Simple Benchmark Data Instructions for Tomorrow S Engineers Pupil Questionnaire
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v05.00 13/10/2015 Simple Benchmark Data Instructions for Tomorrow’s Engineers Pupil Questionnaire
This process will provide you with a good indication of the overall impact your activity has had compared with Tomorrow’s Engineers funded events and programmes, The Big Bang UK and the Engineers and Engineering Brand Monitor. Using a range of events broadens the benchmarking data available for comparison.
Tomorrow’s Engineers Funded, Core and Regional is a school engagement programme which comprises inspirational and aspirational activities held within the school; The Big Bang UK is a large-scale inspirational event; The Big Bang Near Me is a series of regional and local inspirational events; and the Engineers and Engineering Brand Monitor (EEBM) surveys the general public as a whole.
If all participants of the activity are either Key Stage 3 or Key Stage 4, you will be able to analyse the results by Key Stage. However, if this is not the case then please use the Key Stages as guidance only. Should you wish to drill down further by gender, please use the Full Pupil Benchmark Data document.
Each question in the Tomorrow’s Engineers Pupil Questionnaire is represented by a table in the ‘Question Tables’ section on page 2. Pupil data is broken down by Key Stage in rows with percentages of ‘positive’ responses to questions from each of EngineeringUK’s activities in labelled columns. For Q2 to Q8, positive responses are numbers ‘4’ and ‘5’ on the scale combined (highlighted in green in the example below):
EXAMPLE Q2 How enjoyable have you found the activity, or series of activities, overall? PLEASE TICK ONE BOX ONLY Not at all Not very Neither enjoyable Quite Very enjoyable enjoyable nor not enjoyable enjoyable Enjoyable 1 2 3 4 5 For your own activity, follow this process for the tables in the ‘Question Tables’ section below:
1. Discard incomplete questionnaires; that is, those in which not all questions have been answered.
2. Count the number of times pupils ticked options ‘4’ and ‘5’ in each scale/row. Write each figure in the relevant Key Stage row in the “number of ‘4’s and ‘5’s column”. An example with 14 Key Stage 3 pupils ticking the response on the scale numbered ‘4’ and 8 ticking the response numbered ‘5’ is highlighted in yellow in the illustrative table below.
3. In the next cell, write the total number of questionnaires. An example of the relevant cell in which there were 25 overall respondents is highlighted in blue below.
4. Finally, divide the first number by the second and multiply it by 100 to obtain the figure for the ‘percentage of positive responses’ column. Take care to round the first decimal place up or down to a whole number. The result for this example is in the highlighted orange cell below. EXAMPLE Q2 How enjoyable have you found the activity, or series of activities, overall? Proportion of 4 ‘quite enjoyable’ and 5 'very enjoyable' Your activity The Big Bang Near Me The Big Bang UK Tomorrow's Engineers Funded Core and Number of Percentage of Key Stage Number of (2015) (2015) Regional (2014) responses to positive ‘4’s and ‘5’s question responses Key Stage 3 92% 92% 89% Key Stage 4 90% 85% X 22 25 88%
This process should also allow you to share the data anonymously with partners, Tomorrow’s Engineers organisers and EngineeringUK if necessary. If individual children are potentially identifiable by the results, the data will be covered by the Data Protection Act 1998. EngineeringUK has procedures in place to handle such data. If you would like to share results with Tomorrow’s Engineers and EngineeringUK, please email this document to your EngineeringUK client manager. Question Tables
Q1: Date of activity/activities (dd/mm/yyyy) D D M Y Y Y Y Q9: Gender split Female: Male: Q10: Age group of pupils if other than Key Stage 3 and/or Key stage 4
Q12: Name of school (if one)/number of schools involved (if more than one)
Q2 How enjoyable have you found the activity, or series of activities, overall? Proportion of 4 ‘quite enjoyable’ and 5 'very enjoyable'
Your activity Tomorrow's Engineers Funded The Big Bang Near Me The Big Bang UK Number of Percentage Key Stage Core and Regional Number of (2015) (2015) responses to of positive (2014) ‘4’s and ‘5’s question responses Key Stage 3 92% 92% 89%
Key Stage 4 90% 85% X
Q3 How positive or negative is your view each of the following? Proportion of 4 and 5 'very positive' All UK The Big Bang Near Me The Big Bang UK Subject (EEBM) Your activity (2015) (2015) (2015) Number of Percentage of Number of ‘4’s responses to positive and ‘5’s question responses Key Stage Science 64% 78% 86%
Technology 71% 75% 84% Key Stage 3 Engineering 47% 66% 77%
Maths 62% 55% 71%
Science 56% 78% 87%
Technology 69% 74% 83% Key Stage 4 Engineering 47% 62% 74%
Maths 50% 50% 71%
Q4 These are some things which other people have said about the impact the activity, or series of activities, has had on them. To what extent do you agree or disagree with them? Proportion of 4 'agree a little' and 5 'agree a lot' Tomorrow's Your activity Engineers Funded The Big Bang The Big Bang Number of Percentage Key Stage Subject Core and Near Me UK Number of responses to of positive Regional (2015) (2015) ‘4’s and ‘5’s (2014) question responses It has motivated me to choose maths as 44% 55% 57% an option when I have the choice It has motivated me to choose physics 46% 59% 59% as an option when I have the choice Key Stage 3 It showed me that engineering is 83% 82% 82% suitable for both boys and girls It made me feel that a job in 69% 73% 71% engineering would be interesting It has motivated me to choose maths as X 42% 51% an option when I have the choice It has motivated me to choose physics X 47% 51% as an option when I have the choice Key Stage 4 It showed me that engineering is X 75% 77% suitable for both boys and girls It made me feel that a job in X 68% 68% engineering would be interesting Q5 To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Proportion of 4 'agree a little and 5 'agree a lot'
The Big Your activity All UK The Big Bang Near Number of Percentage Key Stage Subject (EEBM) Bang UK Number of Me responses to of positive (2015) (2015) ‘4’s and ‘5’s (2015) question responses I know what to do next in order to become an engineer 26% 48% 54% Taking part in this activity or series of activities has Key Stage 3 X 58% 60% inspired me to want to work in engineering in the future Maths is important for all careers 83% 81% 82%
I know what to do next in order to become an engineer 33% 43% 58% Taking part in this activity or series of activities has Key Stage 4 X 50% 58% inspired me to want to work in engineering in the future Maths is important for all careers 81% 80% 84%
Q6 How likely would you be to recommend this activity, or series of activities, to friends? Proportion of 4 'quite likely' and 5 'very likely'
Your activity The Big Bang Near Me The Big Bang UK Number of Percentage Key Stage Number of (2015) (2015) responses to of positive ‘4’s and ‘5’s question responses Key Stage 3 84% 90%
Key Stage 4 78% 82%
Q7 How much would you say you know about what people working in the following areas do? Proportion of 4 and 5 'I know a lot about it' All UK The Big Bang The Big Bang Key Stage 1 (EEBM) Near Me Your activity Subject UK (2015) (2015) (2015) Number of Percentage of Number of ‘4’s responses to positive and ‘5’s Tomorrow's question responses Engineers Science 42% 76% 68% Funded40% Core Key Stage 3 Technology 46% 66% 60% and Regional43% (2014) Engineering 30% 59% 55% 50%
Science 38% 74% 68% X
Key Stage 4 Technology 42% 61% 57% X
Engineering 34% 63% 53% X
Q8 How desirable do you believe a career in the following areas to be? Proportion of 4 and 5 'very desirable' All UK The Big Bang The Big Bang Key Stage Subject12 (EEBM) Near Me Your activity UK (2015) (2015) (2015) Number of Percentage of Number of ‘4’s responses to positive and ‘5’s Tomorrow's question responses Engineers Science 49% 75% 68% Funded46% Core Key Stage 3 Technology 57% 67% 66% and Regional47% (2014) Engineering 43% 61% 60% 49%
Science 45% 72% 71% X
Key Stage 4 Technology 58% 68% 61% X
Engineering 43% 59% 62% X
1 For questions that refer to perception of careers, maths was also formerly included but has been removed for the 2014/15 cycle