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University of California, Irvine s4

UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, IRVINE LABORATORY SAFETY SURVEY SECTION A PI SUMMARY For each survey, complete the following information for each PI.

Survey Date: Lab Contact: P.I.: Lab Contact Phone: Day Night P.I. Phone: Day Night # of Personnel in Lab(s): Bldg Name: Surveyor(s): Room #s:

Answer every question by checking “Yes” or “No”, circling where appropriate, and noting which rooms where present.

# Characteristics of Lab/Research Yes No Rooms where applicable 1. Animals Y N In vivarium space only Y N 2. Biohazards (bacteria, virus, fungus, human blood/cell lines/tissue)? >10L cultured at a time? Y N 3. Select agents? 4. Controlled Substances? 5. Hazardous Chemical (flammables, toxics, corrosives, reactives)? 6. OSHA Carcinogens? 7. Gas Cylinders? (H2, O2, N2 Liquid, Toxics, others) 8. Radioactive Materials/Radiation producing equipment? 9. Research Lasers? (Class IIIa, IIIb , IV) 10. Fume hoods? 11. Biosafety Safety Cabinets/Laminar Flow Hoods? 12. Emergency eyewash/showers? 13. Autoclave/Barrels used for bio-waste? 14. Machine Shop? 15. Shipments of dangerous goods, clinical specimens or live organisms? 16. Does your lab engage in any outside field work? 17. Other unusual hazards associated with research or lab?

D:\Docs\2018-04-01\01fbe12082d241ee87a13be1d036e5d9.doc Page 1 of 15 version 02/28/03 UC Irvine Environmental Health & Safety ADMINISTRATIVE 1. Can lab describe its safety training recordkeeping system? 2. Does staff know how to access applicable safety Post Information and describe to employee how to information? access.  Departmental IIPP (Temporarily Suspended)  Chemical Hygiene Plan  MSDSs  Radiation Safety Manual  Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Plan  BMBL 4th Edition (relevant portions), or UC Irvine BSM Is applicable signage present and accurate? 3. Emergency Notification Information Provide during survey 4. Blue Flip Flipchart Provide & post during survey 5. What To Do In A Medical Emergency Provide & post during survey 6. Locations of Required Safety Information Provide & post during survey 7. Hazardous Waste Guidelines Flyer Provide & post during survey 8. Hazard Communication Signs & Labels (Bio, Rad, Chem) Provide & post during survey PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT 9. Are tippable items >42” high seismically secured? 10. Are heavy/hard items secured/limited in height? 11. Are cabinet doors secured? 12. Are storage shelves provided with lips? 13. Is storage kept at least 18” below sprinkler heads and ceiling throughout room or area? 14. Are aisles clear and unobstructed (36” lab aisles, 44” main aisles)? 15. Are work areas uncluttered? 16. Is floor in good repair? 17. Are all ceiling tiles/panels free of damage and in place? 18. Is lab under negative pressure relative to corridor? FIRE/LIFE SAFETY 19. Does staff know evacuation assembly location? 20. Does staff know response for injuries & exposures? 21. Does staff know where 1st Aid supplies are located? 22. Are exit corridors and doors free from obstruction created by improper storage or arrangement of furniture? 23. Do fire doors and doors to hazardous areas self-close and latch properly? 24. Are doors to labs and hazardous storage kept closed, unless held open by electromagnetic hold-open devices? 25. Are fire extinguishers provided within 50 feet of the lab, fully charged, pin and tamper ring in place, and up-to-date maintenance tag (less than 12 mos. ago)? 26. Are trash receptacles and paper located away heat or arcing sources? 27. Are sprinkler heads and dry chemical/Halon nozzles free of obstructions, grease/dirt, paint, decorations, etc.? 28. Are fire alarm bells/horns/strobes free of obstruction that would hamper the operation or reduce the sound? 29. Is emergency equipment (ie:, safety showers, fire alarm pull stations and fire extinguishers) physically and visually accessible?

D:\Docs\2018-04-01\01fbe12082d241ee87a13be1d036e5d9.doc Page 2 of 15 version 4/25/2018 UC Irvine Environmental Health & Safety 30. Are temperature limit switches provided for unattended heated operations? 31. Refrigerators used are appropriate for the location and items stored? (No domestics in lab outside of Clean Area, FMS for flammables) ELECTRICAL/MECHANICAL SAFETY 32. Are electrical cords and plugs in good repair, not cracked, broken, or frayed? 33. Are wall receptacles in good repair (not broken, covers in place, etc.)? 34. Is the area free of any "cheater" adapters in use? (3 prong to 2 prong plugs) 35. Are extension cords being used only on a temporary or emergency basis? 36. Are space heaters in use of approved type? Approved space heaters have no exposed filaments. 37. Are (outlet strips, power bars) multiple connectors and gang plugs surge protected? 38. Are there fixed or portable GFCI devices used in areas that are frequently wet (within 6' of a water source)? 39. Are belts, pulleys, sprockets and chains, shafting, or other rotating parts of mechanical equipment properly guarded (guard openings must be less than 1/2")? 40. Do electrical panels or disconnects have 3' of clear space in front of them? BIOLOGICAL SAFETY 41. Does lab have a Biological Use Authorization? Suspended 42. Are animal users registered with Health Surveillance Program? 43. Has staff participated in Bloodborne Pathogens training within last 12 months (not applicable if no blood products are used)? 44. Bio-sharps Management: needles, razor blades and Pasteur pipettes disposed properly (rigid, plastic, Sharp-a- gators; for BSL2 pipettes Safe-Keepers)? 45. Are non-biohazardous sharp items, (broken glass and pointed plastic items) disposed of in a broken glass container? 46. Is non-sharp bio-waste contained in red or white biohazard bags in an outer leak proof rigid container with lid (white bags for biosafety level one labs only)? 47. Are bio-waste containers labeled with the word “Biohazard” and the biohazard symbol? 48. Is red bag waste disposed by approved method? 49. Do biosafety cabinets in have a HEPA Vacu-Guard to protect house vacuum? (BSL2, BSL 3 labs) 50. Are biological safety cabinets certified annually? SELECT AGENTS AND CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES 51. Inventory & usage log maintained? 52. Adequate storage security? 53. Disposal in accordance with UCI procedures? CHEMICAL SAFETY 54. Is there a chemical inventory completed and readily D:\Docs\2018-04-01\01fbe12082d241ee87a13be1d036e5d9.doc Page 3 of 15 version 4/25/2018 UC Irvine Environmental Health & Safety available to lab employees? 55. Has copy of inventory been forwarded to EH&S within last 12 months? 56. Are chemical container labels readable? 57. Are chemical containers in good condition (no leaking, cracked caps, rusting, crystals around neck)? 58. Are chemical containers kept securely closed when not in active use? 59. Are containers of liquid hazardous chemicals over 1 gallon capacity stored below 5 feet high? 60. Peroxide forming chemicals: Is open-date noted? 61. Does lab dispose of peroxide-formers when expired/outdated? 62. Perchloric acid: does lab use in distillations, extractions, or evaporation procedures with appropriate fume hood? 63. Is the perchloric acid clear (not discolored)? 64. Is the anhydrous perchloric acid absent? 65. Is PPE provided (may include safety glasses, goggles, gloves, aprons, faceshields)? 66. Is staff wearing appropriate PPE? 67. Is PPE stored in a clean and sanitary location? 68. Is staff conscientious removing PPE prior to exiting lab, handling telephones, etc? 69. Is lab respirator free (includes dust masks)? 70. Is eating, drinking, and cosmetic use occurring only in areas signed as “Clean Areas” and adequately separated from hazardous materials use and storage? 71. Are refrigerators, microwaves and freezers labeled regarding the storage of hazardous materials or food items? 72. Is the operation of eyewash/safety showers checked monthly? 73. Are flammable liquid materials stored according to UC Irvine guidelines? 74. Are 5-gallon flammable containers stored in FM-approved flammable material cabinet? 75. Are flammables materials stored away from heat and arc- sources? 76. Are incompatible chemical/wastes separated by distance or partition? 77. Are hazardous liquid chemicals/wastes stored in spill containment? 78. Are corrosive liquids, including wastes, stored below shoulder level? 79. Are waste containers compatible, closed, and labeled properly? 80. Are stored wastes within time limits? 81. Are employees instructed in incidental spill response? 82. Do centrifuges have covers that are utilized during use? 83. Are fume hoods certified, unbroken, flow indicator working, sash down when not in use? 84. Is the back of the fume hood clear of obstructions, equipment and work contained past the front of the hood by 6”? D:\Docs\2018-04-01\01fbe12082d241ee87a13be1d036e5d9.doc Page 4 of 15 version 4/25/2018 UC Irvine Environmental Health & Safety 85. Are lab-specific SOPs for Particularly Hazardous Substances available? COMPRESSED GASES 86. Are gas cylinders capable of tipping secured? Correct immediately. 87. Are valve protection caps kept on cylinders when stored? 88. Are toxic gases stored in a ventilated cabinet/fume hood? Correct immediately. 89. Are oxygen cylinders stored separately from flammable gases and liquids (5' fire wall or 20' distance)? 90. If compressed air is used for cleaning personnel and their Add Candidate for clothing, does the nozzle meet OSHA standards (10 PSI machine shop survey? max)?

TOTALS for Quarterly LBSS Metric: Should = 90 per survey Number of “N”s corrected during survey: XX XX Comments/Other:

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Room Repeat Item Comments: * Number Items # (R) ADMINISTRATIVE:

1. Your lab representative could not describe your lab’s safety training recordkeeping system. Safety training records must be maintained for all persons working in the laboratory. Please consult your Department Administrator and/or EHS Coordinator for information.

2. Your lab staff could not explain how to access applicable safety information. Please refer staff to the yellow “Locations of Required Safety Information” flyer posted during the survey.

3. The corridor doors did not have an Emergency Notification Information (ENI) posted or this information was not up-to-date. One was provided during the survey. Please post current information on the corridor door.

4. There was no Blue Emergency Procedures Flipchart posted in your lab. One was provided and posted during the survey.

5. There was no “What to do in a Medical Emergency” flyer posted in your lab. One was provided and posted during the survey.

6. There was no “Locations of Required Safety Information” flyer posted in your lab. One was provided and posted during the survey.

7. A Hazardous Waste Guidelines Flyer was not posted. One was provided and posted during the survey.

8 The following hazard communication signage was not posted in your laboratory in appropriate locations: radiation, biohazard, carcinogen, poison, corrosive, flammable, reactive, strong magnetic field. (These signs were posted during the survey OR are enclosed; please post immediately). (Add/delete hazard categories as appropriate.)


9. There is/are item(s) capable of falling over and taller than 42" that must be seismically restrained in your lab. These items are: ( ). Please place a Facilities Management Request (FMR) to have these items seismically restrained.

10 There is/are heavy/hard item(s) stored too high or unsecured overhead. Please lower or secure ( ) to reduce seismic injury potential.

11 Cabinet doors were not secured or were left open. Please remind staff to close cabinet doors. If cabinets lack latches, please install positive latching devices. Place a Facilities Management Request (FMR) to complete this work. Your EHS Coordinator has tips on solving this problem as well.

12. Storage shelving lacks seismic lips. Please install minimum 1/2" lips on

D:\Docs\2018-04-01\01fbe12082d241ee87a13be1d036e5d9.doc Page 6 of 15 version 4/25/2018 UC Irvine Environmental Health & Safety Room Repeat Item Comments: * Number Items # (R) shelving. Place a Facilities Management Request (FMR) to complete this work.

13. Maintain at least 18" clearance below sprinkler heads and ceiling. Please remove all items that are closer than 18" to the ceiling.

14. There was less than (36" 44") aisle clearance. Please make available (36" 44") aisle clearance by discarding or relocating obstructions.

15. Housekeeping requires attention. Please reduce clutter throughout the lab space (or surveyor can specify a specific area).

16. The lab floor is damaged. This has been reported to Facilities Management for correction. *

17. Ceiling tiles or panels are missing. This has been reported to Facilities Management for correction. *

18. The lab is not under negative air balance. This has been reported to Facilities Management for correction. Please assist the building ventilation * by keeping your lab door closed.


19. Staff does not appear to know the location of your evacuation assembly area. Please consult evacuation assembly location maps available at:

20. Staff does not appear to know procedures to follow in case of personal injury or exposure. Please relate information located at:, and

21. Staff does not appear to know location of basic First Aid supplies. Please review this location with your staff (kit may be located in your Department Office or lab). Kits are available through Storehouse.

22. Exit corridors and/or doors are obstructed. Staff should have to pass through no more than one room to exit to corridor. Please remove obstructions immediately. Neither corridors nor exits may be blocked by furniture or other obstructions since it could slow evacuation in the event of an emergency.

23. The lab’s fire doors did not self-close or latch properly. Doors must self- close and latch to prevent the spread of fire should one occur. This has been * reported to Facilities Management for correction.

24. Doors into hazardous areas, such as laboratories and chemical storage areas, must be fire rated and kept closed at all times to prevent the potential spread of smoke and fire. Please instruct all staff members and students not to block open doors. Fire doors may only be held open by electro-magnetic D:\Docs\2018-04-01\01fbe12082d241ee87a13be1d036e5d9.doc Page 7 of 15 version 4/25/2018 UC Irvine Environmental Health & Safety Room Repeat Item Comments: * Number Items # (R) hold-open devices that are operated by a fire alarm system.

25. (There did not appear to be a fire extinguisher within 50 feet of your lab, or * it is not being maintained or is damaged.) This has been reported to Facilities Management for correction.

26. Trash receptacles and papers were located too close to heat or arcing sources. Please move at least 6 feet away.

27. Sprinkler heads and/or dry chemical/Halon nozzles are obstructed with dirt, grease, or decorations. Facilities Management has been notified for * correction.

28. Alarm bells/horns/strobes are obstructed. Please remove any obstructions.

29. Emergency equipment (safety shower, eyewashes, fire alarm pull stations, fire extinguishers) is (blocked, is not visible). Please remove obstructions to ensure both visual and physical accessibility.

30. An unattended heated operation (e.g. water-bath, heating plate or mantle) does not have a temperature limit shut-off device to control runaway temperatures. Please identify and put into operation a suitable temperature- limit shut-off device.

31. Flammable materials are improperly stored in a general-purpose refrigerator. A flammables materials refrigerator is needed for this purpose. (OR) Domestic refrigerators are not permitted in laboratories. Please remove the domestic refrigerator from the lab.


32. Electrical cords and/or plugs are in a deteriorated condition. Please have the cord and/or plug replaced by a qualified person.

33. A wall receptacle and/or faceplate is not in good condition near the ( ). * Exposed wiring creates an opportunity for people to be shocked/ electrocuted. Facilities Management has been notified for correction.

34. Please remove the "cheater" 3-prong to 2-prong adapter.

35. Please remove the extension cord from use. Extension cords may be used for temporary applications only. If a continued electrical source is needed, please place a Facilities Management Request (FMR) to have a permanent outlet installed.

36. The space heater is not the approved type. Approved space heaters have no exposed filaments.

37. Please limit the number of devices to one per outlet, unless you provide an in-line surge protector.

38. Please provide a fixed or portable GFCI device in areas that are frequently

D:\Docs\2018-04-01\01fbe12082d241ee87a13be1d036e5d9.doc Page 8 of 15 version 4/25/2018 UC Irvine Environmental Health & Safety Room Repeat Item Comments: * Number Items # (R) wet (within 6 feet of water source). Plug outlets not in use near water sources with safety plugs. Label “do not use without GFCI device, too near water” or equivalent.

39. Please replace manufacturer-provided guards for exposed belts, pulleys, sprockets and chains, shafting, or other rotating parts of mechanical equipment. Guard openings must be less than 1/2".

40. Please clear the space in front of the (electrical panel or disconnect), from floor to ceiling. Three feet of clearance in front of the (panel or disconnect) is required to enable quick access during electrical emergencies.


41. Your lab appears to need a Biological Use Authorization (BUA). A BUA is required for all biological research. Go to: for details. Suspended

42. Staff having contact with animals or who are listed on Animal Research Protocols, needs to register/update information with the Health Surveillance Program. Go to: or the Work/Health History form.

43. Staff requires Annual Bloodborne Pathogens training. This is required for anyone handling human blood, blood products, tissues, human and primate cell lines. Go to: to register.

44. Needles and other infectious sharps were not disposed in a properly marked puncture resistant sharps container. Proper sharps management reduces the transmission of infections. Please provide approved sharps containers and dispose when at fill-line. Terminal® Safe-Keepers may be used for Pasteur pipettes. Go to: for more details.

45. Uncontaminated Pasteur pipettes and/or broken glass is/are disposed incorrectly. These items pose sharps hazards to people handling waste. Please use a cardboard box with a plastic liner for disposal. Be mindful not to make the box too heavy for our custodial staff (40 lbs max is guideline).

46. Non-sharp biological waste is not managed properly. BSL 1 labs shall use white biohazard bags and BSL 2 & 3 labs shall use red biohazard bags. All bags must be placed in a leak proof rigid container with a lid. You can go to: for specifics.

47. Biohazard waste containers must be labeled with the word "BIOHAZARD" and the biohazard symbol. This signage must be visible from all viewpoints. This was corrected during the survey or labels are enclosed. Contact your school EHS Coordinator if you need further help.

48. Red bag waste did not appear to be properly disposed. Red bags must be either autoclaved in an Orange County Permitted autoclave or placed in

D:\Docs\2018-04-01\01fbe12082d241ee87a13be1d036e5d9.doc Page 9 of 15 version 4/25/2018 UC Irvine Environmental Health & Safety Room Repeat Item Comments: * Number Items # (R) medical waste barrels for off-site treatment. The autoclave used for medical waste is not approved by the Orange County Health Agency. OR The barrels used for disposal are not Medical Waste Barrels. Medical waste has specific disposal requirements. Go to: for details.

49. House vacuum systems must be protected in BSL2 labs from biohazard contamination. Please install an in-line HEPA filter just prior to the house vacuum nozzle, equivalent to the Fisher-brand Vacu-Guard HEPA filter.

50. The biological safety cabinets are not posted with a current certificate of performance. Biological safety cabinets require an annual performance certification from an NSF-certified tester. The cabinet was posted "Not Certified for BSL 2" during the survey. Please contact Campus Biosafety Officer for assistance at 824-9888.


51. A current complete Inventory and Usage Log for (Select Agents OR Controlled Substances) is not maintained in the laboratory. It appears that you are using some of these highly regulated compounds. (For Select Agents inventory information, contact Susan Weekly at 824-9888; for Controlled Substances contact Gary Hawe at 824-8454.) A Usage Log should be maintained reflecting usage of these compounds and the leftover inventory at all times.

52. (Select Agents OR Controlled Substances) should be always stored locked in the labs. They should be used by authorized personnel only or under their direct supervision. Please make arrangements to secure them and call (the Campus Biosafety Officer (Select Agents) at 824-9888 or Gary Hawe (Controlled Substances) at 824-8454) for more information.

53. UCI EH&S has established procedures for the disposal of (Select Agents OR Controlled Substances). During the lab surveys you expressed the intention to dispose them. Please (contact the Campus Biosafety Officer at 824-9888 regarding Select Agents disposal OR have authorized staff transfer unused/expired controlled substances to the Student Health Center pharmacist for disposal. See for more information.)


54. It appears that a current chemical inventory is not available in the laboratory. This should be updated as necessary with a copy retained for lab staff to access and a copy forwarded to UCI EH&S office. Please contact Hazardous Materials Inventory Specialist at (949) 824-2188 for details.

55. It appears that your lab has not submitted a chemical inventory to EH&S within the last 12 months, which is necessary for UCI to maintain compliance with regulatory agencies. Please send an updated copy to Hazardous Materials Inventory Specialist, EH&S, ZOT CODE 2725. You must also keep a copy in your laboratory for lab staff to access. (DO NOT

D:\Docs\2018-04-01\01fbe12082d241ee87a13be1d036e5d9.doc Page 10 of 15 version 4/25/2018 UC Irvine Environmental Health & Safety Room Repeat Item Comments: * Number Items # (R) USE IF ALREADY USING #54)

56. There are chemical containers in the laboratory that should be labeled using the Hazardous Materials Labels available for download at Chemicals transferred out of their original container into another container must be labeled with the chemical name, manufacturer or distributor and the hazards associated with the chemical.

57. Chemical containers were observed during the survey that had (signs of leaking, cracked caps, rusting, crystals around the neck). (EH&S pick-up was requested at the time of the survey OR please request EH&S pick up immediately, using the online request form at (ADD or DELETE as appropriate.)

58. Chemical containers were not securely closed when not in active use. Chemical containers must be kept securely closed to minimize the potential for spillage or the release of vapors. In addition, hazardous chemical waste containers, by law, must be closed at all times unless waste is actively being added to or removed from the container.

59. Liquid hazardous chemical containers greater than one gallon are stored above five feet high and should be moved to a lower storage location. When employees must reach over their heads for a chemical container, there is an increased risk of an accident or spill.

60. Containers of peroxide forming chemicals were present and were not properly dated and/or disposed of. These compounds are capable of producing shock-sensitive peroxides, which can cause serious consequences. These containers need to be dated with the date of receipt, the date the container was opened, and the intended disposal date. Contact your EHS Coordinator for more specific information.

61. You need to dispose of the expired/outdated peroxide forming chemicals through UCI EH&S. Please fill in the information online at

62. Perchloric acid was present in the lab. Be sure you understand the reaction(s) that can occur when using perchloric acid. Perchloric acid may react violently with many chemicals, including acetic anhydride, alcohol, reducing agents, and many metals. When heated this acid reacts with organic materials, metals and other materials to form heat and shock sensitive compounds. If this acid is heated above ambient temperature and the vapors are not trapped or scrubbed before entering the chemical fume hood or its associated exhaust system, a separate fume hood which has been designed for use with this acid and labeled “For Perchloric Acid Operations” must be used. The chemical fume hood in this room was not designed for perchloric acid. If you need to heat perchloric acid, you must use a hood specifically designed for use with perchloric acid. Please contact your EH&S coordinator if you need further information.

D:\Docs\2018-04-01\01fbe12082d241ee87a13be1d036e5d9.doc Page 11 of 15 version 4/25/2018 UC Irvine Environmental Health & Safety Room Repeat Item Comments: * Number Items # (R) 63. Some of the perchloric acid was discolored and this indicates the presence of contamination or degradation that could cause instability. We highly recommend that you immediately request a chemical waste pick-up online at

64. The anhydrous form of perchloric acid (>85% concentration) was present. This material is especially dangerous, unstable, and a very powerful oxidizer. Use extreme caution when working with this material. We highly recommend you dispose of this material through EH&S upon completion of usage.

65. Employees in the laboratory are not provided with personal protective equipment (PPE), such as safety glasses, goggles, gloves, and lab coats. PPE must be provided and used by employees in the laboratory. EH&S can assist lab personnel with choosing the appropriate personal protective equipment. Please contact 824-5730 if you need assistance.

66. Employees in the laboratory were not using appropriate PPE—(eye protection, lab coats, gloves (ADD or DELETE))--while working with hazardous materials. The use of appropriate PPE needs to be enforced in your labs and discussed in the group meetings.

67. Personal protective equipment (PPE) was observed to be mis-managed. PPE must be kept in clean and sanitary conditions. Respirators must be stored airtight in a plastic bag while not in use. Eye protection must be washed periodically or when visibly contaminated. (ADD or DELETE)

68. Lab hygiene needs attention. One should not walk in hallways touching doorknobs while wearing the contaminated gloves. Answering the phone with contaminated gloves is another common practice that should not occur.

69. Respirators and dust masks were found in the laboratory. All respirator use must comply with the UCI Respiratory Protection Program. Employees must not wear respirators until a hazard assessment is performed by EH&S. Please contact the Campus Respiratory Program Specialist at (949) 824-4817 for guidance.

70. Eating or drinking is taking place in areas where hazardous agents are present. This must be strictly prohibited. Food and drinks must not be stored in refrigerators with hazardous materials. If there are areas in the laboratory where these agents are not present and employees wish to eat or drink in these areas, the area must be separated by distance and/or splash guards from the hazardous materials area. EH&S personnel will work with you to identify and dedicate such an area which must be posted and maintained as "Clean Areas".

71. The dedicated area for eating or drinking did not have the posting of the "Clean Area" sign. “Clean Area” signs were posted during the survey, or are enclosed with this report for immediate posting. All refrigerators, freezers and microwaves should be clearly marked regarding the storage of chemical or food items. Signage for this was provided during the survey OR is enclosed.

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72. The operation of the eyewash/safety shower station is not tested monthly. It is being reported to the UCI Facility Management for immediate repair. * Please call EH&S at 824-6200 if it is not repaired within two weeks.

73. Excessive flammable liquids were stored in the open around your lab. We highly recommend that you store all flammable liquids in NFPA-approved flammable storage cabinets. Please contact UCI Fire Safety Division at 824- 4077 to get EH&S guidelines about quantity storage and use limitations for flammable materials.

74. Five-gallon containers of flammables are present in the lab. They should be stored inside NFPA-approved flammable storage cabinets. One of the lessons of the Reines Hall fire in July 2001 is to conduct all hazardous operations away from the locations where hazardous materials are stored in bulk. Even storing a lot of flammable liquids under the fume hood flammable cabinet is not a good idea if the hood is used for experiments that can initiate an explosion or fire. Please look into acquiring NFPA approved flammable cabinets for your labs.

75. We observed heat sources (Bunsen burner, heat gun, other types of torches) in close proximity to flammable solvents. Flammable materials should not be stored in the vicinity of heat sources. If you must use these heat sources outside the hood area, please dedicate one corner of the lab for this purpose which is completely free of flammable and easily combustible materials. Pay attention to the location of smoke detectors while using these heat sources outside the hood. Activation of sensitive smoke detectors can occur from small amounts of smoke or vapor created by these heat sources.

76. Incompatible chemicals are stored together in your labs. Hazardous chemicals must be segregated for storage on the basis of hazard class, not alphabetically. Liquids must be separated from the solids and should be stored below shoulder height. Acids, bases, oxidizers, flammables, and toxins must be separated from each other. Cyanides and sulfides should be stored away from acids. Reactive and all powdered metals should be stored in flammable storage cabinets. As much as possible, hazardous chemical wastes should also be stored following the same compatibility guidelines. Please visit for information regarding proper chemical segregation

77. Concentrated hazardous liquids are not stored within secondary containment. We highly recommend that these materials be stored in such a way as to contain the volume of the largest container to minimize consequences in the event of a spill or leak. This can be accomplished by placing the containers in chemically compatible trays. Please note that glacial acetic acid should be stored in a flammable storage cabinet, separated from other flammables by use of a secondary containment tray. The use of secondary containment applies to liquid hazardous wastes as well.

78. Concentrated corrosive liquids are not being stored within 4 feet of the floor. We highly recommend that the storage of these materials including liquid

D:\Docs\2018-04-01\01fbe12082d241ee87a13be1d036e5d9.doc Page 13 of 15 version 4/25/2018 UC Irvine Environmental Health & Safety Room Repeat Item Comments: * Number Items # (R) waste containers be centralized in a minimum number of locations within 4 feet of the ground.

79. Hazardous chemical waste does not appear to be properly containerized/labeled (pick appropriate concern). All hazardous chemical waste must be stored in a sturdy, compatible container having a reliable closure. All hazardous chemical waste containers must be properly labeled with the full names of chemicals or products, and the % concentration. Several chemical waste labels are enclosed for your use. At all times, hazardous chemical waste containers must be under the control of the generator and firmly closed when not in active use. Please visit for current information regarding hazardous chemical waste procedures.

80. Hazardous waste containers are present in your labs that should have been disposed of through UCI EH&S earlier. All hazardous chemical waste must be disposed of according to UCI EH&S Hazardous Chemical Waste Program within nine months from the date waste was first generated, or within 3 days after accumulating 1 quart for extremely/acutely hazardous waste or 55 gallons of hazardous waste. Please use the online form at to request chemical waste pick-up. Please visit for current information on hazardous chemical waste procedures.

81. Employees did not appear to know how to respond to a chemical spill. Please ensure that staff in the area knows how to respond in case of an accidental chemical spill. For incidental (small) spills, please ensure that all persons in the area know how to properly use and dispose of spill response materials. For large spills - isolate the spill if possible, evacuate area, keep people away, and call for help: EH&S (8 AM - 5 PM) - 949-824-6200, from campus phone ext. 4-6200. UCI POLICE (24 HOURS) - Dial 911 OR 949- 824-5223 when using outside line or cell phone. Spill clean-up procedures can be reviewed in Appendix M of UCI EH&S Laboratory Safety Guidelines ( If you would like to purchase a five-gallon universal spill kit for hazardous chemicals, contact the Physical Sciences Store (824-5889) located at FRH B003, or check vendor catalogs.

82. We observed a centrifuge that did not have a cover. Please immediately discontinue use of this equipment until it is repaired or replaced.

83. The fume hood(s) in your lab need to be re-certified by an EH&S technician. (√) The certification date expires on yearly basis. We will notify the EH&S office immediately to certify your hood. The fume hoods also need to be re- certified after any repair job on the hood related to air ventilation. It is safer and economical to keep the sash down in the hoods when not in use; the sash should be open up to the arrow mark indicated on the yellow label for getting the maximum protection. EH&S has been notified to schedule this hood for certification.

84. It appears that an excessive amount of chemicals and/or equipment are being stored in the chemical fume hood(s). Items stored in a hood disrupt the

D:\Docs\2018-04-01\01fbe12082d241ee87a13be1d036e5d9.doc Page 14 of 15 version 4/25/2018 UC Irvine Environmental Health & Safety Room Repeat Item Comments: * Number Items # (R) airflow which causes turbulence that can result in personnel exposure. If equipment and chemicals are used in the hood, they must not block the back baffles or be placed within 6 inches of the front of the hood.

85. There was evidence that your lab(s) is using some of the Particularly Hazardous Substances (PHS). These are: (list PHS by name found in lab). PHS falls in six categories -carcinogens, reproductive toxins (e.g. embryyotoxic, mutagenic, teratogenic), compounds with a high degree of acute toxicity, explosives, pyrophorics, and water reactives. Please refer to sections 5.4 and 5.5 of the Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP) to learn safe procedures for working with PHS. It is essential to complete a Standard Operating Procedure as outlined in Appendix D of the CHP and make sure that lab personnel handling these compounds follow it.


86. Compressed gas cylinders must be secured against tipping. Cylinders capable of tipping were found to be unsecured. If damaged from falling over, gas cylinders can become projectiles. Experiences from the Northridge earthquake indicated that cylinders secured by one clamp on the workbench did not stay in place. Gas cylinders over 4 feet and capable of tipping require two restraints: one on the top third of the tank, and a second on the bottom third. If restraints are needed, place a Facilities Management Request (FMR) or contact your school’s machine shop.

87. The valve protection caps were found off of a stored compressed gas cylinder. The caps must be on the cylinders when stored. Please replace the cap and instruct your staff and students on the need to keep the caps in place when not in use.

88. Cylinders or lecture bottles with toxic gases were found outside ventilated gas cabinet/fume hood in your lab. This condition was corrected during the survey. Lecture bottles with toxic gases can be stored and used inside a fume hood but we highly recommend use of a ventilated gas cabinet for full size cylinders with toxic gases. Contact your EHS Coordinator for guidance.

89. An oxygen cylinder was not adequately separated from the other flammable gases and liquids. A 20 foot distance or 5 foot high fire wall separation between oxygen cylinders and flammables is adequate.

90. The compressed air nozzle used to clean and “blow-off” materials with compressed air does not meet OSHA Standards. Only approved air nozzles, 10-psi maximum, are allowed. Please replace the nozzle(s) immediately, Contact the Campus Safety Engineer (824-9940) for information regarding approved nozzles.

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