Nursery worker Job Description

 Nursery worker Job Profile and Description

A nursery worker works in a plant nursery where he or she will have to do the overall maintenance. He or she will be responsible for planting seeds, cultivating, harvesting, and transplanting trees, shrubs, or plants. The duty also includes looking after the flowers and plants very carefully. A nursery worker is like a nurturer and must carefully take care of the plants.

 Duties and Responsibilities

A nursery worker will have to do the basic and common works of a nursery and there are a wide range of duties and responsibilities which have to be fulfilled and they are as follows:

 A nursery worker will have to take care of the plants and flowers perfectly.  He or she needs to plant time to time according to season.  He or she has to spray, weed, fertilize, and water plants and use gardening tools  He or she also needs to regulate the greenhouse conditions which are very necessary.  It is also the duty to keep the surroundings clean and according to the plants.  He or she has to keep the areas cleaned and cleared of weeds and landscaping must be done by him or her.  He or she has to keep the maintenance of irrigation and climate control systems is very important too  He or she will also have to take care of the inventory systems and so will have to maintain inventory.  He or she has to give the purchase orders for different materials as and when required  It is also the duty to aware the customers and needs to provide advice to the customers about the selection, purchase, and care of plants  He or she will have to keep the records and must keep proper records of the plants and their growth and also update them time to time.  He or she has to sell and deliver plants and flowers to customers when needed.

 Skills and Specifications

A candidate should have following skills and specification for the position:

 A nursery worker must have knowledge of horticulture as it is the matter of caring plants.  He or she should have the knowledge of all the procedures and methods of raising and caring for flowers as well as the plants.  The candidate must have the knowledge of plants and also about other ornamental plants in greenhouses and outdoor beds  He or she should have a very good knowledge about the diseases or pests might affect the plants and also will have to make provisions for their control  He or she should have a very creative mind and must also be very creative and so will have to design the displays well.  He or she will have the ability to provide the help and to train subordinate employees, to assign tasks, and to supervise their work.  He or she must have all the knowledge of the preparation of soil, arrangement of flower beds, transplanting of flowers and other plants in the nursery.  He or she should have the knowledge of carefully using the different gardening tools and materials

 Education and Qualifications

 A high school degree is enough to do a basic job.  As Education qualifications would depend on the job position; training takes place on the job.  The candidate having a bachelor’s degree along with specialization in horticulture will be very helpful.  It will be added as an advantage the candidate having the experience in greenhouse-related work etc proves to be more helpful.