Paper 1 Peer Feedback

Introduction 1. Is the title of the text mentioned? ☐Yes ☐ No

2. Is the text type made clear? ☐Yes ☐ No

3. Is there a short summary of the text? ☐Yes ☐ No

4. Is the introduction short? ☐Yes ☐ No

5. Does the thesis include the purpose of the text? ☐Yes ☐ No What is your partner’s thesis?


Paragraph 1 7. What is the idea (Point) discussed in this paragraph?

8. Summarize the Evidence (Quote) from the text that supports the Point?

9. Does the Evidence ☐Yes ☐ No actually support the Point?

Write any comments.

10. Does the Evidence have ☐Yes ☐ No line numbers?

11. Do the Explanations ☐Yes ☐ No clearly explain the Evidence? 12. How is this paragraph connected to the thesis in the introduction? 13. Explain why your partner’s discussion is or is not thoughtful and detailed? Paragraph 2 14. What is the idea (Point) discussed in this paragraph? 1 Schneer 2016 15. Summarize the Evidence (Quote) from the text that supports the Point?

16. Does the Evidence ☐Yes ☐ No actually support the Point?

Write any comments.

17. Does the Evidence have ☐Yes ☐ No line numbers?

18. Do the Explanations ☐Yes ☐ No clearly explain the Evidence? 19. How is this paragraph connected to the thesis in the introduction? 20. Explain why your partner’s discussion is or is not thoughtful and detailed? Paragraph 3 21. What is the idea (Point) discussed in this paragraph?

22. Summarize the Evidence (Quote) from the text that supports the Point?

23. Does the Evidence ☐Yes ☐ No actually support the Point?

Write any comments.

24. Does the Evidence have ☐Yes ☐ No line numbers?

25. Do the Explanations ☐Yes ☐ No clearly explain the Evidence? 26. How is this paragraph connected to the thesis in the introduction? 27. Explain why your partner’s discussion is or is not thoughtful and detailed?

Conclusion 28. How does your partner restate his/her thesis?

29. How does your partner summarize his/her main ideas?

2 General 30. Were all aspects of the Big 5 discussed? ☐Yes ☐ No If not, did the essay still show a strong understanding of the text and literary features?

31. Comment on how well the paragraphs connected to one another and the use of transitions.

32. Comment on the use of language. Think about the accuracy of grammar and vocabulary. Also, consider the register. Was is appropriate?

33. Did each of the paragraphs ☐Yes ☐ No support the thesis? Write any comments.

34. Did your partner show ☐Yes ☐ No excellent awareness and illustration of the use of literary features, with very good understanding of their effects on the reader? Write any comments. 35. Comment on the organization of the essay.

What marks would you Criteri Criteri Criteri Criteria give? a a a D A B D  Place a tick √ next to what you like and think worked well in your partner’s essay (an idea, a word, a sentence, etc.)  Put two ticks √√ if it’s really good!

 Using green(or something other than red) ink, put in brackets any information (e.g. words, phrases, sentences) that you think could be expressed in a better way.

 Using red ink, put in brackets any information (e.g. words, phrases, sentences) that you think is irrelevant.

3 Schneer 2016 Please give your partner as many ideas as you possibly can to improve her/his essay. It does not matter if your partner does not use these ideas eventually. One thing’s for sure, it’ll make her/him think!

Note: You may edit your partner’s draft for basic errors in spelling, punctuation, tenses etc, but use a PENCIL please! If your partner disagrees with your changes, please consult me and we’ll sort it out together!