEE OATMEAL STOUT

Date Made 19/06/17 BJCP 13C Oatmeal Stout OG 62 (60) FG 15 (20) Alc % 6.1 (5.3) SRM 37 (36)

% Gms α % BU Carbonation: 23.5lts beer, 150gms dextrose (6.4gms per lt) in 250ml water, boil 3mins Simpsons Maris Otter 60.3 3482 Date Bottled: 30/06/17 Flaked oats 15.1 870 Resources Simpsons roasted barley 8.3 480 Brewtopia, Wellington

Simpsons chocolate malt 8.0 460 cPath=29&products_id=558&osCsid=ojt3j6f8kf2u7rkgi56k2f4ol1Characteristic s Weyermann caramunich type II 5.7 327 METHOD : Simpsons medium crystal 2.8 159 Grains/Hops 5778gms 58gms Columbus – 60mins 46.6 29 13.2 39.38 Strike water 19.0lts 70°C (158oF) Fuggles – 15mins 53.4 33 4.6 7.5 Target temp 67°C (153oF) 75mins Coffee beans (course grind) – 24hrs pre bottle 40 Mash out 76°C (169oF) 30+ mins Gypsum 2 Sparge water 27lts 76°C (169oF) Non-iodised salt 1 Recipe Notes: Chalk 3 1. Sub'd Green Bullet for Columbus

Whirlpool– 15mins (LID ON) 2. Coffee beans added 24hrs before bottling IN A BAG. 3. Pitched yeast at 18°C. Ferment at 20oC. Target AA 75%. Achieved 67%. Wyeast Nutrient – 10mins 1/2tsp Target Eff 88%. Achieved 90%. 4. At 90% eff increase hops by 1.07 but left pre-boil vol the same. 29gms Brewbrite – 10mins 4 Columbus ilo 27, 33gms Fuggles ilo 31. Alas FG was lower expected. Should have boiled a little longer? Safale US-05 (15-24°C) x 2 pkts 5. Average mash temp 67oC. Final Volume (lt) 23.8 (24.3) Total BU 43.7 (46.9) 6. Mash out 65mins – 170oF, Sparge Water - 170oF. Sparge 60mins. 7. Whirlpool at end of boil. 15min rest. Lid On. 8. Diacetyl REST?? 9. Cold crash. 4C omitted 20/06 Steady 22/06 Med 23/06 Slow, roused 1.020 28/06 1.020 29/06 40gms coarse ground coffee for 24hrs Tasting Notes: 30/06 At Kegging – A very, very dark brown, not quite black beer with a nose of roasted malts, some chocolate, coffee and hint of Columbus hops. On the palette the dark malts are apparent along with the coffee, nicely balanced. The beer finishes bitter with some hop flavour present. The coffee probably contributed to this, something that I didn’t consider earlier. Nice brew! 15/07 This turned out pretty good. It is best drunk at room temperature. Al the malts and coffee flavour blend nicely. A good evening stout in front of the fire. SAISON DU BUFF

Date Made 20/06/17 BJCP 16C Saison OG 54 (55) FG 11 (7) Alc % 5.6 (6.3) SRM 4

o % Gms α % BU Carbonation: Force carb 85kpa at 4 C.

Best Malz pils 40.2 1977 Date Kegged: 09/07/17

Simpsons Maris Otter 39.5 1945 Resources Best Malz light wheat 15.2 747 stone-saison-du-buff-homebrew-recipe

Rye flakes 5.1 250 stone-saison-du-buff-0 Characteristics Centennial – 60mins 24.6 15 7.9 12.45 METHOD :

Centennial – 60mins 13.1 8 9.3 7.81 Grains/Hops 4919gms 61gms

Amarillo – whirlpool 26.2 16 14.0 Strike water 17.0lts 69°C (156oF)

Fresh parsley – whirlpool 8 Target temp 65°C (149oF) 75mins

Fresh rosemary – whirlpool 3 Mash out 76°C (169oF) 30+ mins

o Fresh lemon thyme – whirlpool 3 Sparge water 26lts 76°C (169 F)

Fresh white sage – whirlpool 1 Yeast Starter

Citra – dry hop 7 days 36.1 20 13.9 Made 17th Jun 17 Brewer’s Friend Whirlpool– 15mins (LID ON) Target pitch rate Pro Brewer 0.75 Ale Wyeast Nutrient – 10mins 1/2tsp Batch Vol 23.8 Brewbrite – 10mins 4 Est OG 1.054 Wyeast 3711 French Saison (18-25°C) Yeast Date 15th May 17 Final Volume (lt) 23.8 (24.2) Total BU 20.3 (19.9) 30/06 Roused 1.010, dry hopped, stopped? Cells Avail 77 billion 08/07 Kegged 1.007 Target Cells 238 Tasting Notes: Starter Vol 1 OG Bx – 11.2 1.2lt 08/07 At Kegging – A cloudy pale straw beer emanating aromas of tropical fruit, citrus and herbal mint. Palate has rosemary, thyme, a hint of parsley, some DME 123gms fruit and malts. A little more mint would have worked. It has a herbal finish and some bitterness. I think this works and would be a great summer beer. Growth Rate 1.9

Innoc Rate 64.2 mil/ml

End cell count FG Bx – 5.0 220 billion

Pitching Rate 0.69M cells / ml / °P

Recipe Notes: 1. Omitted sage (tastes awful). Threw in very modest pitch (all I had) of mint instead. Sub’d Lemon Thyme for about equal parts Thyme and lemon zest. 2. Original recipe had 88gms Amarillo. I’m guessing that was a typo. If whirlpool is 15% utilisation that would have been off the scale. As it is this addition should bring the actual BUs to 31.6. 3. Pitched yeast at 18°C. Ferment at 21oC. Target AA 80%. Achieved 87%. Target Eff 88%. Achieved 92%. 4. Average mash temp 65oC. 5. Mash out 105mins – 166oF, Sparge Water - 170oF. Sparge 40mins. 6. Whirlpool at end of boil. 15min rest. Lid On. 7. Diacetyl REST?? 8. Cold crash. 4C omitted 21/06 Steady 22/06 Med 25/06 Slowing 29/06 Roused 1.012 HILL TOP ESB

Date Made 27/06/17 BJCP 8C ESB OG 50 (52) FG 13 (18) Alc % 4.9 (4.5) SRM 20

o % Gms α % BU Carbonation: Force carb 85kpa at 4 C.

Simpsons Maris Otter 78.2 3629 Date Kegged: 09/07/17

Best Malz melanoidin malt 8.1 377 Resources METHOD : Best Malz light Munich 7.6 352 Grains/Hops 4643gms 77gms Weyermann carafa Special Type I 3.1 143 Strike water 16.0lts 72°C (162oF) Simpsons chocolate malt 3.1 142 Target temp 67°C (153oF) 75mins Columbus – 60mins 19.5 15 13.2 20.8 Mash out 76°C (169oF) 30+ mins Northdown – 40mins 29.9 23 8.2 16.11 Sparge water 26lts 76°C (169oF) Fuggles – 20mins 18.2 14 4.4 3.62 Yeast Starter Galaxy – dry hop (4 days) 32.5 25 15.4 Made 24th Jun 17 Brewer’s Gypsum 1 Friend

Non-iodised salt 2 Target pitch rate Pro Brewer 0.75 Ale

Chalk 2 Batch Vol 23.8

Whirlpool– 15mins (LID ON) Est OG 1.050

Wyeast Nutrient – 10mins 1/2tsp Yeast Date 17th May 17

Brewbrite – 10mins 4 Cells Avail 73 billion

Wyeast 1275 Thames Valley (17-22°C) Target Cells 221

Final Volume (lt) 23.8 (24.6) Total BU 40.5 (38.9) Starter Vol 1 OG Bx – 11.2 1.4lt Tasting Notes: 09/07 At Kegging – A brown ale with a rich malt aroma and galaxy hops. DME 144gms Full malt chocolate flavours, lots of hops, with a lingering bitter finish. Shame I fucked up the mash. Nice beer none the less. Growth Rate 2.0

Innoc Rate 52.1 mil/ml

End cell count FG Bx – 5.5 222 billion

Pitching Rate 0.75M cells / ml / °P

Recipe Notes: 1. Used up remaining hops. Increased Northdown to 28gms and Fuggles to 16gms. This would increase BUs by 4.1 to 44.6 BUs. Since eff was 1.19 over target this brings it closer to the 48.2 BUs, which would be the adjusted target. But final vol is 24.6lts, which reduces target BUs to 38.9. After adjustment for additional hops BUs is 42.8. 2. Pitched yeast at 16°C. Ferment at 20oC. Target AA 74%. Achieved 66%. Target Eff 88%. Achieved 94%. 3. Average mash temp 68oC. Target was 67oC. Should have added some cold water. 4. Mash out 90mins – 170oF, Sparge Water - 171oF. Sparge 45mins. 5. Whirlpool at end of boil. 15min rest. Lid On. 6. Diacetyl REST?? 7. Cold crash. 4C omitted 28/06 Steady 29/06 Med 30/06 Slow 01/07 Roused 1.020 05/07 Roused 1.018, dry hopped METHOD : FATSO BITTER Grains/Hops 4394gms 49gms Date Made 05/07/17 BJCP 8B Best Strike water 15.0lts 70°C (158oF) % Gms α % BU Target temp 66°C (151oF) 75mins Simpsons Maris Otter 73.4 3191 Mash out 76°C (169oF) 30+ mins Bairds malted oats 13.3 578 Sparge water 26lts 76°C (169oF) Weyermann carafa Special Type II 6.9 299 Yeast Starter Simpsons medium crystal 6.5 281 Made 24th Jun 17 Brewer’s Target – 60mins 51.0 25 10.1 26.52 Friend

Fuggles – 20mins 49.0 24 4.6 6.49 Target pitch rate Pro Brewer 0.75 Ale

Gypsum 9 Batch Vol 23.8

Non-iodised salt 2 Est OG 1.047

Whirlpool– 15mins (LID ON) Yeast Date 17th May 17

Wyeast Nutrient – 10mins 1/2tsp Cells Avail 68 billion

Brewbrite – 10mins 4 Target Cells 208

Wyeast 1275 Thames Valley (17-22°C) Starter Vol 1 OG Bx – 11.2 1.3lt

Final Volume (lt) 23.8 (24.1) Total BU 33.0 (32.6) DME 134gms

OG 47 (48) FG 12 (13) Alc % 4.6 (4.6) SRM 21 Growth Rate 2.0

Carbonation: Force carb 85kpa at 4oC. Innoc Rate 52.3 mil/ml

Date Kegged: 16/07/17 End cell count FG Bx – 3.5 207 billion

Resources Pitching Rate 0.75M cells / ml / °P Recipe Notes: 1. Pitched yeast at 18°C. Ferment at 20oC. Target AA 74%. Achieved 73%. Target Eff 88%. Achieved 94%. 2. Average mash temp 66oC. 3. Mash out 70mins – 170oF, Sparge Water - 170oF. Sparge 45mins. 4. Whirlpool at end of boil. 15min rest. Lid On. 5. Diacetyl REST?? 6. Cold crash. 4C omitted 06/07 Fast 07/07 Spewed 08/07 Med 10/07 Slow, roused 1.016 Tasting Notes: 16/07 At Kegging – A brown beer with a malty aroma and a hint of hops. Lots of malt on the palate, choc and oats. Nice. Hops come through too. It has a lingering bitterness on the finish. A good session ale. EN GARDE Date Kegged:

Date Made 19/07/17 BJCP 16D Bière de Garde Resources METHOD : % Gms α % BU Grains/Hops 6795gms 65gms Best Malz pils 78.6 5340 Strike water 23.0lts 70°C (158oF) Best Malz light Munich 7.6 519 Target temp 66°C (151oF) 75mins Best Malz Vienna malt 6.9 468 Mash out 76°C (169oF) 30+ mins Best Malz caramel Munich II 5.0 342 Sparge water 27lts 76°C (169oF) Weyermann carafa Special Type II 1.9 126 Yeast Starter EKG – 30mins 61.5 40 6.5 19.5 Made 15th Jul 17 Brewer’s Tettnanger – 10mins 38.5 25 4.0 4.17 Friend

Star anise – 10mins 1 Target pitch rate Pro Brewer 0.75 Ale

Cloves– 10mins 2 Batch Vol 24.0

Whirlpool– 15mins (LID ON) Est OG 1.074

Wyeast Nutrient – 10mins 1/2tsp Yeast Date 20th Jun 17

Brewbrite – 10mins 4 Cells Avail 164 billion

Wyeast 3725 Bière de Garde (21-29°C) Target Cells 323

Final Volume (lt) 24.0 (x) Total BU 23.7 (x) Starter Vol 1 OG Bx – 11.4 1.0lt

OG 74 (x) FG 17 (x) Alc % 7.4 (x) SRM 16 DME 103gms

Carbonation: Force carb 85kpa at 4oC. Growth Rate 1.2 Innoc Rate 164.0 mil/ml

End cell count FG Bx – 362 billion

Pitching Rate 0.84M cells / ml / °P

Recipe Notes: 1. Pitched yeast at 18°C. Ferment at 23oC. Target AA 76.5%. Achieved x%. Target Eff 89%. Achieved 94%. 2. Average mash temp 66oC. 3. Mash out 70mins – 170oF, Sparge Water - 170oF. Sparge 45mins. 4. Whirlpool at end of boil. 15min rest. Lid On. 5. Diacetyl REST?? 6. Cold crash. 4C omitted 06/07 Fast

Tasting Notes: 18/05 At Kegging – WATER CHEMISTRY FOR SOFT WATER (23.8 LITRES)

BCJB: 1E All Scottish & Irish Ales

Dortmunder gm Gypsum 3

Gypsum 6 Non-iodised salt 1

Non-iodised salt 3 Chalk 4

Chalk 3 Epsom salts 3

BCJB: 7A - C BCJB: 10A, 10B, 10C, 13F, 14A, 14B, 14C

Alt/Hybrid IPAs, US pale, amber & brown ales, Russian Imperial Stout

Gypsum 3 Gypsum 12

Non-iodised salt 2 Non-iodised salt 2

BCJB: 8B Epsom salts 4

Bitter BCJB: 11A

Gypsum 9 Mild Ale

Non-iodised salt 2 Gypsum 1

BCJB: 8C, 12A, 12B, 19B, 19C Non-iodised salt 3

ESB English Pale Ale), Porter, Robust and Brown, Barleywine Epsom salts 1

Gypsum 1 BCJB: 11C

Non-iodised salt 2 Brown Ales ~ English and Irish

Chalk 2 Gypsum 2

BCJB: 9A - E Non-iodised salt 3 BCJB: 13C

Sweet, Cream & Oatmeal Stout

Gypsum 2

Non-iodised salt 1

Chalk 3

BCJB: 18A – E

All Belgian strong ales ~ NOTHING? HOP STOCK Updated 15/07/17 Northdown

Variety Harvest Alpha Acid Amount Northern Brewer Remaining Saaz 2015 4.2 75 Amarillo 2016 14.0 64 Styrian Goldings Cascade 2016 8.4 31 Target 2014 10.1 32 Centennial 2015/16 9.3 73 Tettnanger 2014 4.0 25 Challenger Warrior 2016 15.6 80+40+40 Chinook 2015 11.8 70 Willamette 2015 4.1 58 Citra 2016 13.9 70

Columbus 2016 13.2 38

EKG 2015/16 6.5/5.1 51+80

Ella 2015 13.3 22

Fortnight 2016 13.9 185

Fuggles 2015 4.6 25

Galaxy 2016 15.4 55

Hallertau Hersbrucker 2016 3.0 45

Hallertau Mittelfruh


Mosaic 2016 13.6 5

Motueka 2015 6.8 34

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