Child Protection and Vulnerable Adults
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← Society of St Vincent de Paul JOB DESCRIPTION ← ← ← Job Housing Scheme Job Holder: Vacant Title: Officer (Older People) ← Rep Conference Location: St. Benedict’s, Estuary Road orts To: President Malahide ← Regi East Date of Job Description: February 2018 on: ← ← 1. PURPOSE OF THE JOB The Housing Scheme Officer will report into the Conference President. Under their direction, they will provide support, guidance and assistance to tenants, as required, and ensure the effective administration, operation and maintenance of the housing scheme. ← ← 2. ENVIRONMENT OF THE JOB ← The SVP is a large, national, voluntary organisation with extensive experience of working with a diverse range of people who experience poverty and exclusion. Through its network of over 12,000 volunteers and 800 staff, it is strongly committed to working for social justice and advocates the creation of a more just and caring society. SVP employs people to support volunteers in a variety of settings including housing and hostels, community care, shops, administration and other specialist areas. ← In the area of housing activity, the Society is classified as a Tier 3 Approved Housing Body and has approximately 1000 units of social housing nationally. The Society’s housing is delivered and managed by approximately 70 individual volunteer led local Housing Conferences across the country. A significant number of housing units have been funded under the Government’s Capital Assistance Scheme, (CAS), which provides special needs housing to Older People, (Over 55 years), people with a disability, or people who are currently homeless. The Society as a Tier 3 Housing Body is regulated under the Social Housing Regulation Code and is required to report annually to the Regulation Office on its social housing activity. In addition, there is a requirement to register all social housing tenants under the Residential Tenancies Board in line with the Residential Tenancies (Amendment) Act 2015.
The East Region is the largest in the Society and employs approximately 200 staff who together with approximately 3000 volunteers carries out a diverse range of activities across a number of projects in the Region.
St. Benedict’s is a 37-unit sheltered housing scheme in Malahide, Co. Dublin with a Phase 2 of an additional 8 units currently under development. Established in 2008, St. Benedict’s provides supported housing to Older People capable of independent living.
The Society is Christian based with a strong sense of Gospel values. The founder of the Society, Blessed Frederic Ozanam, was a devout Catholic and his legacy of spirituality remains a key element for volunteer members of the Society and underpins the conduct of conference meetings. It can often therefore be normal practice within the Society that prayers are said at the beginning and end of Conference meetings or at meetings where members are in attendance as this underpins the ethos of the Society. There is no requirement for staff members to actively participate in the saying of prayers but to respect the ethos of the Society and be aware that this practice may occur.
← 3. GUIDANCE AND AUTHORITY The role reports to the ‘Conference’ (Governing Committee) who meet on a regular basis. This role is key to the provision of sheltered housing services to those living in St. Benedict’s. ← The post holder is expected to operate with considerable autonomy. The nature of matters referred upwards are those: Where significant resistance is experienced in the development of good practice and implementation of policy. Where practice or proposed practice places stakeholders in a position of risk e.g. a child, a vulnerable adult, members, volunteers, the reputation of the Society. Where decision will have a significant impact on the workload of others.
← 4. PRINCIPAL ACCOUNTABILITIES Under the direction of the Conference President, the Housing Officer will assist the Conference with delivering a high-quality housing management service to tenants and will be responsible for the full range of housing management duties. In conjunction with the Conference, the Housing Scheme Officer will comply with the SVP Social Housing Policies and Procedures and will provide regular Housing Update Reports on scheme operations in line with Social Housing Regulation Compliance Requirements to the Housing Conference, (Committee), Regional Social Housing Officer/Regional Social Housing Committee and National Manager for Social Housing as required. ← ← ACCOUNTABILITIES ← HOW ACHIEVED
Tenancy Support Advocating on behalf of tenants; communicating with other professionals or contacts on behalf of vulnerable tenants, providing advice, information or guidance to tenants regarding entitlements or local facilities or services; dealing with administrative queries or questions; assisting with or organising community development or social activities within the scheme, responding to or remedying emergency or routine maintenance issues;
Being available for tenants during duty hours and being available in the office for specific periods each day;
Undertaking checks of/ calls/ visits to tenants with their agreement, Liaise with Public Health personal/ home- helps, contractors, visitors as required;
Taking action in the event of an emergency and calling the appropriate authorities where necessary;
Communication & Community Working with tenants to maximise tenant Development participation to ensure community integration; Assisting tenants to set up appropriate structures to optimise the involvement of tenants in their scheme; Providing information on external agencies, whose services may be of benefit to tenants; Contribute new ideas for social activities and help organise same; Encourage tenant participation in communal activities as appropriate, i.e., Social Evening, outings etc. Undertake a periodic Tenant Satisfaction survey. Tenancy Agreements/Tenancy Training Ensure all tenants have an up-to-date and signed tenancy agreement;
Ensure all tenancies are registered with the Residential Tenancies Board(RTB);
Knowledge and understanding of Residential Tenancies (Amendment) Act 2015 and RTB Dispute process and procedures;
Maintain a record of the condition of properties when they become vacant and prior to re-let.
Ensure records are organised and up to date, in accordance with Data Protection, and best practice guidelines
Organisation, Reporting and Administration Assist the Conference to ensure the efficient administration of the scheme, to include such matters as rent collection, general record keeping; recording visitors, provision of regular reports on all aspects of the community to the President of the Conference.
Maintaining accurate records and carrying out all administration tasks as set out in the Society’s policies and as required by the Conference;
Provide Housing Update Reports on scheme operations in line with Social Housing Regulation Compliance Requirements to the Housing Conference(Committee), Regional Social Housing Officer/Regional Social Housing Committee and National Manager for Social Housing as required; Provide written monthly reports of activities & attend Conference Meetings to provide updates as required;
Lettings/Allocations Letting and allocating properties as per SVP Lettings and Allocations Policy; Co-ordinating the viewings of properties with prospective tenants at hand over and re-let stage; Advising prospective tenants with regard to tenancy agreements; Undertaking pre-tenancy training in line with SVP Tenancy Agreement & Tenant Handbook;
Rent Advising and operating the rental system in line with SVP Rent Setting Policy; Advising tenants with regard to rent assistance; Ensuring all tenants receive a quarterly statement of rent; Notify the Conference President in the event of bad debts arising; Assist the Conference President to address arrears and maximise income; Assist the Conference President to prepare evidence as required for Residential Tenancies Board in the event of dispute cases. Repairs & Maintenance Under the direction of the Conference ensure the housing, communal buildings and estate is maintained to the highest standards; Implement a Repairs & Maintenance service as per SVP Repairs & Maintenance Policy; Under the direction of the Conference assist as required in the sourcing, appointing, managing of contractors and ensuring value for money; Working with the Conference to ensure the timely completion of emergency, remedial or cyclical maintenance works; Supervise the maintenance of the property, communal building and grounds and to make timely contact with the appointed contractor in the event any malfunction or problem with the building. Work with the Conference in the preparation of a long- term Maintenance Plan in line with the outcome of the Stock Condition Survey; Organise the repair of properties prior to re- letting Inspecting void properties and ensuring all necessary refurbishment work ahead of reletting.
Performance Reporting Complete quarterly and annual performance Reports (rents, voids, repairs, costs etc) for submission to Regional Social Housing officer/Regional Social Housing Committee. Addressing Anti-Social Behaviour issues as Estate Management they arise and other breaches of tenancy agreements; To maintain accurate, current records of all properties, tenants and incidents; Recording and identifying causes of damage to property and ensuring it is remedied;
Maintaining up to date invoice register. Financial Keep tenant records up to date and follow up arrears when necessary; Work closely with the Conference Treasurer in assisting with the management of financial records and preparation of periodic/ annual financial reports; Maintain and manage a ‘petty cash’ float. Support the Conference in ensuring risk Safety, Security & Welfare assessments for Health & Safety are undertaken; Ensure the safety, security and welfare of all the tenants and the building and report any incidents or accidents as required; Regularly inspect and assess the scheme and environment for hazards or risks, take follow up action, in consultation, to mitigate and/or eliminate such risks; Monitor, record and respond to any identified Fire Safety issues. Ensure all units have working and maintained smoke/fire alarms; fire blankets, and Co detector where required. Ensure entrances and exits are clear; fuel is stored properly; access to the scheme is unhindered etc. Keep a record of, and report any accidents or incident relating to safety, security or welfare of tenants. Participate and contribute to internal SVP Organisational/Training social housing fora regarding housing practice, policy and procedures; Keep up to date with legislative, regulatory developments, new guidelines etc as relevant; Attend occasional training/professional development seminars, or information days run by or advised by SVP.
← 5. CHALLENGES There are a number of challenges in this role, largely determined by the scale, complexity, voluntary nature and high levels of local autonomy with the Society. Acceptance of the dynamic of a complex, national, membership organisation and an understanding of how this both contributes to and constrains the work. Influencing others not under direct authority.
← 6. OTHER INFORMATION ← In addition to the duties and responsibilities listed above, the job holder may be required from time to time to perform other duties as deemed reasonable and necessary by the employer. The job holder may also be required from time to time to work or attend training/meetings at another location. As much notice as is reasonably practicable will be given of any such change. ← ← The job holder must be available for some weekend and evening work. The post holder will be expected to use their initiative and be highly motivated.
← 7. EDUCATION, KNOWLEDGE, EXPERIENCE AND SKILLS TO UNDERTAKE THE ROLE AT A FULLY ACCEPTABLE LEVEL EDUCATION Job Holder should be educated to at least diploma level in a social care/ social housing management or related discipline or demonstrate at least 2 years equivalent knowledge and experience in a housing management environment. KNOWLEDGE Social Housing management practice and administration. Principle and Best Practices in Social Care. Housing legislation as it relates to the Social Housing Sector. Housing Law/tenancy agreements. Data Protection and best practice in record keeping. Standards in rented/social housing.
EXPERIENCE Experience in the community / voluntary sector/housing / social care environment. Experience of working in a residential property orientated environment. Experience working with Management Companies & Agents. Experience of working with a wide range of people who are: vulnerable, homeless, elderly, low income households. Experience of working with other social landlords, statutory and voluntary agencies. Experience of core housing management tasks (allocations, resident’s associations, rent collection, repairs, tenancy management). Experience of working with the public in a customer oriented environment. Experience of community work. Proven examples of resolving difficult situations. SKILLS
Possess excellent written communication skills, have the ability to write reports, letters, memos. Ability to present ideas clearly and concisely to a variety of audiences. Excellent listening and interpersonal skills. Financial, budget management & administration skills. Computer literacy with experience that includes word-processing, spreadsheets, presentation packages, e-mail, electronic schedulers and internet. Ability to work with accuracy and attention to detail. Ability to be self-motivated and work on own initiative and also be part of a team. An ability to quickly establish and maintain rapport with a diverse range of stakeholders and to manage on-going working relationships and work plans. Ability to handle sensitive and confidential information. The person must also demonstrate the following personal attributes: Be honest and trustworthy. Be respectful. Possess cultural awareness and sensitivity. Be flexible. Demonstrate sound work ethics. Willingness to work outside normal office hours on occasions. Ability to deal with problems/enquires in a diplomatic and sensitive manner. A high level of organisational skills and the ability to prioritise workload and meet deadlines. Possess commitment to deliver a high-quality customer focused service.
← Contract ← Permanent Type: ← Hours: ← 37.5 hours per week ← Pension: ← 5% employer contribution 5% employee contribution ← Salary: ← €35,000 – €37,000 ← Other: ← Live in accommodation available on site. Applicants who prefer to not live onsite will also be considered.
President St. Benedict’sPresident Conference St. Benedict’s Conference
Housing Scheme Officer Housing Scheme Officer St. Benedict’s Conference St. Benedict’s Conference
The information contained in this job description is a true and accurate reflection of the job as at the date specified. ← ← ← …………………………………….…. …………………………………...… ← Job Holder Line Manager
Resident Social Housing Scheme Manager St. Benedicts Conference