Curriculum Vitae s501

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Curriculum Vitae s501

Curriculum Vitae Name: Gudni Jóhannesson Date of birth: 26 June, 1968 Citizenship: Icelandic Family status: Married with five children Address: Lágholtsvegur 13, 107 Reykjavík, Iceland Tel: +354 662-6055 E-mail: [email protected]

University education 1999-2003: Ph.D. in history, Queen Mary, University of London. Title of thesis: “Troubled Waters. Cod War, Fishing Disputes, and Britain’s Fight for the Freedom of the High Seas, 1948-64”. 1998-1999: M.St. degree in history, St. Antony’s College, University of Oxford (first class, with distinction). 1994-1997: M.A. degree in history, University of Iceland (first class, with distinction). Title of thesis: “Icelandic Support for Baltic Independence, 1990-91”. 1993-1994: Study of Russian at the University of Iceland. 1991-1992: Study of German at Bonn University. 1988-1991: B.A. Hons. degree in history and politics, University of Warwick (upper second class).

Work experience From 2014: Associate Professor, Department of History, University of Iceland 2013-2014 Assistant Professor, Department of History, University of Iceland From 2011: President, Historical Society of Iceland, 2010-2012: Researcher, Reykjavík Academy, Iceland. 2007-2010: Assistant Professor, Department of Law and Department of Business, Reykjavík University. 2004-2007: Associate Lecturer, Department of History, University of Iceland. 2003-2007: Research Fellow, Centre for Research in the Humanities, University of Iceland. 2002-2003: Teaching Assistant, Department of History, Queen Mary, University of London. 2000-2001 Correspondent in Britain for Icelandic State Radio. 1996-1998: Part-time Lecturer in contemporary history. University of Iceland (66% position). 1992-1997: Translated four novels by US author Stephen King into Icelandic.

1 1988-1998: Reporter at Icelandic State Radio, on and off, in conjunction with studies and other activities (mostly during holiday periods).

Publications in English “Violence” (with Robert Gildea, Chris Reynolds and Polymeris Voglis), in Gildea, Robert, James Mark and Anette Warring (eds), Europe’s 1968. Voices of Revolt (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013), 258−279. “More Truthful History, Please”, Atlantica May-June 2013, 50−52. The history of Iceland. The Greenwood histories of the modern nations (Santa Barbara, California: Greenwood, 2013). ““Life is Salt Fish”: The Fisheries of the Mid-Atlantic Islands in the Twentieth Century”. Ingo Heidbrink and David J. Starkey (eds), A History of the North Atlantic Fisheries II. From the 1850s to the Early Twenty-First Century (Bremen: Hauschild, 2012), 277‒292. “Country Report: Iceland“ (with Gunnar Thór Pétursson), EUDO Citizenship Obeservatory, [http://eudo-], 2010. Troubled Waters. Cod War, Fishing Disputes, and Britain’s Fight for the Freedom of the High Seas, 1948- 64 (Reykjavík: North Atlantic Fishing History Association, 2007). Sympathy and Self-interest. Norway and the Anglo-Icelandic Cod Wars, Defence Studies 1:2005 (Oslo: Institute for Defence Studies, 2005). “Iceland“. Encyclopedia of the Arctic II (New York and London: Routledge, 2004), pp. 919-926. “ How Cod War Came: The Origins of the Anglo-Icelandic Fishing Dispute, 1958-61“. Historical Research, Vol. 77, No. 198, 2004, pp. 543-574. “ To the edge of nowhere? US-Icelandic defense relations during and after the cold war“. Naval War College Review, Vol. 57. No. 4, 2004, pp. 115-137. “Did he matter? The Colourful Andrew Gilchrist and the first Cod War between Britain and Iceland, 1958- 61“. Deutsches Schiffahrtsarchiv, Vol. 26, 2003, pp. 287-299. “ ‘ Nobody has done so much for us’. Iceland and Lithuania, 1990-1991“. Lithuanian Papers, Vol. 10, 1996, pp. 11-19.

Books published in Icelandic Gunnar Thoroddsen. Ævisaga (Reykjavík, 2010). (A biography of one of Iceland’s most controversial politicans in the 20th century). Hrunið. Ísland á barmi gjaldþrots og upplausnar (Reykjavík, 2009). (The Collapse. Iceland on the Edge of Bankruptcy and Chaos. A survey of the collapse of the Icelandic banking system in 2008 and the economic crisis in Iceland). Óvinir ríkisins. Ógnir og innra öryggi í kalda stríðinu á Íslandi (Reykjavík, 2006). (On phone tapping and state surveillance of the extreme left in Iceland during the cold war). Völundarhús valdsins. Stjórnarmyndanir, stjórnarslit og staða forseta Íslands í embættistíð Kristjáns Eldjárns, 1968-1980 (Reykjavík, 2005), (An analysis of government formations in Iceland, 1968-1980). Kári í jötunmóð. Saga Kára Stefánssonar og Íslenskrar erfðagreiningar (The unauthorised history of deCODE genetics, a US-Icelandic genetics firm). (Reykjavík: Nýja bókafélagið, 1999).

2 Selected conference papers and newspaper articles in English

“Sources, access, archives. A personal story.“ Keynote address. „Archives: Evidence, Security & Civil Rights“. 3rd ICA Annual Conference, Reykjavík, 28.‒29. sept. 2015,

“Icelandic support for Baltic independence. Myth, memory and reality.“ „Traditions, transitions, transfers.“ 11th Conference on Baltic Studies in Europe, Sept. 06‒10, Marburg,

“Icelandic support for Baltic independence. Myth, memory and reality.“ Transnational Currents in Modern Estonian History. The 14th Conference on Modern Estonian History, June 10–11, 2015, Tallinn, Rüütli 6, Institute of History of Tallinn University,

“Good losers and bad winners. Cod War memories in Britain and Iceland”. University of Hull, 30 Nov. 2014,

„Daddy, what did you do in the Cod War? Myths and gaps in memories about the Cod Wars in Iceland.“ Culture and Security: Small Northern States in an Age of Uncertainty. A transnational conference between the University of Hull and the University of Iceland, Reykjavík. University of Iceland, 4 July 2014.

„Fighting the Cod Wars through Poetry and Song“. Perceptions of the Sea 2014. Málþing Sagnfræðistofnunar Háskóla Íslands, 16. jan. 2014,

„Finding America, Losing Iceland“, Atlantica / Iceland Review, Aug-Sept 2013, 74−76. „More Truthful History, Please“, Atlantica / Iceland Review, May-June 2013, 50−52. „Iceland‘s ‘Pots and Pans Revolution’ of 2009: A lasting change or short-lived riots?“ Seminar at the Department of Culture and Society, Aarhus University, „Efficiency versus legitimacy. The interaction of economic crisis; crisis management; and democracy during the interwar years and today“, 7 June 2013.

„„The Viking Spirit“ and Iceland’s Economic Collapse“. Origins in a Canadian and Icelandic context. The Eighth Partnership Conference of the University of Manitoba and the University of Iceland, 23.8.2012 [].

„„The Viking Spirit“, the Uses of History, and Iceland’s Economic Collapse“. The Icelandic Meltdown. A Workshop on the Causes, Implications, and Consequences of the Collapse of the Icelandic Economy. University of Iowa, 14.8.2012 [] “We now know – very little. Sources and research about internal security in Iceland during the Cold War”. NORCENCOWAR-workshop, University of Turku, Finland, 30.6.2010.

3 “Describing the Gold Rush from Afar. Foreign Observers and the Icelandic Economic Crisis“. „After the Gold Rush“, University of Iceland conference, 26.5.2010. “The intelligence services and the left wing political movements. The case of Iceland“. Socialism in the Baltic Area – Sozialismus im Ostseeraum. Conference at the University of Southern Denmark, 14.- 17.12.2007. “Surveillance and registration in Iceland during the Cold War“. Nordic Historical Conference, Reykjavík, 11.8.2007. “Phone tapping in Iceland during the cold war“. University of Southern Denmark, 11.1.2007. “Empire and Exploitation? Iceland between east and west during the cold war era“. In the Shadow of the Superpowers. Europe During the Cold War, 1945-1989. Conference at the University of Hull, 24.- 25.8.2004. “Gunboats fight frigates. Naval forces in the Anglo-Icelandic cod wars, 1958-76“. The 7th North Atlantic Fishing History Association Conference, “Fish, War and Politics, 1300-2003“. Amsterdam and Middelburg, Holland, 30.9.-4.10.2003. “ Iceland After the Second World War. Main Currents in Internal Politics and International Relations“. Department of Scandinavian Studies, University College, London, 16.11.2001. “The Formation of Foreign Policy in Hull and Grimsby? Decision-Making in Britain during the Anglo- Icelandic Fishing Disputes, 1948-61“. The 6th North Atlantic Fishing History Association Conference, Quaqortoq, Greenland, 12.-17.9. 2001. “ Cod War and Cold War: American Attitudes to the Anglo-Icelandic Fishing Disputes, 1948-61“. 70th Anglo-American Conference of Historians - The Sea. Institute of Historical Research, 4.-6.7.2001. “‘We don’t deal with the Brits, we beat them’. The Anglo-Icelandic Cod Wars, 1952-1976“. The Faculty Student Enrichment Lecture Series, US Naval War College, Rhode Island, 7.2.2001. “A case study on power and force in asymmetrical relations: The Anglo-Icelandic fishery disputes, 1952- 1976“. The 8th New Researchers in Maritime History Conference, University of Greenwich, 10.-11.3.2000.

Language skills Fluent in Icelandic and English, good knowledge of Danish, Norwegian and German. Advanced beginner in Russian.

Awards and grants 2010: Short-listed for the Icelandic literature award. 2008-2010: Research grant, Icelandic Research Council. 2007: Short-listed for the Icelandic literature award. 2004-2006: Post-doctoral grant from the Icelandic Research Council. 2003: Research grant from the Gerald R. Ford Institute, Ann Arbor, Michigan. 2002: The Julian Corbett Prize in Modern Naval History, Institute of Historical Research, London. 2002: Two-month stipendium from DAAD, the German Academic Exchange Service, for research in German archives. 2000-2001: Research grants from the Central Research Fund, University of London.

4 1999: Three-year research studentship from Queen Mary, University of London. 1999: Award from the government of Iceland to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the North Atlantic Treaty. 1998: The British Chevening Scholarship, awarded for one year’s study at the University of Oxford. 1995-1996: A grant from the University of Iceland research fund. Travel grants from NATO and the Nordic Council of Ministers.


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