Zig Ziglar – Attitude (Video Presentation)

Part 1: 27 min. Part 2: 25 min. Total : 52 min.

Developing and Maintaining the Right Attitude  Why your attitude makes the difference  What the right attitude enables you to do  The formula for keeping the right attitude  What the right attitude will and won’t let you do  Why attitude counts in every area of life

Flight: How are you doing? Compared to who doesn’t have a job of any kind, who doesn’t have warm clothes to wear, who doesn’t have a future he can call his own, who lives in a land where there is no freedom o f speech or travel, who does not know from one day to the next what will happen to him. So, how are you doing? I’m doing wonderfully well, and thank you so much for reminding me. Sometimes we need to be reminded.

Craig: baseball game/ guy in wheelchair

Flight attendant: nothing external had changed; the weather was still bad, the economy was still bad, the people were still blaming him for everything.

The only thing that changed was his attitude. His attitude changed because the input in his mind changed.

You’re what you are and where you are because of what’s gone into your mind. You can change what you are and where you are by changing what goes into your mind.

Automobile University: you need constant positive input into your mind. The flight attendant was encouraged once and it made a temporary difference. It’s not likely that the difference will be long lasting unless he is constantly encouraged/inspired. He needs to change the negative to positive on a regular basis.

Also important that he get on the same page with family—you adopt the same values, you communicate more easily, you have something in common, (employees if possible)

When you’re on the same page you are much more powerful and productive.

Belgian horse:  By himself pulls 8,000 lbs  Hook him up with another giant Belgian horse, and together they will pull 17,000 lbs  Teach him to pull in harmony with a team and he they will pull 25, 000 lbs

Alan Cox, Confessions of a Corporate Headhunter: He asked 1,173 executives in major corporations about positive thinking: 49% =effected own success very strongly; 46.5%= significant factor; and 4.5% were neutral. Not one person said there was damage done by having the right attitude. Time of day: psychologists say that your first significant encounter at the beginning of the day has more bearing on your attitude for the rest of the day than the next 4 encounters. You have control over the first part of your day. You can isolate yourself and read something inspiring, listen to an uplifting motivational tape or classical or instrumental music—can do in automobile university. It only takes a few minutes each morning to get you in the right frame of mind.

If positive attitude makes such a big difference in a good way, a negative attitude can make a big difference in a bad way

Story—Negative Nell  She walked with much anger.  Not everybody that comes to you with a problem wants you to solve it. If you solve it, then they can’t tell you and you and you about it. They want the attention that goes with complaining.  Your problem is about to get worse—I believe they’re going to fire you.  Don’t believe there is a company in American that can contain this much poison in one place.  When someone realizes they are going to lose something, whether it’s a spouse, a job, a friend, it takes on a brand new value if the are afraid they might lose them/it  Write I like my job because… couldn’t think of any reason to like job  Zig asked her to get out notebook and they would brainstorm  She stood there  Zig said, “In 100% of the cases, if people won’t take step one, they will never take step 2”  She wanted Zig to solve her problems; I can’t solve your problems, but I can give you steps that will work for you  Opened notebook: 22 things she liked about her job—paid, paid above average, parking spot, in on management decisions, retirement, 3-weeks’ vacation, profit-sharing, life insurance, health insurance, own office, 10 minutes from home  Go home change like to love, get in front of mirror and look yourself in the eyes and say, “I love my job because I get paid; I love my job because I get paid above average; I love my job because I have a parking spot; I love my job because I’m in on management decisions  Eyes are windows of the soul  You will sleep better that night. When saying I like my job, you’re really saying I’m grateful for my job. The healthiest of all emotions is gratitude.  Do each morning and evening; do so with enthusiasm  Change from a fault finder to a good finder  Add to the list  If do this you will have a astonishing recovery from an advanced case of stinking thinking  6 weeks later—you cannot believe how much the people at worked have changed  Can’t change any one else; you can only change you  Her family told her she wouldn’t amount to anything and her husband was extremely negative  When she started to change the input in her mind, she had radical changes

What did she do?

 She changed her mental diet: instead of listening to radio, TV, or reading the paper, she started listening to positive input  She became a good finder; as she started to find the good in her job, she also started finding the good in her husband  Changed her self talk—always talk to ourselves, we need positive self talk. We always talk to ourselves, we need to talk positively to ourselves.

When got right attitude, you will respond to life instead of reacting.  Go to doctor, give you precription and tell you to come back next day  Come back, doctor says, “huho, you are reacting to the medicine”—we’ve got to change prescription  If says, hey, “you’re responding to the medicine”—means medicine is working

Driving along neither positive or negative  Driver pulls in front of you  Get to office and tell, “why don’t watch where going, could have killed me”  Go to office and tell 2-3 people  The dude that did the dastardly deed drives merrily along; he doesn’t even know you exist  Yet he has complete control of you and your attitude and how you; he’s affecting how you do your job and how you relate to other people  This is reacting instead of responding

Automobile University  University of Southern California study: in 3 years time if live in metro area and drive 12,000, can acquire 2 years of college education in that amount of time  Steven Joe Payne: GED at 22 yrs. Old; translator that speaks Spanish, French, Japanese, Italian, German, Russian, Portuguese, Norwegian, and learning Cherokee and starting Polish. 98% of it has been learned in Automobile University  You can finish school, but you never finish your education  Can arrive at work better prepared

With positive thinking can’t do everything: Positive thinking won’t let you do anything, but it will let you do everything better than with negative thinking

Positive thinking lets you use your ability, training, experience, knowledge you have and that is awesome!

Part 2: 25 min.

Oldest principles of attitude: obedience. One of the first rules of leadership is that you need to obey, so that when you get in a leadership position, and you issue orders, you expect them to follow through.

Expectancy: Teacher expectations have a direct correlation with student performance. Parental expectations have a direct correlation with behavior of kids. Employer expectations have a direct bearing on performance of employees.

People live up to or down to what is expected of them.

Immigrant’s attitude: immigrants are 4 times more likely to become millionaires than Americans. Leave everyone back home, but they come with the expectation of becoming rich. When we put in everything we’ve got, we usually get what we want.

Oh, Gosh! When’s the last time you woke up and said, “Gosh, what a wonderful day it is?” “Gosh, what a wonderful spouse I have.” “Gosh, what a privilege it is to go to work.” The gosh attitude will serve you well no matter where you are or what you’re doing.

Leland Hellar: Borderline personality disorder.

SELF-TALK: saying the right things Chinese Bamboo Tree: water and fertilize for 4 years in a row and no growth. During the 5 th year, the tree grows 90 feet in 6 weeks. Did it grow 90 feet in 6 weeks or did it take 5 years? The first 4 years are preparing the tree for the growth of the 5th year.

Not everyone grows immediately; some of us take a little longer—don’t give up—stick with it.

YOU can’t look yourself in the eyes and claim to be gentle, loving, or caring, and then abuse your mate or somebody that’s in a servile position. You just can’t do it. You can’t believe one way and act the opposite. The best part of you is being brought out because you are making claims about yourself that are there, they just need to be brought out.

Dr. Joyce Brothers: “You can’t consistently perform in a manner that is inconsistent with the way you see yourself.”