Rockville Town Council Meeting

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Rockville Town Council Meeting

Rockville Town Council Meeting Minutes for May 12, 2014

The Rockville Town Council met on May 12, 2014 for the regular meeting in the Town Hall at 7:00pm. Those in attendance were, Debra Olson, Parke Swaim, Steve Waltz and Liddy Dowd Wright. Josh Sorrels was absent.

The Council opened the meeting with Jim Bosley and Allen Coss representing Partnership Parke Co. They shared the intent of the organization and stated that Cyndi Todd is meeting with towns, county officials etc. and gathering information on the needs of the area in preparation of submitting a proposal to the County. The Town Council will schedule a special meeting with Cyndi to discuss.

Joe and April Stewart requested to be on the agenda to discuss their neighbors and the noise ordinance. Mike stated the noise ordinance covers a timeframe (11pm- 7am) that obnoxious noise is not allowed. If the noise continues, Mike stated that a complaint be filed with the police department.

Parke(m)/Debra(2) to approve the minutes from the April 28, 2014 regular meeting. All voted aye. Motion carried. Steve questioned the Power Line Supply invoice for 24 250W lamps in the amount of $607.76. Chad stated that the lamps were for the streetlights on Hwy 41 but would confirm. Parke questioned the Wealing Brothers invoice for hauling in the amount of $17,461.50. Chad stated this is for sludge removal and occurs twice/year. Parke(m)/Debra(2) to approve May 12, 2014 claims. All voted aye. Motion carried.

Chad stated the annual water report will be mailed with the June bills and distributed an example of the report. A quote for materials for the fairground water meters was distributed. Liddy(m)/Parke(2) Chad’s recommendation to hire Michael Brown and Rodney Harney for part-time seasonal employment at $10.00/hr. not to exceed 500 hours. Debra, Parke, Liddy voted aye. Steve opposed suggesting young adults be hired for part-time positions. Motion carried.

Bill McMichael distributed the Monthly UCR Code and Incident Frequency reports and provided an update that improvements have been made on an Affidavit for 316 Adams Drive.

Liddy(m)/Debra(2) to accept the proposal provided by Paygov to administer the Town’s website at $750.00 set-up fee and $30.00/month for maintenance. All voted aye. Motion carried.

Steve stated the INDOT grant application has been submitted and notification has been received that the application had been received and assigned an application number. Notification will be in June.

Steve presented a 10-year Street Renovation Plan. Parke(m)/Debra(2) the 10-year Street Renovation Plan which is subject to change and according to the availability of funds.

Steve discussed a Beautification Grant made available through the Community Foundation. A grant in the amount of $1,000 is available for 2014 or the grant can be carried over to next year and the grant dollars can be pooled. Ideas discussed were lighting/awning at community hall, flowers for the two concrete circles, street trees and seasonal banners for Hwy 41 streetlights. The Beatification Grant was Tabled for further discussion.

Steve stated that the WWTP received a letter from IDEM stating the infiltration of water to the overflow area and requested a plan to remedy the infiltration. Steve recommended asking IDEM for a 90-day extension for the Town to respond. Liddy(m)/Parke(2) the request for a 90-day extension. All voted aye. Motion carried.

Mike distributed an Ordinance Enacting A Code of Ordinances for the Town of Rockville and Revising, Restating, Codifying, and Compiling Certain Existing General Ordinances of the Town of Rockville. Liddy(m)/Debra(2) to adopt the mentioned ordinance. Liddy(m)/Debra(2) the motion to adopt an Ordinance on Same Day at Same Meeting. All voted aye. Motion carried.

Zachary Wilson was present. He discussed having difficulty completing the proposal due to lack of internet connection. He will continue to pursue to submit a proposal. Liddy(m)/Debra(2) to adjourn the meeting. ______



______ATTEST: ______Rockville Town Council Clerk-Treasurer

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